First Look: Using iPhone 4S with Siri voice assistant



  • Reply 21 of 219
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    Trying to test Siri on a friend's 4S this evening was completely unsuccessful. It understood the words just fine - reproducing them on the screen - but then, after 10 or 15 seconds, responded that something "seemed to have gone wrong" and to "try again". I'm wondering if it is another case of the servers being swamped.

    The Apple servers seemed down during the evening.

    Siri was fantastic for me until about then went down till about 1AM (complaining about not being able to connect to the network, i.e. code for the servers are swamped), and has been working magnificently since.
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  • Reply 22 of 219
    Originally Posted by redhanded View Post

    I'm totally underwhelmed with siri so far. The name of my local pub is "The Swan" and it appears frequently in my texts...

    The closest siri can get it to this is " 's one " or "This one" - neither of which will get people to come down the pub. Even spelling it out produces weird results like "SW a N" and there doesn't seem to be any way to correct mistakes or train the recognition.

    If I can't use it to send the simplest of text messages I send every week then I certainly won't be using it for anything more complicated.

    Alright, I JUST tested "Find the Swan" and Siri found 3 places named the swan next to me I didn't know even existed.

    Secondly, you can easily correct what Siri recorded. Simply tap the text bubble, and it brings up a keyboard to edit, and Siri will process that as soon as you hit done.

    Literally, there is nothing right in your entire comment. I can't tell if its deliberate lies, or a lack of understanding of the feature on your part.
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  • Reply 23 of 219
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    Siri was just as slow as the WP7 as well. Yes siri can come up with some funny canned answers, but it is not light years ahead of everything else.

    The 4S was not really any faster than the Windows Phone, in fact in lagged behind ever so slightly in a few cases. I think that Metro is just so watered down it moves faster.

    If you are thinking of Siri as voice recognition, you are doing it wrong...

    Voice recognition is just the interface to Siri...the real kicker is the AI, which, as far as I know, doesn't exist on any other phone (on any other computer, really)....

    Try telling Siri..."Remind me to call my mom at noon tomorrow"...Freakin genius.
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  • Reply 24 of 219
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    The flow of iOS is starting to get old. There are some nice features in the Metro UI that really make it easier to navigate, plus stuff like email just looks better compared to iOS.

    DED you spin it well my brother. The iPhone 4S is a nice phone and will sell well, but its the same shite different day and Apple better step it up next year.

    Huh? In an article talking about Siri, why in the world are you bringing up the flow and navigation capabilities of the 2 OS'es, and then blaming DED for "spinning".

    Is DED supposed to compare every possible part of every smartphone OS (including one that isn't even top 3) in every article he writes, or otherwise is open to accusations of "spinning"?

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  • Reply 25 of 219
    using voice within txt is actually useful and works fairly well -- the rest of siri is a a bit of a joke and frankly feels gimmicky. i haven't read all the details on how the system works but it's pretty obvious it's a server side solution -- maybe once the novelty wears off and the traffic let's up a little, it will at least become a little faster? time will tell but it really wouldn't surprise me if apple eventually focuses attention to other features in upcoming iphone revs. needless to say, humanity need not worry about hal or terminator any time soon.
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  • Reply 26 of 219
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Huh? In an article talking about Siri, why in the world are you bringing up the flow and navigation capabilities of the 2 OS'es, and then blaming DED for "spinning".

    Is DED supposed to compare every possible part of every smartphone OS (including one that isn't even top 3) in every article he writes, or otherwise is open to accusations of "spinning"?

    Read any of that member's other posts and you'll know why.
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  • Reply 27 of 219
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    If you are thinking of Siri as voice recognition, you are doing it wrong...

    Voice recognition is just the interface to Siri...the real kicker is the AI, which, as far as I know, doesn't exist on any other phone (on any other computer, really)....

    Try telling Siri..."Remind me to call my mom at noon tomorrow"...Freakin genius.

    Better yet, try asking a Windows or Android phone that and see how far it gets you. I'm astonished at the blinkers some partisans are willing to put on to ignore what Siri is.
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  • Reply 28 of 219
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    Siri Effed up with understanding us just as much or as less really as the Windows Phone.

    Ahh, I know you are trying to say Windows phone was better here - but you see, the English sentence above says that 'Siri Effed up less than Windows Phone'.

