Apple 'leaving money on the table' by not releasing big-screen iPhone



  • Reply 261 of 318
    Apple would. That's why they don't.

    No, it has roughly 1/10th Apple's marketshare.

    That's not for whom they make products, so the argument here is invalid.

    Please do tell what you think Apple would lose?

    I fully expect that a larger iPhone would also be priced accordingly, so it wouldn't be margins.

    And technically within this space which is Apple's very own, they are not "cannibalizing" anything... however they ARE potentially adding customers and/or staving off those that are considering switching... for the very single reason of a larger screen.

    And might I add: ANAL-CYSTS be damned! There's enough people even on this board that would like a larger iPhone. Can you imagine what the percentage might be from the normal everyday user? And again: if the trend or user uptake is too small to play with... kill it! Nothing is finite in tech. Nothing. Including time itself!

    PS. Oh yeah... one more thing: forget the stupid ass cheap plastic feature phone!!!!! iPhones starting with the 3gs/iOS6.1 are cheap enough for pre-paid fans. Funny how they still cost €150 - €200 here in Germany.
  • Reply 262 of 318
    kavok wrote: »
    I like the iPhone just the way it is. Those wider pieces of plastic are just fugly and I'd be worried about how I was going to put that thing in my pocket, let alone sit down somewhere while it's in there.

    The iPhone was designed to be primarily a phone, and that's what it is. The others are trying to be phone and tablet-jack of all trades, master of none.

    Then continue to purchase the iPhone 5(s), 6, 7.

    Why do people think that for Apple to make a larger iPhone, they absolutely MUST discontinue the current size? :rolleyes:

    Buy the size that fits your $%^&* needs and pants! Probably is, you and everyone else doesn't have that choice with the far superior Apple iPhone.

    Why should people have to sacrifice and pull their hair out with those other wannabe OSes/devices? Just so you have an easy choice of "one size fits all"? :no:

    Have some pity on your fellow iPhone fan: don't force them to use The Robot, or the OS GUI formerly named after a subway system in Europe!
  • Reply 263 of 318
    No question. This article is spot on. I was an iPhone 4 user, but after seeing the size of many other phones (Samsung Galaxy III), I was getting antsy for Apple's next gen phone to be bigger. Well, they did come out with a bigger phone. The only problem was, it was the same width. Just longer. The iPhone 5. Long skinny phone. Still too small.

    The Samsung Galaxy S3 is the perfect size for a cell phone. It's not too big at all. It's shallow in depth and light in weight. It fits in my pocket perfectly. I ended up dumping my iPhone for the S3, and I couldn't be happier. However, if Apple makes a phone the size of the S3, I'm coming back to the iPhone no question.

    One thing for sure is that the iOS is WAY better than the Android OS. Apple just knows how to make a user interface intuitive. Regardless, the iOS isn't enough to make me want to jump back to a smaller phone like the iPhone 5. The only way Apple will get me back to an iPhone is if they make it about the size of the S3. It's the perfect screen size for a phone.

    Come on Apple. Please make a phone at least the size of the S3. I'll jump back in a hurry, because outside of the S3, everything I own is Apple.

    Apple TV
    Macbook Pro
    iPad 3
    Airport Express
    Galaxy S3

    One of these things is not like the other (Sesame Street). ;)
  • Reply 264 of 318

    Couldn't disagree with you more. I jumped from the iPhone 4 to the Galaxy S3, because the iPhone 5 is too small. The S3 is the perfect screen size for a phone. Apple will get me back if they make a bigger screen. The my a better piece of hardware than the iPhone 5. iOS is still better, but Android isn't far off with its user interface. The Galaxy Note is more of a "phablet" phone. That is a bit large for me. I considered it though, and ultimately it was the price that deterred me. The S3 is not a "phablet" size in my opinion. If Apple builds an iPhone about the size of the S3, they will win me back.


    This is a no brainer decision if Apple wants its stock to recover.

  • Reply 265 of 318


    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Which is why I say the Mac is a niche product. The Mac has about 6.4 percent of the market for consumer use.



    The link you're using is talking about OS market share based on web usage stats.  That's not a fair estimate of current market share based on sales because there is an enormous established base of old PCs that people are still using.  Current buyers are choosing Macs about 1/7 of the time.  You might consider that a niche product, but I don't, especially when you look at the trend of increasing market share.




