Analysis: Now is the time to buy Apple stock



  • Reply 21 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I wouldn't buy just yet. Give it another few weeks.

    I agree. I think the institutional shorts will pressure it down to about $500. Set your buy orders, sit back and relax.

  • Reply 22 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by johnnielse View Post

    I don't think you're right here. Personally I see today as the last major sell-off due to people preparing liquidity for Facebook IPO tomorrow.


    You may be right, but frankly anyone selling AAPL to replace it with FB is a fool.

  • Reply 23 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by Alexmit View Post

    Analysis: Never buy when an analyst says to.


    Haha! That's just about any time because there are shorts and there are longs.

  • Reply 24 of 151
    drobforeverdrobforever Posts: 400member


    Originally Posted by PCCLONE View Post

    Bought at 605 which is not looking good. However, the 218, 238 and 250 is.


    The question is, why would you buy at 605? Normally for those who bought at 2xx level, they'd have sold most of them, not buy more after it's up more than 200%. Fundamentally, analysts always call AAPL cheap, but it was a lot cheaper at 2xx, 3xx or even 4xx than 605. Technically, it was exploding from 4xx to 6xx, and it's bounded to drop.


    Anyway, not criticizing here, we all try to learn from our trades.

  • Reply 25 of 151
    ko024ko024 Posts: 68member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post

    This guy lost all credibility when he didn't initiate buy rating during the past 11 months, but now.


    He should've initiated buy ratings long time ago, when the stock was like 400 or even 360.



    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post


    The problem is, the article is saying as if oh we don't initiate buy ratings often, only when AAPL is incredibly cheap. But the stocks has gone up so much during the past 1/2 year, even with the recent drop, is still a lot more expensive than before. Also, you can't say he initiated buy rating at 324 means he approved buying at 360, 400, 450, 500, etc. otherwise there's no point to initiate now anyway, we should just follow his suggestion 11 months ago. If he didn't inititate buy ratings at 360, 400, 450, 500, etc, he shouldn't initiate it now, because AAPL has not changed during the past 1/2 year, he couldn't explain whyy he didn't initiate the buy rating before the recent run-up.

    I dont think you understand what is really going on here.  You say "AAPL has not changed".  That is not true.  The most recent earning has placed AAPL at a PE of less than 13 at current share price.  When AAPL was at 530 about two months ago the PE was at 16+.  You see Andy publishes his buy recommendations after the stock has sold off and enters PE multiples as low as 13.  As he stated, this has only happened several times in the past (the most recent one being 11 months ago when apple was trading at a PE of 13 again).  I just want to make it clear that it is not the stock price that matters, but the PE ratio, both trailing and forward, and the point is, according to that measure, aapl is a screaming buy right now...  If you dont understand we can try to explain further...

  • Reply 26 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post


    I dont think you understand what is really going on here.  You say "AAPL has not changed".  That is not true.  The most recent earning has placed AAPL at a PE of less than 13 at current share price.  When AAPL was at 530 about two months ago the PE was at 16+.  You see Andy publishes his buy recommendations after the stock has sold off and enters PE multiples as low as 13.  As he stated, this has only happened several times in the past (the most recent one being 11 months ago when apple was trading at a PE of 13 again).  I just want to make it clear that it is not the stock price that matters, but the PE ratio, both trailing and forward, and the point is, according to that measure, aapl is a screaming buy right now...  If you dont understand we can try to explain further...


    Reliance wholly on the P/E is a fool's game. Just look at AMZN.

  • Reply 27 of 151
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member


    Originally Posted by ubernaut View Post

    funny thing i was just thinking the same thing and decided to buy right before seeing this article. i also bought some AAPL the day after thanksgiving that worked out pretty well.

    Me too.  Unfortunately I also bought some when it was at $585 a few weeks ago.  Oh well, I'm still up 500% or so overall.

  • Reply 28 of 151
    ko024ko024 Posts: 68member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Reliance wholly on the P/E is a fool's game. Just look at AMZN.

    Well he does not base it solely on PE...  According to Zacky, "Apple has been extremely oversold and when the stock’s valuation has become incredibly depressed. We also only publish these ratings once the markets have seen a substantial sell-off or prolonged period of consolidation"...  Now if you think aapl will trade at a PE of 10 or less than I can respect that, but if I was a betting man, I would bet on the fact that at the very least aapl will continue to trade at historical levels close to 15ish....

