Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies



  • Reply 321 of 377
    macapfelmacapfel Posts: 575member
    Sad, terrible.

    Rest in peace
  • Reply 322 of 377
    Some people had a poster of Elvis hanged on the wall, some - of Michael Jordan.

    Steve Jobs is my Rockstar!!!!!
  • Reply 323 of 377
    Originally Posted by carolt68 View Post

    When are they going to start offering all those discounts I keep hearing rumours about? Is the official site?

    This is not the day one should think about the discounts.
  • Reply 324 of 377
    bongobongo Posts: 158member
    Rest in Peace Steve

    Now we know why the AAPL stock dropped after the event.

    The fat cats at Wall Street knew about this preponding announcement,i guess.

    I would'nt be surprised if they have tabloids on their payroll to secretly keep a tab on CEO's pvt life ala NOTW
  • Reply 325 of 377
    Until today, I have never cried for the death of someone I've never known personally. I knew it was coming, but not so soon. So soon.

    His Stanford address says so much about who he was and why Apple is the company it is. It is so rare to find vision, passion for perfection, philosophical reflection and a maverick attitude and sales savvy all in one person, but Steve had the lot.

    Such a loss to his family, the Apple, the tech world and every one of us that uses a product from Apple or one that has been influenced by them. And that's a lot.

    Gone, yes, but forgotten, never.
  • Reply 326 of 377
    gxcadgxcad Posts: 120member
    Thanks Steve, you inspired me many times and I'm sure you will continue to do so. R.I.P.
  • Reply 327 of 377
    you will never be forgotton, you helped mould the world into what it is today. goodbye you will always be an idol to those who know your achievments, a true visionary and i will not forget you or your vision.
  • Reply 328 of 377
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member

    Steven Paul Jobs

    ... insanely great...

    "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

    "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

    Most people term Steve Jobs' intensity as passion but it is indeed Love.

    Love is the universal vital force that is creative and brilliant and to be in love or passionate about someone or something or an idea is really a symptom of Love.

    It is that Love, that Life Force and Brilliance, that original and creative vitality, that Steve Jobs, like no other, put into his work, into his baby Apple Inc, into his many products, and I'm sure into his family, and that energy, once embedded into each and every product and into Apple itself, is recognized by everyone.

    We all feel the Love, Beauty, Brilliance, Creativity, Joy and Light in Apple's products and, in a Love starved human society, that's why we desperatly want to buy them, own them, show them off. For they bring those very same qualities into our life as well.

    Many Apple fans recognized this when they described Apple's struggles with their copycats as the fight between good and evil.

    This Love is the energy behind Steve Jobs, Apple's products and Apple, Inc..

    This Love is the energy Steve Jobs used to build his company and choosing its workforce and the reason why everybody, consciously or not, are relaxed regarding Apple's future without Jobs' physical presence. Apple is full of Love centric people who can do anything other than execute on the principles of Love and its many expressions. Even its organization, I speculate, is built upon that same core energy.

    That Love energy is obviously expressed into the new Apple spaceship headquarters in more ways than one. It is like a castle protecting the Love inside. It's like a spaceship indeed, where dreams and vision can fly and become materialized in purity with little interference. It's shaped as a 0 (zero) which, like the number 1, spells Unicity and God. 0 and 1, the digital values.

    Last but not least, Steve's comments about life and death came from experience: he "died" when he was thrown out of the company he started. But, while he turned that into an opportunity, he used it as the base to re-invent himself and start with a clean slate. And what this "death" brought him the most was summed up in this word: [b]Focus.[\\b]

    Love, Brilliance (a derivative of Love) and Focus (a lot of Love).

    His lessons to the world. His legacy. Our inheritance from Steve Jobs.

    The world is now a better place, the world is richer!

    I Love Steve Jobs.

    Long live Steve Jobs!

    Long live Apple, Inc.!

    Wishes of Joy, Love and Light to all, especially to Steve Jobs' family and friends (Steve's family is indeed great).
  • Reply 329 of 377
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by user23 View Post

    I never feel depressed. Yet...Today, I feel like something really important has left my life and I am..damn..depressed.

    As a taoist, I have been endeavoring to cultivate a mindset of non-attachment to events such as that of Steve Jobs' passing. It is, after all, part of the wonder of life. But...ugh. I can only cry as I think and think about this. So much for years of, ahem, cultivation.

    It was thanks to a power mac and photoshop and a pilfered computer lab account at a local university (years and decades ago) which led to a career in graphic design...and the subsequent dollars earned which let me purchase a house..put my (now ex-) wife through acupuncture school, etc. etc. etc. The years of my life..which directly benefited from learning layout, design, the wonder of fonts, the infinitude of photoshop's flexibility...were the best I have spent on this planet thus far.

    I think..I think sadness really comes from understanding..deeply and with a lamentable finality..that those days are gone. Yet, still...I can't help but directly attribute the wonder-years of my beingness to the life of Steve Jobs and his vision which resulted in similar tales for so many others..of course there were others like him who accomplished similar things...but...His belief in his vision was of such breadth that I was able to butter my bread for years and years. For, should have Bill Gates and Windows been the only option...well, hell, I probably would have ended up flipping burgers or something.

    damn. It's complicated, I don't understand entirely. I'm grieving for something...Steve Jobs..a former life. Who knows. All I know is that some thing is missing..and it hit me like a hammer to the head when I walked by an LCD t.v. in Metrotown mall announcing that Steve was dead. fuck.


    The Way doesn't ask you to fight your Humanity. Just Live It.
  • Reply 330 of 377
    Steve, you once told me that you were going to change the world. you did what you said.

    I will miss you my friend.
  • Reply 331 of 377
    ortalortal Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    Until today, I have never cried for the death of someone I've never known personally. I knew it was coming, but not so soon. So soon.

    His Stanford address says so much about who he was and why Apple is the company it is. It is so rare to find vision, passion for perfection, philosophical reflection and a maverick attitude and sales savvy all in one person, but Steve had the lot.

    Such a loss to his family, the Apple, the tech world and every one of us that uses a product from Apple or one that has been influenced by them. And that's a lot.

    Gone, yes, but forgotten, never.

    Same here. I always felt it was silly to cry over 'celebs', but this really got to me. Such a loss. iSad.
  • Reply 332 of 377
    ortalortal Posts: 25member
    delete, sorry, multipost
  • Reply 333 of 377
    What Steve Jobs created had and has great impact upon my life, and I guess for many others here as well.

    To me this is the saddest day of this year.

    Thank you Steve Jobs and so long.
  • Reply 334 of 377
    Here's to Steve, a true visionary, one who was able to see the forest through the trees. You will be missed.

  • Reply 335 of 377
    Originally Posted by King of Beige View Post

    Steve, you once told me that you were going to change the world. you did what you said.

    I will miss you my friend.

    Sorry for your loss (I'm going on your word that your words are true)
  • Reply 336 of 377
    This is sad. RIP Steve Jobs
  • Reply 337 of 377
    We miss you Steve!
  • Reply 338 of 377
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Thanks for everything Steve! May you rest in peace.
  • Reply 339 of 377
    krreagankrreagan Posts: 218member
    My generation grew up with the Jetsons, Star Trek... We all expected the future to arrive, only Jobs had the vision to give it to us.
  • Reply 340 of 377
    We're all poorer for this loss. But thankfully, Steve Jobs has inspired the world's technologists, myself included, and his mark is lasting. Godspeed, Steve.
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