Apple rumored to send out 'iPad mini' event invitations on Oct. 10



  • Reply 61 of 118
    shenshen Posts: 434member
    Is there a setting under the user options menu for this site where I can block posts where people try to pick fights with admins over pointless years old arguments, or is this site slowly proving that comments are the radioactive cesspool of the Internet?

    Jesus it is getting to be like YouTube comment sections around here...
  • Reply 62 of 118
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    allenbf wrote: »
    I'm fairly average size, my hands are pretty average, too.  I don't have to S-T-R-E-T-C-H my thumb to reach the top row at all.  Out of curiosity, do you have the iPhone 5?  If not, have you at least tried it in an Apple store or a carrier store?

    I was a little concerned about it at first, but after a few hours with it, I don't think I'd like to go back to the 4s size.  The iP5 really is the perfect size.

    Yes I've seen it- it now looks like a Bang & Ollufsen remote control. The original is classic.
  • Reply 63 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by shen View Post

    Is there a setting under the user options menu for this site where I can block posts where people try to pick fights with admins over pointless years old arguments, or is this site slowly proving that comments are the radioactive cesspool of the Internet?


    Hover over any username. The ignore function is there now.

    Though why you can't just not read what you don't want to read remains baffling. Like PoliticalOutsider, for instance. image

  • Reply 64 of 118
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Yes I've seen it- it now looks like a Bang & Ollufsen remote control. The original is classic.

    I agree that it's classic, but like I said, after you use it for a few hours, it just fits.  Now, if they hadn't reduced the thickness of the phone, I'd be right there with you saying the same thing.  But the reduction in thickness coupled with the increase in screen real estate works well together.  It does take an afternoon to get used to, though.


    Anyway, that's my .02, I can only comment from my own likes and perspectives.  :-)

  • Reply 65 of 118
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    moxom wrote: »
    I was hoping that any October Event would focus on new Macs - not iOS devices...

    Same here. Give those toys a rest.
  • Reply 66 of 118


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    My 'niche', which falls within the majority share they already explicitly serve, you mean? 


    Yes. You do. Please get help for whatever makes you say these disturbing things… 



    Basically, we're the same person. Just about equally vocal on this sort of thing, too. image I'll jump to defend Apple against idiocy and ludicrousness just as fast as you will. The difference really is that not only can I accept that Apple CAN fail, I accept that not every Planck Decision they make is perfect.



    You could add so much more to these boards if you weren't so dismissive.  Decent posters here put in effort to discuss interesting perspectives and ideas then you come along (all too often) spewing eloquently worded condescending responses...which is so disappointing.  I would appreciate you much more if you would take a moment to absorb the others' comments, then respond appropriately (i.e. sans the general dismissals and arrogant sarcasm).


    I apologize that I missed your other posts regarding Apple's 90's mistakes...which 90's mistakes do you think Apple will repeat by introducing an iPad Mini?

  • Reply 67 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by drewys808 View Post

    You could add so much more to these boards if you weren't so dismissive.


    The only proffered factors I think I've dismissed are those of portability and 'not wanting a full-fledged tablet'-ility. 

    I apologize that I missed your other posts regarding Apple's 90's mistakes...which 90's mistakes do you think Apple will repeat by introducing an iPad Mini?


    Oh, did I say earlier? Unless this thing isn't meant to be used in a situation we'd consider a modern tablet being used, it's pandering to both what the market perceives and what people think they want. And ignoring screen size/resolution/ratio fragmentation entirely, it's the start of a 'filling all the niches imaginable' scenario. Android does that and look how horribly that works out for them, in UX, UI, profit, and developer satisfaction.

  • Reply 68 of 118
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

     Physical buttons are bad design.

