Google says voice is the future of web search, introduces Siri-like app for iOS



  • Reply 41 of 163
    patpatpatpatpatpat Posts: 629member

    I like it, especially the speed. The "let me check my sources" and "blah blah" fillers siri throws out while it's waiting for a result are very irritating.

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  • Reply 42 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by patpatpat View Post

    The "let me check my sources" and "blah blah" fillers siri throws out while it's waiting for a result are very irritating.


    You'd rather someone not respond to you at all when you ask them a question? That's rude, you know.

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  • Reply 43 of 163
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member


    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post

    Wasn't Google's response when Siri was introduced that having a voice assistant was the wrong approach for mobile phones? Isn't this exactly what their appt is?

    And why on earth would someone using an iPhone opt for a third party app that offers nothing new over the integrated iOS functionality? Talk about a waste of time ...

    Only Apple must be criticized when it performs a head-fake.

    Apparently only 'open' includes permission to adjust course.

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  • Reply 44 of 163
    [CENTER]"To achieve that, Google will need to follow the lead of Apple's Siri, which was designed to figure out the question users were posing, rather than simply finding potential answers to property formed questions."

    "A full 80 percent of the active user base are suck with a version of Android 2.x, which came out 2010."

    Did anyone proof this before it was published?[/CENTER]
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  • Reply 45 of 163
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member


    Originally Posted by sleepy3 View Post

    Yeah, what's next? 


    They gonna start making 7 inch tablets to compete with the ipad mini which came first?

    Or are they gonna make a 4-inch screen to compete with the iphone 5, which had the big screen first?

    Or are they gonna make a TV to compete with the iTV, which came first?


    All great Apple products which were ripped off by Google and their partners using and their time machine. image

    Still don't get that its not simply 'first', but 'first done right', huh?

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  • Reply 46 of 163
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member


    Originally Posted by noneareleft View Post

    "To achieve that, Google will need to follow the lead of Apple's Siri, which was designed to figure out the question users were posing, rather than simply finding potential answers to property formed questions."

    "A full 80 percent of the active user base are suck with a version of Android 2.x, which came out 2010."

    Did anyone proof this before it was published?

    Looks fine to me.  Android and suck in the same sentence.

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  • Reply 47 of 163
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member

    Tallest Skill - you're flat wrong about that icon and voice commands in general.  Google has had that icon for years.


    Apple didn't invent technology like Siri or even demonstrate it first. The whole natural language craze was brought into the spotlight when IBM had Watson compete on Jeopardy well before Siri became a feature of the iPhone.  Watson was far superior at processing natural language than Siri is.


    Beyond that, Apple didn't even create Siri.  They acquired it.  It was an app in the App Store before they did.  Good for them. This is not a criticism of Apple by any stretch. The issue is people that think anytime Apple uses an existing technology in their product, suddenly the idea is 100% OWNED and invented by Apple. Now anyone that does something similar is incapable of an original idea.




    They acquired the idea, and the technology was most likely inspired by IBM's Watson performance and it does a better job than Siri.


    Get over it.  Stop letting your hatred for Google become the focus of every conversation on this forum.  Siri is fine.  Apple is fine.  It is people acting like Google is a criminal for emulating technology that pre-dates Siri- that is what is driving me crazy.

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  • Reply 48 of 163
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    sleepy3 wrote: »
    Surely you are aware that Google Now is MUCH more than just question and answer. It actually gives you information without you having to ask since it understands what you like, where you work, where you drop off your kids, your fav team, where you live, what bus you take, what train you KNOWS you. 

    Of course, some people have privacy issues with it, obviously, but its opt in. You can choose to ask siri about the same thing everyday, if the train is on time, what the weather is, who won the game, etc

    OR you can have Google Now give you these things automatically without you doing a thing. 

    Well....that is if the google search feature is Google Now functionality, and not just search functionality. If it is just search, well then yeah, i see your point. The only advantage would be speed, as many youtube tests have shown Google voice search is faster and more natural sounding. 

    Wow - so lets get this right, Google, the do no evil (cough, choke) company spies on us and collects data on just about every aspect of our life including who we are sleeping with, every time we take a crap and where we will be next. And would give that data up to someone in authority that asks. What a comforting thought. Now go back to sleep sleepy.
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  • Reply 49 of 163


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    How about not changing my name when quoting me. 

    Actually, I do wish he would change your tedious, pointless quotes/posts rather than your name.

