Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 241 of 513
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Okay, I just saw the video.

    Am I supposed to be laughing? Because I'm laughing.

    I'm not sure that was their intent. There were way too many "Wait a minute…" moments in that video.

    Good stuff.
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  • Reply 242 of 513
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member

    I'll assume that the i5 Surface will "compete" with the MacBook Air.  That is going to be a battle to watch.  I won't be buying any MS shares.


    As for the Stance pic of Balmer, that really shows his taste level.  Someone needs to take him aside and tell him that made-to-measure shirts CAN improve his appearance.  Same with finding a decent pair of pants.

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  • Reply 243 of 513
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    On the Win8 RT ecosystem, absolutely.

    Then there is the issue of Win8 apps for x86 running on that CULV processor that is possibly under-clocked and with less RAM than most Windows apps are designed around. There will be confusion.


    Windws 8 is not RT

    Underclocked?  less ram?  evidence?


    you mean that it wont run itunees nicely.?  the worst, most bloated windows software ever?

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  • Reply 244 of 513
    notscottnotscott Posts: 247member


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  • Reply 245 of 513
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member

    As usual, the MDN Take sums things up perfectly. 





    Screen Shot 2012-06-18 at 11.25.58 PM.jpg

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  • Reply 246 of 513
    alandailalandail Posts: 781member

    So microsoft turned a tablet into a laptop computer that you can't actually use on your laptop.

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  • Reply 247 of 513
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    asdasd wrote: »
    A USB cable is a very good idea. You know, printing etc.

    And just what can a USB cable do that a wireless connection can't? Let's see. Printing? Yep, wireless printing has been around for a long time now. Photo transfers from a digital camera? Yep. Most cameras support WiFi transfers. Local storage? The Cloud? USB can be considered legacy technology these days, just like the RS232 serial port. All but useless on a mobile device. Wireless charging is eliminating the power brick.

    Physical connectors are so last century. It surprises me that people constantly try to live in the past. Same argument was made about physical keyboards when the iPhone came out. That's whyApple is the leader. They always look forward, never backward.
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  • Reply 248 of 513
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member


    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    So microsoft turned a tablet into a laptop computer that you can't actually use on your laptop.


    It's a tablettop (or table-top)?


    Now I'm *really* confused, LOL

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  • Reply 249 of 513
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    What's with the hate! This is awesome. It's a tablet and a computer in one device. It's what Apple should have done with a special version of the 11" MacBook Air years ago as soon as iPad became a hit.


    I agree that I like the concept but arguably we haven't had the tech for this yet.  Questionable if we have it yet.


    Still, I like what MS has done.  It's not courier worthy but it's not embarassing either.  If it were not for bootcamp I'd seriously consider one.  As is an 11" or 13" MBA strikes me as a better machine for me as a laptop and I've got too much invested in the iOS ecosystem to swtich.


    Maybe as a work tablet...the stylus would actually be nice.

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  • Reply 250 of 513
    j1h15233j1h15233 Posts: 274member

    I think Apple just padded their wallets with this announcement tonight. How long will a tablet running windows take to boot up? 20 min? You'll also need to launch all of these mythical products you keep announcing...surface, windows 8, windows rt, smart glass. And no mention of availability, price, battery life...could you imagine if Apple did that in a presentation? Good luck Microsoft, you're going to need all the help in the world for this to be successful.

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  • Reply 251 of 513
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member


    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    What's with the hate! This is awesome. It's a tablet and a computer in one device. It's what Apple should have done with a special version of the 11" MacBook Air years ago as soon as iPad became a hit. Things like this and the ASUS PadFone are awesome. 


    Exactly the problem. The iPad tablet is *already* a computer, in the simplest, easiest possible form-factor, with software designed to work on it perfectly. There is no "forcing" of the tablet into a traditional "computer" form-factor. Because then what do you get? A compromised tablet and a compromised computer. One foot in both worlds, not really succeeding in either. 


