Apple exec Phil Schiller defends $329 entry price of iPad mini



  • Reply 61 of 241
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    A lot of folks are overreacting. The sky is not falling. There is plenty of room in the market place for all the players. The lower end Kindles/Nexuses are fine. They will sell to a budget conscious consumer. The iPadMini will sell to consumers who desire a better quality and more refined and more capable device. If the $129 difference is important to you buy the Nexus and get over it. Personally $129 is not a big deal and I think it is worth the extra money. Looking at it positively Apple now has made it possible to own a smaller ipad3 for a lot less that $499, granted it doesn't have the retina dsiplay but really the difference is not that big a deal and I think the fact that it can now fit in a jacket pocket or a woman's purse will be a big seller. Add to that parents can now get one for their kids Christmas present without having to pay the full iPad price will be really big. Just watch the Christmas sales. Also don't understtimate the cache of owning a more expensive device . It does make one look more well off right! not a cheapskate. It impressed the opposite sex! I'd love to see Apple do an ad where the guy gets to date the hottie because she walks off with him rather than to Nexus user, imagine!

  • Reply 62 of 241
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by XiDigital View Post

    If there was no competition, it would have been ok.

    But compared to other devices out there (same category - 7" tablet) - its WAY too expensive. The screen is low-res, the specs are 2 years old (almost) and it costs 40% more than KindleFireHD or Nexus 7. I know the eco-system is better and the OS is great, but seriously, is that worth paying more for getting worse specs?


    to me its worth it because the experience is a lot better.

  • Reply 63 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post


    yes, as idiotic as buying a 200 dollar hammer because it is made of brushed aluminum - never mind that technology has no inherent value but the one given by its use.


    you should use iOS products, they are made and marketed to you.


    You're the "genius" that is calling iOS users stupid in your other post and claiming that a piece of crap Nexus, a 16:9 tablet running a shitty OS called Android, made for cheapskates, people on welfare and clueless Fandroids offers a superior experience.image

  • Reply 64 of 241


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Exactly how many has Amazon sold?


  • Reply 65 of 241


    Originally Posted by XiDigital View Post

    If there was no competition, it would have been ok.

    But compared to other devices out there (same category - 7" tablet) - its WAY too expensive. The screen is low-res, the specs are 2 years old (almost) and it costs 40% more than KindleFireHD or Nexus 7. I know the eco-system is better and the OS is great, but seriously, is that worth paying more for getting worse specs?

    What 'competition'? As someone asked before, do you have any numbers? (Actual ones put out by the company, I mean).

  • Reply 66 of 241
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Also, ... did anyone else but me think the screen size comparisons were a bit dubious?  A lot of browsers do full-screen now.  Technically, Chrome on Android still doesn't, but removing the menu bars etc. as part of the "analysis" is still a bit disingenuous viewed that way.  


    It felt kind of dirty to me to present it that way. 


    No he was removing the distraction in terms of comparing usable image size.  It looked like the chrome in both browsers (i.e. wasted space) were about the same in size.

  • Reply 67 of 241


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    So you wouldn't say the iPad and iPad mini have different UI, in terms of both control and principles?


    Currently, the only difference is size, and, as far as I know, Apple hasn't issued any Mini specific HIG, nor do I expect they will. So, the question is simply, how much does the size difference affect the user experience. The iPhone simply doesn't enter into the equation.

  • Reply 68 of 241
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Phil- "Now let me compare this Nexus 7 to a device that is 40% more expensive... isn't it just magical how much better it is than a product almost half it's price?"


    What a dumb marketing technique.


    Stupid post. The elements they were comparing (aspect ratio, screen real estate, app selection, etc) has nothing to do with price, and everything to do with useability. It's not like he was comparing specs. I thought it was very effective, as the Nexus 7 is the best selling 'smaller' tablet and the closest competition Apple may have in that product category. The comparison also hit the nail on the head, as it brought up pretty much all the reasons as to why I returned my Nexus 7 shortly after I bought it. Everything from the awkward 16x9 aspect ration, near useless landscape mode, sluggish performance, shitty tablet optimized app selection, etc drove me crazy. The specs didnt seem to help it there, and I have a feeling the mini will be a million times more responsive, even with the 'inferior' specs. At the end of the day, the iPad mini does seem like a better value all things considered. It has the same CPU as my 3rd gen iPad which is pushing 4X as many pixels, and which is still fast as hell. 


    Also, not sure what you're on about 'double' the price. Here in Canada the Nexus is $259, while the iPad mini will be priced at $329. Yeah, double indeed. The nexus is ~ 80% of the cost. You think its overpriced, don't buy it. Thats how the market works, theres a ton of options out there. But I predict its going to wipe the floor with everything else sales wise, because at the end of the day most people want an iPad, not a generic tablet, and can justify the difference in price. 


