You wasted a lot of time to keep restating the same unfounded opinion. There is no rational reason why it's OK to have 2 sizes of laptops but not 2 sizes of iPad. It just doesn't make sense.
Look, my argument is that a tablet is not the same as a laptop. As I said, there is an upper limit to the tablet because it can be a handheld device, which the laptop is not. On the lower end of the size scale, there is a reason that Apple does not make a laptop with a 7-inch screen. It would make for a lousy laptop for the same reason it would make for a lousy tablet. Not enough screen real estate for what the device is intended to do.
While one can go bigger than 11 inches on a laptop and make it work, going much bigger than a 10-inch tablet can't work. The device would just be too unwieldy. Going much below 10-inches, meanwhile, doesn't work for either the tablet or the laptop and for the same reason.
As a result, the tablet has a restricted range in which it makes sense, works properly. That range encompasses a 10-inch tablet like the current iPad but it doesn't extend out enough to include a 7-inch form factor or anything larger than the current iPad. Consider that Apple could easily have brought to market a 7-inch tablet by now, if it thought one was a good idea. So why hasn't this device materialized. Why, for example, when seeking out a tablet model to cover a lower price point, Apple chose to continue selling the iPad 2 for a lower price instead of going the 7-inch-tablet route. Seems to me you do one or the other but both does not make business sense. Apple has made its choice and judging by their fantastic sales numbers in the tablet space, it's the right choice.
Why there has been such effort devoted to claiming a 7-inch model is on the way is no mystery. We all know by now that the iPad is refreshed annually at the beginning of the year and some feel they profit from implying that something else could be coming in the tablet space sooner than that. It's not likely that it is the case but the folks pushing these rumours want chatter about some mythical mini iPad. Apple has not said it wants to do this. The existing iPad is the most spectacular success in electronics sales history. It doesn't add up.
Yeah I don't understand why he is pushing the Touch as the only suitable mobile device. I can't imagine a 7" device not being much more comfortable reading a book while commuting, typing emails or even surfing the web than a 3.5" device. I don't think the 7" will be ideal for office productivity apps but I don't even like trying to do that sort of work on a full size iPad. For that I prefer at least 15" MBP. I am definitely a buyer of a mini iPad not ever having seen one.
Would there be a problem using a current version of the iPad for use while commuting? After all, you can't slip a 7-inch tablet into your pant pocket. You'd have to carry it in something else and that something else could just as easily be large enough to accommodate a 10-inch iPad. As such, there is such a minuscule percentage of potential purchasers of a tablet who couldn't get what they need out of the current product mix. Certainly I don't see that the current iPad is ill-suited to meeting the needs of most commuters, especially if Apple does the expected and reduces the weight of subsequent generations of the iPad.
Before I had a chance to try out an iPad first-hand, I was of the view that a 10-inch form factor was too large but when I checked it out in the flesh it struck me that the iPad in 10-inch form is not large at all. Going smaller didn't seem like such a great idea after all. I was especially struck by how much better that size would be when checking out back-to-back the iPad and the 7-inch Playbook. It was a Eureka moment that caused me to understand why Jobs was opposed to so-called Tweener devices.
Personally I have found that the combination of a Touch and the iPad pretty much covers the bases I need covered. Perhaps a lot of people don't find that to be the case. Maybe the rumours have some foundation in truth and the smaller iPad is coming this fall. I'm used to being wrong from time to time, as are we all. Yet it doesn't look to me that Apple sees this space as a void that needs filling, not when it brings the starting price of the 10-inch iPad down to $399 and appears poised to bring out a larger Touch/iPhone. Doing both certainly shrinks the perceived vacuum that a 7-inch iPad would presumably be designed to fill.
Personally I have found that the combination of a Touch and the iPad pretty much covers the bases I need covered.
I have an iPhone and a 3rd gen iPad with LTE. I am still a buyer of the 7" if it is released because I see it as a device I will toss in my backpack everyday and use it to read, view maps and surf the web. Sure I can do that on my iPhone but I only do so as a last resort because it isn't an enjoyable experience with such a small screen. The 10" iPad always stays at home during a typical work week. I commute on public transportation everyday and a 7" form factor seems like a perfect size. There may be many more people like you who are concerned about Apple's brand identity but personally I'm more concerned with my own computing needs and a 7" iPad fits them to a tee.
