Rumor: Fifth-gen iPad, second-gen iPad mini to debut in March



  • Reply 101 of 260
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    I doubt Apple is looking to have two releases per year. I think they are just moving to a more random release of products so as to disrupt their competitors' marketing plans. At one release per year Apple was a sitting target that all other brands could plan their marketing around.


    Indeed, another benefit of unpredictability.

  • Reply 102 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    They need the IGZO screen to move to a full HD (1920x1080) bigger iphone.  IGZO will allow more pixels with very low power consumption.  In the furure I expect Apple to continu to carry the 4" screen and add a bigger model. They may also make a less expensive (but not cheap) iphone for emerging markets.


    Apple isn't going to just throw together an iPhone with HD resolution and have all the app developers have to make their apps in another resolution just for the HD iPhone and retain all the other resolutions for previous iPhones still sold.


    For Apps, it's best for Apple to just double the resolution so that old apps still workout letter boxing or getting pixelated, and it's easy for developers to modify apps for the increased resolution.


    That's why I said Apple could double the resolution of the iPhone 5 for a 5 inch iPhone. The screen itself would look stunning, apps would look great, and movies would look good as well.

  • Reply 103 of 260
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Who said that I was rich? I doubt that it was me, because I'm not. If I wanted an iPad 4, I would have bought one right when it came out. I made a deliberate decision to skip a model, and I am waiting for the iPad 5, before upgrading.


    And with the way that AAPL has been behaving lately, I might have to apply for welfare soon and settle for an Android phone or maybe even an Obamaphone, if I qualify.image

    I was just kidding.  It's just that I picture you looking like the monopoly man with a cane and top hat looking down on the peasants that can't have Apple products.  Let's be honest... you're a little smug... :)

  • Reply 104 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    They aren't updating the mini in two months. When you sell out of a product and can't keep them on shelves a full two months after release you aren't going to update it again after two-three more months. It makes no business sense. You meet high demand with availability not major changes. And, I've said this before, as a user of the mini the screen is not that bad. I'm never sitting there using it saying "man I wish this was a retina screen." Pundits just needed something to complain about.


    Lastly, the retina iPad did not increase in price from the previous non-retina version, the retina iPhone (4) did not increase in price from the previous non-retina version (3GS), and the retina iPad mini will not increase in price either. The mini will come out in the fall. It will have retina. It will start at $329.


    EDIT: Had to edit to respond to this:




    There is no way in sam hell Apple would do that.


    I could be wrong, but I don't think Apple will be able to get the margins they want if they price a Retina Mini at $329. The reason the current Mini was able to attain that price point was because it uses 2 year old technology. 


    A Retina Mini would need all the latest internals that are in the iPad 4 plus newer technology to shave weight and size to accommodate the technology.


    That's why I'm 90% sure the Retina Mini is going to cost more than $329. This Spring they'll probably announce the Retina model as a higher end addition to the iPad Mini lineup, meaning the current model that came out a few months ago will continue to sell as is with the Retina being the "flagship" of the iPad Mini lineup.

  • Reply 105 of 260
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I was just kidding.  It's just that I picture you looking like the monopoly man with a cane and top hat looking down on the peasants that can't have Apple products.  Let's be honest... you're a little smug... :)


    That's funny, the monopoly man? I guess that people do form an image of certain posters, based solely on their written words. I did sprain my foot about one year ago, so I was walking around with a cane for about a week, but other than that, I don't really look much like the monopoly man.image


    And yeah, I am probably slightly smug, but is that a crime? image And besides, I will often exaggerate my smugness, because I know that Fandroids and a few other people will get upset, and I admit that I derive personal satisfaction from pissing certain people off.

  • Reply 106 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I know- that was my point.  Only a case redesign isn't enough to warrant a change- as significant as that is.


    That's why I say the fall for the big iPad.  The Mini could get an update when they find a way to get Retina without compromising weight or battery life significantly.

    Probably a bad example but, BMW does the same thing with their cars.


    When they remodel a car they change the exterior design but leave the engines untouched and unchanged. Then a couple years after the remodel they refresh the car by upgrading the engines, but keeping the exterior the same. Mercedes-Benz does this as well I believe.


