Google says voice is the future of web search, introduces Siri-like app for iOS



  • Reply 101 of 163
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That's a hilarious image. It's astounding the lengths to which the Androiders will go to justify Google's gang-raping of phones.


    Starting with a misquote.


    So do you think whoever came up with that was crying when they wrote it?

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  • Reply 102 of 163


    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post

    Wasn't Google's response when Siri was introduced that having a voice assistant was the wrong approach for mobile phones? Isn't this exactly what their appt is?

    And why on earth would someone using an iPhone opt for a third party app that offers nothing new over the integrated iOS functionality? Talk about a waste of time ...


    CORRECT. ANDY ANDY says you shouldn't talk to your phone:


    Then ERIC SCHMIDT called Siri a threat to Google:


    Now... Google says voice is the future of web search. Sounds like Google figured out that Apple was right all along. Again. image

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  • Reply 103 of 163
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    How is the truth hilarious? How is Apple copying ideas from Android okay, but others cannot copy from Apple? And what is up with the gang-rape obsession?


    Android is "open" like webkit, that means anyone can use it to do whatever they want, as long as the licensing agreement is acknowledged.


    Remember Android's "openness" is a major differentiator from Apple's "closed" system, one of Android's main selling points, since day one..

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  • Reply 104 of 163
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    Google, now known as Microsoft. I'll be referring to it as Goocrosoft from now on.
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  • Reply 105 of 163

    Apple wishes it had Voice Actions.  It kicks the crap out of Apple's offerings in this area,



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    They've also been using the same AI-based OS actions engine for years, have they? I thought so. 


    Think of it as user base of phones, not the people themselves. image

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  • Reply 106 of 163
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Waverunnr View Post

    Apple wishes it had Voice Actions.  It kicks the crap out of Apple's offerings in this area,



    Cool, so obviously Google are wasting their time then.

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  • Reply 107 of 163

    google did voice search first. Google now is ten times better then siri, reason?  Better interface showcasing useful data clearly. Images, statistics, links, maps etc. Google's voice search understands you better then siri. Not an insult to apple, just the simple truth. Also, ironically, google's search results are not filtered to only bring up sponsered sites like yelp and urban spoon like siri does. It just makes sense that google would find the way to perfect this concept. It's sorta their thing. Much how they have dominated maps. Same problem, apple's map choose minimalist style over functionality. Quite honestly, there is no right or wrong choice. It al depends on what your average day is like and what you use most. I use my iphone on weekends, playing games, music. I use my samsung galaxy s2 for when I really need to rely on a device to help me out with things. 


    And another thing, I'm new here, but has anyone brought up how apple blatantly ripped off google with the notification bar??? Not trying to start a flame war. Just want everyone to realize that it's a tired and pointless fight to get into. 

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  • Reply 108 of 163
    hill60 wrote: »
    Aaaargh, that annoying American accent, as an Australian it is as grating as fingernails on a blackboard, that's the voice of the navigation on my Galaxy Nexus.

    Which annoying American accent - there are so many. I'm sure my Texas drawl is quite annoying, but I find a lot of regional American accents unpleasant. The exception, besides the Texas drawl to which I am accustomed, is that breathy southern accent from the South Carolina. It's just so soft spoken and easy on the ears. As far as other accents in English, I find the variety spoken in Scotland also pleasing to listen to, but I can't understand half of what they're saying (my fault, not theirs).
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  • Reply 109 of 163
    alan leon wrote: »
    And another thing, I'm new here, but has anyone brought up how apple blatantly ripped off google with the notification bar??? Not trying to start a flame war. Just want everyone to realize that it's a tired and pointless fight to get into. 
    You are new here. See Apple Newton for notifications.
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  • Reply 110 of 163

    "A full 80 percent of the active user base are suck with a version of Android 2.x, which came out 2010."


    Love it.

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  • Reply 111 of 163
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    I like how words it's not 100% sure of yet flicker, that is a great way to display it, I bet Apple wish they thought of it (of course they do work sentences at a time).