I have an iPhone and a 3rd gen iPad with LTE. I am still a buyer of the 7" if it is released because I see it as a device I will toss in my backpack everyday and use it to read, view maps and surf the web. Sure I can do that on my iPhone but I only do so as a last resort because it isn't an enjoyable experience with such a small screen. The 10" iPad always stays at home during a typical work week. I commute on public transportation everyday and a 7" form factor seems like a perfect size. There may be many more people like you who are concerned about Apple's brand identity but personally I'm more concerned with my own computing needs and a 7" iPad fits them to a tee.
What would help the situation would be to make the iPhone screen larger and it is claimed Apple is headed in that direction. Certainly smartphones in general have gone in that direction. The thing is, if you make the iPhone/Touch with a larger screen and you continue to lower the price of the entry point for an iPad 10-inch device, it weakens the argument in favour of a 7-inch iPad. If Apple figures out how to lower the weight of the 10-inch form factor, that makes the case for a 7-inch model even weaker.
It's not just about where we are now but also where we are headed in the next couple of years. Combine that with Apple already dominating the tablet market and it does make the rumours of a smaller iPad seem questionable. Also, I wonder why, if such a form factor is such a great idea, we haven't already seen one from Apple. It couldn't be that tough to engineer.
Look, my argument is that a tablet is not the same as a laptop. As I said, there is an upper limit to the tablet because it can be a handheld device, which the laptop is not. On the lower end of the size scale, there is a reason that Apple does not make a laptop with a 7-inch screen. It would make for a lousy laptop for the same reason it would make for a lousy tablet. Not enough screen real estate for what the device is intended to do.
Simply repeating the same unfounded assertion doesn't make it true.
What would help the situation would be to make the iPhone screen larger and it is claimed Apple is headed in that direction. Certainly smartphones in general have gone in that direction. The thing is, if you make the iPhone/Touch with a larger screen and you continue to lower the price of the entry point for an iPad 10-inch device, it weakens the argument in favour of a 7-inch iPad. If Apple figures out how to lower the weight of the 10-inch form factor, that makes the case for a 7-inch model even weaker.
Cool. Then we can have the worst of both worlds. Let's make a 6" phone that's too large to easily handle and cut the price of the 10" iPad just so we can try to argue that there's no need for a 7" iPad. /s
I have an iPhone and a 3rd gen iPad with LTE. I am still a buyer of the 7" if it is released because I see it as a device I will toss in my backpack everyday and use it to read, view maps and surf the web. Sure I can do that on my iPhone but I only do so as a last resort because it isn't an enjoyable experience with such a small screen. The 10" iPad always stays at home during a typical work week. I commute on public transportation everyday and a 7" form factor seems like a perfect size. There may be many more people like you who are concerned about Apple's brand identity but personally I'm more concerned with my own computing needs and a 7" iPad fits them to a tee.
I commute on public transportation daily and the 10" iPad seems to be the perfect size. At least that's what I and the people I see around me seem to think.
I commute on public transportation daily and the 10" iPad seems to be the perfect size. At least that's what I and the people I see around me seem to think.
Did you ask them?
Or do you see 10" iPads because that is all that is offered in iOS flavor?
I commute on public transportation daily and the 10" iPad seems to be the perfect size. At least that's what I and the people I see around me seem to think.
That could simply be lack of an option.
If committed to the Apple platform an iPhone is a device of last resort for reading any magazine/newspaper articles or browsing online news sites IMHO. The 10" iPad could be overkill for those only wanting to do some media consumption on the way to work, but with no other option of course it might seem users think it's the perfect size. Why not ask a few of them if they'd carry a smaller iPad instead if it were available and listen to the answers?
Well they all seem to have the option of picking up an inexpensive 7" device. In fact, more than 75% appear to be reading and you can certainly buy a cheap ereader for $50-$100. Don't kid yourselves, nobody's suffering with a 10" device. I've carried my iPad with me ever since I got my first one on the day it was released in the Apple store in 2010. Never once did I think "if only this were smaller." I used a Kindle for a weekend last fall and I really didn't like the limited screen size. Sure, it's good for some, but I don't think the whole world is waiting for more 7" tablet options.