    The what-Fone?

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  • Reply 252 of 513
    It looks really awesome, and it is the perfect Windows-esque answer to Apple's "post-PC" device.

    The keyboard smart-cover is brilliant! Perhaps a Bluetooth connected knock-offs will make it to my iPad.

    I hope that MS can deliver. More options is better for everyone,
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  • Reply 253 of 513


    Originally Posted by Negafox View Post


    This is closer to what I want from a tablet -- a true replacement for the laptop for my professional needs with an optional keyboard,


    I feel the same way. This concept is the future of personal computing.

    The iPad is already a device that can do office work. It has better specifications than my 2006 Gateway desktop computer that ran XP. If XP was good enough to be in offices around the world then the iPad with its better specifications is a capable device. It just needs the programs to do the office work.

    What Microsoft has done is create something worthy of attention with its newer chips. The upscale tablet should be able to directly compete with desktops of today, if it works. That is a big step in the computing world.

    Microsoft hasn't just created a tablet to compete with their partner's tablets. They've created a device that will compete with laptops and desktops. I can imagine that people who would have bought the iPad as an extra device will now think of replacing their desktop or laptop with this device and then not get an iPad.

    Until we read about the performance of these machines we'll never know if this scenario will happen.


    I hope Dell and HP create similar models. I really like the Toshiba tablet as it is. The tablet market is growing. I hope it gets really big so prices and specifications will improve quickly as manufacturers compete against one another.

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  • Reply 254 of 513
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
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  • Reply 255 of 513


    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    So microsoft turned a tablet into a laptop computer that you can't actually use on your laptop.


    I think it says more about Microsoft's worldview (of what a tablet is). Microsoft sees tablets as another PC running Windows, only with a detachable keyboard. Apple sees the tablet as the beginning of the post-PC era of computing.

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  • Reply 256 of 513
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    cycomiko wrote: »
    What level of USB does the new iPad have?

    Yet the iPad has almost 70% of the tablet market. Wanna tell me how important USB is on a mobile device?
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  • Reply 257 of 513
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Yet the iPad has almost 70% of the tablet market. Wanna tell me how important USB is on a mobile device?

    That's even shipped. :lol:
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  • Reply 258 of 513


    Originally Posted by AandcMedia View Post

    Its funny going to how many boards and seeing windows fan-boys, mac fan-boys, linux-fanboys than everyone else.



    Mac-Can't be better than anything Apple Produces

    Windows - Finally better than Apple

    Linux- F' all you (thanks linus)

    Evey normal person - looks interesting have to wait and see when it comes out and compare it. I'll wait before buying an iPad 3 or this thing. 

    The ARM version won't be out until about the time the iPad 4 is released. If you want something better then this with an intel CPU, get a MBA today. 


    Actually I will be surprised if MS ever released these two machines. 

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  • Reply 259 of 513


    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post


    What level of USB does the new iPad have?


    In the PC era, it was all about specs and numbers.

    In the post-PC era, it's about user experience.

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  • Reply 260 of 513
    Hmm interesting. I think two things:

    The question of "what category is this" arises. It's a bit muddy right now. IF they can make this a new category, the Laptop Replacement that Works as a Tablet or something, it'll be good for them. The facts almost don't matter, like the fact that the iPad can have a keyboard cover too. It's all about perception. And then there's the question of the two models. Are they different categories? The same category with entry and advanced versions? If they don't get their messaging and positioning right this will just confuse people and make them not want to engage in the considering/researching/trying/buying process.

    The question of design attractiveness and price arises. By design I mean the whole experience, not just the hardware When people get hold of this will they feel good? Will it be an experience like Apple that justifies the price? Because I don't think they have a chance of undercutting Apple significantly. But I could be surprised. Then it would be the "cheaper and good enough" alternative.

    Both of these questions are unanswered right now. It'll be interesting to see how it unfolds.
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