First Look: Using iPhone 4S with Siri voice assistant



  • Reply 41 of 219
    Originally Posted by redhanded View Post

    Nah, not upset. Just giving the previous reply a lesson on what the word "literally" means!

    All I was trying to do was get siri to send a text message.

    - Hold down home button to get siri prompt

    - Say "text <contact name>"

    - Siri responds with "What do you want to say to <contact name>"

    - Say "Swan 930"

    - Siri responds with "'s one 930"

    My guess is that when composing the body of a text message, there is a lot less context to work with than after a word like "text" or "call" when siri looks for a name, or "find" when siri looks for a place so that is why the voice recognition falls down when several words or phrases have similar sounds.

    For example, I tried to compose a text saying "Wales deserved to win" (rugby fans will know what I am referring to here ) siri came back with "Wheels deserved to win".

    I think you're right.

    Now that I'm clear on what you were trying to do, it seems that the problem is a combination of your accent or intonation making small errors ("Wheels" instead of "Whales"), and the fact that text messages are not "regular speech."

    If you wanted to compose an email instead and said "meet me at the swan at 9:30 PM," instead of "Swan 930" it might be more accurate.

    For instance if Siri said that second item back to you it would probably say "Swan nine hundred and thirty," (assuming it finally got the Swan part right).
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  • Reply 42 of 219
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    ... Yet when the iPhone 5 or whatever comes with a bigger screen, Apple will have it right. ...

    We know from very recent polls however, that even with all the hype about the bigger screens in the marketplace, and even given the fact that many many people fully expected a bigger screen this time, that only a measly 17% of people (in the USA) were disappointed when it didn't happen.

    It's much more likely that a year from now, there will be even less people (than this small minority of US users), who will be interested in a larger screen.

    Apple has a history of making products smaller, thinner, and lighter, usually without changing the screen size. Again, it's much more likely that next year's iPhone will be smaller, than bigger.

    If they follow past practice, the next iPhone will have the same screen size, but all the components inside, outside, and around it, will shrink. Physically, the shell could be a quarter to a half inch smaller in two dimensions and still have the current screen size. They might be able to make it thinner as well.
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  • Reply 43 of 219
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    Trying to test Siri on a friend's 4S this evening was completely unsuccessful. It understood the words just fine - reproducing them on the screen - but then, after 10 or 15 seconds, responded that something "seemed to have gone wrong" and to "try again". I'm wondering if it is another case of the servers being swamped.

    ?????? Is that testing? only one try? even the most stable software does similar stuff once in awhile.

    I have been using it, and I would say I have been successful around 80% of the time, and English is NOT my first language...really cool,

    I am sure that with time, it will be improving with updates, but without doubt , it is amazing.

    About the Iphone, it is really faster(I use ATT), and surprisingly I am not dropping calls including in my home where I have spots with bad reception. The new antennas are doing a better job.

    Overall, very excited, and happy with my extra storage! 64

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  • Reply 44 of 219
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I think you're right.

    Now that I'm clear on what you were trying to do, it seems that the problem is a combination of your accent or intonation making small errors ("Wheels" instead of "Whales"), and the fact that text messages are not "regular speech."

    If you wanted to compose an email instead and said "meet me at the swan at 9:30 PM," instead of "Swan 930" it might be more accurate.

    I tried email body text of "meet me at the swan for 9:30 PM," and got "meet me at the 14 9:30PM" (that confused me until I realised 14 was "one four" rather than "fourteen"...)

    "Wales" (the country) is a tough one and I was expecting something like "Whales" (the sea mammal) rather than "Wheels". siri obviously doesn't follow the rugby world cup.

    I've tried all of my local drinking haunts and got 100% failure on "Tabard", unsurprisingly siri thinks I was talking about iPads and translated it as "Tablet". "The Raven" worked most of the time except for a few "Rhythms" but siri's favourite pub in West London is "The Duchess of Cambridge" which was 100% correct.
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  • Reply 45 of 219
    Can Siri read out your messages and or emails etc ??
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  • Reply 46 of 219
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    It's pretty obvious that some people would like a larger screen, while others prefer the existing size. Why do you assume that your preference is more correct, especially since the iPhone, with its tiny screen, continues to outsell every other phone and break launch sales records?

    So if the iPhone 4S came out with a 4inch screen do you doubt for 1 second that everyone would be praising the 4inch retina display?
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  • Reply 47 of 219
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    We know from very recent polls however, that even with all the hype about the bigger screens in the marketplace, and even given the fact that many many people fully expected a bigger screen this time, that only a measly 17% of people (in the USA) were disappointed when it didn't happen.

    It's much more likely that a year from now, there will be even less people (than this small minority of US users), who will be interested in a larger screen.

    Apple has a history of making products smaller, thinner, and lighter, usually without changing the screen size. Again, it's much more likely that next year's iPhone will be smaller, than bigger.

    If they follow past practice, the next iPhone will have the same screen size, but all the components inside, outside, and around it, will shrink. Physically, the shell could be a quarter to a half inch smaller in two dimensions and still have the current screen size. They might be able to make it thinner as well.

    I wish we could bet on this some how. I have no doubt when the do change iPhone body it will get a bigger screen. Its not a flip phone where smaller is better. It is a smartphone where you use the screen all the time.

