Apple CEO hints bigger iPhone screen may come when 'trade-offs' can be avoided



  • Reply 121 of 166
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    igriv wrote: »
    At the end of which they will be sitting on a BIGGER pile of cash. Arithmetic is your friend.

    What end? There is no end game and the one sitting on the biggest cash pile now could be bankrupt next year.
  • Reply 122 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    …the one sitting on the biggest cash pile now could be bankrupt next year.


    That would mean something if the 'biggest cash pile' wasn't 130 BILLION DOLLARS.

  • Reply 123 of 166
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    That would mean something if the 'biggest cash pile' wasn't 130 BILLION DOLLARS.

    Which is about to shrink. While that much money would be pretty hard to squander, how many companies were once 'King of the Hill' and now no longer exist. You can never think that you 'won' because that's when you'll surely lose.
  • Reply 124 of 166
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by HeyDude View Post

    It's become reality that Tim Cook and Apple have completely lost touch with the market and what consumers want. This idea that a 5" display cannot be created with high specs and standards is insane, several devices currently have 4.7-5"+ displays that have even better specs and quality than the iPhone. 


    I've owned Apple since the 3G and currently use the 4s. Apple holds itself to a high standard, so much so that they air a sense superiority over everything they do. So much so that it's self limiting in terms of innovation. Let's face it, Apple has lagged behind in that department big time in the last year or so. For 3, 4, 5 years they were the leader in innovating and bringing top of the line products to market. Now they've fallen hard and this is born out by the ridiculous losses the company has been simmering over. Since September 2012 their stock has fallen from $700+/share to $406/share today equating to a $290 BILLION loss in market volume. The industry has passed them, while there might be a bazillion android/other smartphones available and maybe only 0.1% of them are worth a look, that's still more, better options that are available than today's iPhone. More frustrating is that Apple is sitting on $150 BILLION in cash and not investing in tech innovation. Their investors and the market is losing faith in the company, Tim Cook has lost touch and with so many other options it's easy to see Apple losing the death grip they've had on the industry for 5 years. 


    I've had my time with Apple and I'm moving on, there are just too many better phones with better displays and companies making them who are willing to continue to innovate. Apple can sit on it's high pedestal preaching about how it doesn't want to put sub-par products with large screens on the market, but the truth is that they are just full of themselves. Those options already exist with great screens and none of the lower quality specs that Apple seems to think are reasons they refuse to innovate.


    Yah, you must be new to the Apple world. Apple has historically done what they want, and rarely listened to consumers. From the inception of the All-in-one iMac (design and thoughts coming from the original mac) not being expandable, to users clamoring for an upgradable xMac and dozens of other call outs from users. Apple does what Apple wants. They feel they know what users want before they want it. Usually they're right (see MBP, iPod, iPad, iMac), other times they're dead wrong (see Cube, original ATV, Lisa, puck mouse). Either way, they're going to continue doing what they feel is right. They aren't going to listen to small stock holders, and they aren't going to bow away from what they feel is right because a few people are kicking and screaming. 


    Other times, they slightly listen (see matte screens, Mac OS X getting classic updates like labels and spring loaded folders, uhh that's all I can think of right now)


    It's a bitter sweet company to work with. Personally, I usually find their products just work for the most part and improve my production. It may be different for you personally, and that's a choice you're going to have to make. If you are losing value somewhere, by all means, switch to a competitor. 

  • Reply 125 of 166
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Which is about to shrink. While that much money would be pretty hard to squander, how many companies were once 'King of the Hill' and now no longer exist. You can never think that you 'won' because that's when you'll surely lose.


    That cash pile isn't about to shrink. That would say they aren't profitable. They still made 9.5Billion profits last quarter. It's only 2B less than the year before. That cash pile isn't going anywhere. Paying dividends won't even make a flicker in their profits. 

  • Reply 126 of 166
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    emig647 wrote: »
    That cash pile isn't about to shrink. That would say they aren't profitable. They still made 9.5Billion profits last quarter. It's only 2B less than the year before. That cash pile isn't going anywhere. Paying dividends won't even make a flicker in their profits. 

    They're going to spend $60 billion to buy back stock which immediately stops being counted towards their 'cash' pile.
  • Reply 127 of 166
    igrivigriv Posts: 1,177member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    What end? There is no end game and the one sitting on the biggest cash pile now could be bankrupt next year.


    At the end of the buyback period in 2015 (which is the time frame they announced). Otherwise, you are correct, there is no endgame.

  • Reply 128 of 166
    pedromartinspedromartins Posts: 1,333member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Which is about to shrink. While that much money would be pretty hard to squander, how many companies were once 'King of the Hill' and now no longer exist. You can never think that you 'won' because that's when you'll surely lose.

    The ****? how?


    They will expend 30 billion (dividends, share buybacks) per quarter, but they are gaining average 10 billion per quarter.

    A years has 4 quarters, then you have interests, etc.


    it is most likely that by 2015 they will have 200 billion instead of 100 billion.

  • Reply 129 of 166
    pedromartinspedromartins Posts: 1,333member


    Originally Posted by igriv View Post

    Why should the larger screen affect color accuracy?

    Cost, for example.


    Ask Samsung why they use screens that are so bad for 600 dollar products. Looks like apple is the only one who cares about that, and poor htc.

  • Reply 130 of 166
    alexmitalexmit Posts: 112member
    I don't need a bigger phone to add a larger bulge in my pants. I'm fine with the iPhone 4 size.
  • Reply 131 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Alexmit View Post

    I don't need a bigger phone to add a larger bulge in my pants.