    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Open a dictionary: niche does not mean "tiny market." Niche means specialized. Macs aren't specialized: they are general purpose computers for anyone who is ready to kick Windows to the curb. Macs aren't as popular as Windows because Windows compatibility (and familiarity) creates "stickiness" to Microsoft's platform. That has to be overcome to win market share away from Windows.


    Got it?

    No, a niche product is one with specific appeal, usually giving it a small space (or a niche) in the market, but that doesn't mean it's specialized.  Linux isn't specialized in any way, but it has specific appeal and thus commands a niche of the market.  Windows Phone isn't specialized in any way, but it has specific appeal and thus commands a niche of the market.  In the early 2000s Macs weren't specialized in any way, but they had specific appeal and thus commanded a  niche of the market.


    If niche products were too specialized to have appeal outside a very specific group of people, their market share would never grow.  We saw Macs grow in market share over the past decade.  Windows Phone and Linux could (but probably won't) grow substantially in market share over the next decade, not because they're targeting specific groups of people, but because only a small group of people prefer them.

  • Reply 266 of 318
    Yea you can get an ipad but then you have to carry 2 devices
  • Reply 267 of 318
    I think the point is different strokes for different folks. Apple decided to take choice away from the consumer when it comes to Apple products so some consumers are electing to buy products that meet their needs better. This isnt rocket science, it's sales and in sales the customer is always right...
  • Reply 268 of 318


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Apple has demonstrated that the unexpected is possible when it's done for the right reasons. Switching to Intel, switching to unix, discontinuing the XServe, making an MP3 player, making a phone, making a tablet, making a slightly smaller tablet, making a widescreen phone without comprimising the width of the device.

    A few people saying 'I want one' isn't enough to be the right reason. There would have to be significant market demand, which isn't demonstrated in the sales figures when the iPhone 5 outsells all of them:

    There would have to be a very good reason why they would go back on what they said about the iPhone size being designed around the comfortable reach of a human thumb.

    Sh*t... Seriously, do you have any sort of cognitive problem?


    The new phone doesn't have to outsell the current model (4") or even half of it to be worth it and a great idea. That's something only someone without the minimum requirement of intelligence to be seen as a "normal" person would say. It can be a model with even better margins and selling 20million per quarter if done right. Together with 40million+ of the current model, and you have the idea of how much dominant and stronger the iOS ecosystem could be.


    And please, for you and others, do not make stupid questions about how I reached this "delusional" number or statements about how this idea is bad because Samsung "only" sold 15 million S3+note per quarter.


    Do the right math. You will see that Apple is LOSING 10s of millions of costumers per quarter just because they do not release a bigger model together with the current one. 10s of millions. Does Apple need them to prosper? No. Is Apple absolutely retarded for not doing it? Yes.

  • Reply 269 of 318


    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Which is why I say the Mac is a niche product. The Mac has about 6.4 percent of the market for consumer use.


    Shut up... On developed countries Macs are "the" computers, even outselling other brands and their cheap sh*t. On educated people, Apple outsells every single OEM (doctors, university students, journalists, hell... google, HP former CEO, engineers, CEOs, etc).

  • Reply 270 of 318


    Originally Posted by jblenio View Post


    This is a no brainer decision if Apple wants its stock to recover.

    It's not about the stock, f*ck the stock, Apple makes 15 billion profit per quarter, who cares about a bunch of stupid and useless bastards?


    It's about making the best products, and for millions of potential costumers each quarter (in worldwide numbers they could double the iPhone's market share) a bigger screen can make a slower/weaker/less powerful/equally expensive (s3, note, dna, xperia z, one x, etc) phone a better phone that the iPhone.


    If you browse the web a lot and watch videos or play games, the 3x less powerful galaxy note provides a much better experience.

    An iPhone with a retina screen, 5 inch? That's the dream of millions and millions of costumers, despite the BS that Tallest Skill and others are trying to say. (like if Apple wouldn't absolutely lose to have a third of the S3 users (together with current users) on the iOS ecosystem!!).


    They can easily do that with another iPhone model + the current 4" model. Only these prima-donnas that want "the only one" "the absolute" "only 1 per year release" model don't want that. But as far as I care, they can go to hell...


