Apple unveils iPhone 4S with A5 CPU and 4G-like data speeds



  • Reply 401 of 641
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Only the spec whores.

    ten years from now... Damn Apple... I am not upgrading to the iPhone 15! Those lazy SOBs didnt not change the case design radically from the iPhone 14! Those lazy industrial designers!
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  • Reply 402 of 641
    So a previous poster mentioned that the 4S supports HSPA+. I thought the specs said HSDPA? Are they the same?
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  • Reply 403 of 641
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by jiggz View Post

    Entirely new internals, including faster processor, antenna and camera, and a new operating system sounds like a nice new phone to me

    Yes, but not "new" in the way the word is usually used. New and "refreshed" are generally not used interchangeably, but if you enjoy doing so, knock yourself out.
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  • Reply 404 of 641
    alienzedalienzed Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    "Shake it off. Stop complainin'. Stop grumblin'. Stop cryin'. We are going to press on. We have work to do." - BHO

    Where were all of you when the iMac refresh was announced? Sure larger screen but same boring color scheme of silver and black and same aluminum and glass crap! Apple you ARE getting lazy! How many more iMacs do we have to endure of this tired design? You do know sarcasm when you read it don't you?




    ahem, 3000$ machine made for getting work done vs sub-300$ machine for everyday work, play, etc...

    different category... and some people were disapointed with the lack of a form factor refresh. WHile we're on the topic, wtf is up with the huge ass bezel on all these devices, the iMac has a huge 3 inch slab below the screen... WHY?! God knows they don't need/use the room.
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  • Reply 405 of 641
    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    ten years from now... Damn Apple... I am not upgrading to the iPhone 15! Those lazy SOBs didnt not change the case design radically from the iPhone 14! Those lazy industrial designers!

    That would be the 14S... not the 15.
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  • Reply 406 of 641
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    So you're point is that you're so uninformed about the market that you think that a one day price swing is a valid indication of whether a product is any good or not?

    Nope. But thanks for playing.
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  • Reply 407 of 641
    Originally Posted by alienzed View Post

    ahem, 3000$ machine made for getting work done vs sub-300$ machine for everyday work, play, etc...

    different category... and some people were disapointed with the lack of a form factor refresh. WHile we're on the topic, wtf is up with the huge ass bezel on all these devices, the iMac has a huge 3 inch slab below the screen... WHY?! God knows they don't need/use the room.

    Why should they be any faster to replace the good design of a "sub-$300" device than they are the good design of a "$3000" device? And have you actually looked at the teardown views at iFixIt? Are you presenting a well-informed criticism of the iMac's lower bezel 'wasting space'? Additionally, you do realize you're hounding on the most elegant all-in-one design for a computer, right?
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  • Reply 408 of 641
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Oh sure... but you have no problem making snarky comments.

    Personal insults are contrary to the forum rules. Go away.
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  • Reply 409 of 641
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Yet not a single one of those Android 4G phones outsells even Apple's last generation (3GS) phone.

    "Well, we might be in the middle of the pack, with no path to the championship, but the owners make more money from ticket sales than any of those "championship' teams. That's what I really care about, ticket sales!"
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  • Reply 410 of 641
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    I have a hard time understand how Apple has "failed" here. Are you seriously disappointed that Apple didn't beat others in the camera megapixel war???

    I think you're missing the big picture. If a phone is nothing more than the sum of its hardware specs, then you'd go, gee it only has 512Mb of RAM like it actually meant something. And yeah, the spec whores out there will think that way. But Apple isn't selling specs, they're selling the complete user experience. So yeah, the iPhone 4S has 512Mb of RAM, but then it's the only mobile platform for games like Infinity Blade 2 and RAGE. Or that Apple has balanced great battery life, portability, and capability, rather than just go all out and make the biggest, least pocketable phone with the shortest battery life. Third, you have to remember that iCloud and Siri improve the user experience and add to the platform's core value proposition. These incremental improvements are a net gain for the platform. Apple took nothing away: they added more hardware, improved user experience, and did not raise the price over last year's model.

    I'm very disappointed. I have numerous Apple products and want to continue to purchase their products. I love them. They have been a year or two ahead of their competition until the past year. I believe this update catches them up with their competition. It doesn't put them ahead. I just saw a demo on the Google voice and they did exactly what Apple demo'd today. They've had it for over a year. They've had better cameras for over 1.5 years until today. Yes, Apple added more but today just caught up with their competition and will now be left behind in another month or so. Soon MS will catch them.

