Apple 'leaving money on the table' by not releasing big-screen iPhone



  • Reply 201 of 318
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by malax View Post


    Yep.  As soon as I turned 40 I went from being able to read the microprinting on US currency to not being able to read a newspaper comfortably without reading glasses.  It was almost that abrupt.  My eyes must have had a 40-year warranty.  iPhone EZ Reader edition?



    I'm getting depressed.  I wore glasses/contacts since age 12 (21 years) until getting Lasik last year.  I want to at least enjoy it a few years before having to put on reading glasses LOL.  Nah, I knew in advance that was going to happen.  But for now I'm grateful, 20/15 vision.


    On topic - it doesn't bother me a bit if Apple makes a larger phone, honestly.  I'm quite happy with my iPhone 5 screen size for now, but to each his or her own.  Variety is the spice of life, they say. 


    It's pretty stupid how so many people here are getting riled about whether Apple should make an object a little bit bigger.  There are much larger problems in life, I'd say...

  • Reply 202 of 318
    So limited...

    40 million S3, 10 million note 2, 30 million (razr, xperia, One, dna, EVERY SINGLE high end android phone now) costumers Apple lost just because they do not offer big screens.

    All these phones lose on everything else, cost the same, but have bigger screens, that's the reason they sell.
    Would you lose something if Apple creates another iPhone model?

    Stop your non-sense, please. 

    I would argue that the reason they sold what they did had more to do with the special offers attached to them (gift cards, BOGOs etc. ) than screen size.
  • Reply 203 of 318
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    ruel24 wrote: »

    The MBA was Apples attempt at the netbook market, IMO. Jobs declared that Apple didn't do junk, so a small form factor that wasn't junk at a reasonable price was developed...the MBA. What a nice alternative it is...

    The Netbook began in late 2007. The MBA was intro'd in jan 2008. Apple didn't respond to the Netbook craze. It forged a new path to ultra portables.

    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Same could be said of the smaller tablets out yet to counteract them Apple made the iPad mini. Doesn't matter how crappy netbooks are the fact was that people were buying them in droves. I believe that the 11" MBA is a netbook done right.

    Thing is no company was making money on them. They sacrificed profits for market share. Luckily Apple does not think that way. Market share doesn't pay the bills.

    If there is money to be made, Apple will get in the market. If there is a 5" iPhone, it won't replace the 4" one.
  • Reply 204 of 318
    I'm getting a 5 inch +/- this year. Apple had better have one for me.
  • Reply 205 of 318

    Originally Posted by toysandme View Post

    Apple had better have one for me.


    Try to enjoy your Samsung garbage!

  • Reply 206 of 318
    kevtkevt Posts: 195member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    You may not be alone, but I also don't think you're representative of the general public. Chasing niches is not what Apple needs to do.


    Hilarious comment this. iPod aside, chasing niches is all that Apple does.



    Simple fact of life is that people have their own personal preferences about screen size, and the closely correlated device size. This is true of smartphones, as it is true of Notebook computers, as it is true of tablets.


    Apple recognises this in the last two categories, offering multiple screen sizes in iPads and MacBooks. Time for them to offer more choice with the iPhone. Otherwise they lose sales, and marketshare, and down the line, then developers ... and become even more of niche seller.

  • Reply 207 of 318
    thecore wrote: »
    Natural evolution-  the screen should be larger-   Apple must IMO,  develop a slightly larger form factor for a variety of reasons.
    When the Iphone was released it was a huge step forward in many ways.  Today,  the small screen lacks.  

    Reasons-  Typing accuracy,   eyesight limitations,   ease of use etc,  visual real estate.   Slimmer, lighter phones can easily handle the larger screen.

    <p style="margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;">No point in letting other companies get a leg up. </p>

    Apple should evolve to a 5" screen size, its a natural  direction.  Lets call it "Guy-phone"-    for those of us with big mitts. 

    Those seeking smaller form factor-   a wrist worn repeater would do the trick.   I truly hope Apple is developing,  that too,  is a natural direction.  Again, no point in letting other companies..........

