Apple's redesigned iMac is 5mm thin with edge-to-edge glass



  • Reply 21 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member


    I've been saying this for years! Offer both and have the OS treat them as ONE!

    And they're really going all-in with the space theme, aren't they? OS XI will definitely have space-themed names.

    I wonder if some enterprising company will release some software to achieve this on an SSD and HDD that are self installed, kind of like RAID only different. Air Parrot solved the lack of Air Play for older Macs so I live in hope. Obviously Apple's will be better in every way but it would be nice to have something to play around with in a DIY set up.
  • Reply 22 of 189
    I'm surprised nobody has commented on the fact that neither of the new iMacs have a FireWire port on the back. RIP...
  • Reply 23 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member seems to indicate that you can get inside the 27in, but not the 21.5in. 

    It also seems to indicate that you can't get pure SSD storage in the 21.5in. WHY ARE YOU RUINING MY DREAMS APPLE? And it also seems to indicate that you either get 1tb ATA, 1tb fusion, 3tb ATA, 3tb fusion, or 768 flash. Do we have any mid range storage options. 256 ssd would be great. KKTHNX. 

    Also holy cow that's a thin desktop. The 27in model will probably look really odd with that thin a depth and that large a screen. 

    It does seem to bulge out in the middle from some angles i glimpsed I suspect it is only that thin at the edges.
  • Reply 24 of 189

    Anyone who thinks edge thinness is no big deal ... is really misunderstanding technology and should have free speech privilege revoked.

  • Reply 25 of 189


    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post


    Buy a usb dvd burner for $50 ?

    Really? For a DESKTOP computer that I just spent $1200+ for? So I bought this beautiful all-in-one computer only to have to make it ugly by buying an external burner? Look, I get it. Apple has decided that the optical drive is obsolete. I understand eliminating it on a laptop, but not on a desktop. I'm not a fan of losing the FW ports either. Yes, yes, I can buy an adapter, but again, why? Apple declaring something obsolete doesn't necessarily make it so.

    That's all I'm saying. I bought the previous generous iMac with optical drive, and I'm quite happy about that. If you don't need one, cool. But, I would venture to guess I'm not the only person who will be unhappy to see this gone.

  • Reply 26 of 189
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,751member


    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post

    Go to Apple's website. 4 ram slots! User Upgradeable!


    I'm guessing the display lifts out like the glass did, just as one part. Maybe hidden screws on the bottom. probably easier that the last gen.


    Thanks.  I did check the Apple site, but I missed the user upgradable part.  So I think my requirements for a new machine are satisfied now.

  • Reply 27 of 189

    initiator wrote:


      But, I would venture to guess I'm not the only person who will be unhappy to see this gone.



    Good Ridden's, I say.


    And I'm buying the 27inch fully loaded.



    IF, I ever need a Super Drive, I have a Mac Mini and a 24" iMac with Super Drives each, which I can remotely access, from my NEW iMac !!!!!


    Woo Hoo !!!


  • Reply 28 of 189
    Has anyone noticed that Apple is now using 5400 RPM drives. WTF! Really? This sucks.
  • Reply 29 of 189


    Originally Posted by initiator View Post


    So what happens when you get (buy, given, etc.) a CD with music on it? Or want to give Grandma a DVD of the grandson's first step on video?


    I agree, I use my optical drive infrequently, but it's hardly a superfluous appendage. It's not quite a the floppy drive...yet.

    I grow weary of this debate, but let me hopefully put and end to it here.


    Apple has and always will be on the cutting edge of technology. The created and killed their own connector (firewire) with thunderbolt. They were the first to completely remove the floppy disk. Part of moving forward is not just adding the new, but subtracting the old. In this case, an optical drive.


    1- The OD in the previous gen iMac was an outdated drive that was vertical, frequently had issues and was slower than most. You'll notice on the MacBook Pro for example, that computers are continuing to get rid of moving parts which are clunkier, slower, heavier, larger, and more prone to failure. This includes the OD.


    2- In a few years from now (i.e. 1-3) CDs will be as obsolete as cassette tapes. They might not fully be there yet, but Apple, once again, likes to be on the cutting edge side of tech. If you want a great computer, at a great price that's not doing anything that innovative, buy a Dell. 


    3- Buy a USB optical drive. They're super cheap. You can store it in your desk and take it out ever blue moon. 

  • Reply 30 of 189
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    75% less glare. Sounds fudged and misleading and i'm not buying this marketing jib at their word. Sounds like a steaming load of crap.

    I'm reminded of Canmore Mike on Canadian Air Farce talking about a McDonalds burger;
    "It has 90% less fat... then a bowl of fat".

    I'll have to see it for myself - but considering that the previous iMac was 100% glossy and useless - I'm skeptical. (will it be 75% less useless - or 25% useable).

    75% less glare is still 100% not matte.
    I'm extremely hopeful - but not holding my breath.

    I expect iFixit will give it a zero. HDD's fail all the time - how are they replaceable in this thing?

  • Reply 31 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    stageron wrote: »
    Has anyone noticed that Apple is now using 5400 RPM drives. WTF! Really? This sucks.

    Yes, 5400 rpm drives should be illegal! What is the Fusion drive using that's 7200 rpm surely?
  • Reply 32 of 189
    night9hawk wrote: »
    I'm surprised nobody has commented on the fact that neither of the new iMacs have a FireWire port on the back. RIP...

