removes false claim from Apple petition after collecting signatures



  • Reply 21 of 88
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Thousands of people die of overexposure to dihydrous monoxide every year. Thousands more die of underexposure to dihydrous monoxide every year.


    Lol, I posted before I read this.

    I remember it as "dihydrogen monoxide" but it's been many years since 9th grade
  • Reply 22 of 88
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    Lol, I posted before I read this.

    I remember it as "dihydrogen monoxide" but it's been many years since 9th grade

    Either is correct. You could also call it hydroxylic acid.
  • Reply 23 of 88
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    If they changed the wording then all the original signatures should be null and void, period!

    The signatures on the changed petition would be useless. Since the petition isn't going to be used (and can't be used) to force any legal standing the petition itself in any form is totally irrelevant to start with.
  • Reply 24 of 88
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    I remember it as "dihydrogen monoxide" but it's been many years since 9th grade

    That's a valid name, too. I like 'dihydrous' better because people subconsciously associate the suffix '-ous' with the word 'noxious', making it sound more dangerous.
  • Reply 25 of 88
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    If they changed the wording then all the original signatures should be null and void, period!

    Definitely. Those signatures are not "binding" after the changes have been made.
  • Reply 26 of 88
    These over-the-top "activists" are only in the game to prove they're relevant - WHICH THEY ARE NOT. They are obstructionists without the facts. But of course the press will continue to give them space on the page and ultimately turn them into what they are aspiring to become. Kind of makes sense since a large amount of what passes for news is as preposterous as this group of zealots!
  • Reply 27 of 88
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by reinharden View Post the end of all of this that either Google or Samsung is actually funding these protest efforts.

    I like to hope that it's Samsung and not Google.

    Maybe we should start a petition to ask Samsung to stop? ;-)


    It is not unheard of for an unscrupulous company to do just what you suspect in an attempt to discredit a competitor. Politicians do it all the time to their rivals, why not corporations. It's called character assassination. And after the lies are exposed the victim is left with one question. How do I get my reputation back? We are seeing this in spades on sites like C|net and MacRumors where the trolls and haters vastly outnumber the fans. They are hammering away at the "slave labor" and "suicide nets" talking points. Next quarter we will see if this apparently coordinated effort has any negative effect on Apple. It would not surprise me to learn that a competitor is found to be behind it all. If that were proved, though, the perp would be damaged beyond repair.
  • Reply 28 of 88
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Apple could really wow the world, turning this publicity stunt to their favor: just promise to go BACK IN TIME to make the changes demanded by the petition. And then show that the evidence exists that they have actually done so! Very impressive.

    I hope these protesters are heavily promoting a list of all the companies worse than Apple... you know, the ones benefitting when someone boycotts Apple products.

    (And that really is happening: I’ve met people who wanted an iPhone but are choosing OTHER Chinese-made electronics instead, because Apple is supposedly the one not fixing the problems. Is there some planned stock manipulation here or what? Astroturfing by competitors?)

    The problems are real—which is why you don’t attack those solving them, while giving a free pass to the worst offenders! (Including whole other industries, clothing etc.)

    As for claiming people signed something when they actually signed something else... well, who cares about truth anyway... surely not “journalists” who fan the flames to sell our aggregated personal info to advertisers...
  • Reply 29 of 88
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    I remember doing a study in junior high science class about the devastating affects of "dihydrogen monoxide" and how it kills so many people each year and is used as a solvent despite not being regulated.

    Funny how you can make anything sound bad and dangerous. Had a good laugh after we drank a glass full of the "deadly dihydrogen monoxide".

    I've built up a tolerance to DHMO but I also have a chemical addiction to the substance. If I go just a couple days without DHMO my body starts to react in ways that I feel like I'm dying. In fact, I'm told that my body is so dependent on DHMO that I will die if I don't take it regularly. I'm on it right now.
  • Reply 30 of 88

    Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, an executive director of, stated in a press release today that ?Apple has a moral obligation to fully compensate workers like Guo Rui-Qiang and Jia Jing-Chuan" who were exposed to the chemical by Wintek, and said Apple had "to take the hard steps required make sure that tragedies like this never happen again,? despite Apple's published report documenting that it had already required Wintek to take preventive action.

    This kind of stuff is just wrong. Apple didn't tell Wintek to use the chemicals and when they found out they told them to stop or lose their contract. They probably also told them to deal with their mistake (the health concerns) or risk their contract.

    Morally and legally that is all that Apple can and should have to do. They are not dictators after all. They don't rule China or these companies.

    but places like SumofUS try to make it sound that way while they continue to ignore the other clients Foxconn etc have. What are they going to do when it is found out that Wintek also polishes class for Nintendo, Samsung, Nokia etc and they use the 'toxic' chemicals etc. Are they going to start petitions about Nintendo's moral obligations etc.