    Apple will eventually release a larger iPhone. They are probably testing one right now to make sure everything is perfect from a usability standpoint before releasing it. There will probably be one released when a new version of iOS is released, though not necessarily iOS7. I don't think they will go the 5 inch plus route but something in the range of the G3 seems reasonable.
  • Reply 208 of 318

    Originally Posted by kept View Post

    …chasing niches is all that Apple does.


    The opposite, in fact.

  • Reply 209 of 318


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Try to enjoy your Samsung garbage!

    I think he'll be staying with Apple.  How's your iPhone 1 doing these days?

  • Reply 210 of 318

    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post

    I think he'll be staying with Apple.  How's your iPhone 1 doing these days?


    Receiving daily use. You really think Apple would make a 5" phone one year after their 4" phone?

  • Reply 211 of 318

    I like my iPad 4, but after tinkering with my daughter''s iPhone 5, I couldn't care less if it was two inches bigger. My outdated Sammy Skyrocket with ICS or my Nokia 920 will blow her crap up in her hands. The UI is boring... I'm using my upgrade on a Sammy 4. I'll take my pics with the Nokia. 

  • Reply 212 of 318
    ipenipen Posts: 410member

    Why all these arguments about why Apple should or shouldn't have a 5-in iphone?  Just wait a bit, either the big-screen phone wave will die down or Apple will release a 5-in iphone.  Just as simple as that as Apple decided to follow the small screen tablet with the ipad mini.  That was a right decision.  (or not?? depends on how you look at it.  But who cares, it's here.)

  • Reply 213 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Receiving daily use. You really think Apple would make a 5" phone one year after their 4" phone?

    Not as a replacement for the 4" and I doubt they'd use a resolution not already being utilized hence my 4.94" prediction weeks back. Note they released the iPad (3) with double the resolution in the same year as the iPad mini. If they deem the market worthy enough to enter and consider a 264 PPI display still highly usable without any damage to their iPhone brand than I think it could happen with as much upheaval as with the iPad mini.
  • Reply 214 of 318


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Receiving daily use. You really think Apple would make a 5" phone one year after their 4" phone?

    Anything is possible. (4.94 not 5)

  • Reply 215 of 318


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Receiving daily use. You really think Apple would make a 5" phone one year after their 4" phone?

    I'm glad to hear it.


    And yes I do.  That's 5" give or take.  Apple would be foolish to not tap such a large market.  For the purpose of this topic, I think there are four groups of phone customers, two of which Apple could appeal to with a larger phone:


    1.  People who own the iPhone and want nothing larger than 4" or who might even be unhappy with Apple's choice to move up to 4".  These people will not choose the larger iPhone.

    2.  People who own the iPhone and want a larger device.  These people will be attracted to the larger iPhone.

    3.  People who own Android phones simply because they want a larger screen but would prefer to use an iPhone.  These people will be attracted to a larger iPhone.

    4.  People who own Android phones because they prefer Android over iOS.  These people will not choose the larger iPhone.


    I'm not going to give you any citations because this is purely speculative, but I think category 2 is at least 50% of the current iPhone market, though clearly not 50% of the vocal forum members here.  I think category 3 is between 20% and 30% of the current Android market.


    Regardless of where the market percentages actually lie (be it 30% of iPhone users or 50% of Android name it), I think there is a market that Apple is ignoring.

  • Reply 216 of 318
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,441moderator
    Anything is possible. (4.94 not 5)

    Apple has demonstrated that the unexpected is possible when it's done for the right reasons. Switching to Intel, switching to unix, discontinuing the XServe, making an MP3 player, making a phone, making a tablet, making a slightly smaller tablet, making a widescreen phone without comprimising the width of the device.