  • Reply 29 of 151
    pcclonepcclone Posts: 9member

    Because I plan on holding on to it for 10 years or 750.  

  • Reply 30 of 151
    drobforeverdrobforever Posts: 400member


    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post


    I dont think you understand what is really going on here.  You say "AAPL has not changed".  That is not true.  The most recent earning has placed AAPL at a PE of less than 13 at current share price.  When AAPL was at 530 about two months ago the PE was at 16+.  You see Andy publishes his buy recommendations after the stock has sold off and enters PE multiples as low as 13.  As he stated, this has only happened several times in the past (the most recent one being 11 months ago when apple was trading at a PE of 13 again).  I just want to make it clear that it is not the stock price that matters, but the PE ratio, both trailing and forward, and the point is, according to that measure, aapl is a screaming buy right now...  If you dont understand we can try to explain further...


    It's not rational to look at P/E using a snapshot. When we buy a stock, we've an expectation on what's the growth rate of the stock for the next few years, and also the valuation at that price. AAPL's business and growth rates for the next few years didn't change during the past few months, in fact, one can argue, iPad hasn't been selling that well compared to expectation, while iPhone has been more-or-less on par, and there's no news on revolutionary new products confirmed.


    In fact you pointed out what's wrong with this article, basically this guy was taking P/E of 16+ and later 13 like 'oh now it's lower than before'. It's silly, people should've expected that drop in P/E, there's no new information from the change that rational investors wouldn't have known about a few months ago, when AAPL was still 400.

  • Reply 31 of 151
    eksodoseksodos Posts: 186member

    I don't usually take investment advice from gossip sites but I have to say the evidence is quite compelling here. I'm tempted to put my life savings into AAPL because I can only see upside from here.

  • Reply 32 of 151
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I think that FB sucks and it's highly overvalued. I don't even have a FB account, I refuse. And AAPL is of course highly undervalued by wall street, IMO.


    Therefore, my investment strategy consists of thinking like a complete moron, so I'm planning to buy some FB tomorrow, for a quick in and out move, or maybe a few quick in and out moves. After that I'm planning on buying some more AAPL soon, to hold for the longterm.

  • Reply 33 of 151
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member

    I am still long though I have taken shares off the table.  The returns were beyond my wildest dreams starting in early 2009... and a lot it was luck on my part.  If anything, I want to keep on selling on the next leg up.  For the new folks, it may make sense to buy at some point.  However, a buy rating now is very different than one 3+ years ago.  The main products, namely the iPhone has reached near saturation in many markets, though still growing in Asia.  The iPad is still a growth story but nothing like the iPhone as best as I can tell.  SJ is not around and those kinds of leaders only come around once in a generation.  Market cap of $500B and yes, it could go higher, but not in multiples.  


    If I was a new buyer, I would be cautious since the Euro crisis is not something I want to ignore.  It is not just Greece, but the rest of the PIIGS are broke.  Germany itself is saddled with debt nearly close to its GDP and they have crushing taxes.  That whole house of card could come crashing down.  They can not keep this Ponzi scheme going forever.  

  • Reply 34 of 151
    ko024ko024 Posts: 68member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post


    It's not rational to look at P/E using a snapshot. When we buy a stock, we've an expectation on what's the growth rate of the stock for the next few years, and also the valuation at that price. AAPL's business and growth rates for the next few years didn't change during the past few months, in fact, one can argue, iPad hasn't been selling that well compared to expectation, while iPhone has been more-or-less on par, and there's no news on revolutionary new products confirmed.


    In fact you pointed out what's wrong with this article, basically this guy was taking P/E of 16+ and later 13 like 'oh now it's lower than before'. It's silly, people should've expected that drop in P/E, there's no new information from the change that rational investors wouldn't have known about a few months ago, when AAPL was still 400.

    I understand what you are saying but I think he is about timing, and part of that timing is when earning are released and PE is affected.  Lets make it really simply.  If my friend had 10k and wanted to invest in aapl....  If it was a year ago, Zacky would have told my friend that at the 310 level in June, that was a "back the truck up" type level. That is to say, feel free to pour your money in, this is at or near the bottom of the recent sell off and aapl is going higher....  Well it did go higher, it went to 400.. Now, what you are saying is that Zacky should have continued his buy rating then.. I understand your frustration there, but Zacky would argue that during the run up from 400 to 500 to 600, these were not "back the truck up" moments... Now that earning have elapsed, PE has compressed, aapl and the markets have sold off, and now at 530 with a PE of 12.9, aapl is a "back the truck up" buy again.. You are saying, well it would have been better to buy at 400s.. sure, but at those levels and at that time, Zacky was not confident in the immediate bounce upwards and my friend investing the 10k may or may not feel comfortable investing at that moment...  Anyway, the point is, Zacky plays it this way, and he has been correct every time....

