Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 281 of 513
    recrec Posts: 217member


    Originally Posted by miksterman View Post

    You can do this already with a iPad with this case from Zagg.


    And the Zagg cases are real lousy too, just like this probably is.  Too flimsy, too many moving parts and joints.  Little plastic parts that need to snap into things or bend and fold over just right.  The smart cover is minimalist but it avoids these problems.  The case was the only interesting thing about this announcement today, and it may prove to not be very practical.

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  • Reply 282 of 513


    Originally Posted by Jay Mars View Post


    Sounds awesome here. Barring poor reviews, I'd easily consider this over the new iPads and MacBooks.


    That well-known quote comes to mind... "A fool and his money are easily parted."

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  • Reply 283 of 513
    rogifan wrote: »
    Hmm. I work for a fortune 50 company and most of out executives have iPads. And we've developed financial dashboards/scorecards apps for them. Just the other day when working from home my work laptop crashed while I was on a WebEx. I pulled out my iPad, logged on to Good, pulled up the meeting invite with the WebEx link and in less than a minute I was back on my WebEx on my iPad. Not connected to the company network at alI. I keep hearing about how corporate CIO's are waiting for Windows tablets because of Exchange and Office. But my company is just starting to upgrade to Windows 7 and Office 2010. I can't see them jumping on the Windows 8 bandwagon that quickly. Heck even Michael Dell admitted this on Dell's last earnings call.

    I would agree that the adoption to Windows 8 is going to be a major factor in determining how successful these tablets are going to be. Corporations just don't go out and upgrade as quickly as they use to. Without any killer apps or a major draw, these devices might be off to slow start..

    Also, nobody knows how bloated this OS is going to be. The beauty of Apple is that they were not afraid to start from scratch while MS keeps trying to transform Windows into the be all OS for every computing device. They keep trying to tie things back to their gravy train and that may help or hurt them. I think it's been hurting them in the portable devices market more than its been helping them.

    Personally, I wouldn't trade in my iPad for a Windows based tablet cause I love the simplicity of the iOS. It's does what I need it to do without any aggravations or frustrations. I don't think MS is going to top that, but again, that might not be their strategy. I still contend that their goal is to dominate the enterprise market and marginalize Apple to the consumer space
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  • Reply 284 of 513
    That stance - he needs a better tailor...
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  • Reply 285 of 513
    csuess wrote: »

    I'm the fuckin ANTISTEVE
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  • Reply 286 of 513

    You can see it was thrown together at the last minute, It seems like a last ditch effort to save his job.

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  • Reply 287 of 513
    kevinn206kevinn206 Posts: 117member


    Originally Posted by j1h15233 View Post

    I think Apple just padded their wallets with this announcement tonight. How long will a tablet running windows take to boot up? 20 min? You'll also need to launch all of these mythical products you keep announcing...surface, windows 8, windows rt, smart glass. And no mention of availability, price, battery life...could you imagine if Apple did that in a presentation? Good luck Microsoft, you're going to need all the help in the world for this to be successful.

    My Windows Phone Lumia 710 can boot up faster than your newest iPhone. A Windows tablet takes about 10-20 sec to boot.

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  • Reply 288 of 513
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member


    Originally Posted by quaternio View Post

    It looks really awesome, and it is the perfect Windows-esque answer to Apple's "post-PC" device.

    The keyboard smart-cover is brilliant! Perhaps a Bluetooth connected knock-offs will make it to my iPad.

    I hope that MS can deliver. More options is better for everyone,

    and are you another MS contract astroturf shill? that is pure propaganda. it is totally obvious MS has unleashed its astroturf minions on tech web sites today.


    or is this totally clever sarcasm?

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  • Reply 289 of 513

    It looks like a genuinely impressive bit of kit! If they get good battery life with the pro version and keep the price competitive, I can see Microsoft selling a lot of these.


    Apple, think fast!

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  • Reply 290 of 513
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member

    Boy, I have never seen so many Apple shareholders scared in my life!!! Literally scared to death!!! image

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  • Reply 291 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    It's a tablettop (or table-top)?


    Now I'm *really* confused, LOL

    No, it's called the "S(m)urf-Top"... color-matching technology included.

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  • Reply 292 of 513
    timgriff84timgriff84 Posts: 912member


    Originally Posted by KevinN206 View Post

    My Windows Phone Lumia 710 can boot up faster than your newest iPhone. A Windows tablet takes about 10-20 sec to boot.

    I know your saying Win8 is fast to boot but I think your stats or worse than it actually is. Win8 running on my Vaio takes about 6-8 seconds to boot.


    Whats really funny is the boot screen to choose your OS takes longer to boot than the OS.

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  • Reply 293 of 513

    I think this kind of post shows that the majority of AppleInsider users are not interested in _any_ new technology. Their fanboism has blinded them and we see comments and pictures about Steve Ballmer. This is a disgrace to the whole AppleInsider and Apple community.


    I own the iPad3 for example. I want progress. This product will offer more and points to weaknesses in the iOS/iPad structure. Weaknesses that will hopefully push Apple to deliver better products. I am talking about stuff like:


    - Input. Giving the possibility to connect any USB device that just works on the fly delivers a lot more. 

    - Output. The need for purchasing a dongle to output to HDMI is just crazy.

    - external memory. Gives the ability to live, long time, with a product. You can extend the memory according to your needs.

    - keyboard. This keyboard seems to be the perfect combination of design and cover.


    Both Apple and Microsoft needs to learn from each other and this device is really a good step in right direction.

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  • Reply 294 of 513
    ray bartray bart Posts: 91member
    And what USB port does an iPad have? None
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  • Reply 295 of 513


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post

    I think this kind of post shows that the majority of AppleInsider users are not interested in _any_ new technology. Their fanboism has blinded them and we see comments and pictures about Steve Ballmer. This is a disgrace to the whole AppleInsider and Apple community.