    As for the repetitive stress issue. These people are not slaves they know what they are doing when they sign up and they can quit anytime. If this person stayed for ages doing the same thing over and over she has only herself to blame. Especially since she would know that if she couldn't keep up she'd be let go. That's the way the game works with factory jobs.
  • Reply 31 of 88
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Apple could really wow the world, turning this publicity stunt to their favor: just promise to go BACK IN TIME to make the changes demanded by the petition. And then show that the evidence exists that they have actually done so! Very impressive.

    I hope these protesters are heavily promoting a list of all the companies worse than Apple... you know, the ones benefitting when someone boycotts Apple products.

    (And that really is happening: I?ve met people who wanted an iPhone but are choosing OTHER Chinese-made electronics instead, because Apple is supposedly the one not fixing the problems. Is there some planned stock manipulation here or what? Astroturfing by competitors?)

    The problems are real?which is why you don?t attack those solving them, while giving a free pass to the worst offenders! (Including whole other industries, clothing etc.)

    As for claiming people signed something when they actually signed something else... well, who cares about truth anyway... surely not ?journalists? who fan the flames to sell our aggregated personal info to advertisers...

    Which is why Apple needs to reframe the discussion now, offering an open challenge to everyone else in the industry to follow their lead, and clearly changing that they can't enact change alone. Either crickets will chirp and noone will respond, or there will be responses and the ignorant will be forced to realize that this isn't an Apple issue, but that Apple is taking the lead.
  • Reply 32 of 88
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Is anybody really surprised?

    This is exactly what I've been saying all along in every damn thread about this topic. The petitions that these clueless people are peddling are full of lies.

    The truth is something that those sorts of people are allergic to.

    Apple should sue their sorry asses for defamation.
  • Reply 33 of 88
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    I am surprised that glass is cleaned by hand. It seems this is a simple task that a machine could do faster and better without repetitive strain.

    It is cleaned by hand for the same reason that iPads etc are assembled by hand. Machines don't exist that are guaranteed to handle the materials correctly.
  • Reply 34 of 88
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I've built up a tolerance to DHMO but I also have a chemical addiction to the substance. If I go just a couple days without DHMO my body starts to react in ways that I feel like I'm dying. In fact, I'm told that my body is so dependent on DHMO that I will die if I don't take it regularly. I'm on it right now.

    The true danger of DHMO is that it seems to affect everyone in different ways. I've become so addicted to it that I barely need to eat anymore. I regularly ingest two gallons of DHMO a day, occasionally I mix it with fruit, but beyond that I don't need to eat much other than wheat bread.

    While this does wonders for weight loss at a safe pace, I can't imagine it would work for everyone. I seem to have a much higher tolerance for DHMO than most.
  • Reply 35 of 88
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    It's possible that n-hexane could be used if adequate protection were provided

    That's the argument, Wintek had failed to keep up the ventilation system. Apple pressed them to do it and to use what they had requested as a polishing chemical (isopropanol). Given that Steve Jobs is known to have been totally OCD and even anal retentive over details that Wintek wasn't using Apple's choice of chemical would have made him livid no matter the other issues.

    Wintek had a handful of folks get sick and claim it was the chemicals and when they did nothing about it in terms of the ventilation etc the people went to the press and Apple. And Apple acted to get the company to follow the right procedures. But Apple didn't make them use the "wrong" chemicals etc so they have no obligation to pay anything. Wintek screwed up, Wintek should pay the price (literally in some cases). SumOfUS is just looking for more fame and is using their tabloid scandal tactics to get it
  • Reply 36 of 88
    Lets start a petition to petition the petitioners for an ethical petition.
  • Reply 37 of 88
    Originally Posted by Yuniverse View Post

    Definitely. Those signatures are not "binding" after the changes have been made.

    And yet Sumofus won't remove names and you can't remove yourself. Makes you ponder if someone should try to sue them over it. give them some negative press
  • Reply 38 of 88
    I'm all for speaking up for people with no voice, and factory workers in China definitely fit the bill there. But having a petition with its facts so wrong, and then changing the wording after they signed it is scummy as hell. Stupid SumofBitches.
  • Reply 39 of 88
    Originally Posted by dualie View Post

    Lets start a petition to petition the petitioners for an ethical petition.

    The PTPTPFAEP? I'm in!
  • Reply 40 of 88
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I'm all for speaking up for people with no voice, and factory workers in China definitely fit the bill there.

    The factory workers are mute? I'm so horrified, I think I'll start a petition!

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