    It wouldn't interfere with their choices at all, but they need to vomit some BS.

  • Reply 271 of 318


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The 4 and 4S were selling just fine. Having a bigger screen is better to the point it doesn't affect the usability of the device so they pushed it as far as they could with the iPhone 5.

    If they choose to go further, they're going affect usability. They could choose to do that and market it differently but they retained the PPI going to the iPhone 5. They can't do that going to a bigger phone without having another resolution for developers to deal with.


    So... in other words you are changing your argument.


    It's no longer about the iPhone 5 outselling the other phones so, in your words, it's obvious that there is no need to make it bigger. Now your argument is about usability. So now bigger phones aren't usable. image


    Make up your mind, man. It's hard to keep track of all your bullshit.


    Needing a different resolution? Huh. Explained twice before. No new resolution needed.

  • Reply 272 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    It's not about the stock, f*ck the stock, Apple makes 15 billion profit per quarter, who cares about a bunch of stupid and useless bastards?

    It's about making the best products, and for millions of potential costumers each quarter (in worldwide numbers they could double the iPhone's market share) a bigger screen can make a slower/weaker/less powerful/equally expensive (s3, note, dna, xperia z, one x, etc) phone a better phone that the iPhone.

    If you browse the web a lot and watch videos or play games, the 3x less powerful galaxy note provides a much better experience.
    An iPhone with a retina screen, 5 inch? That's the dream of millions and millions of costumers, despite the BS that Tallest Skill and others are trying to say. (like if Apple wouldn't absolutely lose to have a third of the S3 users (together with current users) on the iOS ecosystem!!).

    They can easily do that with another iPhone model + the current 4" model. Only these prima-donnas that want "the only one" "the absolute" "only 1 per year release" model don't want that. But as far as I care, they can go to hell...

    It wouldn't interfere with their choices at all, but they need to vomit some BS.

    I still don't buy that Apple is losing that many customers. On my many visits to my local VZW store I've actually seen the trend be the opposite, many people buying a iiPhone that previously owned a Android. I'd say that they've gained much more than they've lost.
  • Reply 273 of 318
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,441moderator
    The new phone doesn't have to outsell the current model (4") or even half of it to be worth it and a great idea.

    That's up to the people managing the supply chain. If they think they will be able to increase sales with a bigger phone and that increase justifies selling two versions side by side differentiated only by screen size, then they have a reason to. But it's not just sourcing a bigger screen, it's retooling the whole process, using bigger batteries, moving the camera, having another set of backplates to match up.

    I think people will hold them side by side with the same resolution and one will be scaled up, more blurry and more expensive. I like big screens and I thought the iPhone 4 screen was too small but I think the comfortable limit is the iPhone 5 and I don't think it would be good to sell two side by side with just a screen size change.

    People pay $100 for 16GB of storage so I could see people paying $100 for an extra 0.5" screen but it's easy for Apple to switch the storage. A new screen is effectively a new model of phone.
    So... in other words you are changing your argument.

    It's no longer about the iPhone 5 outselling the other phones so, in your words, it's obvious that there is no need to make it bigger. Now your argument is about usability. So now bigger phones aren't usable.

    I didn't say bigger phones are unusable, I said they affect usability and it conflicts with their specific marketing for the iPhone 5. My argument includes both of the following, not one or the other:

    - the iPhone 5 is outselling all larger models of phone (it could even be double the S3) so it's wrong to suggest that demand is enough reason to make a bigger phone
    - Apple specifically marketed the iPhone 5 by suggesting they've reached the limit of what is comfortable for one-handed use. They could market an iPhone 5S+ by acknowledging that people have different sized hands but the supply chain changes required just don't look worth it.
    Make up your mind, man. It's hard to keep track of all your bullshit.

    Can't be that hard if you managed it.
    Needing a different resolution? Huh. Explained twice before. No new resolution needed.

    So they just stretch it, lower the PPI and they're selling a model with a worse spec at a higher pirce.
  • Reply 274 of 318


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    - the iPhone 5 is outselling all larger models of phone (it could even be double the S3) so it's wrong to suggest that demand is enough reason to make a bigger phone

    - Apple specifically marketed the iPhone 5 by suggesting they've reached the limit of what is comfortable for one-handed use. They could market an iPhone 5S+ by acknowledging that people have different sized hands but the supply chain changes required just don't look worth it.

