Apple CEO hints bigger iPhone screen may come when 'trade-offs' can be avoided



  • Reply 21 of 166
    seankillseankill Posts: 567member


    Originally Posted by brians View Post

    This is all nonsense. Perfectly good displays exist at sizes much larger than 5 inches. If it were true, one can only assume Tim Cook thinks Retina Macbooks have awful screens. Apple just doesn't want to admit that they goofed when they did not provide developers a way to dynamically size screen layouts. The reason you had such low resolution on the iPad mini was that they only had two tablet resolutions where apps would work. The same problem exists with giving the iPhone a decent screen size. I'm not sure why people put up with this from Apple, none of the other new smart phone/tablet platforms have this problem.

    I am worried about Apple lately and would love to see Apple push a larger screen iPhone for those who enjoy 4.5'' displays (not me). However, you are talking as though you come from a position of authority. Do you have a degree in engineering or background to speak from? Support your case. There are screens that are quality of all different sizes. But cost goes up. Processor demand goes up, etc. Does Apple have all of the components to put into a 4.5'' iPhone? Probably not. It may need a custom Ax processor, similar to the one found in the iPad. Can Apple make one? On price point? Probably, but to maintain the quality of an iPhone and Apple's brand (the reason why I buy Apple gear, IT WORKS very well, even though I still like windows 7). It takes time, money, research, trial and error. Even a small change in design takes a lot of money, particularly with the type of materials that Apple uses. It may require a complete redesigning of the assembly process. Where as plastic, you may just change the molds. 

    Anyway, I would really like to see Apple get some growth going again. Maybe a 4.5'' iPhone in the next 12 months, along with an iPad with a stylus that bests any on the market.


    My two bits.

  • Reply 22 of 166
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Is the term trade-offs some regional expression that is unknown to most people? image

    No, it's reading comprehension that is the unknown to most people.

  • Reply 23 of 166
    pedromartinspedromartins Posts: 1,333member


    Originally Posted by Lerxt View Post

    It's a massive mistake to not increase display size. Apple is being killed in Asia by not having larger screens. EVERYONE is changing to Samsung. I wish the American based execs would come to Hong Kong and walk down the street.

    Despite the best quarter ever?


    God, what about the last quarter?

  • Reply 24 of 166
    pedromartinspedromartins Posts: 1,333member


    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    "Still, smartphones with screen sizes of 5 inches and even greater have found noteworthy success in the growing smartphone space. Leading the way in that market has been Samsung's Galaxy Note series, which includes a stylus."


    Bull$hit. Leading the way was the Galaxy SIII at 4.8" and now the S4 at 5". The Note series is an interesting niche product compared to the S series.


    Cook is full of it when he talks about the poor quality of larger displays. Tim, you take the panel material used in the current phone and cut it into bigger pieces. Same panel, bigger size. It's not rocket science.


    The 4.9" mockups are based on something even easier for Apple and all its developers: chop up iPad LCD material into 4.9" panels instead of 9.7" ones. Same pixel count as every other iPhone, but physically larger.


    In both cases there's no quality sacrifice because it's the same display technology you're already using!


    It's clear to me that Apple badly underestimated the appeal of large smartphones and is struggling to come up with a compelling new product that won't look like a carbon copy of something HTC or Samsung already makes.

    And both screens are absolutely terrible for 500$ phones.


    In fact, the whole build quality (that is also influenced for the needed design for such screen) is crap on a 500& phone.

  • Reply 25 of 166
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member


    Originally Posted by brians View Post

    This is all nonsense. Perfectly good displays exist at sizes much larger than 5 inches. If it were true, one can only assume Tim Cook thinks Retina Macbooks have awful screens. Apple just doesn't want to admit that they goofed when they did not provide developers a way to dynamically size screen layouts. The reason you had such low resolution on the iPad mini was that they only had two tablet resolutions where apps would work. The same problem exists with giving the iPhone a decent screen size. I'm not sure why people put up with this from Apple, none of the other new smart phone/tablet platforms have this problem.

    I not an expert on screen resolution, but it is my understanding that if you don't match the image resolution to the screen you can get shitty performance from sizing the image to the pixels. Apple has avoided this problem by keeping screen size uniform.  Last fall they kept the horizontal the same, which means an image can be easily letter boxed and new apps can utilized the space and movies didn't have to be letter boxed anymore.  

  • Reply 26 of 166
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member

    It seem petty obvious to me that Cook is using the same lingo that Jobs used to foreshadow the coming of the iPad when he said, "we will release a $500 computer when we figure out how to build one that doesn't suck".  


