Apple launches 0.71" thick next-generation MacBook Pro with 15" Retina display



  • Reply 81 of 254

    Why in the world would they drop the Audio In port on a Pro notebook?


    You can, of course, use an adapter, but who wants to fiddle around with that...

  • Reply 82 of 254
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member

    No Mac Pro update

    No iLife & iWork update

    2 MBPs now - very confusing

    No design changes to the MBA

    New MBP looks the same as the old MBP except it's thinner - big deal

    No updates to the iMac and Mac Mini

    All the updated MBs look identical to the previous models


    No new designs, no fresh ideas, no inspiration.


    It's the same old shit - nothing new and exciting and iOS dominates the presentation yet again.




  • Reply 83 of 254
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    mariowinco wrote: »
    Whenever I buy things Apple (and I do that relatively often) I feel that the price is high. Whenever I compare my choices with the people that does not buy Apple things, I feel that I did the right thing.

    My call: My 2009 MB Pro will continue to be my main computer, but will probably buy a 13" MB Air ... I was expecting for a 15" MB Air, it seems is not coming ...

    How about I shake it around for you: the new MBP is a Super Air. Not quite as thin as the Air, but pretty thin, pretty light and incredibly powerful. I think it's incredibly compact for a quad core.
    shaun, uk wrote: »

    A 3 grand laptop in the middle of a worldwide economic crisis - I don't the PC makers are going to be losing too much sleep tonight.

    I guess if you have no concept of economics then $2,199 certainly rounds up to $3,000.

    That's a common style of anti-Apple troll, and I never understood that. It's really a strawman: inflate the price by an unexplained (or sometimes outdated) amount and attack that inflated price. The global economy is a concern, and a sad situation, but Apple's been doing fine the past 4 years, so... it's kind of moot. I think they'll sell pretty well. Apple's customers are apparently doing well enough. I love the new MBP
  • Reply 84 of 254
    mikeb85mikeb85 Posts: 506member

    A retina display is huge, especially for graphic artists, anyone who does CAD or 3d design, programming, etc... Obviously not all apps will take advantage immediately, hence why it's an option on the pro line... I was looking at a ThinkPad W530 with 1080p screen, now the new MacBook pro is on my radar...  

  • Reply 85 of 254

    There's nothing to get. Pixels on a 1920x1080 screen when viewed from the correct distance -- about 18" -- can't be seen. You guys are thinking of decades ago Macs.


    ALMOST doubling the number pixels simply changes screen resolution. That's it. Only if you have photos that are actually that size will be more clear. (Actually, it's not clear if real high-resolution images can be handled by the GPU or if it can only quadruple pixels. And, if it can display 4X more pixels -- just how slow will be the frame-rate?) Both are criticak questions! In anycase, email and word docs are stuck at 12 points. Or, suppose you get a 720x480 video from a friend.


    Either the document or video will be shown at its original size -- which mans the pix/doc has it's original resolution but is 4X too small. (Text is unreadable.)


    Or, the GPU will take each pixel and make 4 pixels. The GPU can interpolate (average) pixels to guess at the pixel that would be between the two real pixels. That's why upscaling is never used when quality is important. NO INFORMATION IS ADDED! EACH PIXEL JUST GETS BIGGER. So now the image is larger, but it's not more clear because nothing can make more REAL detail. 


    I've had Mac's from the first one, but I work with images. Images are bit-mapped. Of course, if you use Keynote and Pages, those things -- ONLY -- that are vector graphics can be generated larger. But, that not video. It's not a bit-mapped icon for a button. Or, timecode text over video.


    PS: Isn't odd that the only response from the fanboys is that "I don't understand." Clearly, if they UNDERSTOOD what Apple was doing, they could explain it. But, they don't explain because IF they really understood they would be forced to see it's marketing.

  • Reply 86 of 254
    xmikuxmiku Posts: 32member

     I don't see anyone switching from current MBP to the new non-retina MBP. The updates are only minor. They should introduce hybrid SSDs at least - it would help the performance a lot. I really don't understand how could they keep the prices the same. No significant update in any way, so I would expect the price to fall.

  • Reply 87 of 254
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by AppleGreen View Post

    You got that right, Tally !!  Remember though, just 256GB of storage.

    Yeah, exactly my thought. The pricy (I assume) 768GB flash drive is gonna be scaring people. At least the $2799 model features 512GB.

  • Reply 88 of 254
    mikeb85mikeb85 Posts: 506member

    As for price, every decent pro level laptop, especially once upgraded, will run you 2 to 3 grand....  Anyone who thinks it's only Apple hasn't done their homework...  

  • Reply 89 of 254
    freshmakerfreshmaker Posts: 532member


    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    A 3 grand laptop in the middle of a worldwide economic crisis - I don't the PC makers are going to be losing too much sleep tonight.

    Well, closer to 2 grand, but I agree with your point.  I'm sure Dell, et all are quite happy with this actually.  It's a gorgeous machine, but I think Apple might be pushing their limits on what folks might pay for their hardware.  I'll be very interested to see the sales figures for the first quarter they're available.  Was hoping they'd keep the ODD as I use mine a ton.  Oh well, I'm still quite happy with my early '11 MBP so I wasn't going to upgrade either way.  Good move on going to the SSD's though - that's a huge performance boost.

  • Reply 90 of 254

    Final CutX is not a pro app. Apple is getting out of the pro market. That's why there was no Mac Pro update. I really had my hopes up after the rumors last week.

  • Reply 91 of 254
    rmm21rmm21 Posts: 29member

    At first and second glance it's yet again a disappointing trend with Apple's Macbooks:


    1. Make even thinner than last year's model.

    2. Use an ultra resolution panel or a standard TN panel.

    3. Charge an exorbitant price.


    Apply steps to next year's "innovative" models.