    It pretty much means there's always "something new" even though only one thing gets upgraded at a time. It keeps those companies in the media and mags because everyone wants to either test the new engine or new design.


    I think Apple may be going for something like that. I think that would even be a good idea for the iPhone, but if done upgrades should be sooner than once a year...

  • Reply 107 of 260

    I am an Apple fan and like my new iPhone 5 a lot!!! But... I do hope Apple at some point updates iOS (I know iOS 6 just came out) to be more dynamic and multi-functional as Samsung is doing with Android and Windows is doing with WinMo8. I dislike both those companies, but I do like what they are doing with their mobile OS' - better multi-tasking, always updating and revising the UI... iOS is nice and good, but it's getting a little stale UI wise.

  • Reply 108 of 260
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Not how it works. Apples service stock is separate. A warranty swap is like for like even if you are paying for an out of warranty swap. Because they keep making units for service. Only on very rare occassions do they swap up. But it has to be very particular times and is generally due to a supply issue not the reason for the swap, customer nagging etc. .


    Well yeah, the service stock is all refurbished stock anyway.  

    I was thinking that they wouldn't necessarily keep that refurbished stock on hand for very long after the new version had come out.  

    Personally I'd be more than happy to pick up a new IGZO iPad mini with a faster processor in March, but it still seems a bit odd to me.  

  • Reply 109 of 260
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post



    Is your banned list accurate? Are those people officially banned?


    I see some names there that I recognize as trolls, but I also see a few others that were not anti-Apple trolls, and I was just curious about your list.

  • Reply 110 of 260
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I don't think IGZO is enough. You also need to process all those pixels that get pushed to the display. This is where the next generation GPUs would have to play a role. Again I ask, will they be ready for the Spring? Will be IGZO be ready for the spring?


    IGZO is 90% power savings over the current iPad mini display though.  If they can manage to move to a smaller process for the processor as well, then it would be quite easy to keep the iPad mini battery size and case size but with a retina display as well as a faster processor and more RAM.  


    I'm no expert but it seems to me that it's quite possible that they could come out with a new iPad the same design as the mini, plus a mini iPad using Retina no problem.  

  • Reply 111 of 260
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    IGZO is 90% power savings over the current iPad mini display though.  If they can manage to move to a smaller process for the processor as well, then it would be quite easy to keep the iPad mini battery size and case size but with a retina display as well as a faster processor and more RAM.  

    I'm no expert but it seems to me that it's quite possible that they could come out with a new iPad the same design as the mini, plus a mini iPad using Retina no problem.  

    I don't think so. You're talking about the display power, not the data that gets processed for the display. The lithography is already at 32nm. Going to 28nm will help but it will not be a huge difference. You'll need a more advanced GPU in order to shore up the numbers. The only thing I am aware of it Rogue 6 but that's not slated for this Summer and then you have the iPad mini (and iPod Touch) being a 1 generation behind the iPad and iPhone on the ASIC so that tells me 2014 based on the current data.

    And what about cost? How much more are you willing to pay for this display? that is the same PPI as the iPhone but the same resolution as the iPad? Why is no one recalling what a huge event the Retina iPad was less than a year ago and yet now think it can be done in a much smaller volume device with no limitations. There is a reason the iPad mini shipped with no retina display and anyone that was expecting one was ignorant of the physics or lying to themselves.
  • Reply 112 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    blackbook wrote: »
    I could be wrong, but I don't think Apple will be able to get the margins they want if they price a Retina Mini at $329. The reason the current Mini was able to attain that price point was because it uses 2 year old technology. 

    A Retina Mini would need all the latest internals that are in the iPad 4 plus newer technology to shave weight and size to accommodate the technology.

    That's why I'm 90% sure the Retina Mini is going to cost more than $329. This Spring they'll probably announce the Retina model as a higher end addition to the iPad Mini lineup, meaning the current model that came out a few months ago will continue to sell as is with the Retina being the "flagship" of the iPad Mini lineup.
    was the 3rd gen more expensive than the 2nd gen? Was the iPhone 4 more expensive than the 3GS?
  • Reply 113 of 260


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post


    I could be wrong, but I don't think Apple will be able to get the margins they want if they price a Retina Mini at $329. The reason the current Mini was able to attain that price point was because it uses 2 year old technology. 


