New Google Maps for iOS brings vectors, transit and navigation features



  • Reply 141 of 154
    I have to say I've been reading Appleinsider for two years and have always thought they did quite a good job at being unbiased despite the fact that everyone here (including me) is an Apple fan. This Article, however, is incredibly biased. As pretty much every iPhone user will tell you Google maps blows Apple maps into the middle of next week and for every example where Apple maps is better there are 10 where Google is better.
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  • Reply 142 of 154
    Way to go, DED!

    What's good for the gander is also good for the goose and vice versa.

    Some critics sure know how to dish it out but can't take it when the shoe's on the other foot.

    All in all, a warts-and-all objective first look at Google Maps for iOS, which may have come too late to significantly hinder the take-up of Apple maps, which has improved significantly since its debut into an impressive app.

    As you say, Win-Win for iOS users... looking forward to more in-depth analysis as usual from you
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  • Reply 143 of 154
    To the guy saying Apple Maps suck in the UK:

    Speak for yourself, mate.

    I live in one-horse-town Basingstoke, Hampshire and the Apple Maps' Satellite view of the area is absolutely brilliant, after a decidedly ropey roll-out.

    Turn-by-turn navigation worked a peach to completely defuse a really bad-tempered situation in Bristol recently, where the people expecting a friend of mine were too drunk, stoned or both to give us directions to their house ("uh, dude, don't you have a SatNav, ?"). LoL

    My mate was threatening to return to London when I quietly asked him to give me the postcode. "What?" he sneered, "that POS Apple phone cr**?".

    A few minutes later we were pulling up outside their digs with no fuss whatsoever. We hadn't been in Bristol since 1999, and Apple Maps came to the rescue with the greatest of ease.

    Siri + Navigation repeated the feat to a live gig with all on board, and I won some respectful converts to the Apple cause that night, admiration all round.

    Your mileage may vary, but Apple Maps is nothing but smiles for me so far, and total win-win now that Google Maps joins it on my iDevices for Street View, Walking and Transit Maps.

    Message to Google: stick to your core competency (software) and you won't go wrong, wasting billions on clueless hardware strategies and antagonising powerful friends who should be staunch allies.
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  • Reply 144 of 154
    What a fanboy article.
    This is not a decent review, it's just pointing out random places and features that look slightly better on Apple Maps. Overall, Google Maps is miles ahead (pun intended) compared to Apple's service.

    Screw Appleinsider and their overly long and biased articles.
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  • Reply 145 of 154
    Yay - Berlin! %uD83C%uDDE9%uD83C%uDDEA
    Love ya, AI!
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  • Reply 146 of 154
    Yay, Berlin! %uD83C%uDDE9%uD83C%uDDEA
    Love ya, AI!
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  • Reply 147 of 154

    ’Google Maps’ is new to iOS as of version iOS 6. Prior to the recent release of Google Maps, Apple only used Google’s mapping data. The actual app has always been produced by Apple. Apple did not pull any Google apps from the app store. The newest version of Apple Maps app replaced the older version and uses TomTom as the map data supplier. As for the YouTube app, that was also an Apple designed app. That app was only added late in the original iPhone OS release to give it more app entertainment value. Once the app development was released to the public, Apple really did not have any need for that app any more

    Cheers !
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  • Reply 148 of 154


    Originally Posted by Parsec View Post

    So an article about Google Maps returning to iOS is a thinly veiled excuse to demonstrate how brilliant Apple Maps is.

    I'm really glad that Apple Maps doesn't render a pavement under the Golden Gate Bridge, but when you're in the UK and it is incapable of finding any local businesses you search for then it's not much fucking use to me. iOS maps is terrible in the UK.


    Apple Maps works fine for me in the UK, and I've tested it in London, Leeds, Bristol, and Newport in Wales where I just did an evaluation of Google Maps' walking directions as well, around the Celtic Manor resort, venue of the sensational Ryder Cup golf tournament of 2010 .


    As usual, it's on the user interactivity front that Google Maps lags behind; after nagging me to 'Turn South!' (instead of simply 'Turn Left') a few times, GMaps started to recalculate an alternate route without informing me, and sent me down a steep, twisty hillside road with no footpaths and plenty car traffic, turning a 7-minute walk into a 35-minute nightmare. It did however to its credit sense my distress and displayed the 'shake to send feedback' page a few times (and stressing me out further by failing to dismiss it on first tap!)


    It was my error to start with, but by comparison, in Bristol when Apple Maps detected a wrong driving turn, it just displayed 'RECALCULATING' in large prominent letters so the navigator could realise a mistake had been made, and we quickly got back on track. Very subtle, gentle nag there, if you get my drift (pun intended) and see the difference from GMaps.


    Satellite and 3D hybrid views in my Hampshire small town are detailed and pretty in Apple Maps, and with the inclusion of Google Maps as an in-app choice for Transit, Walking and Street View as well as for my ageing 3GS and i4 handsets, I couldn't be happier with Apple Maps right now.


    Another high-risk Apple manoeuvre just came up trumps again!

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  • Reply 149 of 154

    Dunno, seems like an honest appraisal to me. Still, I can see it'd upset a fandroid.

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  • Reply 150 of 154


    Originally Posted by morzee94 View Post

    I have to say I've been reading Appleinsider for two years and have always thought they did quite a good job at being unbiased despite the fact that everyone here (including me) is an Apple fan. This Article, however, is incredibly biased. As pretty much every iPhone user will tell you Google maps blows Apple maps into the middle of next week and for every example where Apple maps is better there are 10 where Google is better.

    Rubbish. It disagrees with your view, that is all. So bored of commenters conflating bias with differing opinion. I'm a long term iPhone owner and frackly the Google Maps app need a lot of work. Google's map data ain't as great as you lot make out either. 

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  • Reply 151 of 154

    I had the same experience recently.  The day I read online that Google Maps had come out for iOS and people were finally upgrading to iOS 6, I also did a search for Thunder Horse, Cedar Park, TX.  "Thunder Horse" is a street, but has no "St, Rd, Wy, Ave, Blvd, etc" after its name.  Google has no idea, but Apple knows exactly where it is.  Try it for yourself and see.


    I have used Apple/Google iPhone maps for years, used the Google Android Map App for most of 2009-2010 and have been on Apple's maps for 3 weeks now.  They all just keep getting better and better.  I'll download Google's new iOS version too, but honestly, I hope no one ever "wins" and stops pushing the limits of possibilities in the free mobile navigation app sphere.

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  • Reply 152 of 154
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member


    Originally Posted by Chrislove22 View Post

    I had the same experience recently.  The day I read online that Google Maps had come out for iOS and people were finally upgrading to iOS 6, I also did a search for Thunder Horse, Cedar Park, TX.  "Thunder Horse" is a street, but has no "St, Rd, Wy, Ave, Blvd, etc" after its name.  Google has no idea, but Apple knows exactly where it is.

    Is that actually in Leander rather than Cedar Park? Just curious really.

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  • Reply 153 of 154

    After 2 weeks of usage, I can easily say that Google maps app is way better than the apple one. 

    This feeling is for China only, I guess. 

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  • Reply 154 of 154


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Is that actually in Leander rather than Cedar Park? Just curious really.

    I thought it was in Leander when I first searched it, but when I checked it again to post, it said Cedar Park.  So I'm not really sure.


    I know I searched it lots of ways, with and without town names and using "search nearby," so the town name wouldn't have caused the problem.

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