Apple exec Phil Schiller defends $329 entry price of iPad mini



  • Reply 141 of 241


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post

    I have said it from the start that iOS is the "hotdog" in the Apple menu - the product for the lowest common denominator in our society - but this level of stupidity in marketing really hits the point home.


    Oh, FFS, this blithering nerd self important BS again? Does it ever end with you idiots? Listen, geek, you people are not the arbiters of what is and is not smart or stupid in this world. Got that? You never were and never will be, despite what your raging personality disorders compel you to believe.




    Yes, for a device that is mostly used for reading - stupid people will think that is is a good idea to trade a smaller, less expensive, sharper resolution screen device (nexus 7) for a more expensive, larger, lower resolution screen.


    I've seen the Nexus 7. If that's your thing, whatever.




    Yes, stupid people can not wait to rent 3.99 HD movies to see it on a 4:3 1028x768 screen over a 16:9 HD screen.


    No, it's stupid to want to design hardware like a tablet for a single use case (watching 16:9 content). If it's just some TV show I'm catching up on, I'll watch in bed on the iPad and not fret over every pixel because, well, I'm not an OCD tech nerd spending the bulk of my show watching time obsessing over video artifacts. If it's a movie or something more cinematic (and there's a reason to give a damn) I'll likely AirPlay it to my big TV.




    Yes, stupid people will believe that the new aspect ratio and high resolution on the iphone 5 is great for websites because it gives you sharper text and less need to scroll down yet will believe something else 2 months later.


    Cite? Oh, wait, you can't cite future events.




    Remember a time when you walked in to our corporate offices and you understood that when you hit the floor with Macintosh in it you were where some of the smartest and most talented people of the company worked.


    Huh? You are confusing Mac OS X and iOS. Or something. You're really just raving like a lunatic at this point and well off the rails.




    Now, it is half baked nonsense held up by marketing stupidity for the 40% of high school students and the population that because everything that they have ever owned someone else made


    Somewhere in there is a reasonable sentence struggling to get out. Or not. Are you saying people should make their own tablet computers and cell phones? Have you personally interviewed every iOS device owner? Where do you even get idea to make claims like this? Are you really that delusionally arrogant?




     - and everything that has ever inspired them someone else imagined - try so hard to buy some self respect.


    How can you extrapolate such things from someone buying an iPad or iPhone? I have an iPad. I also have nine patents with my name on them. Six of them have *only* my name on them. I design and build things that get shot into space. But, well, no, by your batshit rant I'm just a low level dummy because of a single purchase where I wanted a basic appliance for specific uses.



    Yes, iOS is the dumbing down of Apple.


    I think I lost a few brain cells responding to your steaming geek turd of a post. Get out of your basement. Get out of your geek bubble. Open your tiny, cloistered mind. Or not. Whatever. You never will, so what's the point?


    Oh, and you've clearly never had a good hot dog, like a Sabrett or a Portillo's Polish dog.

  • Reply 142 of 241


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Some of us are shareholders who think the psychological benefit of going $299 instead of $329 would have led to great sales ....

    Uhh.... what remote evidence do you have for this claim (since I vaguely recall that you passed off as some kind of marketing 'expert' in a previous thread).


    Or, are you talking though your.. er... hat as usual?

  • Reply 143 of 241
    Apple just don't understand business.
    They should follow Google's and Amazon's example.

    Reduce the price of the iPad mini by HALF, then they will then sell TWICE AS MANY !
    Twice the labour, time and materials and for the same result*

    * no profit.
  • Reply 144 of 241
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Uhh.... what remote evidence do you have for this claim (since I vaguely recall that you passed off as some kind of marketing 'expert' in a previous thread).


    Or, are you talking though your.. er... hat as usual?

    Without linking to 40,000 studies- do you think everything is XX9 for a reason?  Why is the iPhone $199 and not $200?  Why does gas have 9/10 of a penny.  Why, in England up until 1970 or so, did they have half cents?  That in itself should prove the psychological benefit.


    And I said I did marketing, but that didn't make me an expert or a guru.  But I at least understand the basic principles.  I also don't claim to know a fraction of the marketing genius Apple and their team does- but I also don't assume they didn't study the hell out of it and make a gamble as why they should go $329 instead of $299 and weigh the pros and cons of both.  And yes- there are pros and cons of both.