    Apple's delay of one year before releasing a bigger screen is not going to kill their market share.  The Galaxy S3 and S4 do have a significant number of users in Apple's turf, which is why they need to address the issue, but it isn't like this is do or die.

  • Reply 27 of 166
    dshandshan Posts: 53member
    Another problem for Apple introducing an iPhone with a larger display is how much would it increase their sales vs how much it would cost (both in direct costs to Apple and costs to app developers having to cope with yet another screen size). Everyone talks about the "notable success" of larger screened Android phones, but their success is largely only "notable" compared to most other models of Android phones and still only really applies to Samsung handsets, compared to Apple's iPhones sales they're nothing to get excited about..

    The only really good sellers among the larger screened Android phones have been the Galaxy Note series (which surprised almost everyone by having sales that were simply better
    than expected) and the Galaxy S3 (and possibly the S4 though it's early to declare that as successful as the S3 just yet). Bigger screens haven't helped HTC, LG or Moto much if at all, they're still struggling to survive in a market dominated by Samsung and Apple. Have the Galaxy Note and S series phones outsold their Android brethren because they have larger screens or because they're from Samsung, and Samsung are the only Android manufacturer that has significant name recognition and cachet?
  • Reply 28 of 166
    seankillseankill Posts: 567member


    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    "Still, smartphones with screen sizes of 5 inches and even greater have found noteworthy success in the growing smartphone space. Leading the way in that market has been Samsung's Galaxy Note series, which includes a stylus."


    Bull$hit. Leading the way was the Galaxy SIII at 4.8" and now the S4 at 5". The Note series is an interesting niche product compared to the S series.


    Cook is full of it when he talks about the poor quality of larger displays. Tim, you take the panel material used in the current phone and cut it into bigger pieces. Same panel, bigger size. It's not rocket science.


    The 4.9" mockups are based on something even easier for Apple and all its developers: chop up iPad LCD material into 4.9" panels instead of 9.7" ones. Same pixel count as every other iPhone, but physically larger.


    In both cases there's no quality sacrifice because it's the same display technology you're already using!


    It's clear to me that Apple badly underestimated the appeal of large smartphones and is struggling to come up with a compelling new product that won't look like a carbon copy of something HTC or Samsung already makes.

    Are you an engineer? Do you have more knowledge of the industry than Tim? No, I bet not. I am not trying to be an "Apple fanboy" here but your comments are terribly ignorant. This guy has worked in this industry for a long time. Have you seen the comparing of Apple's LCD vs Samsung's OLED? The reviews, in terms of accuracy, almost (if not always) say that Apple's LCD is MILES above the rest. 


    Sometimes the newest technology just isn't practical, like electric cars, how are they emission free/pollutant? Power Plant emissions........Tires......Lubs.......Battery (acids too).....    Just feed the people what they want to hear and they won't do their homework.


    Apple has defined the smartphone industry (Even Apple haters admit this), they will find their way.

    Although I am nervous watching their profits state a negative slope. I think Apple will need to adapt to maintain growth. The problem is not abandoning Apple. They must adapt but maintain the quality, usability, and precision of the Apple brand.

  • Reply 29 of 166
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member


    Originally Posted by Seankill View Post

    I am worried about Apple lately and would love to see Apple push a larger screen iPhone for those who enjoy 4.5'' displays (not me). However, you are talking as though you come from a position of authority. Do you have a degree in engineering or background to speak from? Support your case. There are screens that are quality of all different sizes. But cost goes up. Processor demand goes up, etc. Does Apple have all of the components to put into a 4.5'' iPhone? Probably not. It may need a custom Ax processor, similar to the one found in the iPad. Can Apple make one? On price point? Probably, but to maintain the quality of an iPhone and Apple's brand (the reason why I buy Apple gear, IT WORKS very well, even though I still like windows 7). It takes time, money, research, trial and error. Even a small change in design takes a lot of money, particularly with the type of materials that Apple uses. It may require a complete redesigning of the assembly process. Where as plastic, you may just change the molds. 

    Anyway, I would really like to see Apple get some growth going again. Maybe a 4.5'' iPhone in the next 12 months, along with an iPad with a stylus that bests any on the market.


    My two bits.

    Good points....however what's up with "iPad with a sylus".  Apple is never going to do that.  If you want a stylus, buy one off Amazon.

  • Reply 30 of 166
    seankillseankill Posts: 567member


    Originally Posted by ash471 View Post

    Good points....however what's up with "iPad with a sylus".  Apple is never going to do that.  If you want a stylus, buy one off Amazon.

    I use my iPad for school/work. Stylus has become a huge issue for me. I have not seen a good stylus that has reviews any better than "its not bad."


