Microsoft unveils 'Surface' Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 301 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Boy, I have never seen so many Apple shareholders scared in my life!!! Literally scared to death!!! image

    Yup... that's why the AAPL share price rose today by almost $12.00. We be a shaken... :)

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  • Reply 302 of 513


    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    The iPad dock connector is actually an ordinary USB port, they just changed the plug.

    Yeah, but what input devices does it really support? I don't care if it has a plug if it does not work.

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  • Reply 303 of 513

    The Microsoft Surface Keynote is available on youtube.



    Notice at the 14:14 minute mark, the Microsoft Surface Crashes and Steve Sinofsky has to grab another one. We are all too familiar with frequent BSOD's and the famous and legendary performance of Micro-Crash Windows.  My Windows 8 Acer laptop has BSOD'd 4 times since I installed WIN8 CP over the past two weeks.  My mac never crashes and the only time my Mac has a problem is when the Microsoft Error reporting loads up and stops Lion from shutting down. I am considering of uninstalling MS Office for Mac 2011 and only using it as a VM inside virtual box with my copy of XP in there.

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  • Reply 304 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by Ray Bart View Post

    And what USB port does an iPad have? None

    Again... please point to WHY it needs one, when wifi and/or Bluetooth connects to everything now.


    Well except a mouse. Let's not get into why you would want a mouse on a decidely touch device.

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  • Reply 305 of 513


    Originally Posted by theskivvys View Post

    Microsoft simply copying and imitating Apple poorly is not progress.  There is no need for HDMI when you can use Airplay. $100 for an Apple TV is not much more than HDMI cables. USB ports also become irrelevant, if for example you have a NAS connected to your router.  Why have cables and dongles connected to your device that simply get in the way and are unnecessary and ugly? You don't need external memory the supplied ram is fine! Long life is not required because you will usually upgrade every 2 years or less and the mobility makes the devices more fragile than existing desktops, so that is why the lifecycle has lessened.


    I don't know if you really need a keyboard on a tablet device, but you can get that option if you want with an ipad.  I can't see anyone using the Surface on their LAP and I must mention the most important thing---


    The dimensions, no portrait mode for the Surface it is too wide, I use a 16:10 monitor cos I am sick of 16:9, widescreen is only appropriate for watching movies, not surfing the web or doing anything else. The widescreen element of this device makes it close to useless.


    You suggest that Airplay support exists everywhere. This is a portable device. I want to be able to bring a device to my friend an play a movie on her screen without bringing the Apple TV or similar. I want to show a presentation at work without bringing other stuff. You get the idea.


    On board memory might be enough for you. But if you work with movies or stuff like that the 64 GB is already limited.


    Even Apple has now understood that 16:10 or 16:9 is the right format as the new iPhone will have that format. I guess the cannot keep the iPad that long in the old format.

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  • Reply 306 of 513
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    aquatic wrote: »
    What's with the hate! This is awesome. It's a tablet and a computer in one device. It's what Apple should have done with a special version of the 11" MacBook Air years ago as soon as iPad became a hit. Things like this and the ASUS PadFone are awesome. 

    The Win 8 UI looks interesting, I guess. Maybe not the best, then again I haven't used it in person. But the general concept of running REAL apps on a mobile touchscreen is awesome. Also, people want to have a big touchscreen. The Galaxy Note is homerun. I predict the ASUS PadFone will sell well, also. There is another reason. Up until these devices you had to pay extra for tethering. Because you had two devices, a tablet and a computer. Or a phone, tablet, and computer. If you merge all of them, you pay one data plan. Of course I'm sure US carriers will muck this up.  But kudos to Microsoft for innovating, dare I say it. Kinect is awesome. This Surface product looks really awesome, too. Personally I'd rather see an something like the ASUS transformer powered by an Intel mobile chip that can run Windows and MacOS X and Android all one device: a phone that plugs into a tablet which clips onto a keyboard. How sweet would that be!? All your apps everywhere all the time with all your data. The cloud doesn't work so well for large files when you pay per megabyte.

    I really wonder about battery life, though. Other than that, I think this may possibly be a dark horse that becomes successful. The x86 Surface tab in particular. I imagine businesses will greatly prefer this to having to deal with Apple and iOS.

    My 2cents

    It's either or.

    If you buy the win rt version you can't run regular win applications and if you buy the pro version you can't run mobile apps.

    MS is trying to have its cake to detriment of its partners because they will always undersell them.

    I just wonder will the intel i5 chip makes it a hot plate to fry eggs when you run regular win applications on the pro.

    It maybe a hit ,hey, even the Fire was one until people discover its uselessness.
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  • Reply 307 of 513


    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Again... please point to WHY it needs one, when wifi and/or Bluetooth connects to everything now.


    Well except a mouse. Let's not get into why you would want a mouse on a decidely touch device.

    Yes, you and my 3 year old kid does not need that. But there are a thousand reasons for input of any kind. There are so many external devices that you do not know of. Different kinds of readers, scanners etc. Adding a port for input is easy. Saying that there is no need for is stupid and just keeps the Apple products in its own bubble.

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  • Reply 308 of 513
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    I doubt I'll be trading in my iPad any time soon, but Microsoft deserve credit; it's a ncie looking device and seems very well thought through.  Some of the little touches are the sort of thing Apple often gets acclaim for - I especially like how the magnet on the touch cover guides into the magnetic dock port (halfway down


    A magnetic dock is just the sort of feature I wouldn't mind Apple borrowing.

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  • Reply 309 of 513


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post

    Yeah, but what input devices does it really support? I don't care if it has a plug if it does not work.

    Camera Connection Kit.