I agree. The touch is already at the price point that the said smaller iPad will be at. So it just stands to reason that the touch should be upgraded to a bigger screen and maybe Apple will include 3g connectivity also.
Simply repeating the same unfounded assertion doesn't make it true.
Cool. Then we can have the worst of both worlds. Let's make a 6" phone that's too large to easily handle and cut the price of the 10" iPad just so we can try to argue that there's no need for a 7" iPad. /s
Simply claiming something is untrue with nothing to support that position doesn't make it false, either.
No one is talking about a 6-inch iPhone. The key is to make a phone that remains truly portable yet adds enough additional screen to improve the user experience. What I like about my Touch is that I can easily pocket the device and hence take it anywhere. I wish it had a larger screen but not to the point where I lose that portability. If that happens, might as well go all the way and switch to a 10-inch iPad.
In terms of iPads and commuting, if you're commuting, the answer is to carry the iPad in something that can be convenient in that setting and when commuting, pull out the 10-inch iPad and use it. This is not rocket science. It is especially curious that some are arguing that the iPad should be designed to fit in what they want to carry it in. If you have a device that you want to carry, wouldn't the logical approach be to seek out a carrying case that fits the device, rather than the other way around. For years many consumers were fine with hauling around laptops far larger and heavier than the iPad for just that purpose. The iPad as it is right now is a much better option for that sort of use. It's certainly not a major hassle to haul around on a commute and provides a large enough screen to provide a satisfying experience. It strikes a good balance between the user experience and portability if you are prepared to carry the device in something other than simply slipping it into a pocket like a smartphone. Claiming the iPad can't work well for use when commuting is trying to manufacture a problem where one doesn't exist.
There are lots of competitors offering precisely what some claim they should be getting from Apple. Those devices are not doing well stacked up against the iPad. Perhaps there's a reason for that.
If committed to the Apple platform an iPhone is a device of last resort for reading any magazine/newspaper articles or browsing online news sites IMHO. The 10" iPad could be overkill for those only wanting to do some media consumption on the way to work, but with no other option of course it might seem users think it's the perfect size. Why not ask a few of them if they'd carry a smaller iPad instead if it were available and listen to the answers?
From Apple's perspective, the question is, does the preference of some for a smaller device have any impact on their buying decision. If given the choice between a 10-inch iPad and a 7-inch tablet made by another manufacturer, the vast majority of consumers still prefer the iPad (sales would suggest that is the case), then what does it matter that a 7-inch iPad would also appeal to some. Apple doesn't appear to be losing sales because the iPad is proving to be too large for people to use in a lot of settings. The longing for a smaller device is rather soft, if sales mean anything. There is no void here that is worth Apple's time and effort to address, at least not with a new form factor. Changes to the iPhone/Touch and the iPad itself are coming that will improve Apple's mobile offerings. I think that would more than address the challenge from competitors and maintain Apple's dominance in this category.
Apple doesn't appear to be losing sales because the iPad is proving to be too large for people to use in a lot of settings. The longing for a smaller device is rather soft, if sales mean anything. There is no void here that is worth Apple's time and effort to address, at least not with a new form factor.
There's been a few somewhat recent comments that Apple's iPad sales growth rate may be slowing a bit. We'll of course have a better idea within just days when Apple releases it's next results. If true tho, wouldn't you agree that Apple would be remiss in ignoring a market for a smaller/lighter/more portable/lower-priced tablet?
Well they all seem to have the option of picking up an inexpensive 7" device. In fact, more than 75% appear to be reading and you can certainly buy a cheap ereader for $50-$100. Don't kid yourselves, nobody's suffering with a 10" device. I've carried my iPad with me ever since I got my first one on the day it was released in the Apple store in 2010. Never once did I think "if only this were smaller." I used a Kindle for a weekend last fall and I really didn't like the limited screen size. Sure, it's good for some, but I don't think the whole world is waiting for more 7" tablet options.