    I own the iPad3 for example. I want progress. This product will offer more and points to weaknesses in the iOS/iPad structure. Weaknesses that will hopefully push Apple to deliver better products. I am talking about stuff like:


    - Input. Giving the possibility to connect any USB device that just works on the fly delivers a lot more. 

    - Output. The need for purchasing a dongle to output to HDMI is just crazy.

    - external memory. Gives the ability to live, long time, with a product. You can extend the memory according to your needs.

    - keyboard. This keyboard seems to be the perfect combination of design and cover.


    Both Apple and Microsoft needs to learn from each other and this device is really a good step in right direction.

    Microsoft simply copying and imitating Apple poorly is not progress.  There is no need for HDMI when you can use Airplay. $100 for an Apple TV is not much more than HDMI cables. USB ports also become irrelevant, if for example you have a NAS connected to your router.  Why have cables and dongles connected to your device that simply get in the way and are unnecessary and ugly? You don't need external memory the supplied ram is fine! Long life is not required because you will usually upgrade every 2 years or less and the mobility makes the devices more fragile than existing desktops, so that is why the lifecycle has lessened.


    I don't know if you really need a keyboard on a tablet device, but you can get that option if you want with an ipad.  I can't see anyone using the Surface on their LAP and I must mention the most important thing---


    The dimensions, no portrait mode for the Surface it is too wide, I use a 16:10 monitor cos I am sick of 16:9, widescreen is only appropriate for watching movies, not surfing the web or doing anything else. The widescreen element of this device makes it close to useless.

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  • Reply 296 of 513
    ray bartray bart Posts: 91member
    No he didn't , he just put forward an opinion
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  • Reply 297 of 513
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Lol, why do they do all these closeups in that ad, when it's just an ordinary plastic case? It's not like it's unibody aluminium with impossibly smooth edges and no screw holes to be seen.

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  • Reply 298 of 513


    Just found this on the Microsoft Site. 42 Wh battery for the Intel i5 version. That's quite a lot of juice for something like that small - I'm guessing around 5 hours if Windows 8 can keep the background noise to a minimum? (from what I've witnessed, it can, and rather well).


    The additional pen makes me want one, so I don't have to carry a separate graphics tablet along for the ride (though it all depends if its Wacom or not).

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  • Reply 299 of 513
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member


    Originally Posted by Ray Bart View Post

    And what USB port does an iPad have? None

    The iPad dock connector is actually an ordinary USB port, they just changed the plug.

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  • Reply 300 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    It looks like a genuinely impressive bit of kit! If they get good battery life with the pro version and keep the price competitive, I can see Microsoft selling a lot of these.


    Apple, think fast!

    As usual, I'm reading and replying to this thread a day late, and decided to go through all the comments and pick one that defines the idiocy of 90% of the comments here. Well're it.


    The Apple team and management was, just 1 minute into Steve Ballmer's presentation... chuckling among themselves. At the end, they couldn't pick themselves from the floor they were laughing so hard.


    First and foremost... I have to ask again... what skeletons are in the MS board's closet that Ballmer is able to hold over their heads, to allow that buffoon to continue making MS the laughing stock of the tech world? Does the board realize how thoroughly embarrassing to MS that guy is to MS marketing of it's products? Does MS have absolutely no one that will tell him... demand of him... to get off the f*** stage?!


    Regardless of the product's capabilities, the message is: vaporware from a sweaty overweight used car salesman. How the hell can you overlook that and allow it to continue, especially when the marketing dept.'s bullet-list, without a doubt, includes: Cool Factor to compete with Apple.


    Beyond the cringe-worthy stance and amateur presentation, let's look at the product. Because once again, that's all we can do at this time!!! No "real" demo showing anyone using the damn thing!

   - The comment says it all! - Sinofsky making a fool of himself, a) using a term like "semantic zoom" as if that's something special now that MS does it, and b) showing the multi-touch keyboard drop down while watching NetFlix. Just what everyone is going to use the keyboard for, right? How about TYPING in Word or Excel ya fool!


    How ever the main reason for replying to this post; "Apple, think fast!" just can't stand without a comment.


    Apple and it's engineers have the next 2 versions of the iPad and iOS already in the labs, which will take them through 2014. Some hints have already come to light what's coming with iOS6 and OSX, such as system-wide intelligent dictation and Siri. Also, the MB-Air will be seeing an update just about the time MS will be releasing this tablet. What's in store is still rumored, but a Retina display is a 99% sure thing. What if Apple uses the same touch screen as the iPad? What if they finally release their full iOS emulator for OSX? They do have one you know.


    Remember: Apple always... always!... has the tech, but carefully curates and simplifies their products and OSes. They do not do "shoe-horn". Period. And they have a game plan looking out years... not months.


    As has been said many times before, Apple is skating to where the puck is going, rather than where it is today.


    Once again...that magnetic keyboard as a "defining feature" of the new "Microsoft S(m)urf-Top™" had the Apple engineers ROTF***FL... add the stylus and they were crying from the painful side-splitting laughter.



    An Apple fan I am, but look up my previous posts. I "was" on Microsoft's side... and truthfully still think they have something for enterprise customers, and that the tablet could be a viable market-leader in 2015.


    However, before then, the MS board has to make the hardest choice of all, and that is fire Ballmer and possibly even Sinofsky....then live up to the skeletons that Monkey Boy will surely spit out of his clap trap. At such time, they may even have a defense in pointing out the fact that Ballmer is a well known Vapor-Sprayer, which it could be extrapolated as lying. Just sayin'....

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