    This is simply not true. In some cases they are very useful especially if you are not looking at the device while interacting with the button. Physical buttons offer tactile feedback which is useful for many home button functions. Besides the home button there are several other physical buttons around the edges of the iPhone so generalizing that physical buttons are bad design is just silly. I'll trust Apple's industrial design and UI decisions every time over my own. If you happen to be a UI design or industrial design professional then perhaps you feel like you could do a better job, but somehow I don't get the impression that either of those is your profession because people in those careers are generally not so snarky and sarcastic.

  • Reply 69 of 118
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Choosing to ignore my arguments when presented, multiple times, ? 'not having an argument'.




    Total BS.  Your only "arguments" have typically been something more accurately called "veiled hints at arguments," presumably so you can dance away from them when they come up short later this month.  


    To rephrase the ones I've heard you allude to ... 


    - You often say words to the effect that there is "nothing a smaller tablet will do that the current one won't also do," which is not an argument at all and kind of skirts the whole issue.  It's ridiculous on the face of it to suggest that if the only differentiating factor is size, then that there is no differentiating factor at all.  It's also just a way of short-circuiting the argument in that you are in the same breath telling us what the main differentiating factor is, while at the same time denying that it's a factor at all.  It's also a bald-faced lie in that there are lots of differentiating factors (it's smaller, it's cheaper, it's lighter etc.), which are constantly brought up to you and which you repeatedly and completely ignore.   


    - You often imply (as above) that there will be "trouble like in the 90's" which as a statement, again has the primary quality of being so vague that you can dance away from what it may or may not mean later on down the line.  The easiest assumption to make based on these vague references you make is that you are suggesting that there will be a problem with cannibilisation of sales, which is again a ridiculous argument.  If the sales of the iPad can be cannibilised by a smaller form factor, it's fairly obvious that it would be better if this was done by an Apple product and not by a competitor.  


    That's about as much time as I'm going to waste trying to figure out your hazy thought patterns.  


    The fact is you have never been very explicit about why you think it would be such an unmitigated disaster for Apple to come out with an iPad mini.  I read these forums in detail almost every day and I have never seen you lay it all out explicitly.  You're just one of those guys that wants to be right all the time and will push logic to the very edge of believability, and throw decent behaviour out the window just to do so.  


    I'm almost certain that if anyone ever *does* pin you down on why you think what you do about the iPad mini that we will find all of a sudden that your tune has miraculously changed and that you *do* allow some edge case where it would be a "good idea," simply because the climbdown has to begin sometime, and you are as aware of that fact as everyone who reads you is. 

  • Reply 70 of 118
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    mstone wrote: »
    This is simply not true. In some cases they are very useful especially if you are not looking at the device while interacting with the button. Physical buttons offer tactile feedback which is useful for many home button functions. Besides the home button there are several other physical buttons around the edges of the iPhone so generalizing that physical buttons are bad design is just silly. I'll trust Apple's industrial design and UI decisions every time over my own. If you happen to be a UI design or industrial design professional then perhaps you feel like you could do a better job, but somehow I don't get the impression that either of those is your profession.

    This particular button takes up wasted space. If you could depress the screen ( in effect one big button a la Magic Trackpad ) you would achieve the same desired goal.
    Why were the buttons removed from iPod 3rd gen? And current and last gen Nano? Not to mention the almighty Mighty Mouse?
  • Reply 71 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    …you *do* allow some edge case where it would be a "good idea,"…


    If it's not meant to be used as an eReader or a tablet at all, then perhaps.


    Build it into a wall in your house for home automation? But a 10" screen would still be better. Far more usable space.

    As a replacement for physical dials and rollers in the dashboard of your car? But a 7" screen is still too small for that, and too short in 16:9 (and not wide enough in 3:4).

    So no, I still can't think of—nor have I been informed of—any idea where I could see a 7.85" tablet/screen/thing being superior to the iPad we have right now or the iPhone for smaller cases.