No; and there doesn't have to be. Apple doesn't need to be all things to all people. My point was that if there's a huge demand for smaller, lighter devices then the alternatives are out there. I work with lots of professionals who use the iPad daily and it doesn't appear to be an unwieldy device or a chore to carry. There's absolutely a demand for a smaller device, but that doesn't mean it's a great business plan to meet that demand. There was enormous demand for $399 computers several years ago and the people who rushed in to meet that demand are no longer in business.
[quote name="Venerable" url="/t/151102/ipad-mini-may-give-apple-larger-market-opportunity-than-current-ipad/120#post_2141643"]No; and there doesn't have to be. Apple doesn't need to be all things to all people.[/QUOTE]
This is what so many people fail to understand.
First Apple finds out where the dartboard is. Then they make one big dart that they believe will cover most of its surface, they chuck it at the board, and they're very happy with that.
Everyone else is throwing the dartboard at the darts. Like a frisbee. Blindfolded.
No; and there doesn't have to be. Apple doesn't need to be all things to all people. My point was that if there's a huge demand for smaller, lighter devices then the alternatives are out there. I work with lots of professionals who use the iPad daily and it doesn't appear to be an unwieldy device or a chore to carry. There's absolutely a demand for a smaller device, but that doesn't mean it's a great business plan to meet that demand. There was enormous demand for $399 computers several years ago and the people who rushed in to meet that demand are no longer in business.
Your answer has nothing to do with my question. Now you are all over the board trying to fill in the cracks of your argument.
Personally, I don't want a smaller lighter device from Android or anyone else other than Apple. Both you and the other guy are trying to tell me that my needs aren't valid... which is really stupid.
We are talking about Apple and if Apple decides to build a 7" device then obviously Apple sees a chance to make money with it. Until that time (if and when it is made) we won't know. [Apple may have a dual or triple purpose for the device]
Trying to compare Apple to some shitty netbook makers is really demeaning, by the way.
Your answer has nothing to do with my question. Now you are all over the board trying to fill in the cracks of your argument.
Personally, I don't want a smaller lighter device from Android or anyone else other than Apple. Both you and the other guy are trying to tell me that my needs aren't valid... which is really stupid.
We are talking about Apple and if Apple decides to build a 7" device then obviously Apple sees a chance to make money with it. Until that time (if and when it is made) we won't know. [Apple may have a dual or triple purpose for the device]
Trying to compare Apple to some shitty netbook makers is really demeaning, by the way.
Nobody's suggesting that your "needs" (which are really "wants") aren't valid, just that Apple is under no obligation to meet every person's wants unless it makes reasonable financial sense to do so. They aren't the "Make a Wish" foundation, they're a business with a responsibility to shareholders. They could easily say, "screw it, we'll make a 7" tablet and sell it at cost to screw over our competitors" and come out with a $250 device that would sell well. It would sell so well that it would also cause a number of purchasers to think "wow, so I can get the same functionality as a 10" iPad at half the price" and they would buy the 7" (or maybe even two) rather than the 10".
Then comes the quarterly profit call. Apple says "the good news is that revenues are up, the bad news is that profits are down" and the stock price plummets. It also projects decreased profits for the following quarter.
The alternative is that they come out with a fairly-priced 7" at $379-$399, which won't draw buyers from $199 devices.
Nobody's suggesting that your "needs" (which are really "wants") aren't valid, just that Apple is under no obligation to meet every person's wants unless it makes reasonable financial sense to do so. They aren't the "Make a Wish" foundation, they're a business with a responsibility to shareholders. They could easily say, "screw it, we'll make a 7" tablet and sell it at cost to screw over our competitors" and come out with a $250 device that would sell well. It would sell so well that it would also cause a number of purchasers to think "wow, so I can get the same functionality as a 10" iPad at half the price" and they would buy the 7" (or maybe even two) rather than the 10".
Then comes the quarterly profit call. Apple says "the good news is that revenues are up, the bad news is that profits are down" and the stock price plummets. It also projects decreased profits for the following quarter.
The alternative is that they come out with a fairly-priced 7" at $379-$399, which won't draw buyers from $199 devices.
What the f*ck are you talking about.