    I'm sorry but I can't take your experience as something that will affect my success with the phone. It doesn't sound like it is a fault of Siri, more your English.
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  • Reply 29 of 219
    Originally Posted by diorfl21 View Post

    If Apple was looking for this to make me forget that I got the SAME phone for the 2nd year in a row they have failed. The ONLY reason I upgraded was because I wanted a white iPhone and since I have gotten my phone things have going wrong with it! My partner got one at the same time and when I opened his to get it ready for him I noticed he had bars immediately! My phone said no service out of the package !! Then his phone was ready immediately out of the box and mine didnt work for 2-3 hrs. Now my Siri keeps telling me its having a hard time connecting to the network and hardly ever gets what I am saying!

    I'm sure with millions of new devices immediately accessing the siri servers there is bound to be down time. Once Apple optimizes said servers and the beta build gets finalized all will be fine.

    And while the 4s is visually identical to the 4 it is undoubtedly a new phone. The 4's design is beautiful (though I think a Tad too tiny) there'd be literally no reason to depart from it so soon.
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  • Reply 30 of 219
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,007member
    Originally Posted by robertmartin View Post

    Apple is coming out with the iPhone 5 sometime in the Spring of 2012. For now, they will be releasing sort of a "stop gap" between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 models. That's the iPhone 4S which is coming out this week.

    Unlikely, iPhone releases will most probably remain in the Fall from now on. The waning importance of iPod and waxing of IPad, it's likely to be iPad in the Spring, maybe moved to June, and iPhone/iPod in the Fall from now on.
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  • Reply 31 of 219
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    LOL. I wouldn't hold my breath on that. If anything, I see Apple releasing the same model on T-Mobile in about six months unless Apple promised Sprint otherwise.

    Originally Posted by robertmartin View Post

    Apple is coming out with the iPhone 5 sometime in the Spring of 2012. For now, they will be releasing sort of a "stop gap" between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 models. That's the iPhone 4S which is coming out this week.

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  • Reply 32 of 219
    negafoxnegafox Posts: 480member
    Siri frequently had long awkward pauses yesterday evening but now the performance has become considerably snappier. I have to say, now that the performance has improved in the past 24 hours, I am surprisingly impressed...
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  • Reply 33 of 219
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I'm sure with millions of new devices immediately accessing the siri servers there is bound to be down time. Once Apple optimizes said servers and the beta build gets finalized all will be fine.

    And while the 4s is visually identical to the 4 it is undoubtedly a new phone. The 4's design is beautiful (though I think a Tad too tiny) there'd be literally no reason to depart from it so soon.

    I could care less if there were billions of new devices immediately accessing the Siri server my point is Apple should have planned for this. This is the 5th iPhone launch now and they STILL cant get it right ?! I have had each model and EVERY time its a nightmare ! I feel that Apple had MORE than enough time ( considering the phone didn't launch till Oct. ) to prepare for what they should have assumed would be a very successful launch! In this article I was trying to say that my partners works just fine, he was able to make routes, alarms and all no problems. We activated our phones at the same time and my experience was different than his! His Siri works very well, mine can't seem to connect to the network STILL! Kinks should have been expected and compensated for before the launch of this new phone and integrated app!
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  • Reply 34 of 219
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Alright, I JUST tested "Find the Swan" and Siri found 3 places named the swan next to me I didn't know even existed.

    Secondly, you can easily correct what Siri recorded. Simply tap the text bubble, and it brings up a keyboard to edit, and Siri will process that as soon as you hit done.

    Literally, there is nothing right in your entire comment. I can't tell if its deliberate lies, or a lack of understanding of the feature on your part.

    I wasn't asking siri to find The Swan. I already know where it is. I said it was my local pub FFS.

    Try "Text <contact>" then for the text message "Swan 930" or "Meet me in The Swan 930" and see what you get.

    I didn't know about the text correct feature... but that just brings you into iMessage to correct a text message that I could have typed correctly in the first place.

    As for your comment "literally there is nothing right...", words fail me (obviously not as bad as words failing siri however) You do know the meaning of the word "literally" do you? Here is a little tutorial:

    - The name of my local pub is "The Swan" if you want to know

    - It appears frequently in my texts : 5 times in the last week

    - I just tried 10 times to include the name "The Swan" or "Swan" in a text. 100% failure rate. 's one, this one and the closest it got was "swan land"

    - Correcting mistakes. You got that right! Woo-hoo!

    - Training? So if I correct a mistake, does that train it? If it does, it isn't a very good learner. 100% failure rate even after correcting the text.

    So your comment "literally there is nothing right" is literally wrong.
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  • Reply 35 of 219
    Originally Posted by redhanded View Post

    I wasn't asking siri to find The Swan. I already know where it is. I said it was my local pub FFS.

    Try "Text <contact>" then for the text message "Swan 930" or "Meet me in The Swan 930" and see what you get.