    I have not messed with a Note 10.1 yet, but if the pen is great, it would be very tempting to switch and just remain Apple as far as iPhone & Macbook.

  • Reply 31 of 166
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    ash471 wrote: »
    Good points....however what's up with "iPad with a sylus".  Apple is never going to do that.  If you want a stylus, buy one off Amazon.

    I don't expect them to ever include a stylus but I hope they follow the Note line by adding a digitizer and software support that allows one to purchase a proper stylus for use on the device. The current styluses for the iPad are in no way the same as what is available for a digitizer.
  • Reply 32 of 166

    I have to call BS on the trade offs. Proof? iPad Retina. 9" display and there were no trade offs. Also, having a bigger form factor for a bigger display means having more room for a bigger battery. Try again, Tim. 

  • Reply 33 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by AppleFanPro View Post

    Proof? iPad Retina.


    Yep. A tablet sure is proof of a phone… anything¡

  • Reply 34 of 166
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member


    Originally Posted by brians View Post

    Apple just doesn't want to admit that they goofed when they did not provide developers a way to dynamically size screen layouts. 

    What? Apple encourages "dynamically size screen layouts" and yes Apple does provide a way to do so

  • Reply 35 of 166
    bighypebighype Posts: 148member

    Apple's iPhone grew by measly 6.5%. Pathetic :( Time to sell my AAPL shares and take a loss… things are not gonna improve anytime soon with Cook at the helm.

  • Reply 36 of 166
    pedromartinspedromartins Posts: 1,333member


    Originally Posted by AppleFanPro View Post

    I have to call BS on the trade offs. Proof? iPad Retina. 9" display and there were no trade offs. Also, having a bigger form factor for a bigger display means having more room for a bigger battery. Try again, Tim. 

    You... you...


    go away.

  • Reply 37 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by bighype View Post

    Apple's iPhone grew by measly 6.5%. Pathetic :( Time to sell my AAPL shares and take a loss… things are not gonna improve anytime soon with Cook at the helm.



  • Reply 38 of 166
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I have to call BS on the trade offs. Proof? iPad Retina. 9" display and there were no trade offs. Also, having a bigger form factor for a bigger display means having more room for a bigger battery. Try again, Tim. 

    No tradeoffs? They added 4x the pixels which meant they needed a more powerful GPU just to get the same performance (trade off 1) then they needed a special backlighting system because the single light bar wasn't enough with the double density display (trade off 2), then they needed to put all that into a case that was just as thin and lighter (or thinner and lighter) than the previous generation (trade offs 3 and 4) and finally had to power it for around the same duration as the previous generation (trade off 5).

    And that's all without considering any potential trade offs in display yields for a 264 PPI display at 9.7 4:3, without considering how the OS would need to be written and tested to support older apps at 2x resolution, without considering rewriting iOS to support the proper 2x for the iPad with bitmapped images, without considering how Xcode would have to be adopted for this second resolution, without considering app store changes, and without considering the cost of this display, the backlights, the Apple A chip, the 42% larger battery, and all other little costs that go into making it seem like an Apple product is perfect and without any trade offs.
  • Reply 39 of 166
    captain jcaptain j Posts: 313member
    Tim Cook is full of shit. There are plenty of high quality displays larger than 4", many on Apple products. As for battery life, make the phone bigger and a little thicker and increase the battery.

    As for those who are challenged, like TS, keep the 5 form factor too.

    Bottom line is this is about making phones to satisfy multiple target audiences. Apple gets this with the desktop, with the laptop and even with the iPad. Why it's so hard to grasp OPTIONS for the iPhone is puzzling to say the least. Cook can babble on about displays, quality etc but bottom line is they could make an Apple quality 4.5 or 4.6" phone and sell them like hotcakes.
  • Reply 40 of 166
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member


    Originally Posted by ash471 View Post

    It seem petty obvious to me that Cook is using the same lingo that Jobs used to foreshadow the coming of the iPad when he said, "we will release a $500 computer when we figure out how to build one that doesn't suck".  


    Apple's delay of one year before releasing a bigger screen is not going to kill their market share.  The Galaxy S3 and S4 do have a significant number of users in Apple's turf, which is why they need to address the issue, but it isn't like this is do or die.

    I agree. To even have Tim comment on a larger screen iPhone means they are very likely working on one.  I doubt it will be released this year but am still hopeful. No one can predict how well a larger iPhone would sell compared to the current 4" or whether it would attract Android defectors who cite the large display as their primary reason for choosing the phone. I wonder if the delay has something to do with wanting to use an IGZO display or some other delay.

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