  • Reply 145 of 241


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Without linking to 40,000 studies- do you think everything is XX9 for a reason?  Why is the iPhone $199 and not $200?  Why does gas have 9/10 of a penny.  Why, in England up until 1970 or so, did they have half cents?  That in itself should prove the psychological benefit.

    That's why it's $329 instead of $330.

  • Reply 146 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post

    Apple just don't understand business.

    They should follow Google's and Amazon's example.

    Reduce the price of the iPad mini by HALF, then they will then sell TWICE AS MANY !

    Twice the labour, time and materials and for the same result*

    * no profit.


    Yep, sell at a loss! Apple will make it all up in volume! 



  • Reply 147 of 241
    simtubsimtub Posts: 277member
    Kindle Fire HD 8.9" 1280 x 800 216ppi (720p)
    Apple iPad Mini 9.7" 1024 x 768 162ppi

    wonder if I can tell the ppi density when compared side by side.

    At $329 I would prefer to go for a 9.7" iPad 4th Gen though at $499 for a lot more tech
  • Reply 148 of 241
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    That's why it's $329 instead of $330.



    Many analysts -- and consumers -- believe that Apple could have further tromped the competition by hitting a $299 price point. $329, for whatever reason, manages to cross a rather huge line in the sand, perception-wise.

    The price isn't two-something, it's THREE-something.

    And it's three-something when other 7" devices by Google and Amazon are selling for $249 and even $199. (e.g. ONE-something)

  • Reply 149 of 241
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    That's why it's $329 instead of $330.

    Hah... touche. :)

  • Reply 150 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Without linking to 40,000 studies- do you think everything is XX9 for a reason?  Why is the iPhone $199 and not $200?  Why does gas have 9/10 of a penny.  Why, in England up until 1970 or so, did they have half cents?  That in itself should prove the psychological benefit.


    And I said I did marketing, but that didn't make me an expert or a guru.  But I at least understand the basic principles.  I also don't claim to know a fraction of the marketing genius Apple and their team does- but I also don't assume they didn't study the hell out of it and make a gamble as why they should go $329 instead of $299 and weigh the pros and cons of both.  And yes- there are pros and cons of both.

    If $30 is a big deal to somebody, then they do not deserve to own any Apple products. 


    I think it's great that Apple has the $30 buffer zone, because it keeps out the riff raff that would otherwise have bought something at $299, but not at $329. 


    The bottom line is that if somebody really wants the iPad Mini, they're going to buy one, regardless if it costs $299 or $329. And Apple is going to sell every single iPad Mini that they can make, at $329. 

  • Reply 151 of 241
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by rob53 View Post

    You get what you pay for an overall, Apple products are built to last.


    In general, I agree with the sentiment that you get what you pay for. In particular, in the case of Apple products, that has, sadly, NOT been my experience.


    Before switching to Apple I used a Sony notebook and my wife had a Toshiba. Both were "performance" oriented, not cheap models. We kept them for five years and had exactly one failure -- the power button on the Sony wore out.


    We've had six Macs over the last five years: A Pro, two minis and three MacBook Pros. The newest Mini doesn't have an optical drive, but the other five did and EVERY SINGLE ONE failed. Even the one in the tower. We've experienced a failed keyboard controller chip, a jet-fighter-loud fan failure, a power button that collapsed inside the chassis, a hard drive death (that's to be expected so I don't blame Apple), a still-unresolved issue with video blanking out for a few seconds at a time, and a screen that started developing dark "blemishes" at two years (which is why we now buy AppleCare on EVERYTHING) and has progressively worsened since.


    One might argue that we're hard on computers, but then why didn't we have trouble with other brands?


    I prefer OSX to Windows so I continue to use Macs, but I don't buy the argument that they're more reliable than competing products. I wouldn't even care whether they are or not, except that a hotrod Asus is about $1000 less expensive than a comparable Mac. That extra Grand DOESN'T seem to be buying us greater reliability.

  • Reply 152 of 241


    Originally Posted by nuture View Post

    "A 7.9" iPad with a 4:3 aspect ratio has 40% more screen space than a 7" 16:9 Android tablet."

    In terms of resolution Nexus 7 (1280 x 800) has 30% space versus iPad Mini (1024 x 768)

    This is actually a good point, despite several people already laughing at it.  Try changing the resolution on your computer monitor.  You see more in the same physical space if you choose a higher resolution.  By the same token, the Nexus 7 displays more at 1280 x 800 than it would if it used a resolution of 1024 x 768, physical area remaining equal.  The iPad mini has more physical area to use, but only uses a resolution of 1024 x 768, which means it can display less in that larger area than it would at 1280 x 800.  I think the iPad would still come out ahead in how much information it displays on screen, but the difference between it and the 7 is not as great as Schiller implied when he only used physical area to make his point.

