'It's almost here:' Apple announces 'iPhone 5' event for Sept. 12



  • Reply 21 of 299

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Or the shadow refers to the 5th generation and not actual name.


    But that's wrong, too.

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    I like to think the 5 stands for 5 new products  :p


    I like that idea, though I don't buy it. Talk about your runaround, eh?


    iPhone, iPod touch, iPod nano, iPod shuffle… what else? They COULD do it, we just have to think of a 5th product.image

    …if Apple was using "generation" to name phones they would have called the 4s the 5s…


    But that wouldn't have made sense, either. They don't always use generation names, they've used three naming conventions in the past: generation, telephony, and speed.


    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    You frequently edit people's posts when you quote them.


    But not the posts themselves. That would be disingenuous. 

  • Reply 22 of 299
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member

    Disregard the graphic. It’s the iPhone 9.


    It is the 9th distinct hardware design; not just colors and GB but unique construction/parts for 8 prior models:




    iPhone 3G


    iPhone 3GS


    iPhone 4


    iPhone 4 CDMA with new antenna design and mute switch position


    iPhone 4 white with redesigned camera ring


    iPhone 4 white CDMA with redesigned camera ring AND new antenna design/mute switch


    iPhone 4s


    iPhone 9


    ... Actually, now that we’ve all known for ages that it would just be “iPhone” from now on, like the iPad, iMac, MacBook Pro etc.... they HAD to give it a number: it’s the only thing they could surprise us with after all these leaks! I for one am indeed surprised. In a boring kind of way.
  • Reply 23 of 299

    Samsung announces Galaxy SIV to be released on october 21st     Ready the copy machines!  

  • Reply 24 of 299
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    I like to think the 5 stands for 5 new products  :p


    But of course it will be call iphone 5, if Apple was using "generation" to name phones they would have called the 4s the 5s...

    No matter what Spock claims, 5 follows 4. Besides the naming of the iPhone or any other Apple device is is NOT a question of logic - when will people realize this?

  • Reply 25 of 299
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member

    I think everyone needs to get past whether some thought it would be the iPhone 6 or 6th gen iPhone or iPhone 5 or New iPhone or whatever. It could have gone any way. We all had reasons to see it any of those. We could all have been wrong if Apple had decided differently. 


    Hell, it would be a hoot of the 5 is just their way of gaming us all and TS ends up being right ;)

  • Reply 26 of 299

    Oh well.  I had been thinking it was 50/50 for either "the new iPhone" or "iPhone 5."  (And 0 chance of being called "iPhone 6.")

    I was 1/3 right.  Or something like that.

  • Reply 27 of 299

    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Hell, it would be a hoot of the 5 is just their way of gaming us all and TS ends up being right ;)


    I now subscribe to the "5 products being released" theory. image

  • Reply 28 of 299
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    I think everyone needs to get past whether some thought it would be the iPhone 6 or 6th gen iPhone or iPhone 5 or New iPhone or whatever. It could have gone any way. We all had reasons to see it any of those. We could all have been wrong if Apple had decided differently

    Yes. Only the people TS arrogantly and belligerently dismissed as being WRONG can jibe back. C'mon everybody.

  • Reply 29 of 299
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member

    5...hmmm.. .available in 5 different models? on 5 different networks? works with iOS 5? 


    5 classes of iOS devices? iPhone, iPod, iPad, AppleTV, and some altogether new device (as a restricted user interface on an iMac)? 


    Clearly it is the 5th generation iPhone - and iPhone 5 works as well as anything else - despite the OS being at version 6.


    IBM did change what was developed at AIX 5.4 to AIX 6 to coincide with the release of POWER6, so not unprecedented to have the name of one product drive another, of course in that case they did not skip an entire whole number. Of course they also used names like p650 as a bridge from the old RS6000 to then new pSeries branding - and the p5xx for POWER5 which made it awkward when POWER6 came out since p6xx was already used - so POWER6 marketing names were kept at p5xx or actually POWER6 5xx - leaving p7xx for current POWER7 system. Its anyone guess if they will use POWER8 8xx when POWER8 systems come out. IBM is pretty good at shuffling things up right about the time you get the old way all figured out. 


    If Apple had not called the current iPad "the New iPad" I would be more certain that iPhone 5 would be the most likely used name at least for marketing purposes - even if the official product name is just iPhone. But I would not be surprised in the least if the marketing was all "the New iPhone" while the official name is iPhone and the technical manuals etc refer to it as iPhone (5th Generation) along the lines of iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2011) and MacBook Pro (Retina). I suppose in the end it may come down to how much each group of product developers has to say about the name of the product they develop. For as much as Apple eschews focus groups etc, in the end someone or some group has to actually make a decision and since we are not privy to the process used for any given product the best we can do is speculate. 

