Apple's iPhone 5 praised as 'a Rolex among a sea of Timexes'



  • Reply 141 of 191
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member far off track this is

  • Reply 142 of 191
    I'm more enthused about the iPhone 5 than about any model since the original. It's really quite a significant upgrade, and looks like a beautifully designed and manufactured product. Of course, being a cheapskate, I won't be buying one.
  • Reply 143 of 191

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post far off track this is


    How the iPhone does not overall surpass every other phone on the market explain, would you like to? 

  • Reply 144 of 191


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wrong. Sarcasm is hard to convey on a forum like this and it's useful to tag it so that it's clear.

    Not everything with /s after it is sarcasm - but no one ever suggested that it was. But it is perfectly reasonable to add /s to a sarcastic comment just to make your position clear.


    That's fine, but if you look at the OP's purpoted sarcasm then I think you'll agree that it was one of these things with an /s after it that isn't sarcasm.  Several other posters also missed the purpoted sarcasm, all the more evidence that it wasn't.

  • Reply 145 of 191


    Originally Posted by kForceZero View Post


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wrong. Sarcasm is hard to convey on a forum like this and it's useful to tag it so that it's clear.

    Not everything with /s after it is sarcasm - but no one ever suggested that it was. But it is perfectly reasonable to add /s to a sarcastic comment just to make your position clear.


    That's fine, but if you look at the OP's purpoted sarcasm then I think you'll agree that it was one of these things with an /s after it that isn't sarcasm.  Several other posters also missed the purpoted sarcasm, all the more evidence that it wasn't.


    Maybe you should add a /p to your posts to signify pedantic!

  • Reply 146 of 191
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    Don't think so, but a Kia in a sea of Fords might work

    That should be "a sea of Chevrolets"?


    Although we call them Holdens, the deep and longstanding rivalry goes way back, before personal computers and cell phones were even thought of.

  • Reply 147 of 191
    'a Rolex among a sea of Sundials'
  • Reply 148 of 191
    The new iPhone is frankly underwhelming and if it is anything like my Rolex then Apple need to be worried.

    Sorry but my next phone will be a S3
  • Reply 149 of 191

    Originally Posted by Odysseus1923 View Post

    The new iPhone is frankly underwhelming and if it is anything like my Rolex then Apple need to be worried.

    Sorry but my next phone will be a S3




    Oh. You're not kidding. 


    *adds to note*

  • Reply 150 of 191


    Originally Posted by websnap View Post

    Um, thanks? I don't understand why you posted this. I know what the word mean, I used it. I didn't mean the word was used contrary to grammatical rules... just that you were being overly dramatic in that the iPhone should somehow have a vaulted level of respect when being compared to a Rolex. It's silly, petty and to be honest - no one asked you what you thought of the Rolex. 

    Sorry for exposing you to my unusually high standards of quality...  While Apple clearly makes the cut, you and Rolex do not.

  • Reply 151 of 191
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Odysseus1923 View Post

    The new iPhone is frankly underwhelming and if it is anything like my Rolex then Apple need to be worried.

    Sorry but my next phone will be a S3


    ...but the S3 was only a minor update to the S2, they added a few pixels to a larger screen, same 8 megapixel camera, blah, blah, blah.


    Sorry but I think your Rolex is as fake as your desire for a fake iPhone.

  • Reply 152 of 191


    Originally Posted by websnap View Post

    I quick note to those commenting on the use of the brand "Rolex" as the upper echelon in this analogy. I think it's use isn't trying to say that Rolex is the best time piece maker available but rather that the public view of the brand is very positive and associated with quality by the average consumer – who isn't accustomed to shopping for watches over $500 dollars. Yes, there are "better" watches (better always being subjective) but I think it's fair to say that the average person perceves the Rolex brand to be of luxury quality, like Rolls Royce, Cartier and Louis Vutton. The factual "quality" or detail-oriented "greatness" could be desputed but I think it's fair to say it would be splitting hairs.


    Pretty sad that you had to explain the obvious isn't it?

  • Reply 153 of 191


    Originally Posted by Odysseus1923 View Post

    The new iPhone is frankly underwhelming and if it is anything like my Rolex then Apple need to be worried.

