Apple exec Phil Schiller defends $329 entry price of iPad mini



  • Reply 181 of 241
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    sflocal wrote: »
    The funny thing is that if I were a BMW salesmen, and you came in whining about why you should pay $40K for a BMW when you can go down the road and buy a Mustang for $30K, I'd say "Have a nice trip".

    If you went into the BMW dealer near me and whined about the price of a BMW, they would try to sell you a Mini (Cooper).
    So it really is a lot like Apple.:)
  • Reply 182 of 241


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post



    All these years, I've been enjoying a fermented soda called Veuve Clicquot thinking it's good.... I must have no taste I guess, unlike you.

    did not know I was posting in a location where within the context used "soda" would not refer to anything but a carbonated soft drink wich "Veuve Clicquot" is not.. I will need to be more precise in the future I suppose.

  • Reply 183 of 241


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    Champagne's not Soda, it's double-fermentation wine.

    My 2 cents.

    thank you

  • Reply 184 of 241
    It's a fair price, but if the purpose was suck all the air out of the room for 7" tablets, they might have dumped them on the market at a break-even price point. Just as Windows did to Mac back in the day. But they may marginalize the others anyway, only time will tell.
  • Reply 185 of 241


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Shhhh!!! Don't get the fandroid apologists here all riled-up with sane logic.  You mean you actually saved up to afford a product instead of screaming around in a room having a hissy-fit saying the product should be priced lower so the company loses money but you get what you want???  Say it ain't so!!

    Let's assume Apple is in the business to MAKE money.  Oh wait, but the fandroid freetards here will then say "But Apple is ripping off consumers when I can buy an Android P.O.S. hardware for at-or-below cost!!"  - Dang... they got me on that!!  *rolls eyes*


    It is interesting how people determine what a good price for a product should be.  If you want a 7.9 inch tablet that provides access to the Apple ecosystem, then you have to pay $320.  If it is not worth it to you, don't buy it.  Those that like Apple will be out a little more cash than those who go with certain Android devices.  It is all about the end value of the device.  If you bought a Nexus 7 device for less, yet do not enjoy using it, did you really get value for your purchase?  If you paid the extra cash to get an Apple device, and enjoy your purchase then it was worth the money.  I can't really say you get what you pay for in this case, as personal preference comes into play as well, but basing a purchase on price alone is not always a good idea.  Of course if you do not have the means, that is different, but if you were already prepared to spend a few hundred bucks in the first place other factors should be taken into account.

  • Reply 186 of 241


    Originally Posted by chadmatic View Post

    Diagonal length is deceptive???  


    That's what I tell my wife.

  • Reply 187 of 241
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by simtub View Post

    At $329 I would prefer to go for a 9.7" iPad 4th Gen though at $499 for a lot more tech


    That doesn't make Apple a sad panda at all.

  • Reply 188 of 241


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I don't know if Tim cook actually says the F word, Steve might, but Tim seems just a little too conservative for swearing in the work place. no offense Steve, I personally aren't offended by swear words as long as know it's in jest or at someone else, or it's actually warranted. Sometimes, ya gotta say "What the F"

    it was Phil Schiller in the invented quotation, not Tim Cook.

    And whiners can think it's arrogance on Apple's part but I think it's silliness and egoism on whiners': comparing a product that's supposed to sell for tenth of millions of consumers, to products with low demand.

  • Reply 189 of 241

    Backpackers are gonna love the Mini. Big enough to read maps, small enough to pack easily, not add to load, and resist torque breakage.

  • Reply 190 of 241
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Backpackers are gonna love the Mini. Big enough to read maps, small enough to pack easily, not add to load, and resist torque breakage.


    Just need a decent waterproof case...

  • Reply 191 of 241


    Originally Posted by juandl View Post

    In the long run, Google and Amazon still have a leg up on Apple due to the fact that they can almost give away their tablet and still make some money in the long run.

    That will always be the case until Apple does something a little different.

    They tried with the iAd thing to somewhat compete with Google with the Ad money. That did not work.

    They really have no solution in place yet to compete with Amazon, YET.

    With time, that will continue to wash away profits. (Pricewise, all hardware continues to come down). That, or eventually the Tablet products that GooMazon produce will get better and better. If nothing changes, Apple will eventually loose out profitwise. Simple economics.

    But there is a solution.

    Walmart , and a lot of other retailers know whats gonna happen with Amazon beating them with the online presence they now have, and that will only get stronger.

    Google also can continue making money until something different happens.

    Apple should talk with the Walmarts with this approach: Subsidize the iPad. Make arrangements with ceratin customers that are willing to come on board with an experimental arrangement. Make arrangements with Apple for a contract that will reduce the price a certain %. Apple will make a small % also. They will both have to work out a 'Special' opportunity for Free two day delivery (ala Amazon Prime).

    I am sure they can make arrangements for all the fine details.

    Basically it would be Walmart who would come out ahead. But at the same time Apple starts putting in place something that will start to come together (in time) to what those other guys are doing now to undercut the profits that are necesarry now and later.

    My 1 cent worth



    You assume that Google and Amazon will continue to progress while Apple will sit still and milk their current product until it is dead.  Apple is the reason there is a legitimate tablet market to begin with.  That in itself is innovation, while the others simply got on the band wagon.  Hardware will get faster and cheaper, that is true, but Apple has a knack for being ahead of the game when it enters a market and continues to innovate from there.     Google and Amazon are not examples of innovation in the hardware space.  Also, Google's advertising is not the unstoppable powerhouse it once was.  They are still the largest player in the search market, but competition is catching up.  They are the ones that need to find a way to hold on, let alone increase their cash-cow of advertising revenue.  Obviously not in the near-near future, but there are signs of concern especially in the mobile ad space.  Amazon's innovation remains to be seen, as there are no tangible sales figures on their hardware to determine exactly how many devices they have sold to begin with.  Also, as Amazon's devices are sold with little to no margin, how do they determine a success?  I don't know if a breakout exists to show the increase in sales of their other products directly attributed to the Kindle Fire, but I think that would be interesting to know.  Subsidizing the iPad at Wal-Mart would cheapen the brand and is unnecessary.   