You are one arrogant sob, telling me that these are my wants and not needs. You have absolutely no idea of what I do or why I do it. It's like telling a carpenter that a jig saw will do when he's trying to cut 10 X 2s and that any proper saw for the job is just a want. ... and nobody said that Apple is under any obligation, nor did I say that it should be $199, or, for that matter, I didn't say any of the other shit that you are spewing. You are so all over the map with your points and you move the goal posts so often it has become obvious that you really don't have a clue and now you're just making up shit to cover your ass.
Originally Posted by jragosta
You wasted a lot of time to keep restating the same unfounded opinion. There is no rational reason why it's OK to have 2 sizes of laptops but not 2 sizes of iPad. It just doesn't make sense.
Look, my argument is that a tablet is not the same as a laptop. As I said, there is an upper limit to the tablet because it can be a handheld device, which the laptop is not. On the lower end of the size scale, there is a reason that Apple does not make a laptop with a 7-inch screen. It would make for a lousy laptop for the same reason it would make for a lousy tablet. Not enough screen real estate for what the device is intended to do.
While one can go bigger than 11 inches on a laptop and make it work, going much bigger than a 10-inch tablet can't work. The device would just be too unwieldy. Going much below 10-inches, meanwhile, doesn't work for either the tablet or the laptop and for the same reason.
As a result, the tablet has a restricted range in which it makes sense, works properly. That range encompasses a 10-inch tablet like the current iPad but it doesn't extend out enough to include a 7-inch form factor or anything larger than the current iPad. Consider that Apple could easily have brought to market a 7-inch tablet by now, if it thought one was a good idea. So why hasn't this device materialized. Why, for example, when seeking out a tablet model to cover a lower price point, Apple chose to continue selling the iPad 2 for a lower price instead of going the 7-inch-tablet route. Seems to me you do one or the other but both does not make business sense. Apple has made its choice and judging by their fantastic sales numbers in the tablet space, it's the right choice.
Why there has been such effort devoted to claiming a 7-inch model is on the way is no mystery. We all know by now that the iPad is refreshed annually at the beginning of the year and some feel they profit from implying that something else could be coming in the tablet space sooner than that. It's not likely that it is the case but the folks pushing these rumours want chatter about some mythical mini iPad. Apple has not said it wants to do this. The existing iPad is the most spectacular success in electronics sales history. It doesn't add up.
Originally Posted by mstone
Yeah I don't understand why he is pushing the Touch as the only suitable mobile device. I can't imagine a 7" device not being much more comfortable reading a book while commuting, typing emails or even surfing the web than a 3.5" device. I don't think the 7" will be ideal for office productivity apps but I don't even like trying to do that sort of work on a full size iPad. For that I prefer at least 15" MBP. I am definitely a buyer of a mini iPad not ever having seen one.
Would there be a problem using a current version of the iPad for use while commuting? After all, you can't slip a 7-inch tablet into your pant pocket. You'd have to carry it in something else and that something else could just as easily be large enough to accommodate a 10-inch iPad. As such, there is such a minuscule percentage of potential purchasers of a tablet who couldn't get what they need out of the current product mix. Certainly I don't see that the current iPad is ill-suited to meeting the needs of most commuters, especially if Apple does the expected and reduces the weight of subsequent generations of the iPad.
Before I had a chance to try out an iPad first-hand, I was of the view that a 10-inch form factor was too large but when I checked it out in the flesh it struck me that the iPad in 10-inch form is not large at all. Going smaller didn't seem like such a great idea after all. I was especially struck by how much better that size would be when checking out back-to-back the iPad and the 7-inch Playbook. It was a Eureka moment that caused me to understand why Jobs was opposed to so-called Tweener devices.
Personally I have found that the combination of a Touch and the iPad pretty much covers the bases I need covered. Perhaps a lot of people don't find that to be the case. Maybe the rumours have some foundation in truth and the smaller iPad is coming this fall. I'm used to being wrong from time to time, as are we all. Yet it doesn't look to me that Apple sees this space as a void that needs filling, not when it brings the starting price of the 10-inch iPad down to $399 and appears poised to bring out a larger Touch/iPhone. Doing both certainly shrinks the perceived vacuum that a 7-inch iPad would presumably be designed to fill.
