New Mac mini lacks optical drive as Apple continues to ditch the disc



  • Reply 141 of 163
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by circling View Post

    We run a large theatre program in the Seattle area. All of our shows are sold to the students on DVD so that they have a memory of their production. How do we distribute these 80-100 purchases? Using DVD's of course. What other method is there?

    I see a need for the DVD to be around for a little longer than Apple is forcing on everyone.

    Final Cut Pro X ---- Don't even get me started on that one!!!

    Agree. I'm all for ditching old technologies, but lets make them completely needless before killing them.

    Floppy disk was hanging around long time after it was rendered useless, before manufacturers finally dropped it from new units. I'd like to see ODDs around until all - or, at least, majority of software and media starts shipping on Flash disks or some other format.
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  • Reply 142 of 163
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by ontheinside View Post

    Um, no. Even MS has had Windows 7 USB install capability since 2009.

    Who wants to install from DVD anyway??? The DVD needs to die! Why take a car across country when you can take a plane?

    Is it possible you never-ever get, say, a gift music CD or DVD movie that you want to play on your computer or convert to format you can use on iPod, iPad..?

    Most people I know still do. Number of them are still burning video DVDs for their parents or relatives (usual stuff - baby's first steps, family reunions etc).
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  • Reply 143 of 163
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Nope. Spinning discs are dead.

    And you seriously burn every single DVD on a Mac Mini? Really?

    Buy a tower disc duplicator, for heaven's sake. Alleviate your headaches. No computer needs an optical drive.

    Had a quick look around - nope, they are still alive and well. Interestingly enough, people are also still buying and renting them. Guess not everyone was blessed with exposure to your wisdom.
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  • Reply 144 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Had a quick look around - nope, they are still alive and well. Interestingly enough, people are also still buying and renting them. Guess not everyone was blessed with exposure to your wisdom.

    Good thing Apple is, then. Because we're not going backward from here.
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  • Reply 145 of 163
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It's not really up to you to determine what computer someone else buys, nor is it any concern of yours whether they buy a computer with or without an ODD.

    If anything, this should be telling you to stop distributing this stuff on DVDs.

    Because only 99% of computers come with ODDs nowadays. Makes sense.
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  • Reply 146 of 163
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    You have to follow the market or you're left behind. I didn't say to stop, I said this could be telling him that people don't want discs anymore.

    So you'd've told a keyboard manufacturer to not release USB keyboards in 1997, then. Keep with that PS/2...

    Oh, wait. People still sell PS/2 keyboards and mice...

    Market is still selling OODs, you know. Actually number of desktops without OOD is almost non-existing. Save for new MM.

    So I agree one should follow market. Mac Mini is the one that doesn't in this case.
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  • Reply 147 of 163
    sector7gsector7g Posts: 156member
    When I got my last computer I was set on getting a DVD drive but it's been a year and I haven't put a single disc in it yet. So I guess I'm fine with it not having one
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  • Reply 148 of 163
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,392member
    Originally Posted by brutus009 View Post

    This really sucks for everyone who wants their Mini to be an HTPC.

    I (like many others) need my mini to have an optical drive to watch DVDs from Netflix. I wanted to mount my new mini on the wall below my TV to look super sexy but now I'm gonna have a superdrive dongle hanging off the side. Yeah right!

    This is terribly dissappointing... but at least I don't have to spend cash on a new mini...

    You know, you don't need a mac mini to play DVDs from netflix.. a $30 DVD player will do just fine. Also, why don't you just stream, since you have a netflix subscription? Their new DVD rates are ridiculous. I don't think your usage scenario is as common as you think.
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  • Reply 149 of 163
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Well, booo on the lack of an optical drive. I guess I will be buying a refurb as I still use my optical drive quite often. I really don't want to add on almost $100 to the price of the Mac Mini just to have an optical drive.

    In what way is this a good thing? I am okay with the lack of an optical drive in a laptop, but a desktop system????

    Now people MUST buy a superdrive to install Windows with Bootcamp...or did Apple remove that as well?

    Same here. Still not ok with the lack of an optical drive in a laptop, at least macbook pro (I hope that option of an internal drive will be available on them).
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  • Reply 150 of 163
    Originally Posted by Matt95Thompson View Post

    The price is $100 lower, it comes with dedicated graphics, and a 500 GB HDD on the base model - That's a damn fine compromise. No one's gonna use a SuperDrive for ripping CDs, DVDs or installing software anymore - That's why there's iTunes and the Mac App Store. However, when the Mac Pro's updated in the near future, they'll likely leave the SuperDrive or make it a configurable option at least.

    Let's hope so because there are still people who use idvd (among other optical drive use), thank you very much. What about the imacs, will they have that configuration as well ?
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  • Reply 151 of 163
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    The external Superdrive only works with the MacBook Air, by design. Plugging it into another Mac does nothing (a kernel log says it is not compatible).

    It also works with the new Minis now. It's even a BTO item when purchasing a Mini (see for yourself).
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  • Reply 152 of 163
    mactacmactac Posts: 318member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    No. There is another.