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  • Reply 50 of 163


    Originally Posted by rednival View Post

    Beyond that, Apple didn't even create Siri.  They acquired it.  ....Get over it.

    When one acquires something, one gets to do what one wants with it. The same does not apply if you steal or copy something.


    Siri belongs to Apple. Apple is taking it to the future. Get over it.

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  • Reply 51 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by rednival View Post

    The issue is people that think anytime Apple uses an existing technology in their product, suddenly the idea is 100% OWNED and invented by Apple.


    I guess iTunes isn't owned or invented by Apple, then. It's just a rehash of SoundJam. Apple can't make anything their own; they just buy companies with the real ideas.

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  • Reply 52 of 163
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member
    When one acquires something, one gets to do what one wants with it. The same does not apply if you steal or copy something.

    Siri belongs to Apple. Apple is taking it to the future. Get over it.

    True but using your logic Siri is stolen. The entire point of Watson was to show that a computer could interpret natural language, search the Internet, and answer the question. If Google stole Siri, Apple stole Watson. I don't believe what either did qualifies as theft.
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  • Reply 53 of 163

    What you say is true. Apple, the company, seeks out like others do what will bring the best results. They took SIRI when others did not. They reworked it to be amazing in it's ability to figure out the real question, rather than respond to pre-tabled key words and throw several answers at you. 

    Your point is valid, but now that SIRI is a piece of the Apple, I guess I could say that Apple brought us the capacity. Certainly their hardware and software, integrated seamlessly, is a new generation of the use of voice technology Artificial Intelligence.


    Thank you for responding Lamewing

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  • Reply 54 of 163
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,015member


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Apple didn't have to start the lawsuits. They could swallowed their pride. "They copied! No, they copied!" The time and effort wasted on these lawsuits is just silly Now, as you said, they are going to loose out on much of what Google has to offer.


    Where, by "swallowed their pride" you mean "allowed Google, et al. to completely rip them off". I suggest if your home is ever robbed, or your car stolen, you just "swallow your pride" and don't bother filing a police report.

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  • Reply 55 of 163


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Apple didn't have to start the lawsuits. They could swallowed their pride. "They copied! No, they copied!" The time and effort wasted on these lawsuits is just silly Now, as you said, they are going to loose out on much of what Google has to offer.

    I'm sure the huge chunk of change (likely in the billions) Samsung will be paying Apple will more than make up for the time wasted on these silly lawsuits.

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  • Reply 56 of 163
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member
    I guess iTunes isn't owned or invented by Apple, then. It's just a rehash of SoundJam. Apple can't make anything their own; they just buy companies with the real ideas.

    Your sarcasm misrepresents my point. I think Apple acquiring companies like Siri shows foresight and vision. I would not claim they have no original ideas. You're branding me something I'm not because you and others think that anyone that disagrees with you or defends Google must hate Apple.

    My only point is that Watson came before Siri, and no one wants to address that because they have no rebuttle. Instead all you want to do is try to paint my comment as Apple Bashing or trolling when all it was intended to be about was fact checking.
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  • Reply 57 of 163
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,015member


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    ... I think Google's motivation is not to damage Apple but do what they do with Chrome. ...


    I don't think you understand Google. Google deeply believes (and they may be correct) that they can only succeed by destroying others. They are a fundamentally destructive, as opposed to creative, company.


    The whole point of Chrome is to destroy the browser market for everyone else -- Microsoft, Mozilla (they'll be pulling the plug on them shortly), Apple -- so that Google ends up controlling all access to the web and can monitor everyone using it, without having to worry about their javascript based surveillance software and cookies being blocked

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  • Reply 58 of 163
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    sleepy3 wrote: »
    uhhh, that icon was used since BEFORE siri. Ever heard of voice actions? Yep, same mic. Been using that mic FOR YEARS.

    But of course, all you are aware of is Apple products, therefore would not be aware of that and would assume everything apple does, Apple does first. 

    Hope you don't go saying Samsung is following Apple by increasing the size of their phone screens next year. 

    Apple used that icon with Voice Control which came out before Voice Actions.
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  • Reply 59 of 163
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,015member


    Originally Posted by rednival View Post

    True but using your logic Siri is stolen. The entire point of Watson was to show that a computer could interpret natural language, search the Internet, and answer the question. If Google stole Siri, Apple stole Watson. I don't believe what either did qualifies as theft.


    This post demonstrates why the world is such a messed up place.

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  • Reply 60 of 163
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    This post demonstrates why the world is such a messed up place.


    In what way?

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