Originally Posted by Carmissimo
Personally I have found that the combination of a Touch and the iPad pretty much covers the bases I need covered.
I have an iPhone and a 3rd gen iPad with LTE. I am still a buyer of the 7" if it is released because I see it as a device I will toss in my backpack everyday and use it to read, view maps and surf the web. Sure I can do that on my iPhone but I only do so as a last resort because it isn't an enjoyable experience with such a small screen. The 10" iPad always stays at home during a typical work week. I commute on public transportation everyday and a 7" form factor seems like a perfect size. There may be many more people like you who are concerned about Apple's brand identity but personally I'm more concerned with my own computing needs and a 7" iPad fits them to a tee.
What would help the situation would be to make the iPhone screen larger and it is claimed Apple is headed in that direction. Certainly smartphones in general have gone in that direction. The thing is, if you make the iPhone/Touch with a larger screen and you continue to lower the price of the entry point for an iPad 10-inch device, it weakens the argument in favour of a 7-inch iPad. If Apple figures out how to lower the weight of the 10-inch form factor, that makes the case for a 7-inch model even weaker.
It's not just about where we are now but also where we are headed in the next couple of years. Combine that with Apple already dominating the tablet market and it does make the rumours of a smaller iPad seem questionable. Also, I wonder why, if such a form factor is such a great idea, we haven't already seen one from Apple. It couldn't be that tough to engineer.
Simply repeating the same unfounded assertion doesn't make it true.
Cool. Then we can have the worst of both worlds. Let's make a 6" phone that's too large to easily handle and cut the price of the 10" iPad just so we can try to argue that there's no need for a 7" iPad. /s
Originally Posted by mstone
I have an iPhone and a 3rd gen iPad with LTE. I am still a buyer of the 7" if it is released because I see it as a device I will toss in my backpack everyday and use it to read, view maps and surf the web. Sure I can do that on my iPhone but I only do so as a last resort because it isn't an enjoyable experience with such a small screen. The 10" iPad always stays at home during a typical work week. I commute on public transportation everyday and a 7" form factor seems like a perfect size. There may be many more people like you who are concerned about Apple's brand identity but personally I'm more concerned with my own computing needs and a 7" iPad fits them to a tee.
I commute on public transportation daily and the 10" iPad seems to be the perfect size. At least that's what I and the people I see around me seem to think.
Originally Posted by Venerable
I commute on public transportation daily and the 10" iPad seems to be the perfect size. At least that's what I and the people I see around me seem to think.
Did you ask them?
Or do you see 10" iPads because that is all that is offered in iOS flavor?
Originally Posted by Venerable
I commute on public transportation daily and the 10" iPad seems to be the perfect size. At least that's what I and the people I see around me seem to think.
That could simply be lack of an option.
If committed to the Apple platform an iPhone is a device of last resort for reading any magazine/newspaper articles or browsing online news sites IMHO. The 10" iPad could be overkill for those only wanting to do some media consumption on the way to work, but with no other option of course it might seem users think it's the perfect size. Why not ask a few of them if they'd carry a smaller iPad instead if it were available and listen to the answers?
Well they all seem to have the option of picking up an inexpensive 7" device. In fact, more than 75% appear to be reading and you can certainly buy a cheap ereader for $50-$100. Don't kid yourselves, nobody's suffering with a 10" device. I've carried my iPad with me ever since I got my first one on the day it was released in the Apple store in 2010. Never once did I think "if only this were smaller." I used a Kindle for a weekend last fall and I really didn't like the limited screen size. Sure, it's good for some, but I don't think the whole world is waiting for more 7" tablet options.
I agree. The touch is already at the price point that the said smaller iPad will be at. So it just stands to reason that the touch should be upgraded to a bigger screen and maybe Apple will include 3g connectivity also.
That's not happening.
Originally Posted by jragosta
Simply repeating the same unfounded assertion doesn't make it true.
Cool. Then we can have the worst of both worlds. Let's make a 6" phone that's too large to easily handle and cut the price of the 10" iPad just so we can try to argue that there's no need for a 7" iPad. /s
Simply claiming something is untrue with nothing to support that position doesn't make it false, either.
