Nokia unveils Lumia 920 with 4.5" display, PureView camera



  • Reply 61 of 253

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Guess you don't want to comment on the rest of my post… 


    Because it's off topic and if you want to talk to me about it, do it in a thread where it is (there aren't really any) or in PM.


    You are just a an uninformed bystander. Hard to write a review of a restaurant when your only experience has been by looking through the glass window on the outside looking in. Until you actually go inside and taste the food your opinion is really rather worthless.


    So I can't have an opinion on what I'd like the president of the United States to do unless I've already served a term. Got it. Guess there should only be five people voting come November.

  • Reply 62 of 253


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Is the implication that you think this is better than Apple's offerings? Can you really say that until the 12th? Of course I look around at other things.


    It's an Apple website. I just don't see much reason to report on the others unless there's some direct relation or comparison to Apple's offerings. And at the very least, it doesn't belong in the iPhone subforum, but many generic news postings in the phone industry wind up here, so that's just a difference of opinion. 


    Blah, blah, FUD, blah blah, gloom and doom… THIS is why I don't like seeing competitor crap here. Pulls the trolls even further out of the woodwork.

    I've been holding out for the latest iPhone since April.  I currently have the iPhone 4.  My son has the 4S and wife and the 4. I recently left a company that paid for my phone and monthly charges. Since they are no longer paying, it makes sense to move back onto my family plan on Verizon. I have not yet done this because I want the new iPhone.


    Count me as one of those who hopes the feature rumors that have been circulating are Apple disinformation. If the only new features we receive are the slightly larger screen, new dock connector (is that really a feature?), faster processor, thinner screen, and LTE, then I will most likely not get the next iPhone.


    Since the release of the iPhone 4, the evolution of the iPhone and iOS has moved at a glacial pace.

  • Reply 63 of 253
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Because it's off topic and if you want to talk to me about it, do it in a thread where it is (there aren't really any) or in PM.



    So I can't have an opinion on what I'd like the president of the United States to do unless I've already served a term. Got it. Guess there should only be five people voting come November.

    Apples and Oranges. All Americans have the same access to the news in order to formulate an opinion on a president. So we are all in the same boat essentially in terms of access to that knowledge base.  But when it comes to commenting on the iPhone, there are two types of people; those who own and use an iPhone and those that don't. People will value the thoughts and opinions of actual iPhone owners far more than those people that don't own or use an iPhone for the simple fact that hands on experience gives you actual insight. So until you actually own and use an iPhone your opinion will always be based on what you read and not what you actually have experienced. 


    If I was planning a trip to Miami, would I ask a person that lives there for tips or some guy in Boise that has never even been to Miami but read a few articles on a travel website about it. Guess which guy you are. We all have a right to an opinion but we don't all have a right to the facts or actual hands on experience. So stop pretending like you are some sort of iPhone authority and disparaging my opinion as ludicrous or funny when you have so often been proven wrong. 

  • Reply 64 of 253
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by majortom1981 View Post

    This is probably an unpopular thought here but I like  what nokia presented here. Unless the the iphone 5 is different then what the mockups show  a windows phone 8 phone might be my next. I currently have an iphone 4s that I have had nothing but problerms with. Its already been repaired under warranty (bad power button) and now has the front camera fritzing out .


    I just feel that apple hasnt been changing ios enough.


    I do hope apple has done a better job of keeping the next iphone 5 a secret and that the current mockups are not even close. I am not of a big fan of the same width but longer screen.

    I like change like many people but there is an inherent problem in screwing around with a successful OS - you stand a good chance of alienating a large portion of your customers. Its a delicate balance and I think Apple has done pretty good. Adding features for the sake of it is counterproductive and my bet is that most people by far use IOS in its basic form, just like Windows and OSX. Apple is good at adding candy and keeping things simple. How would you like to see IOS change?


    Having said that - I also think the Nokia with the Windows OS looks great. It is bright and attractive and doesn't look at all geeky and traditional.

  • Reply 65 of 253
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member

    Out of all the Apple competitors, Nokia makes the best hardware hands down.


  • Reply 66 of 253

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    All Americans have the same access to the news in order to formulate an opinion on a president.

    We also have the same access to the iPhones in order to formulate an opinion of the devices.


    So until you actually own and use an iPhone your opinion will always be based on what you read and not what you actually have experienced. 


    Yeah, friends, family members, and Apple Stores sure don't exist.

  • Reply 67 of 253
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member

    I think these are fine competitors to the iPhone and I wish them luck.  Window's UI will catch some attention and It has some cool features.  Personally, I'm hooked on Apple and probably won't ever switch.  But For all those that wanted something new and fresh (UI speaking) and lots of colors...these are great designs.  Funny, the 820 kind of looks like an iPhone 3G in colors, the 920 looks like a larger iPod Nano in plastic...but whatever, they're far enough off to avoid any lawsuit IMO.