    Sorry but my next phone will be a S3

    You're telling me that the iPhone 5 was an underwhelming upgrade to the 4S, but that you're interested in the S3, which was arguably even more-so a simple, incremental upgrade to the S2?

  • Reply 154 of 191
    How the iPhone does not overall surpass every other phone on the market explain, would you like to? 

    I actually like new iPhone a lot. I was never fond of "glass sandwich" design of previous two iPhones, so this new look is probably the best I could hope for.

    Likewise the screen size. I have a habit of sending (and receiving) long txt messages, and previous screen size didn't left much space for viewing txt message when keyboard is open in SMS app.

    Lighter is good, though not show stopper. Slimmer, I'm not 100% sure before I can hold one in my hand. I have long fingers and I like to have enough material to wrap them around. If phones continue becoming slimmer, at some point they will become uncomfortably slim for my hand. I don't know if that threshold is reached or not with iP5, thus I'll keep my judgement till I can handle one.

    I'm expecting phones to receive speed up with new generation, so I'm not disappointed here either. I still use 3Gs and, not being heavy smartphone user (basically no games), speed is not my priority, but like I said, it is good to be there.

    Camera and screen quality improvements, I'll wait for some trustworthy tests first. I hope improvements will be visible to naked eye, and in everyday scenarios.

    New connector, nice. Old one always felt unnecessarily big for me.

    iOS, I'd personally like updated UI... I like to play with new things. But I'm well aware that majority of users don't want to learn new OS every time they replace their phone, so I'm not surprised Apple is not changing what seems like winning formula for them.

    But is it overall surpassing every other phone? It seems to me you have made your decision even before specs were known. Me, I'll wait for opportunity to try one. I'll also wait for some reliable reviews - it is given that Anandtech will have one, Anand being both iPhone and MBP user. I'll also wait for new Lumias and other WP8 devices to be available and check on them, too. Then I will decide if, for my needs, this phone surpasses others or not.
  • Reply 155 of 191
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Eyerone who is complaining about the analogy not working because "there is better watches than rolex" is on my ignore list now. Along with all the grammer nazi's.. I really like posts like these to filter it down to commenters who are saying stuff that has a point and adds to the argument.

    .... Along with the grammar nazi's what? ..... Or are you referring to Kelsey Grammer maybe?

    Couldn't resist ... Lol
  • Reply 156 of 191
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    kforcezero wrote: »
    That's fine, but if you look at the OP's purpoted sarcasm then I think you'll agree that it was one of these things with an /s after it that isn't sarcasm.  Several other posters also missed the purpoted sarcasm, all the more evidence that it wasn't.

    In my experience on this particular blog it is almost always folks that are new to the blog that are mislead when a long time poster is being sarcastic and fails to add the /s tag. To those that know the poster's position well, we get it but it is pretty hard to know that if new to the blog. So IMHO it is very important to add the /s tag as without it there is no way to know if, for example, I said 'Let's face it, Android phones are far better made than iPhones' and add no tag. I can guarantee all longtime readers would know I didn't mean it but on earth would someone new to the blog know that without going back and reading many of my posts?

    In the cases of a newbie no one would know if they were being sarcastic or not without an /s tag.

    So, I am left trying to imagine any situation where in writing on a blog, absent more information, it is possible to know true intent without a tag unless the post itself made it clear in some other way.

    Now if something isn't sarcastic at all with an /s tag it comes down to what? Bad use of English, a poor sense of humor or simply reverse psychology?

    A fascinating subject indeed ....