No one is talking about a 6-inch iPhone. The key is to make a phone that remains truly portable yet adds enough additional screen to improve the user experience. What I like about my Touch is that I can easily pocket the device and hence take it anywhere. I wish it had a larger screen but not to the point where I lose that portability. If that happens, might as well go all the way and switch to a 10-inch iPad.
In terms of iPads and commuting, if you're commuting, the answer is to carry the iPad in something that can be convenient in that setting and when commuting, pull out the 10-inch iPad and use it. This is not rocket science. It is especially curious that some are arguing that the iPad should be designed to fit in what they want to carry it in. If you have a device that you want to carry, wouldn't the logical approach be to seek out a carrying case that fits the device, rather than the other way around. For years many consumers were fine with hauling around laptops far larger and heavier than the iPad for just that purpose. The iPad as it is right now is a much better option for that sort of use. It's certainly not a major hassle to haul around on a commute and provides a large enough screen to provide a satisfying experience. It strikes a good balance between the user experience and portability if you are prepared to carry the device in something other than simply slipping it into a pocket like a smartphone. Claiming the iPad can't work well for use when commuting is trying to manufacture a problem where one doesn't exist.
There are lots of competitors offering precisely what some claim they should be getting from Apple. Those devices are not doing well stacked up against the iPad. Perhaps there's a reason for that.
Originally Posted by Gatorguy
That could simply be lack of an option.
If committed to the Apple platform an iPhone is a device of last resort for reading any magazine/newspaper articles or browsing online news sites IMHO. The 10" iPad could be overkill for those only wanting to do some media consumption on the way to work, but with no other option of course it might seem users think it's the perfect size. Why not ask a few of them if they'd carry a smaller iPad instead if it were available and listen to the answers?
From Apple's perspective, the question is, does the preference of some for a smaller device have any impact on their buying decision. If given the choice between a 10-inch iPad and a 7-inch tablet made by another manufacturer, the vast majority of consumers still prefer the iPad (sales would suggest that is the case), then what does it matter that a 7-inch iPad would also appeal to some. Apple doesn't appear to be losing sales because the iPad is proving to be too large for people to use in a lot of settings. The longing for a smaller device is rather soft, if sales mean anything. There is no void here that is worth Apple's time and effort to address, at least not with a new form factor. Changes to the iPhone/Touch and the iPad itself are coming that will improve Apple's mobile offerings. I think that would more than address the challenge from competitors and maintain Apple's dominance in this category.
Originally Posted by Carmissimo
Apple doesn't appear to be losing sales because the iPad is proving to be too large for people to use in a lot of settings. The longing for a smaller device is rather soft, if sales mean anything. There is no void here that is worth Apple's time and effort to address, at least not with a new form factor.
There's been a few somewhat recent comments that Apple's iPad sales growth rate may be slowing a bit. We'll of course have a better idea within just days when Apple releases it's next results. If true tho, wouldn't you agree that Apple would be remiss in ignoring a market for a smaller/lighter/more portable/lower-priced tablet?
Originally Posted by Venerable
Well they all seem to have the option of picking up an inexpensive 7" device. In fact, more than 75% appear to be reading and you can certainly buy a cheap ereader for $50-$100. Don't kid yourselves, nobody's suffering with a 10" device. I've carried my iPad with me ever since I got my first one on the day it was released in the Apple store in 2010. Never once did I think "if only this were smaller." I used a Kindle for a weekend last fall and I really didn't like the limited screen size. Sure, it's good for some, but I don't think the whole world is waiting for more 7" tablet options.
Is there a 7" option for iOS?
Originally Posted by island hermit
Is there a 7" option for iOS?
No; and there doesn't have to be. Apple doesn't need to be all things to all people. My point was that if there's a huge demand for smaller, lighter devices then the alternatives are out there. I work with lots of professionals who use the iPad daily and it doesn't appear to be an unwieldy device or a chore to carry. There's absolutely a demand for a smaller device, but that doesn't mean it's a great business plan to meet that demand. There was enormous demand for $399 computers several years ago and the people who rushed in to meet that demand are no longer in business.
