New Mac mini lacks optical drive as Apple continues to ditch the disc



  • Reply 21 of 163
    brutus009brutus009 Posts: 356member
    This really sucks for everyone who wants their Mini to be an HTPC.

    I (like many others) need my mini to have an optical drive to watch DVDs from Netflix. I wanted to mount my new mini on the wall below my TV to look super sexy but now I'm gonna have a superdrive dongle hanging off the side. Yeah right!

    This is terribly dissappointing... but at least I don't have to spend cash on a new mini...
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  • Reply 22 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    So now the Mac Mini requires either a superdrive or another computer entirely to do the same thing its predecessor did?

    Tech changes. That's how it goes.


    2. Windows cannot be installed via remote disc

    Could have sworn it could be.


    3. OS X has the built in capability to run Windows so, yes, it is a problem.

    I'm confused how this is any sort of argument.
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  • Reply 23 of 163
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by sambira View Post

    So, why not make this Apple TV? Why have different hardware for this?

    Because Apple TV is $99....
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  • Reply 24 of 163
    ortort Posts: 39member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    So they removed the optical drive, and the price stayed the same?

    I could understand ditching it on notebooks, but ditching it on a desktop machine that is already uber tiny to begin with seems ridiculous to me.

    No, the price went down, they used to start at $699.

    I like the lower price, but I'm one of those dinosaurs that needs an optical drive. Then again, I can buy one for $40 bucks, so whatever.
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  • Reply 25 of 163
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    ... In what way is this a good thing? I am okay with the lack of an optical drive in a laptop, but a desktop system????

    Now people MUST buy a superdrive to install Windows with Bootcamp...or did Apple remove that as well?

    Only if the mini is the only computer in the house. Otherwise you can use the optical drive of any Mac on your home network.

    Besides, this is what you should expect for being so cheap. You are using the cheapest computer Apple makes and you are running two OS's on it. I bet you are running on minimal RAM and have a VGA BenQ monitor attached to it as well.

    The only thing cheaper would be switching back to Windows and buying some awful windows box that will last all of a year before it blows up or needs to be upgraded. Maybe that's your future.
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  • Reply 26 of 163
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by sambira View Post

    So, why not make this Apple TV? Why have different hardware for this?

    Because despite what you might think from reading tech forums, only a very tiny minority of Mac mini purchasers are going to use them as a connection to the TV for media serving. The number one use is desktop computer, followed by server. The hobbyists are much further down the chain.
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  • Reply 27 of 163
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by ort View Post

    No, the price went down, they used to start at $699.

    I like the lower price, but I'm one of those dinosaurs that needs an optical drive. Then again, I can buy one for $40 bucks, so whatever.

    Ahh, OK. Thanks!
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  • Reply 28 of 163
    eh270eh270 Posts: 60member
    Maybe this is a silly question, but I was considering an iMac and now wonder if the Mac Mini may be more cost effective. Aside from the gorgeous display, how does the Mac Mini compare to the iMac in terms of performance? I have a 24" Dell monitor that's still working great. Is the iMac that much faster? What about the video cards? Would an app like xplane be far far superior on the iMac vs the Mini?
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  • Reply 29 of 163
    shrikeshrike Posts: 494member
    Not having an optical drive is tough imo. DVDs will be hanging around for years to come. One can be an external one, but that destroys the aesthetic, no.
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  • Reply 30 of 163
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    For what reason do you need an optical drive?

    We run a large theatre program in the Seattle area. All of our shows are sold to the students on DVD so that they have a memory of their production. How do we distribute these 80-100 purchases? Using DVD's of course. What other method is there?

    I see a need for the DVD to be around for a little longer than Apple is forcing on everyone.

    Final Cut Pro X ---- Don't even get me started on that one!!!
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  • Reply 31 of 163
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    1. Some people only have one computer. Kinda hard to use remote disc without a second computer. So now the Mac Mini requires either a superdrive or another computer entirely to do the same thing its predecessor did? ...

    Except you are leaving out the part where the new one is hundred dollars less than the old one, and that you can buy an optical drive to attach to it for .... a hundred bucks.

    So ... crisis, what crisis? Tempest in a teapot fuelled by ignorance is all.
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  • Reply 32 of 163
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Well, booo on the lack of an optical drive. I guess I will be buying a refurb as I still use my optical drive quite often. I really don't want to add on almost $100 to the price of the Mac Mini just to have an optical drive.