    You can also connect AUDIO DACS and headphone amps that have USB, but I prefer my Sennhiser PX210BT headphones as they sound amazing over bluetooth and I dont want to have cables.

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  • Reply 310 of 513
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    rogifan wrote: »
    No. What's your point?

    Some people are stupid but they kept their mouth shut so no one knows but others let the whole world know by opening their mouths.
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  • Reply 311 of 513


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post


    You suggest that Airplay support exists everywhere. This is a portable device. I want to be able to bring a device to my friend an play a movie on her screen without bringing the Apple TV or similar. I want to show a presentation at work without bringing other stuff. You get the idea.


    On board memory might be enough for you. But if you work with movies or stuff like that the 64 GB is already limited.


    Even Apple has now understood that 16:10 or 16:9 is the right format as the new iPhone will have that format. I guess the cannot keep the iPad that long in the old format.


    ipad does have HDMI if you get the dongle, but how often to you want to show movies at a friends, isnt a dvd or USB fine for that if they dont have Apple TV.


    Do you mean memory or storage, my NAS has 1GB and works great with the ipad, can play my 750GB of music or movies.


    ipad is the old format LOL, 16:9 is useless on a tablet device, it is only suitable for HDTV's!

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  • Reply 312 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    The additional pen makes me want one, so I don't have to carry a separate graphics tablet along for the ride (though it all depends if its Wacom or not).

    Well if it was from Wacom, MS would almost have to give them credit somewhere for licensing the tech from them. I also doubt that the screen and/or pen is pressure sensitive.


    I just know you're looking to install Photoshop CS6 Extended, huh? Have fun with that....

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  • Reply 313 of 513


    Originally Posted by theskivvys View Post

    Camera Connection Kit.



    You can also connect AUDIO DACS and headphone amps that have USB, but I prefer my Sennhiser PX210BT headphones as they sound amazing over bluetooth and I dont want to have cables.

    Yes, nice, there are dongles for many things. But do we want to carry around dongles. 


    This is not the main problem though, the main problem is that you can't connect _any_ device because Apple decides which drivers should exist - not the manufacturers of devices.

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  • Reply 314 of 513


    Originally Posted by theskivvys View Post


    ipad does have HDMI if you get the dongle, but how often to you want to show movies at a friends, isnt a dvd or USB fine for that if they dont have Apple TV.


    Do you mean memory or storage, my NAS has 1GB and works great with the ipad, can play my 750GB of music or movies.


    ipad is the old format LOL, 16:9 is useless on a tablet device, it is only suitable for HDTV's!

    Keep hearing the word dongle all the time. So, we need;


    1. HDMI dongle

    2. USB dongle


    I know that many want to defend their current product but I find it strange that people can't admit that the need for dongle for standard IO is a bit strange 2012.

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  • Reply 315 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post


    You suggest that Airplay support exists everywhere. This is a portable device. I want to be able to bring a device to my friend an play a movie on her screen without bringing the Apple TV or similar. I want to show a presentation at work without bringing other stuff. You get the idea.

    Then try the HDMI adapter. It's also just a cable.




    On board memory might be enough for you. But if you work with movies or stuff like that the 64 GB is already limited.


    True... but there are already wifi hard drives on the market. Check Amazon.



    Even Apple has now understood that 16:10 or 16:9 is the right format as the new iPhone will have that format. I guess the cannot keep the iPad that long in the old format.


    So how do KNOW that Apple is going with 16:9 or 10? They have said absolutely nothing to corroborate the rumors.

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  • Reply 316 of 513


    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    ... wow, is that real or is someone having some photoshop fun?


    Originally Posted by theskivvys View Post


    ... wow, is that real or is someone having some photoshop fun?

    That is DEF real taken from The Verge Live Blog of the event!

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  • Reply 317 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post

    Yes, you and my 3 year old kid does not need that. But there are a thousand reasons for input of any kind. There are so many external devices that you do not know of. Different kinds of readers, scanners etc. Adding a port for input is easy. Saying that there is no need for is stupid and just keeps the Apple products in its own bubble.

    ...and if you really NEED that legacy connector... for a legacy device... you use an MBA or laptop. You truly think you're going to be able to plug in any USB device and install the necessary legacy drivers on Windows 8? Will it work? In a pinch probably. Would you want to do it every day? Come on... are you a masochist?

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  • Reply 318 of 513
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    It's a nice WIDE stance... like an un-named Senator from Utah.


    Actually, the state in question is IDAHO. We Washington residents like to call, `Taterho' or `What the **** happened to Idaho' after it turned into a red haven in 1995.

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  • Reply 319 of 513


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post

    Keep hearing the word dongle all the time. So, we need;


    1. HDMI dongle

    2. USB dongle


    I know that many want to defend their current product but I find it strange that people can't admit that the need for dongle for standard IO is a bit strange 2012.

    You really dont need the dongles, that is why the new MacBook pro has thunderbolt dongles for gigabit and FW800, they are Legacy Old skool devices.

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  • Reply 320 of 513
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member


    Originally Posted by serializer View Post

    Keep hearing the word dongle all the time. So, we need;


    1. HDMI dongle

    2. USB dongle


    I know that many want to defend their current product but I find it strange that people can't admit that the need for dongle for standard IO is a bit strange 2012.

    And I find it a bit strange that you would ever want a cable of any kind hanging from a tablet. I have all of the dongles, and have used them each 1 TIME... just to see that they worked.


    I use wi-fi exclusively... and as someone else has mentioned, I have 3 mini 32-gb USB stick drives on my keychain, that I load up with movies, music, photos whatever when going to a friend's or relations house. Plug it into the TV and away we go with their silly remote.


    When will people just get it that iOS devices are not supposed to replace common sense?!

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