    A survey just out stated that 80% of Apple customers are disappointed with this update.
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  • Reply 411 of 641
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    As I write this there are 383 posts to this thread.

    I'd wager that 90% of the negative or dissatisfied posts are from well known fandroids or outright trolls!

    Then there's that guy that every [Apple] product he buys has to be returned or replaced... several times!

    I just don't understand how Apple can stay in business -- building inferior products and ignoring the customers' needs and desires.

    I have owned Apple products for a long time and this talk about returning every Apple product because of this or that reason sounds fishy. I don't 100% believe it, but if it is true, then this person's experiences are statistically an outlier, way outside the curve. For every story like that, there's someone who's an Apple customer for life because of the great ownership experience.
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  • Reply 412 of 641
    Originally Posted by booradley View Post

    I'm very disappointed. I have numerous Apple products and want to continue to purchase their products. I love them. They have been a year or two ahead of their competition until the past year. I believe this update catches them up with their competition. It doesn't put them ahead. I just saw a demo on the Google voice and they did exactly what Apple demo'd today. They've had it for over a year. They've had better cameras for over 1.5 years until today. Yes, Apple added more but today just caught up with their competition and will now be left behind in another month or so. Soon MS will catch them.

    Google's voice technology is garbage compared to this. Siri has already been well ahead of the pack and if Apple is adding this level of OS integration and polish (in addition to more polish going forward) the gap will widen. It isn't a simple feature comparison. It looks like it will be Google's turn to play catchup this time around.

    Better cameras? According to what, megapixels? You should really research that technology instead of jumping to conclusions. The iPhone 4 still has one of the best smartphone cameras on the market, and it looks like the iPhone 4S' camera is going to be a leap ahead. Simply cranking up the megapixels without focusing on the things which really matter—like the optics—just results in large space-consuming crappy photographs which crop to crappy photographs. To be fair, some smartphones have included cameras with some interest in photo quality, but most of them are just after the right line item on a feature list.
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  • Reply 413 of 641
    adybadyb Posts: 205member
    Originally Posted by booradley View Post

    A survey just out stated that 80% of Apple customers are disappointed with this update.

    I'm so disappointed that I'm going to replace my 3GS with ..... a 4S!
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  • Reply 414 of 641
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Personal insults are contrary to the forum rules. Go away.

    Personal insults?

    Like I said... you like to make snarky comments about Apple but you are afraid to commit about the success or failure of iPhone 4S.

    Afraid of looking stupid?
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  • Reply 415 of 641
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by LogicNReason View Post

    "You can?t prioritize, choose the sort order, determine what apps you want to actually be in that drawer ? nothing"

    This is entirely false. Nearly every app has options for what you want to do with notifications. The difference is iOS has the options built in, while Android has the apps decide which options they should allow to change.

    That makes no sense how would every app prioritize or choose the sort order with every other app. That is something that the OS would need to do.


    "Beyond Apple?s superior Notification Center UI and the great widget support" superior UI is subjective, and Android notifications have had widget support since they were announced with 2.1.

    Android does support widgets on notification bar. From what I can see its not by default. And it doesn't appear to be something that is straight forward to do.


    Dear god, debunking all these lies is mking me sound like an Android fanboy Can you people learn about the opposing OSes before you start bashing them or regurgitating blogs on the internet?

    I don't think anyone lying. Android is hundreds of different phones with different user experiences. Its impossible to say anyone thing that applies to them all.
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  • Reply 416 of 641
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Nope. But thanks for playing.

    Then why bring it up?
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  • Reply 417 of 641
    alienzedalienzed Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by Jonteponte View Post

    Margins on these things are going to go through the roof! It sure is a great time to be a shareholder

    YAY, Apple, the richest company in the world is going to make MORE profit. Just what we were all frickin' hoping for.

    I realize know why I was so disappointed, the rumor mill was certain the the new iphone would have the A5 and a better camera. I told myself long ago that if that was all Apple had to offer, I was going to be disappointed, because it's a phone, not a server or a Point and Shoot.

    Nice upgrade all the same, but lackluster is every other respect. Samsung has hardware out that beat the iPhone in all the 'phoney' ways, now the i4S STILL lags behind in all those ways.

    Is Apple going to sell millions of them? Well yeah, Sprint bought 30million.
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  • Reply 418 of 641
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Afraid of looking stupid?

    Seemingly, you and I are very different.
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  • Reply 419 of 641
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Then why bring it up?

    Down, boy.
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  • Reply 420 of 641
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Down, boy.

    Why not answer the question.

    Your little quips really aren't that cute.
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