It is very sad for the people he left behind that Steve passed away, but look at it from his point of view. No more pain, no more anxiety of 'how long do I still have, will I be able to finish this before I die' etc, no more hospital visits... I think being dead must be a blessing for him.
In addition to the mention on the google home page, there is also a mention of Steve on the Microsoft home page under Latest News which takes you to this statement from Steve Ballmer Bill Gates' message was also quite nice.
Clearly an event like this transcends the differences even among bitter competitors.
Before I used a Mac, computers were just tools where I could surf the net, do school work, and stuff... Goodbye, Steve and thank you for making using a computer fun and extraordinary.
In addition to the mention on the google home page, there is also a mention of Steve on the Microsoft home page under Latest News which takes you to this statement from Steve Ballmer Bill Gates' message was also quite nice.
Clearly an event like this transcends the differences even among bitter competitors. also is paying their respect on their front page.
The world has lost one of its brightest candles today. A true visionary who has given pleasure to many millions of people - either through Apple or Pixar.
Although no longer with us, I'm sure he will be looking after the iCloud whilst he is in iHeaven...
As a Mark of Respect The iOS 5 software should be released immediately today itself instead of some future date.
Steve Jobs of 100% the brain behind this new iCloud software named iOS 5.
Please hurry up predate the release of the mindboggling,brilliant software to today to pay respects and homage to the great Steve Jobs who single handedly made the biggest company apple worth 350 billion dollars.
I just learned of SJ's passing. OMG! COL! RIP! I feel like i lost my best friend, like someone punched me in the the gut. I was fortunate to have met him when i was an intern at Apple years ago It was a brief meeting but one that will live in my memory forever. While i both liked and disliked some of the things he did with tech, i feel the world lost so much today and became much darker.
Growing up Steve and Woz were my inspiration and my role models. There was so much left for him to do, so much more for him to see like his new mothership campus. His life was cut too short. The only time i shed a tear was when i was five when my father passed. Today was my second time. The world was magical with him in it, the promise of tomorrow today. His mind and imagination will never be matched and the world will suffer without him to shake things up or bring life to an otherwise mediocre tech world. He shook things up and led the way in how it should be done with rock sold quality and style. I know he must have planned out well, so Apple will probably do fine for a few years but after that i can see the ship hitting the rocks without him to be the stars by which this ship navigates.
This may sound weird but i will really, really miss him.
I was in a university library doing some research when I heard someone mention Steve Jobs. I didn't hear what else they had said but somehow I expected something ominous. When I got home and checked the news I was very saddened.
I will truly miss the magic Mr. Jobs brought to his keynotes. His creations at Apple and Pixar have given me great enjoyment. He was a true inspiration of what a person with a vision and talent could achieve.
One of my biggest regrets is that I was part of the June 2005 Stanford graduation class that Mr. Jobs gave the commencement address for and I missed it because I had already moved back across country to my home state the previous March and took my last credits online. If I would have known that Mr. Jobs was to give the commencement I would have flown back across country to attend. He is one of the few people who I would truly have liked to have seen in person.
This is a sad day. He was the greatest visionary of our time and even though I never met him, I feel tremendous sorrow right now. It's a strange feeling but his vision and soul is so deeply saturated in the company and the products so it truly feels like losing someone close.
It's hard sitting here with a feeling of wanting to do something. I wasn't sure I was going to buy the iPhone 4S but I will definitely do it to show respect and compassion. I guess that counts for something...
I am sad today. I never met this man, but the Apple's products have been my companions of my every day life for the last two decades.
I can't imagine, what will look like the computer and electronic industry without SJ. Very few people in the industrial world, had such influence than SJ.
You have touched my life with your products.
You have always been a great inspiration to me.
May God rest your soul.
Thank you, Thank you,Thank you Steve Jobs.
You have touched my life with your products.
You have always been a great inspiration to me.
May God rest your soul.
Nicely put.
Clearly an event like this transcends the differences even among bitter competitors.
Before I used a Mac, computers were just tools where I could surf the net, do school work, and stuff... Goodbye, Steve and thank you for making using a computer fun and extraordinary.
...seriously? He was a great man and a visionary but he's not your brother.
I feel the same way but let people grieve how they wish to.
I for one am sad that a great innovator has left us but ces't la vie.
RIP to a great innovator.
In addition to the mention on the google home page, there is also a mention of Steve on the Microsoft home page under Latest News which takes you to this statement from Steve Ballmer Bill Gates' message was also quite nice.
Clearly an event like this transcends the differences even among bitter competitors. also is paying their respect on their front page.
Although no longer with us, I'm sure he will be looking after the iCloud whilst he is in iHeaven...
R.I.P. Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs of 100% the brain behind this new iCloud software named iOS 5.
Please hurry up predate the release of the mindboggling,brilliant software to today to pay respects and homage to the great Steve Jobs who single handedly made the biggest company apple worth 350 billion dollars.
Hats off to your Steve!
May god bless you!
Growing up Steve and Woz were my inspiration and my role models. There was so much left for him to do, so much more for him to see like his new mothership campus. His life was cut too short. The only time i shed a tear was when i was five when my father passed. Today was my second time. The world was magical with him in it, the promise of tomorrow today. His mind and imagination will never be matched and the world will suffer without him to shake things up or bring life to an otherwise mediocre tech world. He shook things up and led the way in how it should be done with rock sold quality and style. I know he must have planned out well, so Apple will probably do fine for a few years but after that i can see the ship hitting the rocks without him to be the stars by which this ship navigates.
This may sound weird but i will really, really miss him.
I've created more art
discovered more music
gained more knowledge
read more books
shared more photos
sent more messages
than I could have dreamed.
You're life made my life richer.
And the beautiful thing,
It's going to keep on rolling...
So go on now—enjoy the universe.
Farewell my friend.
I will truly miss the magic Mr. Jobs brought to his keynotes. His creations at Apple and Pixar have given me great enjoyment. He was a true inspiration of what a person with a vision and talent could achieve.
One of my biggest regrets is that I was part of the June 2005 Stanford graduation class that Mr. Jobs gave the commencement address for and I missed it because I had already moved back across country to my home state the previous March and took my last credits online. If I would have known that Mr. Jobs was to give the commencement I would have flown back across country to attend. He is one of the few people who I would truly have liked to have seen in person.
you won't be forgotten steve...
It's hard sitting here with a feeling of wanting to do something. I wasn't sure I was going to buy the iPhone 4S but I will definitely do it to show respect and compassion. I guess that counts for something...
I can't imagine, what will look like the computer and electronic industry without SJ. Very few people in the industrial world, had such influence than SJ.
RIP Steve Jobs.