  • Reply 72 of 118
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    The fact is you have never been very explicit about why you think it would be such an unmitigated disaster for Apple to come out with an iPad mini.  I read these forums in detail almost every day and I have never seen you lay it all out explicitly.  You're just one of those guys that wants to be right all the time and will push logic to the very edge of believability, and throw decent behaviour out the window just to do so.  


    I'm almost certain that if anyone ever *does* pin you down on why you think what you do about the iPad mini that we will find all of a sudden that your tune has miraculously changed and that you *do* allow some edge case where it would be a "good idea," simply because the climbdown has to begin sometime, and you are as aware of that fact as everyone who reads you is. 

    No I think we have nailed it down recently. Steve said 7" is not usable and now to make a mini tablet amounts to blasphemy.

  • Reply 73 of 118
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    mstone wrote: »
    No I think we have nailed it down recently. Steve said 7" is not usable and now to make a mini tablet amounts to blasphemy.

    Sounds like a sacrilege of biblical proportions!
  • Reply 74 of 118
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    No I think we have nailed it down recently. Steve said 7" is not usable and now to make a mini tablet amounts to blasphemy.

    Sounds like a sacrilege of biblical proportions!

    The irony was accidental. I don't follow religions but isn't idolatry one of the shall nots in the 10 commandments?

  • Reply 75 of 118


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    The only proffered factors I think I've dismissed are those of portability and 'not wanting a full-fledged tablet'-ility. 


    Oh, did I say earlier? Unless this thing isn't meant to be used in a situation we'd consider a modern tablet being used, it's pandering to both what the market perceives and what people think they want. And ignoring screen size/resolution/ratio fragmentation entirely, it's the start of a 'filling all the niches imaginable' scenario. Android does that and look how horribly that works out for them, in UX, UI, profit, and developer satisfaction.

    Absolutely, if Apple panders to the market and compromises in terms of fragmentation & developer/user satisfaction, I 100% agree with you... there is large concern there from many of us.  However, I do think that the "age of smart-device mobility" brings forth new challenges.  The word "mobility" is quite subjective, kind of like the word "comfortable" is to an air-conditioned space in the dead of summer.  The bottom line is that there will be different definitions of "mobile" depending on various groups of users.  I believe that some fragmentation will be necessary to address these various groups of users.  I hope that it doesn't result in pandering, but instead results in valuable addressment to deliberately targeted groups.


    ...and what would be the cost of NOT offering a mini tablet?  Might those negative consequences outweigh the compromises if one were offered?

  • Reply 76 of 118
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by drewys808 View Post

    ...and what would be the cost of NOT offering a mini tablet?  Might those negative consequences outweigh the compromises if one were offered?


    Well, we're seeing that right now! Competitors have offered smaller tablets for years, literally multiple years at this point, and for what?

    iPad, at 9.8", still has ~90% useshare. The rest of that isn't really worth spending billions to go after, is it? 

  • Reply 77 of 118
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    umrk_lab wrote: »
    I suggest another date to Tim : October 27th, in order to ruin the MicroSoft event ....

    Launch on that day.

    All those poor Microsoft Store employees come to work to see big lines outside the mall. For the iPad mini.

    And then the one guy outside their store. Who asks if they have the new iPad in stock
  • Reply 78 of 118
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    walshbj wrote: »
    Monday's rumor comes from an unidentified "major Apple investor"
    Doesn't anyone find that suspicious? Since when do investors have access to this kind of information?

    If they do then someone is going to jail. Access to that kind of info is insider trading
  • Reply 79 of 118
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Okay boys, put your dicks back in your pants. Mine is still bigger.

    I wonder who will be first to remember that I'm a girl. And yet mine is STILL bigger.
  • Reply 80 of 118
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by shen View Post

    Is there a setting under the user options menu for this site where I can block posts where people try to pick fights with admins over pointless years old arguments, or is this site slowly proving that comments are the radioactive cesspool of the Internet?


    Hover over any username. The ignore function is there now.


    Except, of course, for usernames of global moderators.

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