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  • Reply 112 of 163
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member


    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post

    Wasn't Google's response when Siri was introduced that having a voice assistant was the wrong approach for mobile phones? Isn't this exactly what their appt is?

    And why on earth would someone using an iPhone opt for a third party app that offers nothing new over the integrated iOS functionality? Talk about a waste of time ...


    1 - SIRI is only available on the iPhone 4S


    2 - Google search is the best search in the world


    3 - Google has very little downtime.


    There you go, three good reasons for you.

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  • Reply 113 of 163
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That's a hilarious image. It's astounding the lengths to which the Androiders will go to justify Google's gang-raping of phones.


    What's hilarious about it? The Apple ripped off Android's notification centre? Or that commonly used icons, such as the Mic icon, have been used all over for years?

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  • Reply 114 of 163
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,522moderator
    anonymouse wrote:
    Google deeply believes (and they may be correct) that they can only succeed by destroying others. They are a fundamentally destructive, as opposed to creative, company.

    I wouldn't use the word creative as the opposite of destructive to describe Google but I'd say they are constructive. Every company has a motivation to protect themselves and that will ultimately conflict with other companies but the people at Google know where the innovation came from and if they had an agenda to destroy Apple, they'd ultimately lose all their laptops/desktops (remember they banned Windows from their offices and Adobe apps don't exist on Linux) and they'd lose potential inspiration for future developments.

    I don't see why they'd have a motivation that clearly conflicts with their own self-interest. They have nothing to gain by destroying Apple.

    The money they make from Chrome and Android is negligible vs their overall company revenue but they are ways to drive traffic to their profit-making products. If Chrome and Android didn't exist, the hole they'd leave wouldn't be filled by Apple but rather products that would much more severely conflict with Apple's philosophy. As I've said in the past, while it may not be true that they do no evil, they are by far the lesser of many evils.
    anonymouse wrote:
    The whole point of Chrome is to destroy the browser market for everyone else -- Microsoft, Mozilla (they'll be pulling the plug on them shortly), Apple -- so that Google ends up controlling all access to the web and can monitor everyone using it, without having to worry about their javascript based surveillance software and cookies being blocked

    I don't agree with that entirely. They do like to violate privacy, which is understandable given that advertising is their core business but I see their primary target as Microsoft. Mozilla is failing on its own because they refuse to switch to a superior rendering engine and continue with bloated gecko. If everyone switched to webkit, that helps the entire web because it creates a common authoring platform, which is exactly why Flash existed in the first place.

    I'd rather see Apple and Google work closer together than further apart to the benefit of both Android and iOS users and to the detriment of the people who hold technology back for their own profit at the expense of the users - they know who they are.
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  • Reply 115 of 163
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,015member


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    ... I don't see why they'd have a motivation that clearly conflicts with their own self-interest. They have nothing to gain by destroying Apple. ...


    That might be the rational view, but that's not the mentality that Google demonstrates. They had nothing to gain by doing Android, but they did it anyway. Clearly they don't subscribe to the rational view. Clearly, they subscribe to a view where they fail if they don't control everything, similar to Microsoft's view that they needed to control everything, but of wider scope.


    I understand that you want to think that Google isn't out to destroy X, Y & Z, but the reality is that that's the only way they view the world: a series of rivals that must be destroyed so that Google can control everything, including, and especially, all access to information.

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  • Reply 116 of 163


    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post


    What's hilarious about it? The Apple ripped off Android's notification centre? Or that commonly used icons, such as the Mic icon, have been used all over for years?



    If Apple "ripped off" anything from Android, we should be hearing about an infringement case, no? Hmm, I wonder why not?

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  • Reply 117 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    So do you think whoever came up with that was crying when they wrote it?


    I'm thinking enormous, jutting lower lip, pouting with eyes getting watery.


    Originally Posted by Waverunnr View Post

    Apple wishes it had Voice Actions.  It kicks the crap out of Apple's offerings in this area,


    Oh, the offerings that do more, recognize voices better, and are more intelligent on the back end, you mean?


    As an aside, and not related to the two quotes above, I love how the trolls always reveal themselves as such when you post the right thing. They always quote it, too.

