Acer suffers first-ever quarterly loss, predicts iPad 'fever' will recede



  • Reply 61 of 92
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Maybe the Samsung rumor has legs and they are stupid enough to buy HP's PC business and guarantee they continue to fail.

    The blind leading the dumb and stupid.
  • Reply 62 of 92
    I for one can concur that I have a bit of tablet fatigue.

    I have owned iPad 1 & 2, Xoom, and Galaxy Tab and have sold all but the iPad 2.

    While the iPad 2 is by far the best of the bunch, I find myself using it less and less and looking at the cost to use ratio and it is becoming quite undesirable.

    Honestly, the only reason I keep the iPad 2 is for my 4 year old daughter and because I don't think it will go down in value between now and Christmas.

    I am thinking Dell was ahead of their time and a 5" phone would be ideal for me. Either that, or someone needs to make an AirPlay enabled tablet display so an iPhone 5 can be used in a tablet form factor. Much lower cost for the same thing as an iPad... Or maybe a dock somewhere on the display for the iPhone (I think there is an Android tablet that does this?). These tablets are worth about $200-$300 to have any longevity, in my opinion, not $499+.
  • Reply 63 of 92
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I have to think Apple deliberately deigned these things to be almost impossible to copy at a price they can afford as well as the beautiful looks.

    Of course they did, that's the entire point. Make it look the best, work the best, and price it at a point that makes it too attractive to consider the competition. The difference, of course, is that Apple has played the economies of scale to perfection, so they're $500 tablet makes a 15-30% profit, whereas company X's tablet maybe, MAYBE, breaks even.
  • Reply 64 of 92
    Originally Posted by Jims1973 View Post

    Where's Donald Trump when you need him?

    Putting his name up in lights somewhere, stroking his ego.
  • Reply 65 of 92
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Thank you. This is the winning comment. The rest of you can go home now
  • Reply 66 of 92
    What I find interesting is that even in this "post PC" era, people will still purchase traditional laptops and desktops BUT there will be a big difference. Now that there are user friendly tablets, consumers will be trained to replace those tablets with the latest and greatest every couple of years like they did with wintel boxes. The purchase of a traditional computer is going to change IMO. Because traditional computers will be mainly digital hubs for the HH or for "real work," consumers aren't going to go for the cheapest because they know that the purchase will need to last quite a while and will look for more expensive ones which is right in Apple's territory. Add in the fact that cloud will have extra advantages for iPad users and I see good things for Apple's computer division.
  • Reply 67 of 92
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    [...] The collapse of the netbook market, of which Acer was king, has led the company to embrace Android on a series of tablet-style devices it company hopes will take on the iPad. [...]

    First mistake: joining the fast-track to the bottom by overemphasizing low margin netbooks.

    Second mistake: Android and its gigantic baggage carousel of hurt.

    Third (potential) mistake: copying iPad and / or iPhone and/ or iPod touch design(s) too closely.

    Choose your next step carefully Acer. You're treading on thin ice.
  • Reply 68 of 92
    bartfatbartfat Posts: 434member
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    First mistake: joining the fast-track to the bottom by overemphasizing low margin netbooks.

    Second mistake: Android and its gigantic baggage carousel of hurt.

    Third (potential) mistake: copying iPad and / or iPhone and/ or iPod touch design(s) too closely.

    Choose your next step carefully Acer. You're treading on thin ice.

    Well, I'd figure Acer will go bankrupt. And good riddance, because their entire product line sucked. Badly.
  • Reply 69 of 92
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by stynkfysh View Post

    I for one can concur that I have a bit of tablet fatigue.

    I have owned iPad 1 & 2, Xoom, and Galaxy Tab and have sold all but the iPad 2.

    While the iPad 2 is by far the best of the bunch, I find myself using it less and less and looking at the cost to use ratio and it is becoming quite undesirable.

    Honestly, the only reason I keep the iPad 2 is for my 4 year old daughter and because I don't think it will go down in value between now and Christmas.

    Apple doesn't need to convince everyone that they need a tablet. All they have to do is be the best tablet out there to gain the greatest share. You're agreed that they have the best tablet.

    Originally Posted by stynkfysh View Post

    I am thinking Dell was ahead of their time and a 5" phone would be ideal for me. Either that, or someone needs to make an AirPlay enabled tablet display so an iPhone 5 can be used in a tablet form factor. Much lower cost for the same thing as an iPad... Or maybe a dock somewhere on the display for the iPhone (I think there is an Android tablet that does this?). These tablets are worth about $200-$300 to have any longevity, in my opinion, not $499+.

    That's ridiculous. So the user has to be using two devices to get almost the same thing they're getting now. With extra lag time caused by the separation of functionality. And for that, they pay $300 instead of $500? That would bomb in a heartbeat. Look at how quickly Rim's Playbook failed - because it needed to be linked with another device.
  • Reply 70 of 92
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    C'mon Wang quit making bone head statements... quit dicking around and get serious. The whole idea that the iPad will peter out is ridiculous. Just re-tool and move forward.

    Ah! Ahahaha! I see what you did there!

  • Reply 71 of 92
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    C'mon Wang quit making bone head statements... quit dicking around and get serious. The whole idea that the iPad will peter out is ridiculous. Just re-tool and move forward.