  • Reply 35 of 151
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member

    Honestly, I'm counting the days until I unload my Apple stock. I don't have much faith in Cook, and when the bottom eventually drops out, it's going to be ugly.

  • Reply 36 of 151
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Honestly, I'm counting the days until I unload my Apple stock. I don't have much faith in Cook, and when the bottom eventually drops out, it's going to be ugly.

    That makes no sense at all.


    What price did you buy your stock for? Tim Cook has been in charge for a while now, and Apple's earnings have been sky rocketing under his leadership, setting new record profits for Apple. Why didn't you sell at around 640 if you're looking to get out, like you claim?

  • Reply 37 of 151
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,212member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Other than for the presumption that a reader is stupid, that would change the recommendation -- which may  prove right or wrong -- how?

    Oh, don't be stupid. It provides further evidence that the analyst isn't stupid and serves as a reminder to the reader not to be stupid.

    That's how.

  • Reply 38 of 151
    huntercrhuntercr Posts: 140member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post


    The question is, why would you buy at 605? Normally for those who bought at 2xx level, they'd have sold most of them, not buy more after it's up more than 200%. Fundamentally, analysts always call AAPL cheap, but it was a lot cheaper at 2xx, 3xx or even 4xx than 605. Technically, it was exploding from 4xx to 6xx, and it's bounded to drop.


    Anyway, not criticizing here, we all try to learn from our trades.


    I think you're not considering the added uncertainty of Apple's sustained business back then at the $200's. Apple fans might have believed Apple could keep on hitting them out of the park, but did your average fund owner really believe that the new coming could again and again kill RIM, and HP, and Google and Samsung and Nokia and Microsoft?

    Look how short sighted analysts have been in the past about the impact of the iPhone... again and again.

    AAPL will continue to hit these out of the park... iPhone 5 will smash all sales records and blah blah blah. I think the stock will rise up at least to $800 by say Feb 2013.


    Buying at $600 was premature, but not foolish. As long as earnings projections and growth are right.  I think we'll see a social trend away from AAPL far before we see an earnings trend away. My worry is that very soon, AAPL may make a "real" mistake and leap too high, or not leap high enough and someone else will get more than a foot in the door successful product out there ( looking at Samsung IMHO ) and it will cause people to 2nd guess AAPL. There will be nothing wrong with earnings, or growth mind you but it will cause the stock to plummet back down. ( to where I don't know )


    No company can keep hitting that sweet spot forever. They'll make a mistake ( like antenna gate ) and the market will overreact and punish.


    I personally hope we stop focussing on AppleTV's future as a product, and see a headline about Apple buying Disney.

  • Reply 39 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by PCCLONE View Post

    Because I plan on holding on to it for 10 years or 750.  


    In ten years, we may be trading in "goldbucks" instead.

  • Reply 40 of 151
    bc kellybc kelly Posts: 148member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    2008 was a great time to buy as well, it was well below $100.


    2008 ?


    Hard to forget THAT year

    Seems were a LOT of 'bargains' floating around, yea ?

    Well, long as you knew the difference

    Between shit and shinola (smile)


    Speaking of which - Facebook

    (the latest greatest flavor of the week)


    Beware, it ain't Apple (more like AOL or Yahoo)

    And Suckerman ain't no Steve Jobs

    (more like Billy-Bob-Gates or MonkeyBoy)


    So before you hitch your wagon to that, or any, horse

    Ask yourself this ...


    Is the Company's Boss (CEO/etc)

    Willing to spend 15 years to Change the World ?


    (REALLY Change the World)


    And do it for $15.00 ?




    Ok, Grasshopper, now Choose Wisely ($mile)








    Oh yea, and PS ...


    To anyone who thinks they can peddle shit as shinola ?

    Remember another ol' saying about 'Fooling Folks'

    Some of the time, all of the time, etc etc (look it up)


    And Lest We Forget ...

    cough, Lehman Bro, cough, Enron, cough, 1929, cough cough



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