    Also I love all the OMG PAYING MORE FOR WORSE SPECS LOL trolls in this thread. This attack has only been levelled against, oh I don't know, every SINGLE Apple product ever. And you still don't fucking get it. Do you not realize you can get a better specced, cheaper alternative for every single Apple product out there, including their iPod. iPhone, laptop, desktop lines, if thats the ONLY criteria you're looking at? If you're buying specs, you can go elsewhere, it will always be the case. Amazing how short-sighted and simply idiotic some people can still be in their assinine and discredited arguments. 

  • Reply 69 of 241

    This bad boy is going to cut more into iPad sales than into Android 7" sales. I think Apple is trading one for the other.  Bottomline, people buy Apple because it is Apple.  Now they can have an Apple Tablet for far less.  $199 is an impulse buy, $329, not so much.

  • Reply 70 of 241


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    You are assuming that the user-experience on the mini will be identical to what it is on the iPad...

    perhaps very generally it may be,

    but the experience on the iPhone and the iPad are markedly different,

    so I'm not sure how you can presume to know what it will be on the mini...

    did you receive a review mini that you've been using for a while?


    Apple leads in consumer satisfaction in every category, often by a very wide margin. 


    Why should we assume that will change with the iPad Mini experience?


    Apple is doing to the iPad what they did to the iPod: create an entire family of devices around a platform. 

  • Reply 71 of 241


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Uh… Android tablets? Are you saying the iPad mini should cost 40% more than Android tablets, and because it doesn't, it's far cheaper and a better deal?


    Well, they listened to us at least once in the recent past. xMac and giant, pointless television, here we come!


    Yes, for a device that is mostly used for reading, having a 16:9 screen was a really good idea. If I need a sarcasm tag, you've failed at sarcasm.


    Notice that the iPad isn't for reading. It's for tableting. 


    Oh, I'm seeing some half-baked nonsense, stupidity, and dumbing down, all right. Just not sure it's coming from Apple.


    So you wouldn't say the iPad and iPad mini have different UI, in terms of both control and principles?


    no need for sarcasm tag... your ignorance on the subject is obvious. I guess you never walked with a paper back in your back pocket?

    as for your other reply to my post, same as above would apply. 

  • Reply 72 of 241


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    You're the "genius" that is calling iOS users stupid in your other post and claiming that a piece of crap Nexus, a 16:9 tablet running a shitty OS called Android, made for cheapskates, people on welfare and clueless Fandroids offers a superior experience.image


    Exhibit A.

  • Reply 73 of 241
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I think the pitch was wrong but every hands on "review" I've seen so far has nothing but good things to say about the product. Of course these aren't extensive reviews but if it was crap it wouldn't take long to figure out.
  • Reply 74 of 241
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,213member


    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    Refurb iPad minis will likely be available before Christmas.

    Highly doubtful. Refurbished iPad 3s weren't available until months after introduction.


    There's just no denying a refurb. iPad 3 is far more functional than the iPad mini, for just $50 more.

  • Reply 75 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post


    Exhibit A.

    Are you a Samsung lawyer? image

  • Reply 76 of 241
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    There's just no denying a refurb. iPad 3 is far more functional than the iPad mini, for just $50 more.


    Not if somebody is looking for a more portable and much lighter tablet. It all depends on the usage.

  • Reply 77 of 241
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I think the pitch was wrong but every hands on "review" I've seen so far has nothing but good things to say about the product. Of course these aren't extensive reviews but if it was crap it wouldn't take long to figure out.


    Mmmm...sometimes it takes daily use to ferret out the annoyances that change a device from a "I use this thing every freaking day...all my other gizmos is collecting dust" to "I'd use this more often if X didn't suck".

  • Reply 78 of 241
    If the current 16GB A5 iPad was dropped to $229 and there was an 8GB version of the new iPod Touch at $199, an iPad Mini with a retina display, an A6 processor and 32GB of flash at $329 will seem like the right price. The only question is when will this upgrade take place?
  • Reply 79 of 241
    Somebody has to pick up the garbage too.
  • Reply 80 of 241
    focher wrote: »
    That's not at all how consumer goods are priced. It's the cost of goods, which entails a lot of things like R&D, marketing, promotional discounting, indirects (like corporate costs), logistics / transport of goods, etc. And the final pricing is not even based on all of that plus margin. The goal is to optimize price to find the perfect balance of revenue and profit. Underpricing leaves money on the table. Overpricing means lost sales.
    My gut reaction is that $329 is too high for that segment, but that's based on where the competition has priced their products and the seeming marketability of those products. However, Apple has surely done some pretty detailed analysis in defining the price points to maximize revenue and profit. And I'm also confident that the Apple product isn't going to be a piece of crap with no resale value.

    I am happy that Apples marketing specialists don't trust on your guts. Said that, of course my way to put all R&D, logistict, salaries, and whatever other costs turn up, in to one position "margin" is simplistic and maybe not quite fair. but I just wanted to keep it short.
    Nevertheless, 329$ is, considering the value of the pruduct, a very nice price.
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