New Google Maps for iOS brings vectors, transit and navigation features



  • Reply 121 of 154
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by patpatpat View Post


    >> IOS AD tracking, looks "deceptive" to me.


    It probably doesn’t come as a shock to know that the tracking is switched on as a default in the operating system so any device you have that is running iOS 6 will already be collecting this anonymous information. It is entirely possible to remove the tracking from the device but it looks like Apple have gone out of their way to bury the disable setting where users wouldn’t think to look for it.


    Jeez, just shut up won't you?  You are wrong.  You are wrong about tracking being on by default in iOS 6.  You are wrong about AD tracking in iOS 6.  You are wrong about Google's tracking being anonymous and for traffic mapping purposes only.  None of this stuff is on by default.  It's all opt-in only and all user controllable in the settings app which is not obfuscated or six levels deep or misleading in any way like Google's stuff is.  


    In fact, you are wrong about almost everything you've said on this thread, yet you continue to bleat on about it and are obnoxious and insulting to boot.  


    Last advice before blocking you:  Either post wrong headed stuff like this in a polite way, or be an asshole but get your facts straight.  The combination of being wrong about everything but sanctimonious and insulting as well is just annoying as heck.  

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  • Reply 122 of 154
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by patpatpat View Post

    Covering your ears and shouting "la la la la" to yourself, doesn't make the truth go away. I'll miss you!.


    Posting absolute shit and nonsense and then asking others to spend the time to prove you wrong isn't any picnic either.  


    You're posting the equivalent of "The moon is definitely made of cheese."


    No one has to prove you wrong.  You just are. 

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  • Reply 123 of 154


    Originally Posted by John.B View Post




    Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.


    It's not denial. The Google Maps app does not have ads.


    Google says they will put in ads in a future update. Right now they just wanted to get the app released.

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  • Reply 124 of 154
    Considering how many people moan(ed) about lack of it, why do Google persist in making street view functionality completely unintuitive to access and use until someone google's it and finds out.... I mean, we know it's there, people are talking about it and stuff, but where? etc.
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  • Reply 125 of 154


    Originally Posted by TBell View Post



    You got it in reverse, Apple paid Google to use its data. Perhaps you saw all the new articles a while back talking about how Google was going to significantly increase the amount it charges people using its maps data in volume (e.g. Apple). 


    I will keep using Apple maps because they are prettier and work great by me. I live in the US, and don't need a map to figure out mass transit (which has maps posted everywhere). Moreover, I like that Apple safeguards my information, and I want the product to improve.


    With that said, Apple creating its own maps is kind of like when it had to create Safari. Everybody else was slacking on bringing a decent browser to the Mac, and Microsoft even said it was going to withdraw its product which it did. Apple needs a decent Maps App to control its own destiny. The biggest mistake Apple made with its Maps App, is not calling it a beta (like Google has done). 


    What we know is for whatever reason Google wasn't going to allow Apple to use its data to bring turn - by -turn without Apple giving something significant up on top of the money Apple was already paying. News stories suggest Google wanted branding, tighter integration with its own products,  and access to Apple's location data. 


    Apple bringing its Maps App forced Google to bring the things Google was currently denying, like Turn - by - Turn. Apple now doesn't have to pay for the data. Moreover, Google has to abide by Apple's developer rules limiting access to location data. It really is a win for Apple.


    Personally, the whole Google brings its Map App to the App Store shows how biased the press and some people in general are becoming against Apple. The app was available for like ten minutes, and people were writing all these glowing reviews. The App might in fact be great, but can you really make those claims without at least a day or two of trying it out?  Take for instance, the App Store reviews. Around two in the morning, hundreds of people gave the App five stars right after downloading it.


    Agreed that this could have all been avoided if Apple just admitted that their map app was in beta. They could have encouraged Google to get Google Maps finished before releasing Apple Maps. Instead they got cocky and thought everyone would love Apple Maps.