  • Reply 153 of 241


    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post



    Many analysts -- and consumers -- believe that Apple could have further tromped the competition by hitting a $299 price point. $329, for whatever reason, manages to cross a rather huge line in the sand, perception-wise.

    The price isn't two-something, it's THREE-something.

    And it's three-something when other 7" devices by Google and Amazon are selling for $249 and even $199. (e.g. ONE-something)


    Is that what your crystal ball told you?


    Conversation at Apple:


    Tim Cook:  Well, what's the price point for the Mini?

    Employee 1:  $299

    Tim Cook: How many do you think we can sell at that point?

    Employee 1:  8.5 million in this quarter

    Tim Cook: How many can we make?

    Employee 2: We're a bit constrained but we can make 7 million.

    Tim Cook: Hmmm... how many can we sell at $329

    Employee 1: 7.75 million in this quarter

    Tim Cook:  $329 it is. Now get the f*ck out of here.


    [changed my figures to be more in line with what I actually predict]

  • Reply 154 of 241
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    If $30 is a big deal to somebody, then they do not deserve to own any Apple products.


    <*Whew!*> For a minute there I thought I might not deserve that which "The Great Benevolent iCorp" hath bestowed upon me, but fortunately $30 is not a big deal to me so I guess I'm okay.




    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I think it's great that Apple has the $30 buffer zone, because it keeps out the riff raff that would otherwise have bought something at $299, but not at $329.


    Aw dammit, I'm out. While $30 isn't a big deal to me, the MiniPad does cost more than I'm prepared to pay. That makes me riff raff, huh? Damn. I don't have to start driving a pickup truck, do I?


    Where do I surrender my iPhone and MacBook Pro and Mac Pro and Mac Mini and Time Capsule and Apple TV and Airport Extreme? Can my wife keep her MacBook Pro and iPhone?


    By the way, how are you liking that new Mini? You HAVE purchased one, right? You're not, riff raff, are you?

  • Reply 155 of 241


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Without linking to 40,000 studies...

    One decent study that says why someone wouldn't pay $329 when they believe they're getting something worth at least $329 -- instead of your marketing gobbledygook -- will suffice.


    I'll wait.

  • Reply 156 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post

    By the way, how are you liking that new Mini? You HAVE purchased one, right? You're not, riff raff, are you?


    Well, I believe that the pre-orders don't begin until Friday, so I technically can not have purchased one yet.


    Am I going to purchase a Mini? Perhaps, I think that it looks cute. I already have full sized iPads, so a Mini is not essential for me, but I might get one, we'll see. They also make for nice Christmas presents, so maybe I'll pick up a couple for that purpose.

  • Reply 157 of 241
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    They also make for nice Christmas presents, so maybe I'll pick up a couple for that purpose.


    Damn, I wish *I* was on *YOUR* Christmas list! I can't afford to give gifts like that anymore.


    Although, now that I think about it, I probably could if they were $299, but at $329, forget it! image

  • Reply 158 of 241


    Originally Posted by Quiet_Desperation View Post


    Oh, FFS, this blithering nerd self important BS again? Does it ever end with you idiots? Listen, geek, you people are not the arbiters of what is and is not smart or stupid in this world. Got that? You never were and never will be, despite what your raging personality disorders compel you to believe.




    I've seen the Nexus 7. If that's your thing, whatever.




    No, it's stupid to want to design hardware like a tablet for a single use case (watching 16:9 content). If it's just some TV show I'm catching up on, I'll watch in bed on the iPad and not fret over every pixel because, well, I'm not an OCD tech nerd spending the bulk of my show watching time obsessing over video artifacts. If it's a movie or something more cinematic (and there's a reason to give a damn) I'll likely AirPlay it to my big TV.


    Cite? Oh, wait, you can't cite future events.




    Huh? You are confusing Mac OS X and iOS. Or something. You're really just raving like a lunatic at this point and well off the rails.




    Somewhere in there is a reasonable sentence struggling to get out. Or not. Are you saying people should make their own tablet computers and cell phones? Have you personally interviewed every iOS device owner? Where do you even get idea to make claims like this? Are you really that delusionally arrogant?




