Analysis: Now is the time to buy Apple stock



  • Reply 41 of 151
    godzillagodzilla Posts: 156member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post


    The question is, why would you buy at 605? Normally for those who bought at 2xx level, they'd have sold most of them, not buy more after it's up more than 200%. Fundamentally, analysts always call AAPL cheap, but it was a lot cheaper at 2xx, 3xx or even 4xx than 605. Technically, it was exploding from 4xx to 6xx, and it's bounded to drop.


    Anyway, not criticizing here, we all try to learn from our trades.


    Apple at $605 was a screaming fundamental buy as well, and will be proven extremely lucrative in due time. A stock is only "cheap" relative to its current and foreseeable company performance. At $200, AAPL was valued much higher relative to company performance, therefore, at $605 and a P/E of about 14, FWD being around 10, AAPL stock relative to company is much cheaper today than it was at $200, yesterday.

  • Reply 42 of 151
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member

    How not to buy is what I did about a month ago when it was $604. Just do the opposite of what I did and anyone should be golden. ;-)

  • Reply 43 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by uguysrnuts View Post

    How not to buy is what I did about a month ago when it was $604. Just do the opposite of what I did and anyone should be golden. ;-)


    I know exactly what you mean. :D

  • Reply 44 of 151
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post


    The problem is, the article is saying as if oh we don't initiate buy ratings often, only when AAPL is incredibly cheap. But the stocks has gone up so much during the past 1/2 year, even with the recent drop, is still a lot more expensive than before. Also, you can't say he initiated buy rating at 324 means he approved buying at 360, 400, 450, 500, etc. otherwise there's no point to initiate now anyway, we should just follow his suggestion 11 months ago. If he didn't inititate buy ratings at 360, 400, 450, 500, etc, he shouldn't initiate it now, because AAPL has not changed during the past 1/2 year, he couldn't explain whyy he didn't initiate the buy rating before the recent run-up.

    Zaky is nothing but a salesman who happens to love Apple.  He has been right all the way up, and he'll be wrong all the way down, whenever the day comes when Apple is superceded by the next big thing.  I've seen bubbles in plenty of stocks in my relatively few years, and every time, every forum had a favorite prescient amateur analyst who eloquently put forth why the stock had nowhere to go but up.  That person looks brilliant as long as the stock rises, but when it stops, it is revealed that the person can only say "(DELL/INTC/MSFT/ETC) can only go up from here!" and can't handle predicting the downward slide.


    Disclosure: long AAPL.  Short ZAKY.

  • Reply 45 of 151
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by rasimo View Post

    "Our buy ratings are a little different than what one would normally expect in that we give a band where we feel the stock is a “strong buy” and where the stock is a “buy.” We also give a price target. But what we don’t do is publish an ongoing buy rating. Our buy ratings are thus temporary in nature."

    Does that explain why Apple wasn't a strong by at 400 before it rose 50% or $200?  Nope.  Typical analyst BS.  Just because Zaky likes to place himself outside the world of "typical" analysts, that's all he is.  He just happens to love Apple more than the others and so he's more bullish on it.  He'll tell you (just ask him) that he's been more accurate than the rest.  It's also true that he's been predictably more optimistic than the rest.  He's just another version of the stopped clock and the blind squirrel.  He just happens to love a stock that has been rising for longer than most.

  • Reply 46 of 151
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post

    I don't usually take investment advice from gossip sites but I have to say the evidence is quite compelling here. I'm tempted to put my life savings into AAPL because I can only see upside from here.

    For anyone who's ever seen a bubble pop, the above quote should send a chill down your spine.

  • Reply 47 of 151
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post

    I understand what you are saying but I think he is about timing, and part of that timing is when earning are released and PE is affected.  Lets make it really simply.  If my friend had 10k and wanted to invest in aapl....  If it was a year ago, Zacky would have told my friend that at the 310 level in June, that was a "back the truck up" type level. That is to say, feel free to pour your money in, this is at or near the bottom of the recent sell off and aapl is going higher....  Well it did go higher, it went to 400.. Now, what you are saying is that Zacky should have continued his buy rating then.. I understand your frustration there, but Zacky would argue that during the run up from 400 to 500 to 600, these were not "back the truck up" moments... Now that earning have elapsed, PE has compressed, aapl and the markets have sold off, and now at 530 with a PE of 12.9, aapl is a "back the truck up" buy again.. You are saying, well it would have been better to buy at 400s.. sure, but at those levels and at that time, Zacky was not confident in the immediate bounce upwards and my friend investing the 10k may or may not feel comfortable investing at that moment...  Anyway, the point is, Zacky plays it this way, and he has been correct every time....

    As has anyone who bought Apple stock for any reason in the past 10 years.


    He's just an Apple lover who likes to throw numbers out.  Don't be fooled into thinking that he'll tell you to sell when it turns.  He'll be denying it all the way down like all fanboys do.

  • Reply 48 of 151
    godzillagodzilla Posts: 156member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Honestly, I'm counting the days until I unload my Apple stock. I don't have much faith in Cook, and when the bottom eventually drops out, it's going to be ugly.