  • Reply 68 of 253


    Originally Posted by LuxoM3 View Post

    This was a REALLY BOLD and COMPETITIVE move for Nokia a week before the announcement of the iPhone 5.


    Because when people rethink their contracts, they'll have these features to mull over...


    1. 8-megapixel camera that can shoot 1080p high-definition video - WITH IMAGE STABILIZATION

    2. "PureView" technology allows shooting imagery without using flash.

    3. "Super Sensitive Touch." - allow use of the device while wearing gloves.

    4. Inductive charging

    5. Mapping with Augmented reality - point the phone down a street and it SHOWS YOU the names of places, shops, bus stops, etc.

    6. Even LOW-end phones get  exchangeable shells that allow users to change colors or add wireless charging, and also allows users to input microSD cards.


    I'd call that stuff pretty innovative.

    And why have this here on AppleInsider?

    Because IF all Apple gives us is a 4" screen, LTE, and 3D mapping - this might very well END Apple's dominance of phones.

    I'm not trying to down Apple, but after a while, what are we really getting for $199+ in the iPhone that is THAT different from the 2007 iPhone?






    1. iPhone 4S has an 8mp camera with 1080p at 30fps with image stabilization. Granted, the stabilization is digital rather than optical. If the luminia is optical I'll give them a half point.

    2. I don't yet know what PureView is, so I'll just throw Nokia a point there. Subject to change once I've read up on it.

    3. -2 to Nokia. I already 'tit dial/hangup/etc' when I have my iPhone in my shirt pocket with the screen facing me (Siri's a bitch unless I face the screen forward.) This is a case of more is worse.

    4. The tech is energy hungry...but cool. Point to Nokia if it doesn't add too much weight. Half point otherwise.

    5. Apple third party to the rescue in short order. Apple is not in the business of implementing the kitchen sink - that's what is killing the Android upgrade availibility on those phones. But it is I'll give Nokia a half point until an iOS app is out.

    6a. Sorry - no shell swaps for you. 3rd party vendor market has had this for everyone for years.

    6b. I understand and fully agree with Apple's not including an SD reader. But it sucks. Point to Nokia until Apple's iCloud is more pervasive. Then it'll STILL be a point to Nokia (close, but no cigar Apple.)


    Final score is advantage Nokia, but only a total of 2 given your bullet points.


    What is the Luminia screen pixel resolution?

  • Reply 69 of 253
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member


    Originally Posted by Napoleon_PhoneApart View Post

    I don't think you're a racist, but maybe the guy works for Nokia? In any event, I could understand him perfectly.



    Being a racist requires subjective intent. With that said, I agree with the other poster. It is like when you are American and take a college class and the Professor barely speaks English. It is bad enough trying to learn the topic much less have to try and understand the professor.

  • Reply 70 of 253

    Looks interesting but with the new iPhone coming out this'll probably be relegated to the "Also-Rans" pile

  • Reply 71 of 253

    I am happy to see Nokia making a comeback. After many horrible years and poor products (mainly OS) they are showing signs of life. I do agree that Apple has to start putting speed if they want to keep up with competition. Lumia 920 certainly is more appealing than any Androids: built quality, screen and some nice new features. I love my iPhone, but if screen size remains the same, I start looking Lumia seriously. Apple, time to surprise again.

  • Reply 72 of 253


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Why is every Apple website reporting on this thing? Why do we care?


    Well, il looks nice, with nice colors, fresh. I'd like Apple takes inspiration from it ;-)

  • Reply 73 of 253
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    We also have the same access to the iPhones in order to formulate an opinion of the devices.



    Yeah, friends, family members, and Apple Stores sure don't exist.

    Not close to being the same as owning and using an iPhone yourself on a daily basis. My best friend has a Mercedes E350  and I have driven his car but I wouldn't claim to be an expert on the E350 or offer detailed opinions on owning one since I don't. All the quirks and good points come from using it on a daily basis. You don't own an iPhone and even though you can have an opinion like everyone else, it just isn't very valuable. Once you actually own and use an iPhone then I might give your opinions a little more credence.


    As far as my point being off topic, you are the one that told everyone you don't own or use an iPhone. You obviously thought it was relevant or I wouldn't have even known. Exactly what are you waiting on? What iPhone could Apple possibly make to meet your incredibly high standards? 

  • Reply 74 of 253
    daylove22 wrote: »
    like macbooks and imacs no one is buying those...look at market share lol

    Apple's Mac business model is sustainable, and is in fact the smartest in the industry.

    Nokia's is not.

    And both markets are entirely different to begin with. Apple rules the $1000+ PC segment. Nokia rules the segment that companies do typically before they fold.
  • Reply 75 of 253

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Exactly what are you waiting on? What iPhone could Apple possibly make to meet your incredibly high standards? 


