Apple releases redesigned iTunes 11 with iCloud integration for Mac, Windows



  • Reply 81 of 111
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member


    Originally Posted by Spamboy View Post


    OK, all upgraded. My old setup is below, and can be configured the same way in 11 except for the album art in the bottom left. Now it's tiny and appears next to the song at the top. Thanks.



    You can can back some of that by simply clicking the cover art in the top display, resize it and place it next to the iTunes window. Might be impractical on 11" and 13" laptops and is certainly less elegant. This does not survive a restart of iTunes but then there is little reason to ever quit iTunes except when you need to restart the whole OS for some reason. And this mini album art window does remember its size and position through restarts, ie, after a restart of iTunes just click on it and it re-appears.

    For small laptops you can also place it in the corner where it used to be as separate window floating on top. Naturally every interaction with iTunes sends it again to the background but a single click into the album art at the top restores its.


    Yes, these workarounds probably suck on small laptop, in particular since there was no real practical reason for Apple to remove it. They just felt they needed to de-clutter iTunes (which everybody was asking for, still they could have made that an option like much of the old UI).

  • Reply 82 of 111


    Originally Posted by View Post

    I found what I can only think is a bug. If I go to the Apple Store and search for "Buddy Guy" everything comes up as I would expect it to. If I search for "Beatles", I get a bunch of coded lists (e.g., etc...). Beatle songs are interspersed between the codes, but they are mostly in a very, very, long column and not at all formatted the way the songs, then albums are for "Buddy Guy". I randomly get some with the "Guy" format and some with the "Beatles" format when I put in other artists.

    Maybe it's all the acid the Beatles did in their "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" days?


    Can anyone else verify if this is what they are seeing?


    That's the same bug I saw.  I've also seen the bug on my iPhone in the iTunes Store app so I gather this is a server side problem (and not iTunes per se) that I'm sure that Apple has identified and are trying to fix right now.  I work in support for a larger enterprise software company so I imagine that some people like me are on a conference call right now with some pretty peeved Apple engineers trying to work through the issue before it becomes widely reported as another "Apple failure".

  • Reply 83 of 111

    My only complaint so far is in the older iTunes when playing songs in your playlist the artwork would show in the bottom left corner in around a 300x400 box. I really liked seeing that cover-art there, that seems to be gone. Now there is a tiny 25x25 or so cover-art box on top, but that is no good and too small, you can click on that to enlarge but its not permanent and out of the way like it was before. If anyone can find a way to return the bigger artwork permanently let me know. Thank you.


    Secondly, maybe it would be nice to be able to slow down or turn the rotating carousel off on the iTunes store pages. Before they just kind of faded in and out and moved down but it was less noticeable. With the carousel, now it takes your attention away from viewing the front music pages and distracting.


    Everything else seems fine, and I like it - overall it is an improvement - to me!

  • Reply 84 of 111
    Can't wait to try it.
  • Reply 85 of 111


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post




  • Reply 86 of 111
    Is this a sign of more things to come now that Jony Ive has taken over?
  • Reply 87 of 111

    Very very bad! Now I can not see which apps I bought and which I didn't! You have to go to every app individual page to see if you have it or not. I don't understand why did they change it? What was wrong with the old interface?


    And at Top Paid Apps list I can not see the price of apps. And it just crashed right now :(

  • Reply 88 of 111
    vorsosvorsos Posts: 302member

    GadgetCanada View Post

    I'm wondering if the Windows bloatware version is finally put to rest.

    iTunes is written like any other good Mac app: with multiple threads. The Windows architecture is far more oriented towards multiple processes, so spawning threads takes more resources. iTunes for Windows does not fit the definition of "bloatware," it's just not optimized for the Windows process model.


    WelshDog View Post

    Can you change the size of the app text in preferences?  Old iTunes text is too small for me.

    Yes, at least for Songs (columns) view.


    capoeira4u View Post

    Is this a sign of more things to come now that Jony Ive has taken over?

    Could go either way. iTunes has always been Apple's UI playground. Brushed metal, less rounded corners, and matte buttons started there. However, many other UI experiments died there as well. I doubt the new style (>) menus migrate to OS X, but the Equalizer window's menu decorations might.

  • Reply 89 of 111

    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Now I can not see which apps I bought and which I didn't!


    Try the Apps tab.

  • Reply 90 of 111


    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    My only complaint so far is in the older iTunes when playing songs in your playlist the artwork would show in the bottom left corner in around a 300x400 box. I really liked seeing that cover-art there, that seems to be gone. Now there is a tiny 25x25 or so cover-art box on top, but that is no good and too small, you can click on that to enlarge but its not permanent and out of the way like it was before. If anyone can find a way to return the bigger artwork permanently let me know. Thank you.


    Secondly, maybe it would be nice to be able to slow down or turn the rotating carousel off on the iTunes store pages. Before they just kind of faded in and out and moved down but it was less noticeable. With the carousel, now it takes your attention away from viewing the front music pages and distracting.