    Sorry, no there's not. With my eyesight I have problems with glare. I've even gone to doctors because of it. No matte screen means no iMac.
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  • Reply 153 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 in 1997

    Because only 99% of computers come with PS/2 ports and floppy drives nowadays. Makes sense.


    Market is still selling PS/2 ports and floppy drives, you know. Actually number of desktops without PS/2 ports and floppy drives is almost non-existing. Save for this new iMac contraption.

    So I agree one should follow market. iMac is the one that doesn't in this case.

    Apple did this fourteen years ago and you've already forgotten?
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  • Reply 154 of 163
    Ok, so I get that the thing is $100 cheaper, but I have always felt that the Mini was priced just a bit too high. I know you can get external drives (i have an external BR hooked up to my iMac), but I do understand the feeling of those miffed by the exclusion of an optical drive. I fully get it on a laptop machine, but just don't understand it on the desktop. Last years model of the Mini, they offered with an OD (the standard model), and without(the server version). Why couldn't they have continued the same system, and just allow the those who want the server chassis (space for two drives) to order it with the non-server version of OS X.

    For those that are claiming that the Optical Disc is dead, can you please explain to me why the blank disc section in the PC deptartment of the largest electronics retailer in the US is constantly needing to be restocked? I work in the Computer dept of said store and I can assure you that Optical Discs are not going anywhere for a while longer. Sure, I get that times are changing, but some here seem to be stuck in their own little part of technology lala land and are clueless on what the real pace of change is out there. "stream this, stream that" is a load of BS right now for many, and lets face it, streaming leaves much to be desired. Are there people out there that have the dream setup and a faultless internet connection? Sure, but that doesn't mean that it is the norm. I was just down at my cousins house last week, who has "high speed" cable internet, and we were trying to watch a half hour SD show on netflix that kept pausing and rebuffering every 3-5 minutes. Then there are those who have several hundred disc movie collections. Even if another new DVD was never created, the number of discs currently in circulation, coupled with the length of time a disc can last, means that the OD method of viewing video content will be here for some time.
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  • Reply 155 of 163
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    It always amazes me when people get annoyed with Apple for doing stuff like this. This is what Apple is famous for doing!

    Originally Posted by Half Nelson View Post

    Last years model of the Mini, they offered with an OD (the standard model), and without(the server version). Why couldn't they have continued the same system, and just allow the those who want the server chassis (space for two drives) to order it with the non-server version of OS X.

    Apple famously doesn't give consumers what they want. Like a stern parent it gives them what it thinks they should want. We're too old for dummies (pacifiers) and nappies (diapers) and Apple is taking them away and making us use the grown up toilet - metaphorically speaking. Sure we'll lose the convenience of being able to pee whenever and wherever we like, but nappy rash will be a thing of the past

    Apple's telling us that at this point CDs and DVDs are just a comfort blanket, and we can let them go. In fact it's taking the blanket outside and burning it.
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  • Reply 156 of 163
    sdbryansdbryan Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by sambira View Post

    So, why not make this Apple TV? Why have different hardware for this?

    An important difference is one is an intel Mac running Mac OS X and the other is an iOS device running on an ARM processor. So, for instance, if you need to run a Windows program there is a solution for Mac Mini but not Apple TV. More generally any app that benefits from a mouse/keyboard interface fits on a Mac Mini but not so well on Apple TV.
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  • Reply 157 of 163
    mactacmactac Posts: 318member
    Originally Posted by Half Nelson View Post

    For those that are claiming that the Optical Disc is dead, can you please explain to me why the blank disc section in the PC department of the largest electronics retailer in the US is constantly needing to be restocked? I work in the Computer dept of said store and I can assure you that Optical Discs are not going anywhere for a while longer.

    I can pull just about any set of specs on installation jobs we do and they all call for copies of the Operations and Maintenance Manuals to also be provided on disc. They are relatively flat and are easily inserted into the 3 ring binders of the manuals. A flash drive isn't as thin and costs more than a disc.
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  • Reply 158 of 163
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacTac View Post

    I can pull just about any set of specs on installation jobs we do and they all call for copies of the Operations and Maintenance Manuals to also be provided on disc. They are relatively flat and are easily inserted into the 3 ring binders of the manuals. A flash drive isn't as thin and costs more than a disc.

    A USB flash drive is smaller, faster and can be cheaper than disc drive, especially when you consider when you only need one flash drive and you're claiming the every machine should have an optical disc drive.
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  • Reply 159 of 163
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    You don't punch kids in the face when you run out of ice cream to sell. You buy more ice cream the next day and sell more.

    hows those caps on the iphone plans getting on?

    maybe the at&t caps opn dsl and uverse?

    maybe time warner caps?

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  • Reply 160 of 163
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    I don't think the audio cd is going away that quickly, but data cds, pretty much gone. I've had this 15 MBP i7 for almost a year now, and I haven't burned on optical so far, and rarely used it to read anything.

    What I want to know now, is can I have the optical removed for a ssd/reg HD combo put in even by a apple tech and still have warranty.

    And external optical would cover any needs after that.
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