    Oh, come on. "Standards"? I haven't been able to afford one. I also couldn't justify paying for data when wherever I would have needed it I had Wi-Fi. 

  • Reply 76 of 253
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by mausz View Post

    What I found impressive was the jbl dock demo (although it didn't quite go smooth). He just placed the lumia on the speaker dock and it switched to wireless streaming of the music to the dock, and the dock began charging the device.


    It's pretty ironic Apple will be introducing a new dock connector, whereas Nokia is showing that the device should have no dock connector whatsoever. A move I would have expected from Apple.


    Ofcourse we'll have to see if the wireless charging is indeed ready for it (speed of charging and loss of energy come to mind), but still, the future is connector less devices and Nokia has shown us the first glimpse.

    I think Apple will unveil a form of inductive charging on the iPhone 5. They have a number of patents that point toward a wireless charging dock, and I think the new metal backplate on the 5 leaks we've seen will be a part of their wireless charging system. 

  • Reply 77 of 253
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    mausz wrote: »
    What I found impressive was the jbl dock demo (although it didn't quite go smooth). He just placed the lumia on the speaker dock and it switched to wireless streaming of the music to the dock, and the dock began charging the device.

    It's pretty ironic Apple will be introducing a new dock connector, whereas Nokia is showing that the device should have no dock connector whatsoever. A move I would have expected from Apple.

    Ofcourse we'll have to see if the wireless charging is indeed ready for it (speed of charging and loss of energy come to mind), but still, the future is connector less devices and Nokia has shown us the first glimpse.

    Apple's dock connector is used for far more than that. It's a one trick pony. Nice in what it does, but it doesn't do much.
  • Reply 78 of 253
    dgnr8 wrote: »
    Why would you have someone who has a strong foreign accent advertise in ENGISH to english speaking audience.

    There are thousands of out of work native english speaking actors and techheads that are pretty enough that could handle this promotional video.

    I dont understand why companies do this, have a representative detail the product in there native language.

    OK now everyone scream at me how I am a racist now....

    It's a marketing tactic.

    Like Orbitz gum commercials.

    It's supposed to insinuate a product is classy, designer, high-quality etc...

    Like a handmade Swiss watch or a German made sportscar...

    Except all of these phones are made in China/Asia, Apple's also.
  • Reply 79 of 253
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    qualar wrote: »
    @Tallest Skil Are you so blinkered that you would not even consider something non-apple even if it was better.  How old are you?

    name a product that is completely better than apple. (you cant because once you discount the price, either the design or the insides are better than others...)

    um, because apple is the bestest (LOL)... er wise choice because it has the best products, and state-of-art to boot...
  • Reply 80 of 253


    Originally Posted by Cyberzombie View Post


    1. iPhone 4S has an 8mp camera with 1080p at 30fps with image stabilization. Granted, the stabilization is digital rather than optical. If the luminia is optical I'll give them a half point.

    2. I don't yet know what PureView is, so I'll just throw Nokia a point there. Subject to change once I've read up on it.

    3. -2 to Nokia. I already 'tit dial/hangup/etc' when I have my iPhone in my shirt pocket with the screen facing me (Siri's a bitch unless I face the screen forward.) This is a case of more is worse.

    4. The tech is energy hungry...but cool. Point to Nokia if it doesn't add too much weight. Half point otherwise.

    5. Apple third party to the rescue in short order. Apple is not in the business of implementing the kitchen sink - that's what is killing the Android upgrade availibility on those phones. But it is I'll give Nokia a half point until an iOS app is out.

    6a. Sorry - no shell swaps for you. 3rd party vendor market has had this for everyone for years.

    6b. I understand and fully agree with Apple's not including an SD reader. But it sucks. Point to Nokia until Apple's iCloud is more pervasive. Then it'll STILL be a point to Nokia (close, but no cigar Apple.)


    Final score is advantage Nokia, but only a total of 2 given your bullet points.


    What is the Luminia screen pixel resolution?

    1. It IS optical image stabilization.

    2. Me neither.

    3. As a motorcycle rider and avid cyclist, I would LOVE to be able to use my iPhone without having to pull my gloves off. With the iPhone, I have to purchase special gloves in order to be able to do that.

    4. I like the idea of inductive charging out of the box. I know nothing about the energy demands for such technology.

    5. In my opinion, Apple barely delivered the water in the 4S...forget about the kitchen sink. If the rumors prove to be true, they won't deliver much more this time around either. When was the last time they delivered a mind-blowing feature?

    6a. I've never cared about swapping shells.

    6b. I don't understand Apple's reasoning. Frankly, it looks like they just want to be able to charge more for phones by adding additional memory--an additional 16 GB should NOT cost $100. They do something similar now with the new retina display laptops--though apparently that's a design constraint.

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