    I started wondering whether the emphasis was put on the first or second clause of that sentence.


    Then I realized what I was doing. image

  • Reply 132 of 166
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    They're going to spend $60 billion to buy back stock which immediately stops being counted towards their 'cash' pile.

    See 2 posts below your last post

  • Reply 133 of 166
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member


    Originally Posted by Alexmit View Post

    I don't need a bigger phone to add a larger bulge in my pants. I'm fine with the iPhone 4 size.

    Come on, isn't that the new form of "peacocking" 




    Peacocking is the action or actions exhibited in the beginning stages of courting. These actions are typically only temporary and exist during "the chase" of a mate. Much like a male peacock displaying his fruitful colors of his feathers to capture the attention of a mate.
  • Reply 134 of 166
    philkyphilky Posts: 20member
    I can't agree more with what "brains" said above about good large screens that exist currently. If you compare the Galaxy S with iPhone 4S retina screen, the Galaxy is a straight winner in all aspect. Some argue the larger Samsung screens are "saturated and artificial", but hey most people are just, well, ordinary people and to most of us first impression really counts. I live in Hong Kong and the trend is even more worrying: in the streets now you see the ratio between iPhone and Samsung being 2:8, whereas a year ago was some 7:3. Many people, including many long term iPhone users, are switching to Samsung, completely forgetting Apple. I am sure this trend will soon spread to the US and the rest of the world, and this would be the subject of discussion here six months from now! And size in fact, is not the only incentive for switching to Android. My iPhone "traitors" friends have shown me just how exciting and playful Android is, and sadly I have to agree after seeing some demos (for example the dynamic wall papers are really cool) - the iPhone looks somehow dated (both the hardware and the OS). What Apple needs to do is make various versions of the new iPhone, including a super large 5-5.5", and re-design the presentation of iOS to give it a new life after so many years with many people now suffering from "i-fatigue". I am holding on to my iPhone 4S and will only upgrade once a truly large iPhone appears. If not I might just join the Samsung camp and forget about being a blind loyalist especially since Tim doesn't have the magic and charm of SJ.
  • Reply 135 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by philky View Post

    If you compare the Galaxy S with iPhone 4S retina screen, the Galaxy is a straight winner in all aspect.


    They're both 16:9, so it doesn't win in aspect.

    …in the streets now you see the ratio between iPhone and Samsung being 2:8, whereas a year ago was some 7:3.


    This your scientific analysis, is it?

    I am sure this trend will soon spread to the US and the rest of the world…


    I'm sure you are¡


    …six months from now!


    So, December 2007, then.


    Oh, wait, I got mixed up because people said that about the first model.

    (for example the dynamic wall papers are really cool)



    …the iPhone looks somehow dated (both the hardware and the OS).



    What Apple needs…



    …many people now suffering from "i-fatigue".


    Otherwise known as idiocy.

    …Tim doesn't have the magic and charm of SJ.

    If you buy your products based on (your perception of) the salesman, I have bad news for you.

  • Reply 136 of 166

    I think the problem people are having is that it seems fairly reasonable to assume that Apple would sell between 5 & 10mm units per qtr. of a 5" iphone. they are upset on many levels - many readers here are stockholders and loyal customers. they want to see apple do well so that the company doesn't repeat past mistakes and become irrelevant.


    if they gave it the aesthetic of the ipad mini (which is what the ipad seems to be moving toward). imho, they will introduce it in 2014. I am counting on it. also, i think they need to allow "jailbreaking" - allow more customization through the app store. custom skins, keyboards, access to files, etc. let us use it more like a mac. those features could be turned off by default and more savvy users would be able to access them if needed. stop dumbing things down. a bit more control, again everything would pass through app store.


    i personally have not jailbroken any of my iphones (3gs, 4 and now 5) but I am so tempted. just don't want to screw it up. would love to be able to do some customization though.


    of course I agree it's the best phone, most polished os, etc. I will keep buying them but would like a larger screen and more control. and for f***'s sake, on OSX please integrate mail contacts and calendar. i'd like to be able to create a meeting from an e-mail. really would be useful. the bare bones minimalist design is one extreme, ms office is the other. I think there's room for some more bells and whistles.

  • Reply 137 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    also, i think they need to allow "jailbreaking" - allow more customization through the app store. custom skins, keyboards, access to files, etc.


    Absolute nonsense.

    …more like a mac.

    It's not a Mac. It's not trying to be.

    just don't want to screw it up.


    Makes your 'dumbing it down' comment look a little ironic.

    …for f***'s sake, on OSX please integrate mail contacts and calendar. i'd like to be able to create a meeting from an e-mail.





    When haven't you been able to do that? They added it YEARS ago.

  • Reply 138 of 166

    ok, i was just trying to be reasonable but i'm sensing that any expression of dissatisfaction with apple on this forum is going to be met with this type of response from you. but seriously I really don't know how to take an e-mail and create a meeting with it. I mean embedding the entire e-mail in the notes of a meeting in calendar. i can't seem to do this without all the extra clicks copy paste, etc.

  • Reply 139 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sam brokowitz View Post

    I mean embedding the entire e-mail in the notes of a meeting in calendar.


  • Reply 140 of 166

    i only have invitees option, not attachments. I would have been using this if i had it - seems like it solves my problem. i'm on 10.7.5. assuming it's not a mt lion thing because you said it was added years ago.

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