Google unveils new 3D maps coming to iOS and Android

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Google on Wednesday unveiled what it has promoted as the "next dimension" of its Maps service, with new full 3D renderings for Google Earth that were demonstrated live on an Apple iPad.

Google has been using automated technology to extract data from aerial models captured by airplanes owned by the company. With planes flying overhead in tightly controlled patterns snapping pictures, Google can use the imagery and data to create three-dimensional mapping imagery.

Images of the ground are snapped from 45 degrees at four angles, and those pictures and data can be combined to recreate maps in three dimensions. The whole process allows 3D maps to be built without human interaction, unlike with previous 3D imagery in Google Earth.

In a live event on Wednesday, Google demonstrated 3D models of individual buildings and entire cities. The new features were shown off to members of the press on an Apple iPad, rather than an Android-based tablet.

The company promised that its new 3D imagery will be coming to both iOS and Android devices "in the coming weeks." The technology will be part of both the Google Maps service, as well as its Google Earth application.

By the end of the year, Google expects to have communities home to about 300 million people mapped in its new space.

Google also revealed that it will bring an offline version of its Maps software to Android devices. The company said it is "working very hard" to bring offline Maps to iOS as well, but did not offer any more information.

Google 3D Maps
Google Maps 3D demo on iPad, via The Verge.

Wednesday's media event comes just five days before Apple is set to hold its own keynote address at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference. There, Apple is expected to unveil an all-new version of its Maps software for iOS that will ditch Google Maps.

The Wall Street Journal reported this week that Apple's new mapping technology will reach iOS later this year. It is expected that the all new native Maps application will be a part of iOS 6, Apple's anticipated next-generation mobile operating system.

Apple's mapping intentions have been evident since at least 2009, when the company began acquiring mapping technology companies. The iPhone maker bought Placebase that year and then Poly9 in 2010. Last year, Apple bought Swedish 3D-mapping company C3.


  • Reply 1 of 93
    hlevolvehlevolve Posts: 6member

    Didn't seem to me like they had much to really "unveal" here. They talked about the past more than they did about "whats coming". Thier app crashed about 4 times too... seems really thrown together.


    Also they said the process is totally automated... I doubt the pilots that have to fly over every city on earth with a special camera think so.

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  • Reply 2 of 93
    Probably because it WAS thrown together to beat Apple out.

    This could definitely take the wind out of Apple's iOS announcement sails. Seems like one of the biggest if not THE biggest feature of iOS is the 3D mapping.
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  • Reply 3 of 93
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member

    Neat feature but didn't require a media event IMHO.

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  • Reply 4 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by Filmantopia View Post

    Probably because it WAS thrown together to beat Apple out.

    This could definitely take the wind out of Apple's iOS announcement sails. Seems like one of the biggest if not THE biggest feature of iOS is the 3D mapping.

    If that's the "wow" with iOS 6 I think it will be a bit of a letdown.  Especially if their new mapping app doesn't have turn by turn navigation.  Google unveiling this now, and on an iPad wasn't by accident.

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  • Reply 5 of 93
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member


    Originally Posted by Filmantopia View Post

    Probably because it WAS thrown together to beat Apple out.

    This could definitely take the wind out of Apple's iOS announcement sails. Seems like one of the biggest if not THE biggest feature of iOS is the 3D mapping.

    So a thrown together demo of a feature that's been in beta for about a year and which crashed 4 times is going to take out the wind of what is likely to be an almost finished product (at least the parts demo'd would be) that is also likely to be well thought out?  What is reported as being shown at this 'event' certainly makes it seem a very defensive move by Google.

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  • Reply 6 of 93
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by hlevolve View Post

    Didn't seem to me like they had much to really "unveal" here. They talked about the past more than they did about "whats coming". Thier app crashed about 4 times too... seems really thrown together.


