Samsung unveils quad-core Galaxy S III with 4.8" AMOLED screen



  • Reply 121 of 262
    stf2012stf2012 Posts: 6member

    How does Infinity Blade II run on it? 'Nuf said...

  • Reply 122 of 262
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by stf2012 View Post

    How does Infinity Blade II run on it? 'Nuf said...


    Hey its got HDR just like the iPhone 4 and, and GLONAS just like the iPhone 4S...


  • Reply 123 of 262
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    When the trolls meet the Poes, comin' thro' the rye… 

    Ha! Nice call!
  • Reply 124 of 262
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member


    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    I agree - but I don't think screen size is the major factor as much as phone size. Back in 2007, to make a phone that fits nicely in average hands, 3.5" was an optimal size given power, weight, resolution and bezel/assembly considerations.


    Now Apple can make something almost the same overall size with a larger screen (smaller/no bezels, etc.) so why not? Customers will still like the size and the screen. The one thing that I think is at issue here is can the larger screen have a higher resolution given the iOS fixed res and ratio issues. I doubt they have a 4" 1920x1280 screen ready and just scaling up the current retina display would be a small but noticeable step back. Can they revamp iOS so that it scales more like vectors than bitmaps? 1440x960? Would be awesome but that 1.5x scaling might be problematic.


    If they did scale the current retina display up to 4", holy hell would break out in the nerd ranks but it might not impact the mainstream buyers much - but the press would be all over it.


    Once again, that's not necessary. Increasing the size from 3.5" to 4.0" is only about a 15% increase. If they leave the resolution the same, the PPI will drop by only 15% - which is still close enough to 'retina' that it won't matter much for most people or most apps (with the sole exception being the couple of apps where you use the iPhone as a ruler and increasing the pixel size would cause problems).

    I'm sure the Apple haters would try to make a big deal of it, but customers probably wouldn't care. It's not a big enough difference to matter.

  • Reply 125 of 262
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 862member

    Only good thing here is that APPLE is more likely to give us at least a 4" screen in the next iPhone.

  • Reply 126 of 262
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    Only good thing here is that APPLE is more likely to give us at least a 4" screen in the next iPhone.


    How can you possibly come to that conclusion?

  • Reply 127 of 262
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    LOL. What a weird thread.


    All the lurky Androiders on AI seem to have come crawling out in full force......image

  • Reply 128 of 262
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    The Android camp, as far as I can tell, isn't too happy about this device period.

    Why? Because they introduce yet another forked version of Android or something?
  • Reply 129 of 262
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Why? Because they introduce yet another forked version of Android or something?

    "Ah, Android was forked to begin with!"


    … Thanks, Jay.

  • Reply 130 of 262
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    When the trolls meet the Poes, comin' thro' the rye… 

    We'll have more trolls than the War of Wrath (aka The Great Battle).
  • Reply 131 of 262
    slang4artslang4art Posts: 376member
    relic wrote: »
    It's lighter and thinner then the iPhone, I don't think it will be a problem.

    We'll conveniently ignore the other dimensions that might affect how a phone fits in one's pocket. Good job!
  • Reply 132 of 262
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member


    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post


    You don't have to babysit anything. You can only be affected by this if you've gone into settings and enabled installing apps from Unknown Sources. By default this setting is disabled, meaning apps can only be installed from Play Store, where Bouncer does a pretty good job keeping out malware.



    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    It depends on how many widgets you have and how often the widget updates it's info, I set mine for once every three hours.



    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Wouldn't everyone who uses Amazon's application repository have this done?


    I hear it's quite popular and is why Android is touted as being so "open" and not restricted to a "waled garden".


    A lot of the cheaper Android devices made by manufacturers who don't want to be locked into Google's walled garden and so don't have their services would also fall into this category.



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    So, "Buy Android; it lets you do what Apple doesn't! But don't actually do it, because you won't be safe! It's not like anyone actually WOULD do it, anyway."


    Not a very catchy motto.


    I learned some intriguing information from the Android proponents in this thread:


    Google locks Android users into their proprietary digital multimedia content service, Google Play.  While content may be available from alternative sources this is ill-advised as alternative markets are infested with malware.


    Google Play Store isn't infected with malware according to Google pundits.  Unfortunately, Google has their army of users believing this although this is demonstrably false.   Google Bouncer simply doesn't function as well as advertised although no one should be surprised.