    So they just stretch it, lower the PPI and they're selling a model with a worse spec at a higher pirce.


    1. The 4S outsold the S3 so reason number 1 is fallacious.


    2. I've never seen any marketing that suggests that Apple "has reached the limit of what is comfortable for one-handed use". So reason number 2 is fallacious.


    3. Lower the PPI? Solipsism already explained that. So reason number 3 is fallacious.


    Higher price? How much more did the 5 cost than the 4S?

  • Reply 275 of 318

    Just release the beeping 5 inch iPhone.  


    They have the beautiful ipod touch and iPad mini designs.  Just do it.


    Two models of Phone.  (3 if they make the for 'kids/teens/skinflints' iPhone...)


    Job done.


    Lots of colours.


    Different price brackets to suck the air out of the Android room.


    I'm surprised it's taking them this long in light of their iPod strategy.


    Need to diversify a little.  £500+ is a lot of money.


    £250 low end.  £400 middle and £500+ for cheap-er, standard 4 inch and 5 inched high end puts the boot into the Android market and Samesung.


    Lemon Bon Bon.

  • Reply 276 of 318
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,441moderator
    1. The 4S outsold the S3 so reason number 1 is fallacious.

    That's in agreement with what I said though. I was saying that how much anybody else's phone sells doesn't dictate what they do with their phone. They changed the screen because they decided the change was better. If they'd decided going even bigger was better, they wouldn't have stopped where they did.
    2. I've never seen any marketing that suggests that Apple "has reached the limit of what is comfortable for one-handed use". So reason number 2 is fallacious.

    You've probably seen them but you interpret it differently. On 4 occasions they specifically mention the dimensions they chose being selected for comfort and the second video shows the thumb fully extended to get to the top of the display:

    Ive and Forstall in their marketing video:

    In the marketing video dedicated to it:

    and Schiller at the launch event:

    3. Lower the PPI? Solipsism already explained that. So reason number 3 is fallacious.

    That was about the iPad Mini. They sold the 3GS at the same time as the 4 and 4S too but the better models are always at the top. With gigantiPhone, the lower PPI model would be at the top, which they've never done.
    Higher price? How much more did the 5 cost than the 4S?

    Right now the iPhone 5 costs $100 more than the 4S:

    I guess you mean how much does the iPhone 5 cost now vs the iPhone 4S last year, suggesting that the bigger screen has added nothing to the price. However, a bigger model would need an entirely different production line and would most definitely have a lower volume of customers.

    Like I say, if they think the benefits of doing it justify that expense, so be it. The iPad Mini made sense as they hit a lower price point and made a much more portable device.

    GigantiPhone doesn't hit a lower price, will have a lower PPI and will require a lot of expense to have a separate manufacturing line.

    I accept some people would be happier with a bigger phone, I don't think it makes sense for Apple to make one and I don't think they are losing a lot of sales because of it. Their target audience would be S3 buyers but the S3 only sold 15 million. Are they going to get 10 million of them over to an iPhone with 0.5"-1"?
  • Reply 277 of 318


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    That's in agreement with what I said though. I was saying that how much anybody else's phone sells doesn't dictate what they do with their phone. They changed the screen because they decided the change was better. If they'd decided going even bigger was better, they wouldn't have stopped where they did.


    This is your original argument (which differs considerably from your argument above):


    "A few people saying 'I want one' isn't enough to be the right reason. There would have to be significant market demand, which isn't demonstrated in the sales figures when the iPhone 5 outsells all of them:"


    I read that to say, "since the iPhone 5 outsells all the big phones then there is not that much market demand for big phones and therefore no reason to make a bigger phone".


    So, as I said originally; Your argument then could logically be used to say; "since the 4 and 4S outsell all the big phones then there is not that much market demand for big phones and therefore no reason to make a bigger phone".


    ... but Apple did make a bigger phone.


    This comfort level argument you're using is pure speculation... unless you've been in the lab with Ive. It sounds like that filing down your fingers bullshit argument against building a smaller iPad. That is unless you believe Ive and company of being inadequate and stupid and unable to solve any size related problems.