    A Retina Mini would need all the latest internals that are in the iPad 4 plus newer technology to shave weight and size to accommodate the technology.


    That's why I'm 90% sure the Retina Mini is going to cost more than $329. This Spring they'll probably announce the Retina model as a higher end addition to the iPad Mini lineup, meaning the current model that came out a few months ago will continue to sell as is with the Retina being the "flagship" of the iPad Mini lineup.

    If they release the retina iPad mini in November then it'll be using ~2 year old "new" iPad (3rd gen) tech so shouldn't component costs be reduced?


    We shouldn't kid ourselves. They didn't just up and release the mini. Had to be at least a year in dev before release which means they've been working on the retina mini already enough to get their manufacturing right to hit that price point. I don't see them releasing a regular iPad mini with updated internals while also releasing a retina iPad mini. They do this with the Macbooks but if they don't do it with the iPad maxi I don't see it being done with the iPad mini.


    Sidenote - do they release a > 10" iPad eventually and call it the iPad maxi? Imagine the lulz.

  • Reply 114 of 260
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    rogifan wrote: »
    was the 3rd gen more expensive than the 2nd gen? Was the iPhone 4 more expensive than the 3GS?

    iPad starts at $500 and iPhone starts at $650.
  • Reply 115 of 260
    lantznlantzn Posts: 240member
    I've been an Apple fan since 86 and would love to see Apple decrease the times between models. It also helps sell more devices because if you like to keep up with tech the older devices are handed down or sold at good resale prices.
  • Reply 116 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    If they release the retina iPad mini in November then it'll be using ~2 year old "new" iPad (3rd gen) tech so shouldn't component costs be reduced?


    We shouldn't kid ourselves. They didn't just up and release the mini. Had to be at least a year in dev before release which means they've been working on the retina mini already enough to get their manufacturing right to hit that price point. I don't see them releasing a regular iPad mini with updated internals while also releasing a retina iPad mini. They do this with the Macbooks but if they don't do it with the iPad maxi I don't see it being done with the iPad mini.


    Sidenote - do they release a > 10" iPad eventually and call it the iPad maxi? Imagine the lulz.

    Should I remind you that the iPad 3 was thicker and heavier than the iPad 2?


    Is that the technology you want in the Retina Mini?


    In order to keep the size and performance Apple will have to employ all new technology. That's why I believe the price is going to be higher than the current model, which has 2 year old internal components.

  • Reply 117 of 260
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Should I remind you that the iPad 3 was thicker and heavier than the iPad 2?


    Is that the technology you want in the Retina Mini?


    In order to keep the size and performance Apple will have to employ all new technology. That's why I believe the price is going to be higher than the current model, which has 2 year old internal components.


    But IGZO (whenever it's ready) will not require a thicker battery necessarily, due to much lower power consumption.  Is there any indication that IGZO will cost more than current screen technology?

  • Reply 118 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    lantzn wrote: »
    I've been an Apple fan since 86 and would love to see Apple decrease the times between models. It also helps sell more devices because if you like to keep up with tech the older devices are handed down or sold at good resale prices.
    how do you get good resale prices when what you're selling will most likely be 2 generations old 6 months (or less) after you buy it?

    Just like I think it would be a mistake for Apple to compete in a race to the bottom I also think its a mistake for them to try and compete spec wise with every Android and Windows OEM out there. Now I don't think Apple needs to stick to some rigid product schedule but I do think they should only release when they've got something really great (especially on the software side). Otherwise their product releases are going to be no big deal because they happen so frequently.
  • Reply 119 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    iPad starts at $500 and iPhone starts at $650.
    But the 2nd gen iPad started at $499 and so did the 3rd, right? So why would a retina mini go up in price when the retina iPad didn't?
  • Reply 120 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post


    But IGZO (whenever it's ready) will not require a thicker battery necessarily, due to much lower power consumption.  Is there any indication that IGZO will cost more than current screen technology?



    We probably won't fully know the answer to that until they can actually get the yields of the displays up.  



    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    But the 2nd gen iPad started at $499 and so did the 3rd, right? So why would a retina mini go up in price when the retina iPad didn't?



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