    OK, enough of this ... I am off kayaking for the day now ...
  • Reply 157 of 191
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    nikon133 wrote: »
    I actually like new iPhone a lot. I was never fond of "glass sandwich" design of previous two iPhones, so this new look is probably the best I could hope for.
    Likewise the screen size. I have a habit of sending (and receiving) long txt messages, and previous screen size didn't left much space for viewing txt message when keyboard is open in SMS app.
    Lighter is good, though not show stopper. Slimmer, I'm not 100% sure before I can hold one in my hand. I have long fingers and I like to have enough material to wrap them around. If phones continue becoming slimmer, at some point they will become uncomfortably slim for my hand. I don't know if that threshold is reached or not with iP5, thus I'll keep my judgement till I can handle one.
    I'm expecting phones to receive speed up with new generation, so I'm not disappointed here either. I still use 3Gs and, not being heavy smartphone user (basically no games), speed is not my priority, but like I said, it is good to be there.
    Camera and screen quality improvements, I'll wait for some trustworthy tests first. I hope improvements will be visible to naked eye, and in everyday scenarios.
    New connector, nice. Old one always felt unnecessarily big for me.
    iOS, I'd personally like updated UI... I like to play with new things. But I'm well aware that majority of users don't want to learn new OS every time they replace their phone, so I'm not surprised Apple is not changing what seems like winning formula for them.
    But is it overall surpassing every other phone? It seems to me you have made your decision even before specs were known. Me, I'll wait for opportunity to try one. I'll also wait for some reliable reviews - it is given that Anandtech will have one, Anand being both iPhone and MBP user. I'll also wait for new Lumias and other WP8 devices to be available and check on them, too. Then I will decide if, for my needs, this phone surpasses others or not.

    Regarding the conclusion of your post here, I already knew prior to their respective releases that Mountain Lion would be better than Windows 8 ... There are some things we can predict based upon experience. /grin
  • Reply 158 of 191


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    And there are many time pieces built better than a Rolex.



    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Not if you know about time pieces. Everyone knows Rolex because they advertise heavily but there are plenty of better built watches and some are even less expensive than a Rolex.



    Originally Posted by chadmatic View Post

    I agree that iPhone is in a class of it's own, but Rolex is not, not even close!



    OK, you guys apparently don't understand how an analogy works. I suppose it's the fault of educational systems. It's OK, you aren't alone, analogies seem to be a tough one for a lot of people. Here's how they work...


    In this analogy, the iPhone 5 is compared to something people know and understand is well made and precisely crafted: a Rolex watch. Other phones are said to be like something cheaply made, mass produced, inferior in all respects: a Timex watch. It doesn't matter that there are better watches, nor that there are cheaper watches, the point is simply that there is a gulf of quality between them.


    Maybe a chart will help you understand.



    Rolex Quality

    Timex Quality



    iPhone 5

    Razor M




    One X


    Galaxy S III


    Lumia 900




    See, there are only 2 columns, and each phone can only be in 1 of those 2 columns. There's not, in this analogy, some 3rd column that the iPhone didn't make it into, or some other mysterious columns that these other phones belong in. There are these two columns. The first, the "Rolex Quality" column, represents all the phones that have a build quality comparable to a Rolex. It doesn't matter that there are better watches, because no phones are said to be comparable to other, better watches. It doesn't matter that there are worse watches, because no phones are said to be comparable to other, more cheaply made watches. There are only two watches mentioned, and the rest are irrelevant to the comparison.


    BTW, this should give a hint on how you might want to argue against the analogy. Better watches are irrelevant, unless you want to nudge the iPhone up to a higher pedestal, because there isn't a credible argument to be made that any other phone has even an equivalent build quality. However, you might argue that there are some that are more cheaply made than Timex watches (some have already argued this), or you might try to nudge your favorite phone up to some position between Timex and Rolex. Are you starting to understand how these analogies work?


    Frankly, I think you've got a difficult argument to overcome this one. There is clearly a huge difference in the material and build quality of the iPhone 5 and the rest of the field. So, while you might be able to legitimately jockey for position down in the area around Timex, there isn't a valid argument to be made for any of these other phones that would push them up close to the Rolex level.


    I hope this has been helpful and that you'll have an easier time understanding analogies in the future.

  • Reply 159 of 191
    berpberp Posts: 136member
    The new iPhone is frankly underwhelming and if it is anything like my Rolex then Apple need to be worried.
    Sorry but my next phone will be a S3

    You quote verbatim my early sunrise mantra here.

    Moreover, just to follow-up on my dawn incantation, ...and as a precursor to ethyl alcohol ablutions, I submit my burning desire for an iPhone to a generous flogging exercise, aimed carefully at what once steadfastly stood as a backbone...

    ...gotta whip 'em dusky desires you know...
  • Reply 160 of 191


    Originally Posted by majortom1981 View Post

    Do you want me to post a picture of all the apple products I own? ...


    DaHarder? Is that you?

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