    How about instead of the above we throw the gimmicks out and:

    1. Increase venting/thermal paste application to prevent all macbooks from becoming portable heaters(no I don't game on them). Don't believe me about the heat? Okay, then walk into any Apple store and grasp one of the notebooks on display. Toasty? Get used to it, because this is an ongoing issue that hasn't really been addressed last couple of years or today. Near "silent" fans, like what were shown, are doubtfully going to remedy this either.

    2. Keep the current resolutions for those without bionic eyeballs, but use quality matte IPS panels like other laptop manufacturers and not mediocre TN's with those applied filter layers. Seriously, if a person really needs more workspace, then output to an external display(or prepare to squint because you can't be bothered plugging in a cable to your laptop's port).  


    3. Despite my ranting, I don't have any issues with Apple's pricing as long as real world usage improvements are offered outside the pageantry and hype.


    Looking forward to some detailed reviews about the heat dissipation, hardware, and the screens.   

  • Reply 92 of 254


    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    A 3 grand laptop in the middle of a worldwide economic crisis - I don't the PC makers are going to be losing too much sleep tonight.


    You're wrong here.  To professionals, it's a cost of doing business.  To the wealthy, it's pocket change.  To the rest of us, buy a Macbook Air or some AMD Trinity based overgrown netbook.


    Just because *most* people can't afford something doesn't mean it won't be a highly successful product.


    "All the action in the American economy was at the top: the richest 1 percent of households earned as much each year as the bottom 60 percent put together; they possessed as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent; and with each passing year, a greater share of the nation’s treasure was flowing through their hands and into their pockets. It was this segment of the population, almost exclusively, that held the key to future growth and future returns."


  • Reply 93 of 254
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    nikohak wrote: »
    So is the memory upgradeable as on previous MBPs or soldered in as on Air?
    It is kind of hard to see from this:

    Soldered which is a very sad thing.

    It also uses a nonstandard SSD (which may not be a problem) but it only has two USB ports. I'd gladly trade one of the TB ports or the HDMI ports for another USB ports. I do wonder if the 2nd TB port and push toward FW and GbE over TB means the next iDevice port connector will be TB compatible.
  • Reply 94 of 254
    65c81665c816 Posts: 136member

    This is obviously a high end laptop.  Do your students similar bitch about BMWs and Lexus cars not being affordable?

  • Reply 95 of 254


    Originally Posted by BahHumbug View Post

    Either the document or video will be shown at its original size -- which mans the pix/doc has it's original resolution but is 4X too small. (Text is unreadable.)


    No, I'm sorry, but you don't get it.  Text will be rendered at the usual physical size (i.e. twice the resolution).  Bitmapped graphics will be upscaled if no high resolution version exists.  It's the exact same situation as going from the iPhone 3GS to the iPhone 4.

  • Reply 96 of 254
    ivinceivince Posts: 74member

    I like what I see, that resolution will look frankly amazing, and I see them expanding along the lines in future generations.  I really wanted a new computer last year hence why I picked up my 17" MacBook Pro around about this time last year.  I like my 17" screen, though it's clearly a little big to be portable, like on a train for instance.  I may investigate 15".  

  • Reply 97 of 254
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    Lol, no it wasn't. The thinnerst laptop with discrete graphics has been the old MacBook pro. You are just making things up.

    Wasn't it the Macbook Air with the Nvidia 320M?

  • Reply 98 of 254
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member

    Since I bought the new iPad, I will only buy products with retina displays from now on. Retina displays have completely ruined any satisfaction I may gain from using a device without one. Looking at the iPad 2s in the Apple Store makes me think "why did people ever buy such a pixelated antiquated piece of technology?" 


    I have no use to upgrade my 2008 MacBook, however. The iPad has pretty much replaced most of what I do on my MacBook, and I have it hooked up to a 27" Cinema Display anyway, so, until they come out with a retina cinema display, I'm content :)

  • Reply 99 of 254


    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post

    Wasn't it the Macbook Air with the Nvidia 320M?


    Nvidia 320M was considered integrated graphics... integrated with the chipset, not the CPU, but still.  Basically an upgraded version of Nvidia's ION

  • Reply 100 of 254
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    rmm21 wrote: »
    How about instead of the above we throw the gimmicks out and:
    1. Increase venting/thermal paste application to prevent all macbooks from becoming portable heaters(no I don't game on them). Don't believe me about the heat? Okay, then walk into any Apple store and grasp one of the notebooks on display. Toasty? Get used to it, because this is an ongoing issue that hasn't really been addressed last couple of years or today. Near "silent" fans, like what were shown, are doubtfully going to remedy this either.

    Thermal paste doesn't magically keep a computer cold. It merely helps transfer heat faster if properly applied. Sadly, most notebook computers run pretty hot, that's just how the basic chip is, a certain number of watts power consumed means the same number of watts of heat generated. I would be interested to see how the new model holds up.
    2. Keep the current resolutions for those without bionic eyeballs, but use quality matte IPS panels like other laptop manufacturers and not mediocre TN's with those applied filter layers. Seriously, if a person really needs more workspace, then output to an external display(or prepare to squint because you can't be bothered plugging in a cable to your laptop's port).  

    Have you used the new iPad? I suspect you wouldn't be saying that if you have. Take a look at one of the Foxtrot comic strip Pad Packs on a new iPad. Probably the best presentation to be had save for the original drawing.
    3. Despite my ranting, I don't have any issues with Apple's pricing as long as real world usage improvements are offered outside the pageantry and hype.

    The Retina display is impressive enough for me. Super thin and light and powerful quad core and increased battery life is great too.
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