  • Reply 30 of 299
    tulkas wrote: »
    Guess it might be called the iPhone 5 after all.

    Edit: removed pic as the story was updated to include it.

    Not necessarily. The number 5 could be a reference to the 5th Gen iPod Touch. :lol:
  • Reply 31 of 299

    "iPhone 5" hahahaha I laugh in your face! You know who you are :) 

  • Reply 32 of 299

    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    Clearly it is the 5th generation iPhone…


    6th. Generation doesn't change even if the name does.

  • Reply 33 of 299
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    macvicta wrote: »
    Maybe it will launch on October 5th.

    That's it. They're going to call it 'iPhone 12' and release it on Oct 5. /s

    gazoobee wrote: »
    Kind of implies rather strongly that the A6 processor was not ready for prime time and that this will still be a 5x one instead.  Lame. 

    It doesn't say any such thing. Apple doesn't generally use processor specs in their high level advertising messages. They didn't mind calling the previous versions the iPhone 4/4S even though they had A5 processors, for example.
    tulkas wrote: »
    I think everyone needs to get past whether some thought it would be the iPhone 6 or 6th gen iPhone or iPhone 5 or New iPhone or whatever. It could have gone any way. We all had reasons to see it any of those. We could all have been wrong if Apple had decided differently. 

    Yes, but there's a difference between what you're suggesting and being vehemently opposed to something and attacking others for stating a belief that differs from yours.

    Frankly, I always took the position that it didn't really matter and wasn't worth worrying about. I did, however, get offended by TS outright attacks on people who thought it might be the iPhone 5. It's a little late for him to say "it doesn't matter, so let's get past it".

    Similarly, his vehement attacks on the concept of an iPad Mini fall into the same pattern. He can not simply say "let's get past it" if the iPad Mini is shipped - at least not if he has even a shred of integrity.
  • Reply 34 of 299


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I'm not inserting anything about the name. I change it to the right generation. I also don't edit their posts.



    But it isn't. Only internally is it anything "5". And then the iPhone 4 was internally 3


    I was insistent about "iPhone 6" until this year's iPad came out, and for that I apologize, but I don't see a reason to apologize for backing "6th iPhone" thereafter.

    If it is called iPhone 5, then even Apple is wrong. Sorry, but that is simply pandering to the lowest common denominator and ruins the intelligent naming conventions iPhone carried in the past. Apple may name it iPhone 5 to avoid confusing idiots who don't understand the product line or its history, but there is no reason to call the 6th generation, 4th form factor iPhone an iPhone 5.

  • Reply 35 of 299
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Not necessarily. The number 5 could be a reference to the 5th Gen iPod Touch. image

    So long as we are done with people saying the iPhone 4S was "iPhone For Steve" I am fine.


    Except I guess we might get people claiming the 5 is 'leetspeak for S and again means Steve....then I might need alcohol. 

  • Reply 36 of 299
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    I guess Tallest Skill is eating some humble pie about now. :)

    He will never admit it! He used to have it in his signature adamantly saying it will NOT be called the iPhone 5!!!

    So humble pie it will be but he will neve admit he was wrong......

    But he might ban us if we disagree with him......

  • Reply 37 of 299
    rs9rs9 Posts: 68member

    Hi Folks, everyone always trying to guess, because this is all it is a guess - what Apple will do next.


    Let's wait and see what Apple offers on September 12th. Personally, I will wait, let all the beta testers complain about bugs with the Iphone 5 and pick one up around October.


    Personally, I wish (feel free and blow me away if you think I'm a few fries short of a happy meal), but wouldn't it be nice if one could remove this sim card from the Iphone 5 (new Iphone?) and insert it in the Mini Ipad and just like that  one has the proverbial phabplet.


    Such an option will probably increase sales of both the Iphone and mini-Ipad and quite frankly put the Galaxy Note to sleep.

  • Reply 38 of 299

    NOT looking forward to the headphone jack being re-positioned to the bottom of the device......

  • Reply 39 of 299

    What's in a name?  And who cares really?


    My iPhone 4s runs iOS 5, and when I update it, it'll run iOS 6.  As will my iPhone 5, it appears.  I don't care about the name, I can't wait to see the FEATURES!

  • Reply 40 of 299

    I think maybe it's just my silly mind. The number 12 is somehow significant apart from it being the date. Maybe they'll release twelve products and services like refreshed iMac, refreshed Mac Mini, new iPad Mini, new iPhone 5, refreshed iTunes and some other things or I'm being too optimistic.

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