iPhone 5 doubles Apple's share of US smartphone sales to surpass Android

in iPhone edited January 2014
The launch of the iPhone 5 has propelled Apple to a 48.1 percent share of U.S. smartphone sales, edging the iOS platform past Google's Android.

The latest data from Kantar Worldpanel revealed that the iPhone 5 launched helped Apple move past Android, which had 46.7 percent of sales over the last 12 weeks. Apple's share is expected to grow even more as availability of the iPhone 5 improves.

"The last time we saw iOS overtake Android in the US was when the iPhone 4S was released and Apple managed to retain its lead for three consecutive periods," said Dominic Sunnebo, global consumer insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. "This time we predict that Apple will beat its previous high of 49.3 percent and achieve its highest ever share of the US smartphone market within the next two periods."

Most iPhone 5 sales in the U.S ? 62 percent ? were to customers who already owned an Apple product. And customers also indicated they will remain loyal, as 92 percent in America said they will choose an iPhone the next time they upgrade.

The survey of customers, which covered a 12-week span ending Oct. 28, also found that users were most excited by the addition of high-speed 4G LTE connectivity, as well as the larger 4-inch display on the iPhone 5.

iPhone 5

While the data shows the iPhone 5 has given Apple a significant boost in the U.S. market, the company did not see the same level of share gains in Europe. There, Android accounted for 73.9 percent of sales in Germany and 81.7 percent in Spain over the last 12 weeks.

Kantar Worldpanel did find that Apple saw share gains inf our of the five major countries in Europe, particularly in Britain, where iOS accounted for 32.7 percent of smartphone sales.

?Germany remains a tough market for Apple with its share falling by 5.1 percentage points over the past year," Sunnebo said. "The Samsung Galaxy S3 has taken almost a quarter of the country?s smartphone sales over the past 12 weeks to boost Android yet further. In Italy, strong sales of the Nokia Lumia 610, the fourth best selling handset over the past 12 weeks, and the Nokia Lumia 800, the seventh best selling, have helped drive Windows' share up to 11.7 percent ? the highest across Europe."


  • Reply 1 of 114
    So Tim Cook's promise last year to "fix" Europe failed epically.
    I guess Europe needs a cheep cutting edge phone (not a 1 or 2 year old models)
    I believe s3 is sold around $350 unsubsidized there and that's almost 50% difference for people living in the economically struggling countries.
  • Reply 2 of 114



    Now they don't even have marketshare to whine about!


    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    I believe s3…


    Oh, I'm sorry. I must have read wrong. I could have sworn you said "cutting-edge", not "giant rubber ball".

  • Reply 3 of 114
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    What with the lies the company reps tell the customers at the local cell phone outlet, and the kickbacks the reps get for pushing the Galaxy SIII on every customer, I'm surprised Apple is making any headway at all.
  • Reply 4 of 114
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,284member
    No offense to Europeans but all I really care about are US results so iPhone is on top. All those statistics about Android blowing away iPhone include a ton of throwaway Android phones in Europe and elsewhere. Apple doesn't make throwaway products and never will. If Android wants that market, it's fine with me.
  • Reply 5 of 114

    Now they don't even have marketshare to whine about!

    Oh, I'm sorry. I must have read wrong. I could have sworn you said "cutting-edge", not "giant rubber ball".

    That giant rubber ball seems to be trouncing Apple in sales in Europe.

    So maybe you can tell us why the iPhone isn't selling as well as a giant rubber ball.
  • Reply 6 of 114
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member

    Three cheers for Apple...


    I have an iPhone 5, I had an iPhone 4, an iPhone 3 and my next phone will be an iPhone (assuming the naming isn't changed), so I guess I'm an iSheep.


    Oh - and SIRI is great, using it more and more.

  • Reply 7 of 114
    rob53 wrote: »
    No offense to Europeans but all I really care about are US results so iPhone is on top. All those statistics about Android blowing away iPhone include a ton of throwaway Android phones in Europe and elsewhere. Apple doesn't make throwaway products and never will. If Android wants that market, it's fine with me.

    I had forgotten... Apple doesn't care about sales.

    The damn thing about this is that for every Android phone sold an iPhone is not sold and in parts of Europe it looks like Apple is approaching zero sales. Do you really think that Tim Cook doesn't give a shit about this.
  • Reply 8 of 114


    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Three cheers for Apple...


    I have an iPhone 5, I had an iPhone 4, an iPhone 3 and my next phone will be an iPhone (assuming the naming isn't changed), so I guess I'm an iSheep.


    Oh - and SIRI is great, using it more and more.