This is what so many people fail to understand.
First Apple finds out where the dartboard is. Then they make one big dart that they believe will cover most of its surface, they chuck it at the board, and they're very happy with that.
Everyone else is throwing the dartboard at the darts. Like a frisbee. Blindfolded.
Originally Posted by Venerable
No; and there doesn't have to be. Apple doesn't need to be all things to all people. My point was that if there's a huge demand for smaller, lighter devices then the alternatives are out there. I work with lots of professionals who use the iPad daily and it doesn't appear to be an unwieldy device or a chore to carry. There's absolutely a demand for a smaller device, but that doesn't mean it's a great business plan to meet that demand. There was enormous demand for $399 computers several years ago and the people who rushed in to meet that demand are no longer in business.
Your answer has nothing to do with my question. Now you are all over the board trying to fill in the cracks of your argument.
Personally, I don't want a smaller lighter device from Android or anyone else other than Apple. Both you and the other guy are trying to tell me that my needs aren't valid... which is really stupid.
We are talking about Apple and if Apple decides to build a 7" device then obviously Apple sees a chance to make money with it. Until that time (if and when it is made) we won't know. [Apple may have a dual or triple purpose for the device]
Trying to compare Apple to some shitty netbook makers is really demeaning, by the way.
Originally Posted by island hermit
Your answer has nothing to do with my question. Now you are all over the board trying to fill in the cracks of your argument.
Personally, I don't want a smaller lighter device from Android or anyone else other than Apple. Both you and the other guy are trying to tell me that my needs aren't valid... which is really stupid.
We are talking about Apple and if Apple decides to build a 7" device then obviously Apple sees a chance to make money with it. Until that time (if and when it is made) we won't know. [Apple may have a dual or triple purpose for the device]
Trying to compare Apple to some shitty netbook makers is really demeaning, by the way.
Nobody's suggesting that your "needs" (which are really "wants") aren't valid, just that Apple is under no obligation to meet every person's wants unless it makes reasonable financial sense to do so. They aren't the "Make a Wish" foundation, they're a business with a responsibility to shareholders. They could easily say, "screw it, we'll make a 7" tablet and sell it at cost to screw over our competitors" and come out with a $250 device that would sell well. It would sell so well that it would also cause a number of purchasers to think "wow, so I can get the same functionality as a 10" iPad at half the price" and they would buy the 7" (or maybe even two) rather than the 10".
Then comes the quarterly profit call. Apple says "the good news is that revenues are up, the bad news is that profits are down" and the stock price plummets. It also projects decreased profits for the following quarter.
The alternative is that they come out with a fairly-priced 7" at $379-$399, which won't draw buyers from $199 devices.
Originally Posted by Venerable
Nobody's suggesting that your "needs" (which are really "wants") aren't valid, just that Apple is under no obligation to meet every person's wants unless it makes reasonable financial sense to do so. They aren't the "Make a Wish" foundation, they're a business with a responsibility to shareholders. They could easily say, "screw it, we'll make a 7" tablet and sell it at cost to screw over our competitors" and come out with a $250 device that would sell well. It would sell so well that it would also cause a number of purchasers to think "wow, so I can get the same functionality as a 10" iPad at half the price" and they would buy the 7" (or maybe even two) rather than the 10".
Then comes the quarterly profit call. Apple says "the good news is that revenues are up, the bad news is that profits are down" and the stock price plummets. It also projects decreased profits for the following quarter.
The alternative is that they come out with a fairly-priced 7" at $379-$399, which won't draw buyers from $199 devices.
What the f*ck are you talking about.
You are one arrogant sob, telling me that these are my wants and not needs. You have absolutely no idea of what I do or why I do it. It's like telling a carpenter that a jig saw will do when he's trying to cut 10 X 2s and that any proper saw for the job is just a want. ... and nobody said that Apple is under any obligation, nor did I say that it should be $199, or, for that matter, I didn't say any of the other shit that you are spewing. You are so all over the map with your points and you move the goal posts so often it has become obvious that you really don't have a clue and now you're just making up shit to cover your ass.
I'm done... fill your boots.