    As for the app store reviews, 10 minutes is enough to know the app deserved a glowing review. The interface is amazing. And we've all used Google Maps on our phones and the website for many years. We already know the quality of the data without having to test it in the new app. The app is using the same data as the website.

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  • Reply 126 of 154


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Jeez, just shut up won't you?  You are wrong.  You are wrong about tracking being on by default in iOS 6.  You are wrong about AD tracking in iOS 6.  You are wrong about Google's tracking being anonymous and for traffic mapping purposes only.  None of this stuff is on by default.  It's all opt-in only and all user controllable in the settings app which is not obfuscated or six levels deep or misleading in any way like Google's stuff is.  


    In fact, you are wrong about almost everything you've said on this thread, yet you continue to bleat on about it and are obnoxious and insulting to boot.  


    Last advice before blocking you:  Either post wrong headed stuff like this in a polite way, or be an asshole but get your facts straight.  The combination of being wrong about everything but sanctimonious and insulting as well is just annoying as heck.  



    Another "la la la la" while covering ears to avoid hearing the truth. Do a simple search, the info is all there. Time to take off the tin foil hats.


    Here this link even has pics for you to follow,


    From the article



    • iOS 6 comes in a default "tracking on" position. You have to affirmatively switch it off if you do not want advertisers to see what you're up to.

    • The tracking control in iPhone's settings is NOT contained where you might expect it, under the "Privacy" menu. Instead, it's found under "General," then "About," and then the "Advertising" section of the Settings menu.

    • The tracking control is titled "Limit Ad Tracking," and must be turned to ON, not OFF, in order to work. That's slightly confusing — "ON" means ads are off! — so a large number of people will likely get this wrong.

    • Read more:

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  • Reply 127 of 154


    Originally Posted by bolskevite View Post


    Agreed that this could have all been avoided if Apple just admitted that their map app was in beta. They could have encouraged Google to get Google Maps finished before releasing Apple Maps. Instead they got cocky and thought everyone would love Apple Maps.


    As for the app store reviews, 10 minutes is enough to know the app deserved a glowing review. The interface is amazing. And we've all used Google Maps on our phones and the website for many years. We already know the quality of the data without having to test it in the new app. The app is using the same data as the website.


    It already has 14,152 reviews (12k 5 star, 1k 4 star) on app store. I looked up several of the other "paid $49" apps, Tom Tom, Garmin, etc and they each only have < 100 mixed reviews.


    I'd say it's a big hit. Job well done.

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  • Reply 128 of 154


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    iOS 6 Apple maps appears to show vectors for most areas of China... Which areas in particular are bit-mapped?


    Maybe you are located in USA and is looking on China. But when you are in China as I am, the maps from all over the world are bit-mapped. Like right now I am looking at Boston and it is bit-mapped. 

    So I guess you get different favor depending where you are located. 

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  • Reply 129 of 154
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by bolskevite View Post


    It's not denial. The Google Maps app does not have ads.


    Google says they will put in ads in a future update. Right now they just wanted to get the app released.




    So what is the bit at the bottom, the bit that says "First National Real Estate" and how does it relate to the search term "Selwyn avenue Minto", which does not exist in Google maps but is displayed correctly in Apple maps, if this is not an ad, what is it and why is Google directing me to drive over an hour in the wrong direction to the other side of the city in order to go to a real estate business?

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  • Reply 130 of 154
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    alexn wrote: »
    So? Report it in the "Report a Problem" section.

    So... some people, when they purchase something, don't want to be volunteers helping product to improve. Give 'em iPhone5 for free and most will gladly help improve. Sell them iPhone5, and they expect everything to work as advertised.

    The nerve of those individuals...

    And. It is not like reported problems get fixed immediately.
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  • Reply 131 of 154

    127 comments ... more than half consisting of accusations of illogical comments from someone else. If two sides of a debate are claiming superior logic, isn't it time to call it quits because at least one side is not being honest with itself?