    A few people saying 'I want one' isn't enough to be the right reason. There would have to be significant market demand, which isn't demonstrated in the sales figures when the iPhone 5 outsells all of them:

    There would have to be a very good reason why they would go back on what they said about the iPhone size being designed around the comfortable reach of a human thumb.
  • Reply 217 of 318
    ifailifail Posts: 463member


    Originally Posted by kevt View Post


    Hilarious comment this. iPod aside, chasing niches is all that Apple does.



    Simple fact of life is that people have their own personal preferences about screen size, and the closely correlated device size. This is true of smartphones, as it is true of Notebook computers, as it is true of tablets.


    Apple recognises this in the last two categories, offering multiple screen sizes in iPads and MacBooks. Time for them to offer more choice with the iPhone. Otherwise they lose sales, and marketshare, and down the line, then developers ... and become even more of niche seller.


    This is something people dont grasp, people do buy different products based entirely on their preference of what they want. If there is a market for a bigger (or smaller) product then Apple would be unwise to not tap it, especially if its going to sit at the premium end of the spectrum.


    Now people complaining about having a bigger screen cause it makes the phone more difficult to use most likely havent realized there are some glaring usability problems with iOS that just dont make any sense anymore and need to be changed pretty damn soon. Jumping from the 4 to a Nexus device and now the 5 these have stood out the most


    Just a couple of examples is that the back button is in the top left corner of numerous apps...this made sense when the screen was smaller but now its pretty difficult to use the phone easily with one hand, Android hasn't had this issue since their system controls are on the bottom of the phone. 


    Next issue is the music controls, when in the app they are on the bottom (makes sense its easier to skip and play songs) but on the lock screen music controls are at the top and that means you have to rake your hand across the phone and that simply just doesn't make sense. Android puts the music controls in the middle of screen which makes it far easier to reach. I wish iOS did this but that would require a retooling of how notifications work on the home screen.


    If Apple pushes beyond the paradigm they've established and make some changes to iOS i dont think Apple adding a bigger screen will make any problems with usability

  • Reply 218 of 318


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Apple has demonstrated that the unexpected is possible when it's done for the right reasons. Switching to Intel, switching to unix, discontinuing the XServe, making an MP3 player, making a phone, making a tablet, making a slightly smaller tablet, making a widescreen phone without comprimising the width of the device.

    A few people saying 'I want one' isn't enough to be the right reason. There would have to be significant market demand, which isn't demonstrated in the sales figures when the iPhone 5 outsells all of them:

    There would have to be a very good reason why they would go back on what they said about the iPhone size being designed around the comfortable reach of a human thumb.

    Like I said earlier, arguing that there isn't demand for a larger iPhone simply because it outsells all other phones is fallacious.  There is only one phone running iOS: the iPhone.  All sales of iOS phones are sales of iPhones.  People have no choice but to choose the iPhone if they prefer iOS to Android.  If in some parallel universe iOS was running on a multitude of phones including but not limited to the iPhone, iPhone sales would be dramatically lower because the market for devices running iOS would be fragmented among many handsets.  And if in that same parallel universe, the iPhone was by far the best selling iOS device, then we could begin to draw conclusions about its success.  Would it be the screen size?  Would it be the build materials?  Would it be the home button?  Would it be the speaker quality?  Nobody knows because that universe isn't our universe.  In our universe, all we know is that more people buy phones with iOS than buy specific phones made by Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Sony, LG, or any other manufacturer. 

  • Reply 219 of 318
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Calls for Apple to make an iPhone with a larger display around 5 inches diagonally are growing among investors, who see a big-screen iPhone as a major revenue opportunity.

    Apple's also leaving money on the table by not selling cinnamon raisin bread, raspberry wheat beer, and trips to the moon.

    "leaving money on the table" is a stupid reason to push for a change in strategy. Unless you sell 100% of everything that someone needs, you're ALWAYS leaving money on the table. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, being focused on producing a narrower line of industry leading products has been demonstrated to be the more profitable choice - just look at Apple's results next to HTC, for example.
  • Reply 220 of 318
    ruel24 wrote: »

    Stay in denial all you want...

    You might want to review the dictionary definition of "niche" before you go further.
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