    No joke. that they demo'd but aren't releasing any time soon and it was a pitiful demo just makes me feel like they slapped this together based on the rumors. 


    which is not to say that I think they weren't working on something before. I'm sure they were but more for like next year. this reeks of them jumping the time table to say they were first


    IF Apple is about to announce why all the map purchases they will have it ready to launch with iOS 6 if not sooner and it might not be as sexy looking at this but it will function and the sexy stuff will come later in typical Apple fashion. 

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  • Reply 7 of 93
    physguy wrote: »
    So a thrown together demo of a feature that's been in beta for about a year and which crashed 4 times is going to take out the wind of what is likely to be an almost finished product (at least the parts demo'd would be) that is also likely to be well thought out?  What is reported as being shown at this 'event' certainly makes it seem a very defensive move by Google.

    Yeah, if even just to take away the notion that Apple "invented" the tech, which so often is construed when Apple popularizes a feature.

    Understandable, as Google has put so much work into it what with the planes in controlled patterns, etc.
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  • Reply 8 of 93
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member

    Apple knows that it's Map app is pretty important to the success of the product or they would not be removing Googles service. I wasn't very impressed with what Google showed off. I'm looking forward to what Apple has in store.


    As a side note, Google employees seem rather rude and egocentric. I dunno, just the feeling I got from the video.

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  • Reply 9 of 93
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member


    Originally Posted by Filmantopia View Post

    Yeah, if even just to take away the notion that Apple "invented" the tech, that so often is construed when Apple popularizes a feature.

    I don't think Apple really cares all that much about someone else producing an inferior product simultaneously.  The vast majority of Apple's customers don't pay attention to who invented what or when.  They just want something that is easy to use and works.  We haven't seen Apple's rendition of 3-D maps, but if it is fast, high resolution, and easy to use, Apple customers will gladly ditch Google.  If Google's product is better, Apple maps will be about as succesful as "Ping" or "MobileMe".

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  • Reply 10 of 93
    dzfoodzfoo Posts: 12member
    Originally Posted by Filmantopia View Post

    Probably because it WAS thrown together to beat Apple out.

    This could definitely take the wind out of Apple's iOS announcement sails. Seems like one of the biggest if not THE biggest feature of iOS is the 3D mapping.


    I doubt that it will take the wind out of Apple's announcement. Apple is not just adding a bit of 3D to their maps, they are integrating their new mapping technology into the core of IOS itself. The result is not just a "map," but a full-featured location based solution for any application or use case.

    Consider this example, mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article: an appointment in your calendar is coming up soon and the software preemptively checks for traffic conditions around the location of the event. It can then notify you in advance so that you may plan your travel accordingly, it may suggest alternative routes, or it may offer to contact the coordinator to reschedule.

    Now, can Google's 3D maps do that?

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  • Reply 11 of 93
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Unless Apple's maps have turn-by-turn directions that automatically update to the next location and speak directions, it will be a complete failure and everyone will use this instead.


    I think that sums up the argument about a new Maps app in iOS 6.



    an appointment in your calendar is coming up soon and the software preemptively checks for traffic conditions around the location of the event. It can then notify you in advance so that you may plan your travel accordingly, it may suggest alternative routes, or it may offer to contact the coordinator to reschedule.


    Are you saying that an article about the assumed Apple mapping system said it will do that?

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  • Reply 12 of 93
    applesauce007applesauce007 Posts: 1,709member

    The Google presentation was rushed as a Me-2 showing.

    It's not gonna help much.  The 3D maps were not impressive. No special features, just pictures from a plane.

    Wait for Apple on Monday.


    Time will tell.


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  • Reply 13 of 93
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    The 3D maps were not impressive. No special features, just pictures from a plane.


    That's what Apple's are.

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  • Reply 14 of 93


    Originally Posted by dzfoo View Post


    Consider this example, mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article: an appointment in your calendar is coming up soon and the software preemptively checks for traffic conditions around the location of the event. It can then notify you in advance so that you may plan your travel accordingly, it may suggest alternative routes, or it may offer to contact the coordinator to reschedule.