    Maybe his board should exile him to a penile colony.
  • Reply 72 of 92
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Acer is popular in Asia because it is semi-decent for the price. But most working people know to just spend a little bit more for a HP or Dell... Especially after their experience with Acer. To Acer's credit, all PC laptops are cheap, windows bloated pieces of crap. No one is even close to the unibody design. NO ONE. After ALL THIS TIME. NOWHERE EVEN CLOSE.

    I'd take an ACER over a Dell anytime.
  • Reply 73 of 92
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    I'd take an ACER over a Dell anytime.

    That's like saying that you'd rather have your balls pounded flat with a wooden circus mallet than dragged across a cheese grater.

  • Reply 74 of 92
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    The guy needs to realise that people were using expensive PCs at home for media consumption - using a fraction of the power of the PC and also having some of the downsides - bulkiness, etc.

    Tablets are brilliant for media consumption, so it's actually no wonder that people are buying them instead of PCs. Sure, they might update their old PC eventually, but if they're on the tablet all the time they're going to think twice about the old three or four year upgrade cycle.

    And that isn't going to change. If you use a tablet a lot, then you're going to seriously consider upgrading that down the line when the media (games, etc) it's consuming starts being too much for the device, but you'll want your existing software to work still. So that's another iPad sold in the post-PC world, whilst the PC gathers dust.

    So if this is truly Acer's opinion, then they'll be doing a Palm in a few years' time. Hopefully for them there will be enough PC market still for them to do well - businesses in particular. But even businesses are stretching out their PC hardware. In many ways, maybe HP have seen the writing on the wall, but to give up on the TouchPad was an incredibly short-sighted move on par with Nokia's Symbian-Suicide.
  • Reply 75 of 92
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Rothgarr View Post

    Wow, Apple has "only" over 50 percent of the tablet market? I thought they controlled way more than that.

    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    He's right iPad feaver will not last. Problem for him though is it will last around 4 years, right now it's just picking up the pace.

    I reckon Christmas and next year will see a sharp increase in sales lasting a couple of years. After that it will still increase each year but at a slower rate and in 4 years time sales will level out. 6 years time they will start to drop as it become less of a must have adult toy. Bit like the iPod did.

    Actually iPad marketshare is much closer to 85%, possibly more. We can see from the HP WebOs fiasco that "shipped" is a meaningless term. Now, of course that they've sold out at $99, some way will use those numbers to add to non iPad numbers as though they mean anything, which they don't.

    So the Playbook had 500,000 shipped, of which, estimates are that they sold between 100,000 and 200,000. It's estimated that Samsung sold between 25-35% of their Galaxys', and interestingly, they stated during their last quartly report that they would no longer give shipping numbers for their tablets and phones. Going along with that is the Best Buy sale that gives a Tab 10.1 away with every purchase of a $1,500 55" Samsung Tv. Not good.

    The only one who seems to have sold more than bald the tablets they shipped was Asus. They said they shipped 700,000, and sold 500,000. Still, that's not a great ratio.

    Everyone has shipped less, and sold even less than that.

    As for the iPads sales declining after 4 years or so, that's just you being annoying Tim. You don't actually know anything.
  • Reply 76 of 92
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    No one is even close to the unibody design. NO ONE. After ALL THIS TIME. NOWHERE EVEN CLOSE.

    This is a hugely important point.

    How old is the unibody design now!?
  • Reply 77 of 92
    Originally Posted by stynkfysh View Post

    Honestly, the only reason I keep the iPad 2 is for my 4 year old daughter and because I don't think it will go down in value between now and Christmas.

    Why do you think it won't go down in value?

    Perhaps your 4 year-old knows something you don't.
  • Reply 78 of 92
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Maybe the Samsung rumor has legs and they are stupid enough to buy HP's PC business and guarantee they continue to fail.

    They released a statement saying they have no interest in it, but who knows?

    It's a $40 billion a year business, but I read an article today that said some financial people think it would fetch between $12-15 billion. That's a terrible number!
  • Reply 79 of 92
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    This is a hugely important point.

    How old is the unibody design now!?

    From Wikipedia, "The first MacBook Air was a 13.3" model, promoted as the World's Thinnest Notebook, introduced at the Macworld Conference & Expo on January 15, 2008."

    I thought the MBA was older than that.

    Anyway, Intel has a pretty nice unibody reference design. It reminds me of something else I've seen but I can't quite out my finger on it.
  • Reply 80 of 92
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by stynkfysh View Post

    I for one can concur that I have a bit of tablet fatigue.

    I have owned iPad 1 & 2, Xoom, and Galaxy Tab and have sold all but the iPad 2.

    While the iPad 2 is by far the best of the bunch, I find myself using it less and less and looking at the cost to use ratio and it is becoming quite undesirable.

    Honestly, the only reason I keep the iPad 2 is for my 4 year old daughter and because I don't think it will go down in value between now and Christmas.

    I am thinking Dell was ahead of their time and a 5" phone would be ideal for me. Either that, or someone needs to make an AirPlay enabled tablet display so an iPhone 5 can be used in a tablet form factor. Much lower cost for the same thing as an iPad... Or maybe a dock somewhere on the display for the iPhone (I think there is an Android tablet that does this?). These tablets are worth about $200-$300 to have any longevity, in my opinion, not $499+.

    I think you're making it all up.
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