Reviewers confirm 4th-gen iPad is merely an incremental refresh



  • Reply 21 of 132
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,221member

    A processor that's twice as fast is a "tweak". The iPhone 5 was an "incremental refresh" too. Ha-ha! Gotta preserve that market equity! Spin-spin-spin!

  • Reply 22 of 132


    Originally Posted by GuyR View Post

    The question no one seems to be asking is 'does this now mean the iPhone and iPad will now have it's annual refresh cycle in Q4, just in time for US thanks giving/xmas'.  Now the iPad has moved, this leaves a big hole in the Q2 release calendar, unless Apple have a new TV product or other to fill that slot next year...


    Probably, just the same way the iPhone's refresh cycle was bumped from June/July to September/October.

  • Reply 23 of 132


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    Let's see... Twice as fast as the 3rd generation... I suppose one could call this an incremental refresh, but it's a heck of a refresh for the same money.


    No body mentions if it runs cooler, weighs less, or if the battery lasts longer... 


    Runs cooler is a hard one for most of these early reviews to perform, but we already knew it didnt weigh any less.  At least Engadget, and I think The Verge performed battery testing, and showed a nice improvement.

  • Reply 24 of 132


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post




    Giving the ol' folder a workout tonight…


    Well, the screen of the Nexus 10 IS better, by a not slim margin, and there is a good chance it's faster too, which will show when both are finally benchmarked. As for the last point, most versatile, Android is largely more open and adaptable then iOS, while iOS has more apps currently, so one could argue it both ways.


    I find it interesting that AI hasn't said word one about the Nexus 10, or the Nexus 4, for that matter, nor anything about the spec and price bumped 7. I know it's a big week for Apple, but pretending like nothing has happened with the competition is strange for this site.

  • Reply 25 of 132
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,221member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post


    Well, the screen of the Nexus 10 IS better

    Better in terms of resolution, yes, but since the unaided eye can't see the pixels anyway on the iPad with retina display, the question is whether the Nexus 10 display has as good (or better) color accuracy and brightness--and how long the battery lasts at normal brightness.

  • Reply 26 of 132


    Originally Posted by Hoss the Dog View Post

    The thought crossed my mind, is Apple moving to a new annular "tick tock" product cycle with the iPad.  March/April 2013 for the new iPad/iPad Mini anyone?


    I had that same thought, and it would make sense, as it's worked very well for Intel.

  • Reply 27 of 132

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    I find it interesting that AI hasn't said word one about the Nexus 10, or the Nexus 4, for that matter, nor anything about the spec and price bumped 7. I know it's a big week for Apple, but pretending like nothing has happened with the competition is strange for this site.


    I find it interesting that you weren't here yesterday:

  • Reply 28 of 132
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member


    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    Better in terms of resolution, yes, but since the unaided eye can't see the pixels anyway on the iPad with retina display, the question is whether the Nexus 10 display has as good (or better) color accuracy and brightness--and how long the battery lasts at normal brightness.

    no! it's all about specs, not about reality! don't you understand? what do you think an "android" is - a real human being? human reality doesn't apply to them.

  • Reply 29 of 132


    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    Better in terms of resolution, yes, but since the unaided eye can't see the pixels anyway on the iPad with retina display, the question is whether the Nexus 10 display has as good (or better) color accuracy and brightness--and how long the battery lasts at normal brightness.


    So far the answer to accuracy and brightness is "yes," but by a tiny, anal margin, much like the higher DPI. Skil said "best," not "noticeably best." My 63 year old mother has an iPad 2, and can't tell the difference between her iPad and my wife's iPad 3.

    As for battery length, at the same settings of brightness, it runs about 20 minutes less than the ipad 3, which isn't a huge deal considering that's still over 9 hours of playback.

  • Reply 30 of 132


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post




    Giving the ol' folder a workout tonight…

    For some reason that one really made me laugh

  • Reply 31 of 132
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post


    Well, the screen of the Nexus 10 IS better, by a not slim margin, and there is a good chance it's faster too, which will show when both are finally benchmarked. 

    No, we do not know that the screen is better. What is known is that it has more pixels. 

  • Reply 32 of 132
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post


    So far the answer to accuracy and brightness is "yes," but by a tiny, anal margin, much like the higher DPI. Skil said "best," not "noticeably best." My 63 year old mother has an iPad 2, and can't tell the difference between her iPad and my wife's iPad 3.

    As for battery length, at the same settings of brightness, it runs about 20 minutes less than the ipad 3, which isn't a huge deal considering that's still over 9 hours of playback.

    how the heck do you know? neither new model is actually in the hands of consumers yet. it will take an actual side-by-side comparison to even have an credible opinion, subjective as it may be.

  • Reply 33 of 132
    If I had purchased an iPad3 or the new iPad as they called it and to see it being called the old iPad within 6 months time would have been a little disappointing.
    Hope this is a one of thing so that they can align future releases to the holiday season in US and other places.
  • Reply 34 of 132
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,221member


    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    how the heck do you know? neither new model is actually in the hands of consumers yet. it will take an actual side-by-side comparison to even have an credible opinion, subjective as it may be.

    Bump that! Cash907 is just talking out his/her heinie.

  • Reply 35 of 132


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    "Reviewers confirm 4th-gen iPad is merely an incremental refresh"

    This much was already known...

    The greater question is how developers will handle creating apps that specifically take advantage of the A6X's 'power' when Apple will still have devices running on the older A5, A5X, and A6 SoCs?


    Not a question at all, except to people who don't know anything about writing software. Developers don't have to write specifically for the A6X. For example, games will simply be able to use higher image quality/detail settings on newer processors, but will still run fine on older devices.


    Tell me, do all Windows developers have to run out and update their software when a new Intel processor comes out? Or when ATI or Nvidia introduce faster video cards?


    Just another pathetic attempt at trolling.

  • Reply 36 of 132
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/153922/reviewers-confirm-4th-gen-ipad-is-merely-an-incremental-refresh#post_2223453"]No, we do not know that the screen is better. What is known is that it has more pixels. 

    Knowing samsung they went Pentile.
  • Reply 37 of 132
    daharder wrote: »
    "Reviewers confirm 4th-gen iPad is merely an incremental refresh"
    This much was already known...
    The greater question is how developers will handle creating apps that specifically take advantage of the A6X's 'power' when Apple will still have devices running on the older A5, A5X, and A6 SoCs?

    It's something those developers and the iOS community would have to deal with sooner or later. We can wait to start putting A6X's into the world on March 2013 or we can begin today. Either way, it was coming. If Apple waited til March, you'd probably post this same "concern" then. Why wait?
  • Reply 38 of 132

    The new Nexus 10 beat the iPad in all these categories-- Fast CPU, highest resolution, Modern looking OS, More RAM, and more overral features. 

  • Reply 39 of 132
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member


    Originally Posted by therealestmc View Post

    The new Nexus 10 beat the iPad in all these categories-- Fast CPU, highest resolution, Modern looking OS, More RAM, and more overral features. 

    And then you woke up to the stark reality that you were dreaming...

  • Reply 40 of 132
    B.S. It is not "merely" an incremental refresh. On PCs, incremental refresh means 20% faster.

    Twice as fast means the iPad 4 is a new generation of computer.

    Realize that the extra speed allows new kinds of software. And every existing software - such as games - can take advantage of the extra speed.

    The reviewers forget that the iPad is simply a blank slate. Software is king. And software runs faster on better hardware.
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