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    1 - SIRI is only available on the iPhone 4S


    2 - Google search is the best search in the world


    3 - Google has very little downtime.


    There you go, three good reasons for you.


    1. Nope. Objective truth (what I said).

    2. Nope. Subjective nonsense (what you said).

    3. Don't know myself, but I imagine it's true. Though what does that have to do with absolutely anything?

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  • Reply 118 of 163
    rednival wrote: »
    Thanks for making my point.  If Apple mimics a concept pioneered by someone else, it is irrelevant.  If Google mimics an idea you think was pioneered by Apple, it is theft.

    You people are so blinded by bias you can't even think rationally.

    Apple didn't mimic. Siri was an iOS product from SRI, a company which Apple later acquired. Go hate on SRI. Also, Apple fans are used to being called irrational and sheep by trolls with handles like "LogicNReason", who sign up here to pick fights so they can go brag about it to friends. Deep down inside, you're jealous that Apple get a lot of credit, and you can't wait to post about prior art or 2001: A Space Odyssey or some such nonsense. Watson might be a valid comparison if it was a consumer product, but it is not. Neither is frickin' HAL-9000. But what really burns you up is that Apple gets all the credit for putting this technology in the hands of everyday customers, and as a result, is very popular. You're so blinded by that, you can't even think rationally.
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  • Reply 119 of 163
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post



    If Apple "ripped off" anything from Android, we should be hearing about an infringement case, no? Hmm, I wonder why not?

    No history of them doing so. I'm not aware that Google has ever initiated a patent suit against any tech competitor. Besides, using your logic Google apparently didn't really "rip off" Apple either since you're not hearing about Apple suing them. 

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  • Reply 120 of 163
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,522moderator
    anonymouse wrote:
    They had nothing to gain by doing Android

    Not directly but when you use an Android device, you can have a single login to GMail, Youtube, the Android Store, Google Voice, personalised search, adwords etc. Some services are paid. While people who already use those services might use them on Windows Phone or Blackberry, those companies want to push their own services like Bing, BBM, Windows Live/Hotmail, MSN, Skype and so on. When you are talking about 300 million users, the impact of that becomes significant and for every Android user that wants an app, they sign up to Google and they have an access point to everything else.

    In the case of voice search, it might show adword links, which people pay Google for so they gain by doing this.
    anonymouse wrote:
    I understand that you want to think that Google isn't out to destroy X, Y & Z, but the reality is that that's the only way they view the world: a series of rivals that must be destroyed so that Google can control everything, including, and especially, all access to information.

    That doesn't explain why they use Apple products in their marketing videos instead of the products of the companies they partner with to deliver Android. If they wanted to destroy Apple, surely they use a Samsung Galaxy S3 or Nexus S. What possible reason do they have to promote the product of a supposed competitor other than that Google doesn't see them as a competitor?

    I often hear people criticising Google for what they did with Android but tell me what you'd prefer as an alternative. Apple cannot take 100% of the smartphone market because they aren't on the cheapest tariffs. That leaves a gap in the market. If Google doesn't fill it then who? Microsoft or RIM, neither of which have the slightest interest in supporting Apple or pushing communications and web standards forward nor in making them open for everyone.

    I'd like to see Apple getting more credit for what they did and not have legions of Android fans deluded into thinking what they are currently using came entirely from Google and would have existed regardless of Apple but I think the alternative situation is far worse. At this stage, I don't think there's a single thing Google can do to take down the most proftable company in the world. As long as Apple keeps making high quality products, they have nothing to worry about.

    Eventually Apple's marketshare will become the minority but that's only starting to happen - Android and iOS will be around 350 million units each and the next iPhone will be the biggest seller ever. There's only 7 billion people in the world and over half can't afford a smartphone:

    The entire potential phone market is realistically 2 billion units and Android and iOS already account for 1/3 of this. If they both ship over 30 million units per quarter, the market will be entirely saturated in under 10 years. People will still upgrade but iOS and Android will be the standard that Nokia once was.

    Apple won't lose by Google's success and vice versa.
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