    While I love Siri I still haven't gotten over the awkward feeling of using it in public in the couple of months I've had my new phone

  • Reply 9 of 114

    Now they don't even have marketshare to whine about!

    Oh, I'm sorry. I must have read wrong. I could have sworn you said "cutting-edge", not "giant rubber ball".

    I guess you did not get my point. Apple needs a second iPhone line to address Europe. This starts smelling like Mac vs PC of 90s except for the fact that iPhone is down to platform choice #3 in some countries. Not good.
  • Reply 10 of 114


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    That giant rubber ball seems to be trouncing Apple in sales in Europe.

    So maybe you can tell us why the iPhone isn't selling as well as a giant rubber ball.


    I think I can see why you're a Hermit. On an Island.  ;-)


    Market share doesn't mean squat to me.  Sales, profits, even "up selling" to other Apple products, these are the numbers I care about as an investor.  I have no doubt that Android will be the dominant OS on the world market, and I'm ok with that.  Are Samsung and Google as profitable?  Nope. Will they ever be?  As long as Apple continues to refine their product and focus on the user experience, while protecting their IP, I feel safe saying that Apple will be #1 for a long time.


    Not to mention the decline of the PC and the rise of the iPads

  • Reply 11 of 114
    As Steve Jobs once said, " You can please some of the people some of the time."
  • Reply 12 of 114
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Never believe any statistic unless you faked it yourself. The way these numbers are fluctuating, one could think that people in the States change their handset every 3 months. I don't believe any of this projected crap.
  • Reply 13 of 114
    allenbf wrote: »
    I think I can see why you're a Hermit. On an Island.  ;-)

    Market share doesn't mean squat to me.  Sales, profits, even "up selling" to other Apple products, these are the numbers I care about as an investor.  I have no doubt that Android will be the dominant OS on the world market, and I'm ok with that.  Are Samsung and Google as profitable?  Nope. Will they ever be?  As long as Apple continues to refine their product and focus on the user experience, while protecting their IP, I feel safe saying that Apple will be #1 for a long time.

    Not to mention the decline of the PC and the rise of the iPads

    One more smart ass in the crowd.

    I don't give a shit about market share either... as long as some product is being sold.

    So Apple ends up with 2% (or less) of sales in Europe and you are satisfied with that.

    At least we have schools on my island.
  • Reply 14 of 114

    Tim Cook needs to worry about how to make more iphones first.


    Even if Apple is worried about sales in Europe, the company cannot make iphone fast enough to sell to the Europeans.


    Don't forget, outside of US, it is not just the European markets..


    Got to say I am a little surprised.  With so many manufacturers on the Android camp and dumping their phones at cost or at a loss, and combined together they could not outsell Apple in the US?

  • Reply 15 of 114

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    So maybe you can tell us why the iPhone isn't selling as well as a giant rubber ball.


    Price, laziness, cheapness. Same reasons PCs outsell Macs.


    How do you not know this?

    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    Apple needs…


    I don't recall a time when someone has said this and been right.

  • Reply 16 of 114
    Hahaa :) Brightened my day up!
  • Reply 17 of 114
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Screw Europe. 


    Apple can not do anything about the miserable economic situation in Europe. If and when it improves, then more people there will have more money to buy iPhones with. Until then, they are free to use bottom of the barrel Android junk. Apple should never sacrifice quality for quantity, and they should not release some crappy, cheaper model, just to make a few more sales.


    I was taking the subway yesterday, and I was playing my usual, guess what smartphone people own game, which I happen to be real good at by the way. I saw this one real ghetto looking, trashy woman with a fat ass and a big mouth, and I just knew that she would be pulling out an Android phone, and sure enough, I was 100% correct. I saw this other woman, a decent looking Asian woman, and not only did I guess her phone before she pulled it out, I also guessed the color correctly, she pulled out a white iPhone 4S. image

  • Reply 18 of 114
    I don't recall a time when someone has said this and been right.

    I have.
  • Reply 19 of 114
    Price, laziness, cheapness. Same reasons PCs outsell Macs.

    Keep thinking this is the same as the PC vs Mac days.
  • Reply 20 of 114


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    One more smart ass in the crowd.

    I don't give a shit about market share either... as long as some product is being sold.

    So Apple ends up with 2% (or less) of sales in Europe and you are satisfied with that.

    At least we have schools on my island.




    It was a joke, lighten up.  None of this matters, really.


    I didn't say I want Apple to have 2% of sales in Europe.  But I'll leave that to the big boys at Apple to worry about.  If I want to invest, I do. I I want to sell, I do.  In the meantime, I enjoy my iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc etc etc because they're a vastly superior experience (to me).

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