  • Reply 192 of 241
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member


    Originally Posted by iSteelers View Post


    It is interesting how people determine what a good price for a product should be.  If you want a 7.9 inch tablet that provides access to the Apple ecosystem, then you have to pay $320.  If it is not worth it to you, don't buy it.  Those that like Apple will be out a little more cash than those who go with certain Android devices.  It is all about the end value of the device.  If you bought a Nexus 7 device for less, yet do not enjoy using it, did you really get value for your purchase?  If you paid the extra cash to get an Apple device, and enjoy your purchase then it was worth the money.  I can't really say you get what you pay for in this case, as personal preference comes into play as well, but basing a purchase on price alone is not always a good idea.  Of course if you do not have the means, that is different, but if you were already prepared to spend a few hundred bucks in the first place other factors should be taken into account.

    Of the people that I know that bought (the few) Android tablets, most failed over time.  A few got another one and remain unhappy about it.  They sit in desk drawers.  Most ended up buying an iPad.

    So... that being the case, if they bought an Android tablet for $249.00 because it was "cheaper", it breaks a few months later, then they see the light and bought an iPad (being Android is junk) or even bought a different Android device (and still unhappy), how is that "cheaper"?  

    This is what the fandroid a$$hats here keeps conveniently avoiding.  In the long run, Android costs more.  Factoring in headaches, lost time, frustration, etc... and it costs most people a lot more.

  • Reply 193 of 241
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sflocal wrote: »
    Of the people that I know that bought (the few) Android tablets, most failed over time.  A few got another one and remain unhappy about it.  They sit in desk drawers.  Most ended up buying an iPad.

    So... that being the case, if they bought an Android tablet for $249.00 because it was "cheaper", it breaks a few months later, then they see the light and bought an iPad (being Android is junk) or even bought a different Android device (and still unhappy), how is that "cheaper"?  

    This is what the fandroid a$$hats here keeps conveniently avoiding.  In the long run, Android costs more.  Factoring in headaches, lost time, frustration, etc... and it costs most people a lot more.

    For me the big fail of Android tablets isn't necessarily the build quality, the Xoom was very nicely built, but the lack of tablet specific apps and the main reason I'll purchase a iPad instead of a Android tablet.
  • Reply 194 of 241
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post


    [...] On movies - this is not 1979, no reason to watch a movie on a 4:3 screen. 


    What difference does it make? For a given screen size and resolution the only difference is letterbox bars.




  • Reply 195 of 241
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by igriv View Post


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    [...] 1024x768 is not optimal, but it somewhat better than 720p, and thus more than adequate, resolution wise


    Actually 720p is 1280x720, so 1024x768 is slightly LESS than 720p, not more.

  • Reply 196 of 241
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    You are assuming that the user-experience on the mini will be identical to what it is on the iPad...

    perhaps very generally it may be,

    but the experience on the iPhone and the iPad are markedly different,

    so I'm not sure how you can presume to know what it will be on the mini...

    did you receive a review mini that you've been using for a while?


    I know what the experience will be on an iPad Mini, even though I haven't tried one yet.


    How do I know? I used to have an iPad 2, that's how.

    Be nice if you'd bothered to read the point made in my post...

  • Reply 197 of 241
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    You are assuming that the user-experience on the mini will be identical to what it is on the iPad...

    perhaps very generally it may be,

    but the experience on the iPhone and the iPad are markedly different,

    so I'm not sure how you can presume to know what it will be on the mini...

    did you receive a review mini that you've been using for a while?


    Bad analogy. The iPhone and iPad have different UI's, in terms of both controls and principles. One would expect that the iPhone and iPad would have markedly different user experiences, even ignoring the size differences. However, the iPad Mini is designed to run iPad apps natively, so one would expect at the least for the experiences to be similar.

    And different sizes, which in theory _could_ alter the experience.

    So, to reiterate, we can't know with certainty until we have it in our hands...that's just common sense.

  • Reply 198 of 241
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    You are assuming that the user-experience on the mini will be identical to what it is on the iPad...

    perhaps very generally it may be,

    but the experience on the iPhone and the iPad are markedly different,

    so I'm not sure how you can presume to know what it will be on the mini...

    did you receive a review mini that you've been using for a while?


    Apple leads in consumer satisfaction in every category, often by a very wide margin. 


    Why should we assume that will change with the iPad Mini experience?


    Apple is doing to the iPad what they did to the iPod: create an entire family of devices around a platform. 

    Not saying it necessarily will be that different, just saying its silly to say you prefer that experience when you've never even held one...

    I've driven a lot of cars, but don't presume to know what a Rolls is like without ever having driven one.

    Or what rotelli will seem like because I've eaten ziti...

    you can make a guess, even a good guess, not "know".

  • Reply 199 of 241

    If you don't believe in market economics, That's just fine. More power to you. But the only real absolute determiner of what is fair pricing in a marketplace is exactly what people are willing to pay. The marketplace has built-in safeguards against overpricing -- people won't buy. Do you believe a more fair system would be to enforce your particular pricing preferences? If I had my way, Apple would have one price for me (very low) and another price for everyone else (high, to make up for the loss they took on me so they can stay in business.  ;-)

  • Reply 200 of 241


    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    I bet you make your parents proud. /s Or you get beat up allot in school.

    Why must you always harass other members?

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