    I didn't know about the text correct feature... but that just brings you into iMessage to correct a text message that I could have typed correctly in the first place.

    As for your comment "literally there is nothing right...", words fail me (obviously not as bad as words failing siri however) You do know the meaning of the word "literally" do you? Here is a little tutorial:

    - The name of my local pub is "The Swan" if you want to know

    - It appears frequently in my texts : 5 times in the last week

    - I just tried 10 times to include the name "The Swan" or "Swan" in a text. 100% failure rate. 's one, this one and the closest it got was "swan land"

    - Correcting mistakes. You got that right! Woo-hoo!

    - Training? So if I correct a mistake, does that train it? If it does, it isn't a very good learner. 100% failure rate even after correcting the text.

    So your comment "literally there is nothing right" is literally wrong.

    I can see you're upset and I don't want to add to it by being insulting, but I find both of your posts very confusing. It's very hard to understand what you are doing/describing or what you want Siri to do. Perhaps Siri thinks so also.
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  • Reply 36 of 219
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Huh? In an article talking about Siri, why in the world are you bringing up the flow and navigation capabilities of the 2 OS'es, and then blaming DED for "spinning".

    Is DED supposed to compare every possible part of every smartphone OS (including one that isn't even top 3) in every article he writes, or otherwise is open to accusations of "spinning"?

    I started off comparing Siri to the WP7 voice stuff. Both are not fantastic at either speed or always picking up what the user is saying, neither was better than each other. IMHO if a user has to repeat stuff very often the feature will be a novelty on both and quickly ignored.

    If you take away Siri, the iPhone 4S is not that big of a deal....except for the camera, like I stated. The OS is started to feel dated to me, as Metro has some very cool features I would like to see in iOS.

    You have people like DED, Gruber and Alex Linsey on TWIT that make the Apple community look like cool aid drinking idiots, praising anything Apple releases. I just read a gruber post on why the 3.5inch screen is better and Apple has it right and everyone else is wrong with their 4+ inch screens. Yet when the iPhone 5 or whatever comes with a bigger screen, Apple will have it right. Alex Linsey praised the hell out of the new Final Cut while the user community basically was outraged.
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  • Reply 37 of 219
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Better yet, try asking a Windows or Android phone that and see how far it gets you. I'm astonished at the blinkers some partisans are willing to put on to ignore what Siri is.

    I get that Siri is better past voice dictation on the other phones especially since it uses Apple servers to crunch stuff, BUT if you have to repeat what you said to Siri like the others, then people will stop using they do on others.

    I take care of the phones at my company, and users have the choice of Android, iOS and WP7 on our corporate ATT plan. None of the Android/WP7 users use the voice stuff after the initial newness wares off because of these same voice regconition issues.....that Siri seems to have as well. Three of set around yesterday and tested Siri against the WP7 for a few hours.

    Talking slow into your phone, repeating and then waiting is going to old fast. Hopefully Apple will improve that.
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  • Reply 38 of 219
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I can see you're upset and I don't want to add to it by being insulting, but I find both of your posts very confusing. It's very hard to understand what you are doing/describing or what you want Siri to do. Perhaps Siri thinks so also.

    Nah, not upset. Just giving the previous reply a lesson on what the word "literally" means!

    All I was trying to do was get siri to send a text message.

    - Hold down home button to get siri prompt

    - Say "text <contact name>"

    - Siri responds with "What do you want to say to <contact name>"

    - Say "Swan 930"

    - Siri responds with "'s one 930"

    My guess is that when composing the body of a text message, there is a lot less context to work with than after a word like "text" or "call" when siri looks for a name, or "find" when siri looks for a place so that is why the voice recognition falls down when words or phrases have similar sounds.

    For example, I tried to compose a text saying "Wales deserved to win" (rugby fans will know what I am referring to here ) siri came back with "Wheels deserved to win".
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  • Reply 39 of 219
    Originally Posted by MacRR View Post seems that another end game is that it should always be aware- and literally button free.. just announce Siri - and it activates.. but then again- it'd be nice to nam fit shithead too. or fartsmoker. or peen or. you know.. even uncle buck. or mr belvedere. or hank.

    and of course- a wide variety of voices!

    Great! The ladies could give Siri a more appropriate name... then based on the user's accent she would invoke it by saying "My Happiness".... Or "My, ha-Penis"
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  • Reply 40 of 219
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    Yet when the iPhone 5 or whatever comes with a bigger screen, Apple will have it right.

    It's pretty obvious that some people would like a larger screen, while others prefer the existing size. Why do you assume that your preference is more correct, especially since the iPhone, with its tiny screen, continues to outsell every other phone and break launch sales records?
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