    Now, can Google's 3D maps do that?


    Can Apple's maps do that?


    I remember the high hopes and predictions people had for Siri pre-release...and, while it is a cool feature, based on the predictions Siri is a dud.

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  • Reply 15 of 93


    Originally Posted by dzfoo View Post

    Now, can Google's 3D maps do that?

    Since you brought it up, the real question is "Will Apple's 3D maps do that"?  

    Or simply "might" [be able to], which was the only claim by the unnamed "person briefed on the strategy"?

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  • Reply 16 of 93
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Note to Google: FUD only works against smaller competitors, preferably startups, and preferably many months before you and they release your respective products.


    Oh, and good luck getting Google Maps approved on the iOS App Store.

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  • Reply 17 of 93
    wakefinancewakefinance Posts: 855member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post


    No joke. that they demo'd but aren't releasing any time soon and it was a pitiful demo just makes me feel like they slapped this together based on the rumors. 


    which is not to say that I think they weren't working on something before. I'm sure they were but more for like next year. this reeks of them jumping the time table to say they were first


    IF Apple is about to announce why all the map purchases they will have it ready to launch with iOS 6 if not sooner and it might not be as sexy looking at this but it will function and the sexy stuff will come later in typical Apple fashion. 

    That's a problem.  Google maps already functions and will soon look "sexier," as you put it.  If both companies' maps are equally functional but Google's look decidedly better then isn't Apple's maps a downgrade?

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  • Reply 18 of 93
    sleepy3sleepy3 Posts: 244member


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    The Google presentation was rushed as a Me-2 showing.

    It's not gonna help much.  The 3D maps were not impressive. No special features, just pictures from a plane.

    Wait for Apple on Monday.


    Time will tell.


    uhhhh.....first of all, how can you me too a product that doesn't exist. Matter of fact, Apple very much seems to be me-tooing google maps. kinda like Samsung making an iphone knock-off with a few extra features, at the end of the day, its still a knock off. Sad apple feel they need to, but hey, whatever. BUt also remember

    1. Google mpas has had 3d in one form or another for YEARS.

    2. This 3d isn't a bird eye view still pic, it can be rotated and interacted with, like a a game. 

    3. Content. Just the content from street view alone (streets, ski slopes, mountain treks, indoor buildings) would take apple years to do. Satellites and planes are all well and good, but even they can't give you mountain treks and indoor maps.

    4. Lets not forget google sky and google ocean as well. They aren't just mapping cities, They are mapping the world, and by google sky, mapping the universe. 


    Now, having said all this. What does the typical mobile maps user need?

    Space maps? No

    Ocean Maps? No

    3d maps? cool to have, but no

    street view of a back corner of a shady town part of vietnam? No


    Turn by turn? yes

    driving Routes? yes

    biking routes? yes

    traffic? yes

    train, buses and walking routes? Yes


    If apple just manage to focus on these five very basic things which most mapping services already do equally well (more or less at least in major cities) they should be fine. Everything else are cool things to have that you will never use in a mobile situation. 

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  • Reply 19 of 93
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member

    I’d rather have TWO great mapping services competing on iOS than just one :) I believe very soon I will have my wish....


    (And I’m betting I’ll use Google’s more than Apple’s at first... especially because I rely on Google transit directions and Street View. But after Apple’s system gets its feet under it may be another story!)

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  • Reply 20 of 93


    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Note to Google: FUD only works against smaller competitors, preferably startups, and preferably many months before you and they release your respective products.


    Oh, and good luck getting Google Maps approved on the iOS App Store.

    what does this have to do with anything?


    Google didn't cast any fear, uncertainty or doubt towards Apple...and the entire boring presentation was speaking about the history of Google's mapping venture and a glimpse into the near future for both iOS and Android...


    And Google Maps/Google Earth WILL be in the App Store...I'd bet on that.

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