    How can you extrapolate such things from someone buying an iPad or iPhone? I have an iPad. I also have nine patents with my name on them. Six of them have *only* my name on them. I design and build things that get shot into space. But, well, no, by your batshit rant I'm just a low level dummy because of a single purchase where I wanted a basic appliance for specific uses.



    I think I lost a few brain cells responding to your steaming geek turd of a post. Get out of your basement. Get out of your geek bubble. Open your tiny, cloistered mind. Or not. Whatever. You never will, so what's the point?


    Oh, and you've clearly never had a good hot dog, like a Sabrett or a Portillo's Polish dog.


    first - there is no such thing as a good hotdog... just like there is no such thing as good soda. It is just different levels of confused value. 


    Huh? You are confusing Mac OS X and iOS. Or something. You're really just raving like a lunatic at this point and well off the rails.


    Some lack of English comprehension on your part - by definition if I refer to a Macintosh - IOS would be excluded.


    Somewhere in there is a reasonable sentence struggling to get out. Or not. Are you saying people should make their own tablet computers and cell phones? Have you personally interviewed every iOS device owner? Where do you even get idea to make claims like this? Are you really that delusionally arrogant?


    Again, English comprehension - did you simply decide to skip the ending to that? The same place others here think they can claim wealth from a 330 dollar object... or the ability to judge others from something bought - not as nice when put down over another non-rational overreaching standard is it?


    How can you extrapolate such things from someone buying an iPad or iPhone? I have an iPad. I also have nine patents with my name on them. Six of them have *only* my name on them. I design and build things that get shot into space. But, well, no, by your batshit rant I'm just a low level dummy because of a single purchase where I wanted a basic appliance for specific uses.


    Again - Not as "Bat-shit" as believing that a person is Poor, stupid, or on welfare because they decide that a technology is worth 200 and not 326. Seeing how they only need a basic appliance for specific uses


    I think I lost a few brain cells responding to your steaming geek turd of a post. Get out of your basement. Get out of your geek bubble. Open your tiny, cloistered mind. Or not. Whatever. You never will, so what's the point?


    Yes, it is - read your post. That is unfortunate, Not sure you had that many available to loose.


    Oh, You are no longer in High school (assumption) your reliance on the word "geek" is disconcerting.

  • Reply 159 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    Damn, I wish *I* was on *YOUR* Christmas list! I can't afford to give gifts like that anymore.


    Although, now that I think about it, I probably could if they were $299, but at $329, forget it! image

    Don't get me wrong. I don't go around giving gifts like that to a whole bunch of people, but to a couple of close people, sure.


    I'd actually be saving money, because I was thinking about getting a Macbook Air for my girlfriend, but maybe I'll cheap out and just give an iPad Mini instead.image

  • Reply 160 of 241
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post

    I have said it from the start that iOS is the "hotdog" in the Apple menu - the product for the lowest common denominator in our society - but this level of stupidity in marketing really hits the point home.

    Yes, for a device that is mostly used for reading - stupid people will think that is is a good idea to trade a smaller, less expensive, sharper resolution screen device (nexus 7) for a more expensive, larger, lower resolution screen.

    Yes, stupid people can not wait to rent 3.99 HD movies to see it on a 4:3 1028x768 screen over a 16:9 HD screen.

    Yes, stupid people will believe that the new aspect ratio and high resolution on the iphone 5 is great for websites because it gives you sharper text and less need to scroll down yet will believe something else 2 months later.

    Remember a time when you walked in to our corporate offices and you understood that when you hit the floor with Macintosh in it you were where some of the smartest and most talented people of the company worked.

    Now, it is half baked nonsense held up by marketing stupidity for the 40% of high school students and the population that because everything that they have ever owned someone else made - and everything that has ever inspired them someone else imagined - try so hard to buy some self respect.

    Yes, iOS is the dumbing down of Apple.


    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

    You can believe what you want, but most people reading books want (a) reasonably sized text and (b) a reasonable amount of text on a page. These two factors point to more physical area. Of course it is better to ALSO have higher res (for smoother fonts), but given the choice most reasonable people would take the device which is the right size over one which is higher res. 


    Movies: same thing. Watching movies on a very small device is unpleasant, no matter how good the res is, because your eyes cannot pick out the detail. 1024x768 is not optimal, but it somewhat better than 720p, and thus more than adequate, resolution wise (again, I will agree that a Retina iPad is better for this purpose).


    To conclude, it is a bit disingenuous to talk about "dumbing down" after talking complete nonsense.

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

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