    Google Code projects host Android malware as well.  In some instances Google Code is being used to distribute malware!


    Google Android Widgets are effectively useless since live updates use the battery like the Navy uses "women of ill repute" while docked during Fleet Week.  Seriously, is there any advantage to a widget that doesn't update dynamically at least every few minutes?

  • Reply 133 of 262
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post




    No significant increase in iPhone sales will happen solely due to iOS upgrades.


    Really? So you're saying that not a single user decided to purchase an iPhone 4.0 when iCloud functionality was introduced with the iOS 5 update? That's a pretty bold statement!



    And, making it faster? That's not what I've been hearing...


    Then you probably shouldn't believe everything you hear. Try using and observing the damn thing yourself instead. Updates to both iOS and MAC OS X frequently increase both speed and response, both bloody important selling points.



    My Android phone gets auto-updated daily.


    Seriously? Your Android phone gets auto-updated from one major OS to another on a daily basis? That's impressive!



    The claim was that there is no way to effect change, not that the current specs aren't desirable.


    But why even change if it's not required? You're trying to argue the point that it can't be changed when it doesn't have to be.


  • Reply 134 of 262
    derekmorrderekmorr Posts: 237member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post


    Google locks Android users into their proprietary digital multimedia content service, Google Play.  While content may be available from alternative sources this is ill-advised as alternative markets are infested with malware.


    Google Play Store isn't infected with malware according to Google pundits.  Unfortunately, Google has their army of users believing this although this is demonstrably false.   Google Bouncer simply doesn't function as well as advertised although no one should be surprised.


    Google Code projects host Android malware as well.  In some instances Google Code is being used to distribute malware!


    Google Android Widgets are effectively useless since live updates use the battery like the Navy uses "women of ill repute" while docked during Fleet Week.  Seriously, is there any advantage to a widget that doesn't update dynamically at least every few minutes?


    This is wrong on several points.


    No one is locked into anything. By default, Android devices only allow apps to be installed from the Google Play Store (or the Amazon App Store, in the case of the Kindle Fire). This is, in part, a security feature. However, if a user wants to install apps from other sources, they can go to Settings -> Security and check "Unknown sources." So it's up to the user. Regarding alternate markets, there is no evidence that the Amazon App Store (by far the largest such market) has malware. As for the others, most of the apps are fine, but a few are malware. That's hardly "infested."


    According to Google, Bouncer has significantly cut down on malware. No system is perfect, and a few apps in Japan got past it. But most of the malware that's been in the press lately has been blocked by Bouncer. By the way, I'm not sure what you were trying to prove with your third link -- it discussed the Chrome store, which isn't the same as the Android Play Store. Also, your link about Google Code isn't relevant either -- it discussed an app that wasn't in the Play Store either.


    Still, I have to hand it to the folks here -- they know how to manipulate an argument. If Android users voluntarily limit themselves to official app stores, you claim that they're being locked in or that Android isn't open (both of which are false). If they choose to enable other app store, you start fear-mongering about malware. Boy, you must get a lot of exercise constantly moving those goalposts.

  • Reply 135 of 262
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    When the trolls meet the Poes, comin' thro' the rye… 

    Friendly fire, Friendly fire!!!

  • Reply 136 of 262
    macinthe408macinthe408 Posts: 1,050member

    Is there any irony in that when a Hyundai Genesis is behind me, I could swear at first that what I see is a Mercedes? What is it with Korean companies and blatant "inspirational" design? 

  • Reply 137 of 262
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Love how the Siri- woops, I mean 'S-voice' interface is nearly identical (ie. complete ripoff) to Siri. Shameless. 

  • Reply 138 of 262
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Love how the Siri- woops, I mean 'S-voice' interface is nearly identical (ie. complete ripoff) to Siri. Shameless. 


    Hey, no making fun of the Android device naming conventions.


    They may have Siri...I mean, S-Voice enabled, Penile Screened, Rooted Phones that allow them to Touch their Wiz, but let's keep it all nice and civil-like.

  • Reply 139 of 262
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    The slogan for the Galaxy S III is that the handset is "designed for humans"



    Not this 5'10" human. Regardless of any other specs and features, it's simply too big.


  • Reply 140 of 262
    tunetune Posts: 91member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Love how the Siri- woops, I mean 'S-voice' interface is nearly identical (ie. complete ripoff) to Siri. Shameless. 

    What letter does Samsung start with?

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