    I firmly believe that if "Apple" built a bigger iPhone it would once again prove the naysayers such as yourself that it's iOS that people want and it would sell at least 15-20 million units per quarter. Not the numbers of the iPhone 5 or 4s or 4 but large enough numbers to keep people from being directed to Android if they "want" a larger phone.




    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    That was about the iPad Mini. They sold the 3GS at the same time as the 4 and 4S too but the better models are always at the top. With gigantiPhone, the lower PPI model would be at the top, which they've never done.



    I guess you haven't been following Apple for the last few years. They do a lot of things that they've never done before.

  • Reply 278 of 318
    tkell31tkell31 Posts: 216member

    These comments are hilarious.  First the 3.5" screen was "perfect," now suddenly the 4" screen is perfect.  There is no "perfect."  Good thing Apple had, and largely still has, a product that everyone wanted or they would have gotten smoked with the marketing strategy they employed.   Bottom line now is as the differences between products narrow Apple has to compete in any way that makes financial sense.  Clearly there is a market for a bigger phone so unless it is cost prohibitive there is absolutely no reason besides arrogance to not go after it.   Forget the fact that more iOS devices in use mean more revenue from software sales and advertising it's just the nature of business.  For that matter they need a cheaper phone for developing markets...actually should have released one already.


    When Ford came out with the model T I'm guessing there was no reason to have much variety.  As more competition came along so did the need to have different size, shapes and color cars.  Imagine McDonalds selling one size burger or Nike one type of sneaker.  Jobs was conceited and fortunately for him had a product that was years ahead of the competition so he got away with it.

  • Reply 279 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    tkell31 wrote: »
    These comments are hilarious.  First the 3.5" screen was "perfect," now suddenly the 4" screen is perfect.  There is no "perfect."  Good thing Apple had, and largely still has, a product that everyone wanted or they would have gotten smoked with the marketing strategy they employed.   Bottom line now is as the differences between products narrow Apple has to compete in any way that makes financial sense.  Clearly there is a market for a bigger phone so unless it is cost prohibitive there is absolutely no reason besides arrogance to not go after it.   Forget the fact that more iOS devices in use mean more revenue from software sales and advertising it's just the nature of business.  For that matter they need a cheaper phone for developing markets...actually should have released one already.

    When Ford came out with the model T I'm guessing there was no reason to have much variety.  As more competition came along so did the need to have different size, shapes and color cars.  Imagine McDonalds selling one size burger or Nike one type of sneaker.  Jobs was conceited and fortunately for him had a product that was years ahead of the competition so he got away with it.

    There is so much wrong in your post and with your logic. Shows and fast food are valid examples? Really? And since when did Apple ever say that 3.5" was perfect in the sense that it was the only size that should ever be on a phone? They clearly didn't.

    As with everything Apple does they make compromises to create a product that suits their needs best. You can't have a 50" iPhone because it's no longer portable and you can't have a 1" iPhone because it's no longer useful They compromised in every way to make a product they felt was most ideal. The most perfect device they can create is not the same as there will never need to be any changes made ever again.

    And lets look at McDonald's. Where is the $40 filet mignon or the fresh lobster tail? McDonald's has the money and there is a market for those dishes so according to you they should be doing it except for the fact they are conceited and arrogant. Surely you see how foolish a suggestion that is and hopefully by now you can see that just because a company (or a person) can do something that it means they are required to.
  • Reply 280 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    There is so much wrong in your post and with your logic. Shows and fast food are valid examples? Really? And since when did Apple ever say that 3.5" was perfect in the sense that it was the only size that should ever be on a phone? They clearly didn't.

    As with everything Apple does they make compromises to create a product that suits their needs best. You can't have a 50" iPhone because it's no longer portable and you can't have a 1" iPhone because it's no longer useful They compromised in every way to make a product they felt was most ideal. The most perfect device they can create is not the same as there will never need to be any changes made ever again.

    And lets look at McDonald's. Where is the $40 filet mignon or the fresh lobster tail? McDonald's has the money and there is a market for those dishes so according to you they should be doing it except for the fact they are conceited and arrogant. Surely you see how foolish a suggestion that is and hopefully by now you can see that just because a company (or a person) can do something that it means they are required to.

    I don't think he meant that it was Apple's claim you just assumed it, but various sites did claim that it was the perfect size and couldn't see Apple changing it, and now they claim the new size is perfect.
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