    If I were to believe your cool aid then why not a 7inch iPad......oh that is right because Apple said bigger is better.
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  • Reply 48 of 219
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    The iPhone 4S is a nice phone and will sell well, but its the same shite different day and Apple better step it up next year.

    Oh boy ...
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  • Reply 49 of 219
    Originally Posted by Scafe2 View Post

    Can Siri read out your messages and or emails etc ??

    For me, it won't read emails but it will read new text messages.
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  • Reply 50 of 219
    Watching the demo video makes Siri seems really amazing and useful. It's like what we see in the movies are actually becoming a reality. Too bad you have to speak American to use it.
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  • Reply 51 of 219
    Try "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood'. We laughed so hard it hurt with each answer, they are not static.
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  • Reply 52 of 219
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by redhanded View Post

    I tried email body text of "meet me at the swan for 9:30 PM," and got "meet me at the 14 9:30PM" (that confused me until I realised 14 was "one four" rather than "fourteen"...)

    "Wales" (the country) is a tough one and I was expecting something like "Whales" (the sea mammal) rather than "Wheels". siri obviously doesn't follow the rugby world cup.

    I've tried all of my local drinking haunts and got 100% failure on "Tabard", unsurprisingly siri thinks I was talking about iPads and translated it as "Tablet". "The Raven" worked most of the time except for a few "Rhythms" but siri's favourite pub in West London is "The Duchess of Cambridge" which was 100% correct.

    There are greater differences in the accents of the island of Britain than in the US. Far more. And no standard accent either. (RP isn't common). So speak like an English neutral speaker. The welsh accent is totally different to even it's near neighbors like Bristol or Cornwall. I can't understand the welsh very well and I live here.
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  • Reply 53 of 219
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    So if the iPhone 4S came out with a 4inch screen do you doubt for 1 second that everyone would be praising the 4inch retina display?

    A 4 inch retina display would look beautiful. A 6 inch even more so. Unfortunately it's also a phone, and as many have pointed out, needs to be easy to hold and to fit in pockets. I think that is the limiting factor. And again - I'm not questioning those who prefer larger, but don't project your preferences onto everyone else.

    I would like to see the screen size maximized relative to the current physical phone size.
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  • Reply 54 of 219
    Originally Posted by Scafe2 View Post

    Can Siri read out your messages and or emails etc ??

    Did you watch the video?
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  • Reply 55 of 219
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by procapital View Post

    ?????? Is that testing? only one try? even the most stable software does similar stuff once in awhile.

    I have been using it, and I would say I have been successful around 80% of the time, and English is NOT my first language...really cool,

    I am sure that with time, it will be improving with updates, but without doubt , it is amazing.

    About the Iphone, it is really faster(I use ATT), and surprisingly I am not dropping calls including in my home where I have spots with bad reception. The new antennas are doing a better job.

    Overall, very excited, and happy with my extra storage! 64


    Limited testing for 15 minutes or so, with a range of commands ranging from "call xxxx" to questions about the weather and the Apple stock price example on the intro screen. None worked, but do not discount operator incompetence as the explanation, although several users have noted that the servers in the western US seemed to be down yesterday evening.
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  • Reply 56 of 219
    Originally Posted by redhanded View Post

    I tried email body text of "meet me at the swan for 9:30 PM," and got "meet me at the 14 9:30PM" (that confused me until I realised 14 was "one four" rather than "fourteen"...)

    "Wales" (the country) is a tough one and I was expecting something like "Whales" (the sea mammal) rather than "Wheels". siri obviously doesn't follow the rugby world cup.

    I've tried all of my local drinking haunts and got 100% failure on "Tabard", unsurprisingly siri thinks I was talking about iPads and translated it as "Tablet". "The Raven" worked most of the time except for a few "Rhythms" but siri's favourite pub in West London is "The Duchess of Cambridge" which was 100% correct.

    I'm detecting a pattern....

    Maybe test out siri on a non-pub crawl night?

    Just joking. I'm just jealous.
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  • Reply 57 of 219
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    So if the iPhone 4S came out with a 4inch screen do you doubt for 1 second that everyone would be praising the 4inch retina display?

    Cell phone size and features are a combination of compromises. I personally like the current size of the iPhone as it fits easily in the front pocket of Levis 501s. Steve may have had a similar preference. Sure a larger screen is useful in certain situations but I don't spend very much time with the screen of the iPhone, I use it mostly as a phone so a larger size is not my top priority. Each user has to decide for themselves which compromises they are willing to make a select the corresponding product that more closely matches their criteria.
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  • Reply 58 of 219
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    I wish we could bet on this some how. I have no doubt when the do change iPhone body it will get a bigger screen. Its not a flip phone where smaller is better. It is a smartphone where you use the screen all the time.

    If I were to believe your cool aid then why not a 7inch iPad......oh that is right because Apple said bigger is better.

    Now you are being either silly or just disingenuous. You know perfectly well that the criteria for the ideal size for a tablet are different from those for a phone. If bigger is simply always better, why not a 10 inch iPhone?
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  • Reply 59 of 219
    lukeilukei Posts: 391member
    So in conclusion Siri doesn't work very well, should not be a primary selling feature as in Beta still and is basically a novelty that will wear off soon enough.

    Controversial maybe but let's get real here
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  • Reply 60 of 219
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    I appreciate the kind of "stress test" that you've put on the system. It's the first video I see doing that on the internet. It's interesting to see Siri's limits, and see how it will evolve. Thanks!
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