    Everything else seems fine, and I like it - overall it is an improvement - to me!

    i agree about that album art box bottom left & i hope to hell they get it back very soon

  • Reply 91 of 111


    Originally Posted by John G View Post

    i agree about that album art box bottom left & i hope to hell they get it back very soon



    How To Rollback Your iTunes:


    Might be a non-issue to some, but to ME not having the artwork preview on the bottom left is a game breaker. Makes ZERO sense as to why Apple would remove that option, it's such a small part of iTunes that it couldn't have hurt them to leave it in, but it is used by many-many people. Soooo... if anyone wants to rollback to the previous iTunes, I found them here for Windows ONLY - be sure to pick the right bit version x64 or non (x32):



    Lastly, you must have the older version of this file or the older version won't open after install: iTunes Library.itl. Thankfully I backed up my old iTunes folder and still have my version 10 files and just replaced the '.itl' file from iTunes 11... everything works great and I have my artwork preview again.


    I'll download iTunes 11 or 11.x or 12 if/when they add the artwork preview back, otherwise I'll stick with v10 as long as I can.

  • Reply 92 of 111
    The second picture with a circle annotation shows purchase buttons amongst downloaded songs and iCloud buttons, which implies you can sample and purchase songs directly from your library, and even offers Complete My Album, without switching to the store view. I really want that functionality, but it's not showing up for me. Any ideas?
  • Reply 93 of 111
    Syncing my iPhone is faster
    the big problem is Syncing devices is still an after thought
    Took me 15 minutes to poke enough things to get the side bar to display so I could actually manage my iPhone 4s.
    And no I still can not sync my iPhone 4s via WiFi.
  • Reply 94 of 111
    chabigchabig Posts: 641member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Seems really confusing to me so far in terms of showing what's in the cloud, what's not etc. I think a lot of users will have trouble with this release.

    When I log into my account for instance my "purchased" list shows nothing (!) but clicking on my local library shows everything that's been purchased since it's actually showing a blended view of local and cloud based stuff.

    When I click "videos" again it shows none of my cloud purchases, but shows a blended view of what's locally on my computer and the videos that happen to be loaded on my iPad which is connected to the computer. These videos (the ones on the iPad) are presented with an iCloud icon supposedly indicating they are in the cloud, when in fact they are not, they are just on my iPad.

    Waaay confusing so far.

    I will take a stab at explaining this to you. When you are in the purchased list, there is a slider switch in the top right corner. It sets the display to show all of your purchases, or limits it to showing only those not presently on your computer.


    As for the cloud, understand that Apple prefers that you not care whether media is local or in the cloud. You want to play it, click and it plays regardless of location. That said, the cloud icon means it's not on your computer--very simple. When you clicked on movies,  you saw a compilation of the movies that are locally on your computer and those that you have available in the cloud. Your iPad doesn't even enter the equation.

  • Reply 95 of 111
    chabigchabig Posts: 641member


    Originally Posted by ubernaut View Post

    no scrubbing in mini-player = a downgrade in my book

    There are two ways to scrub from the mini-player. You can click and hold on the forward and rewind buttons, like iOS devices do with remote controls. Alternatively you can click on the artwork to open an album art window with a scrubber.

  • Reply 96 of 111


    Originally Posted by Sevenfeet View Post



    There is no more "Download Album Artwork".  


    It's still available. It's now called "Get Album Artwork", a command available by right click or File/Library menu.

  • Reply 97 of 111


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    How? iTunes is required by OS X. And good luck reverting it.

    Not sure what you mean by "required."  Just delete the iTunes app and OS X still works.

    Time Machine makes reverting a no-brainer, doesn't it?

  • Reply 98 of 111


    Originally Posted by MacAtty View Post

    #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
    I for one was eagerly looking for two improvements to iTunes anticipated to come with iTunes 11: Up Next feature and better iCloud/iTunes Match operability.  Notes so far:

    Up Next - Apple still doesn't seem to have gotten this right.  iTunes has long been the only major music player that doesn't support a queuing feature - instead of immediately playing a song, album or playlist, add that song, album or playlist to the end of the "now playing" selection.  Up Next promises to change that, and does to a certain extent.  Now, you can view (partially) the present queue by selecting the Up Next icon in the playing window.  And you can add a new song or album to that Up Next list, in two different ways: right clicking and selection "Play Next" or right clicking and selecting "Add to Up Next".  There are two problems with this feature: First, there doesn't appear to be a difference between "Play Next" and "Add to Up Next" - they both simply add the selection to the head of the Up Next queue.  One would think that "Play Next" would add to the front of the queue, while "Add to Up Next" would add the selection to the end of the "Up Next" queue.  As it is, there is no discernible reason to have both of these options, as they appear to do the exact same thing. Second, the pop-up window that shows the "Up Next" queue doesn't show the full queue, only the next 15 or so songs.  If the present queue is longer than that, it won't show the additional songs until the top of the queue clears out.  This may be related to why it's not possible to make the "Add to Up Next" function work as an "add to end of queue" function.  In any event, this seems to be yet another missed opportunity to implement this long-missing feature.



    I don't understand what you're saying, because that's NOT how it's behaving for me. 


    1) Play Next - adds a song to the top of the queue

    2) Add to Up Next - adds a song to the bottom of the queue

    3) Up Next drop-down window - shows the number of songs in the queue and they are all visible by scrolling. You can also delete a song, move a song to the top of the queue, and rearrange the order.


    Misinformation, especially when not corrected, hinders the effort.

  • Reply 99 of 111

    Originally Posted by theDuderino View Post

    Not sure what you mean by "required."  Just delete the iTunes app and OS X still works.



  • Reply 100 of 111


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Wow, mind blown.

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