    Thunderbolt to FireWire adaptor makes this not such a big deal.
  • Reply 33 of 189
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    night9hawk wrote: »
    I'm surprised nobody has commented on the fact that neither of the new iMacs have a FireWire port on the back. RIP...

    Thunderbolt adapter? I use FW800 all the time, love it and find it more reliable than usb3, but it's obviously on the way out (unfortunately).
  • Reply 34 of 189
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Anyone who thinks edge thinness is no big deal ... is really misunderstanding technology and should have free speech privilege revoked.

    Ooops - misread you and was gonna post something mean.... Edge thin/thickness is important in the sense that from most angles it LOOKS so impossibly thin and light. But my desk face the door to my office which means that I approach my mac from 'the back', so to speak. I wonder what the very bulbous looking back will look like in real life. Will I need to re-configure my office?

  • Reply 35 of 189
    bdblackbdblack Posts: 146member


    Originally Posted by initiator View Post

    Really? For a DESKTOP computer that I just spent $1200+ for? So I bought this beautiful all-in-one computer only to have to make it ugly by buying an external burner? Look, I get it. Apple has decided that the optical drive is obsolete. I understand eliminating it on a laptop, but not on a desktop. I'm not a fan of losing the FW ports either. Yes, yes, I can buy an adapter, but again, why? Apple declaring something obsolete doesn't necessarily make it so.

    That's all I'm saying. I bought the previous generous iMac with optical drive, and I'm quite happy about that. If you don't need one, cool. But, I would venture to guess I'm not the only person who will be unhappy to see this gone.


    Probably not the only person, but for most of us a DVD drive is totally useless. Its so much easier to share video over the web and 4 gigs of optical storage is a joke by todays standards, not to mention the low durability of optical media in general.

  • Reply 36 of 189
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    I grow weary of this debate, but let me hopefully put and end to it here.

    Apple has and always will be on the cutting edge of technology. The created and killed their own connector (firewire) with thunderbolt. They were the first to completely remove the floppy disk. Part of moving forward is not just adding the new, but subtracting the old. In this case, an optical drive.

    1- The OD in the previous gen iMac was an outdated drive that was vertical, frequently had issues and was slower than most. You'll notice on the MacBook Pro for example, that computers are continuing to get rid of moving parts which are clunkier, slower, heavier, larger, and more prone to failure. This includes the OD.

    2- In a few years from now (i.e. 1-3) CDs will be as obsolete as cassette tapes. They might not fully be there yet, but Apple, once again, likes to be on the cutting edge side of tech. If you want a great computer, at a great price that's not doing anything that innovative, buy a Dell. 

    3- Buy a USB optical drive. They're super cheap. You can store it in your desk and take it out ever blue moon. 

    But where can I get a SCSI to Thunderbolt adapter? ;)
  • Reply 37 of 189
    Fusion drive is also 5400RPM. Unbelievable!
  • Reply 38 of 189
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member


    Originally Posted by initiator View Post

    So what happens when you get (buy, given, etc.) a CD with music on it? Or want to give Grandma a DVD of the grandson's first step on video?


    I agree, I use my optical drive infrequently, but it's hardly a superfluous appendage. It's not quite a the floppy drive...yet.


    What happens when ... ?


    Same thing that happens when someone shows up with an audio or vhs cassette. First we mock and laugh uncontrollably. Then we hold a mini intervention.


    Not only is it analogous to the floppy removal, optical media is actually less common today than floppies were back when the imac first came out. For example, students today almost never use optical disks. Back when the imac was released, many students still used floppies. It was truly the only option if you didn't have a computer and were doing assignment on lab computers. Same thing with turning in assignments. Kids these days, they don't even want to touch a CD. Most wouldn't even care if their car didn't have a CD player. But tell them that they can't plug in the ipod or smart phone... now that is a tragedy.




    And as for grandma. She's already on facebook if she cares about seeing photos of the grandkids.

  • Reply 39 of 189
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post





    I've been saying this for years! Offer both and have the OS treat them as ONE!


    And they're really going all-in with the space theme, aren't they? OS XI will definitely have space-themed names.

    See, Apple does listen sometimes.  I guess buying Anobit was a MAJOR part in it.  I guess the other companies are gonna have tough time figuring that one out without Anobit controller chips.  Maybe they have a TON of patents protecting them from being copied by the PC mfg. 


    I am wondering what everyone is gonna do if they get the iMac screen and make TVs.  I think they might have cracked the TV screen problem at the same time. Maybe CES won't be the same........

  • Reply 40 of 189
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,751member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Anyone who thinks edge thinness is no big deal ... is really misunderstanding technology and should have free speech privilege revoked.


    Maybe if you have your machine sitting out for public display in your house/business and want to use it as a talking point.  However, mine's tucked away in my office with loads of other technology piled around it which I need to use as part of my job.


    I get the point about the aesthetics of the things around you affecting your state of mind and whatnot.  I love seeing well designed products (both hardware and software).


    However, given a choice, I'd much prefer having more attention to detail paid to performance than aesthetics.  Because, when it comes right down to it, I get a bigger smile on my face seeing my machine crunch through code faster (so that I can get out and enjoy other parts of my life more), than I do seeing a couple more inches of my desktop all day. :)

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