    Bogus. You won't find a better CEO on Wall Street. You know that whole profit and immaculate operations process that feeds Apple? That's Tim Cook's leadership at play for over a decade.

  • Reply 49 of 151
    godzillagodzilla Posts: 156member


    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    For anyone who's ever seen a bubble pop, the above quote should send a chill down your spine.


    I don't think you know what a "bubble" implicates. AAPL is trading at what the companies book value will be in 2014, AAPL has OVER 10% of its share price and market cap in cash (cash is accumulating fast). This is the anti-bubble.


    Also, Zaky doesn't simply "like a Stock that has 'happened to go up' more than others". AAPL hasn't "happened to go up more than others", and considering the legions of illogical emotionalists who can't see the greatest investment (and VALUE) of our time, Zacky has found the best stock, and called it right (BULLISH).

  • Reply 50 of 151
    pcclonepcclone Posts: 9member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    In ten years, we may be trading in "goldbucks" instead.

    I already own gold.  Got in at 238/oz.

  • Reply 51 of 151
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by uguysrnuts View Post

    How not to buy is what I did about a month ago when it was $604. Just do the opposite of what I did and anyone should be golden. ;-)


    On one trading forum my username is buywhenisell...


    ... on yet another it's sellwhenibuy.


    Many of us know where you are coming from.


    [but I wouldn't despair too much about AAPL @ $604. You may not sleep right on occasion worrying about it but my guess is that you will be happy fairly soon]

  • Reply 52 of 151
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    cash907 wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm counting the days until I unload my Apple stock. I don't have much faith in Cook, and when the bottom eventually drops out, it's going to be ugly.

    Ye of little faith
  • Reply 53 of 151
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    bc kelly wrote: »
    2008 ?

    Hard to forget THAT year
    Seems were a LOT of 'bargains' floating around, yea ?
    Well, long as you knew the difference
    Between shit and shinola (smile)

    Speaking of which - Facebook
    (the latest greatest flavor of the week)

    Beware, it ain't Apple (more like AOL or Yahoo)
    And Suckerman ain't no Steve Jobs
    (more like Billy-Bob-Gates or MonkeyBoy)

    So before you hitch your wagon to that, or any, horse
    Ask yourself this ...

    Is the Company's Boss (CEO/etc)
    Willing to spend 15 years to Change the World ?

    (REALLY Change the World)

    And do it for $15.00 ?


    Ok, Grasshopper, now Choose Wisely ($mile)



    Oh yea, and PS ...

    To anyone who thinks they can peddle shit as shinola ?
    Remember another ol' saying about 'Fooling Folks'
    Some of the time, all of the time, etc etc (look it up)

    And Lest We Forget ...
    cough, Lehman Bro, cough, Enron, cough, 1929, cough cough


    Tons of bargains, lots of stocks under $1 that have recovered nicely since.
  • Reply 54 of 151
    ifij775ifij775 Posts: 470member
    The PEG ratio is unbelievable along with a huge cash pile. This is the buying opportunity of a life-time
  • Reply 55 of 151
    tmhiseytmhisey Posts: 49member
    ko024 wrote: »

    I understand what you are saying but I think he is about timing, and part of that timing is when earning are released and PE is affected. 


    ko024 wrote: »

    You are saying, well it would have been better to buy at 400s.. sure, but at those levels and at that time, Zacky was not confident in the immediate bounce upwards and my friend investing the 10k may or may not feel comfortable investing at that moment...  Anyway, the point is, Zacky plays it this way, and he has been correct every time....

    What is that saying about hindsight?

    Also, never trust an "analyst" who doesn't disclose his position (long or short) in the stock he is touting. Be very dubious when it's on a site like this (no offense to AI or its readers but this is not a finance, trading, or arbitrage forum). And obviously, completely discard any ditto comments coming from anyone who just registered and has only 1 or 2 posts (not directed toward ko024).

    [To clarify, the "..." in the quote above of ko024's post is where I excised his text -- his full post includes quite a bit more text between the two parts that I quoted.]
  • Reply 56 of 151
    godzillagodzilla Posts: 156member

    Put in a buy order for tomorrow to start scaling in at these levels. Let the manipulators work for YOU! (I sound like a commercial :D)

  • Reply 57 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by PCCLONE View Post

    I already own gold.  Got in at 238/oz.


    Good move.

  • Reply 58 of 151
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member


    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    For anyone who's ever seen a bubble pop, the above quote should send a chill down your spine.


    A person who invests in only one asset is a fool who hasn't experienced painful, costly failure yet.

  • Reply 59 of 151
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    cpsro wrote: »
    Oh, don't be stupid. It provides further evidence that the analyst isn't stupid and serves as a reminder to the reader not to be stupid.
    That's how.

    Now I get who the audience is.
  • Reply 60 of 151
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member

    hmm down to $530, and more anal-ysis from Zacky. You boys shouldn't of bought at $600. 

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