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  • Reply 132 of 154
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    hill60 wrote: »
    Here you go:-

    Look, according to Google there is nothing here, just bare earth:-

    <img alt="700" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="17789" data-type="61" height="621" src="" style="width:350px;height:621px;" width="350">

    It's a good thing emergency services don't use Google, how would they respond to an average Joe's emergency in a street that doesn't exist:-

    <img alt="700" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="17790" data-type="61" height="263" src="" style="width:350px;height:263px;" width="350">

    Here are more houses that don't exist, according to Google it's bare earth:-

    <img alt="700" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="17791" data-type="61" height="263" src="" style="width:350px;height:263px;" width="350">

    ...and some more:-

    <img alt="700" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="17792" data-type="61" height="263" src="" style="width:350px;height:263px;" width="350">

    Lastly here's a picture taken on one of the Longhurst and Longhurst corners, note the houses where Google says there is bare earth:-

    <img alt="700" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="17793" data-type="61" height="263" src="" style="width:350px;height:263px;" width="350">
    , cry me a freakin' river. Street view has been available in my area for years. Just this past August I noticed they finally got to my neighborhood. Before that they were showing sat. Imagery that was almost 5 years out of date...
    So want does Apple maps show? What are you trying to say? Google sucks and Apple is awesome with regards to maps? State your purpose for bitching.
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  • Reply 133 of 154
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Dude, cry me a freakin' river. Street view has been available in my area for years. Just this past August I noticed they finally got to my neighborhood. Before that they were showing sat. Imagery that was almost 5 years out of date...

    So want does Apple maps show? What are you trying to say? Google sucks and Apple is awesome with regards to maps? State your purpose for bitching.


    By providing real examples I have addressed the concerns of all the whiners, who have been going on about how absolutely perfect Google maps is and how great a loss to iOS 6 it's removal was, endless bitching and whining such as the 498 posts in the thread about Apple Maps and Mildura, over and over again how Google is the best thing since sliced bread.


    Fact is it's not, as can be easily shown, which I have done only to be met with responses like yours and others who MINIMISE Google map errors and MAXIMISE Apple map errors.


    Fact is I'm sick of the bullshit surrounding this subject and did something about it using irrefutable evidence of fact.


    What does Apple Maps show, Selwyn Avenue for starters and quite a few houses, here see for yourself.




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  • Reply 134 of 154
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    What does Apple Maps show, Selwyn Avenue for starters and quite a few houses, here see for yourself.




    Well gosh, why haven't you ever mentioned an issue with that street before? image

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  • Reply 135 of 154
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member

    Besides Google Maps being the number one free download for the Appstore, it looks like it's really being used too. Google Earth, an optional download within the app, has jumped from number 78 to number 4 according to App Annie.


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  • Reply 136 of 154
    alexnalexn Posts: 119member
    Deleted by author
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  • Reply 137 of 154
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member

    Google Maps…ugly as hell on our iPads at 2x's. Real ugly!

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  • Reply 138 of 154


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Besides Google Maps being the number one free download for the Appstore, it looks like it's really being used too. Google Earth, an optional download within the app, has jumped from number 78 to number 4 according to App Annie.


    Some here keep asking for exactly how many more mistakes there are on Apple Maps v. on Google Maps, knowing full well that's like saying the only way to prove a full glass has more liquid than a half glass is to count how many water molecules there are. Well, surely this is some type of objective metric. If iOS customers, including many superfans, are tripping over themselves to use Google Maps, how superior can Apple Maps is?


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  • Reply 139 of 154


    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Google Maps…ugly as hell on our iPads at 2x's. Real ugly!

    It does say "Optimized for IP5" on the app store. An iPad version is in the works apparently.

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  • Reply 140 of 154

    This fanboy article is hilarious.


    #1 in the app store and will probably stay there for quite a while. Even CNN was bashing Apple's Maps compared to Google's recently

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