    In what way is this a good thing? I am okay with the lack of an optical drive in a laptop, but a desktop system????

    Now people MUST buy a superdrive to install Windows with Bootcamp...or did Apple remove that as well?

    Apple knows best. How dare you question them....
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  • Reply 33 of 163
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    For the first time ever, Apple's new Mac mini models, released on Wednesday, lack an optical drive for CDs or DVDs, as the Mac maker continues to move away from physical formats like discs.

    Ok who's gonna say it... ooh it looks like it'll be me then... The Mac mini bundled with Snow Leopard Server lacked an optical drive. So that phrase "For the first time ever" needs to go!
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  • Reply 34 of 163
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Could you install Windows on your Boot Camp partition using vmware + remote disc, then uninstall vmware, unmount the remote disk, reboot in to Boot Camp, and install the correct drivers?

    This assumes the ownership of a second computer. I know it can be done with a disc image and parallels. You idea sounds solid as well. But you need a second computer and I actually know several folks who only have one system.
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  • Reply 35 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Shrike View Post

    Not having an optical drive is tough imo. DVDs will be hanging around for years to come. One can be an external one, but that destroys the aesthetic, no.

    Nope. Spinning discs are dead.

    Originally Posted by circling View Post

    We run a large theatre program in the Seattle area. All of our shows are sold to the students on DVD so that they have a memory of their production. How do we distribute these 80-100 purchases? Using DVD's of course. What other method is there?

    I see a need for the DVD to be around for a little longer than Apple is forcing on everyone.

    Final Cut Pro X ---- Don't even get me started on that one!!!

    And you seriously burn every single DVD on a Mac Mini? Really?

    Buy a tower disc duplicator, for heaven's sake. Alleviate your headaches. No computer needs an optical drive.
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  • Reply 36 of 163
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Only if the mini is the only computer in the house. Otherwise you can use the optical drive of any Mac on your home network.

    Besides, this is what you should expect for being so cheap. You are using the cheapest computer Apple makes and you are running two OS's on it. I bet you are running on minimal RAM and have a VGA BenQ monitor attached to it as well.

    The only thing cheaper would be switching back to Windows and buying some awful windows box that will last all of a year before it blows up or needs to be upgraded. Maybe that's your future.

    So, you assume I am cheap and not:

    1. a student, who needs a computer


    2. poor, but still needs a computer


    3. BOTH

    To answer your rather rudely stated questions:

    Yes, I am running Snow Leopard and Windows 7 (student giveaway) on 2GB of RAM. No, my monitor is a 17' NEC Multisync LCD 1770GX (about 4 years old). I had a Windows machine that I built back in September of 2006, which I gave to a student friend who needed a computer after I bought my Mac Mini. That "awful Windows box" still runs beautifully after 5 years of heavy use.

    Stop being such a rude jerk.
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  • Reply 37 of 163
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Now people MUST buy a superdrive to install Windows with Bootcamp...or did Apple remove that as well?

    Um, no. Even MS has had Windows 7 USB install capability since 2009.

    Who wants to install from DVD anyway??? The DVD needs to die! Why take a car across country when you can take a plane?
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  • Reply 38 of 163
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Nope. Spinning discs are dead.

    And you seriously burn every single DVD on a Mac Mini? Really?

    Buy a tower disc duplicator, for heaven's sake. Alleviate your headaches. No computer needs an optical drive.

    Sorry for the confusion... We don't use mini's to create these disks... I was thinking about the students that buy the disks. If a student gets a new mini, then they have to spend more money to see their show.
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  • Reply 39 of 163
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by ontheinside View Post

    Um, no. Even MS has had Windows 7 USB install capability since 2009.

    Who wants to install from DVD anyway??? The DVD needs to die! Why take a car across country when you can take a plane?

    What part of "some people only own one computer" doesn't make sense? If that one computer were the new Mac Mini, then HOW would they make such an install USB drive without a optical drive or easy access to another machine? If the Mini had an optical drive so that I could make the install USB drive...then I wouldn't need the USB drive.

    Why drive instead of flying?

    Afraid to fly, get sick when flying, cheaper to drive, etc.
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  • Reply 40 of 163
    ilogicilogic Posts: 298member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If you need one at all.

    Try not to explain that to a Windows apologist.
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