Editorial: iOS 7 shows how Apple is leading mobile computing



  • Reply 281 of 312
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Well, to be honest, the entire laptop market has moved away from 17" models. Just look around. There are still some out there, particularly in gaming devices, but mostly the market is looking toward a sweet spot of 13-15" models that are more portable.


    17" is not out just because of portability, but mainly because of 17" as single size being obsolete. COntent demands bigger screens thus making 17" less portable on on side and still not very usable as standalone power machines any more.

  • Reply 282 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    Having used both iOS and Android, Android is way superior in usability, battery life, customisability etc. Just needs a little bit of brain power which many people lack. I for one am glad to see the back of iOS. I use mac book pro but I'm not an apple fan who blindly chooses anything apple.

  • Reply 283 of 312
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    kris713 wrote:
    ...Android is way superior in usability, battery life, customizability etc...

    In no way is that true, not from third-party testing, not from anecdotal experience, nothing.
    I use mac book pro but...

    Just shut up.
  • Reply 284 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    I like to form my own conclusions which work for me very well, rather than follow some article. The things I do with my Android device are way beyond the capability of iOS. Don't be offended if I have talked down iOS. Don't take it personally. With android I can switch from Galaxy S to Xperia Z (my new device). When I bought my galaxy S, iphone 3gs was around and galaxy s was far superior. The galaxy S is still quite functional as my work phone while iphone 3gs is pretty much useless.

  • Reply 285 of 312
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    kris713 wrote: »
    The things I do with my Android device are way beyond the capability of iOS.

  • Reply 286 of 312
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    kris713 wrote: »
    I like to form my own conclusions which work for me very well, rather than follow some article. The things I do with my Android device are way beyond the capability of iOS. Don't be offended if I have talked down iOS. Don't take it personally. With android I can switch from Galaxy S to Xperia Z (my new device). When I bought my galaxy S, iphone 3gs was around and galaxy s was far superior. The galaxy S is still quite functional as my work phone while iphone 3gs is pretty much useless.

    And those things are...?

    Didn't realize Android allows you to switch devices. Amazing.

    I know plenty of people still using a 3GS that works fine.
  • Reply 287 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    Well one can even get by using the old nokia phones. If its functionality you are talking about iphone 3gs is pretty useless. Its foolish to buy an iphone just because apple is making more money than google. AFAIK I can get a more functional android device for less money than an iphone and I love this fact.

  • Reply 288 of 312
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    kris713 wrote: »
    Well one can even get by using the old nokia phones. If its functionality you are talking about iphone 3gs is pretty useless. Its foolish to buy an iphone just because apple is making more money than google. AFAIK I can get a more functional android device for less money than an iphone and I love this fact.

    Saying it a bunch of times doesn't make anything true.
  • Reply 289 of 312
    ein999ein999 Posts: 14member
    I have to agree with the first post it was an entertaining read compared to just hard factual information. Lots of fluent and ideas to understand and i did actually learn something which is good. I do notice that google android is just sort of out there and does everything though. where apple is more like a fine tuned and intuition approach with everything more thought out and well planned and laid out proportionally and runs smoother because of the hardware to software matching i guess. but google does have a lot of things done before apple does just a little messier and glitchier but does a lot more and seems to have them out faster than apple. SOme android phones have been doing ios 7 features for like 2 years now its nothing new for android but i do agree the more compact and well integrated something is with its software to hardware and the more poeple adopt it the better it gets in the future and better room to grow due to less compexity and simplicity and compactness in the begining you will have a better ios in the later years. where google has to bundle things better apple is adding more. Im no expert but that would be my guess or opinion on it. Sorry!
  • Reply 290 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    It's in small things like t9 dialer, being able to reply text without leaving open program, delete/archive text from notification, using google account to give imap push capability to other emails (you can reply as other email), that android shines and wipes the floor with iOS.image

  • Reply 291 of 312
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    kris713 wrote: »
    It's in small things like t9 dialer, being able to reply text without leaving open program, delete/archive text from notification, using google account to give imap push capability to other emails (you can reply as other email), that android shines and wipes the floor with iOS.:lol:

    Emoticons? Classy troll move. You failed to prove your hyperbole, so we're done here.

    Also, too bad you now have to pay for Google Sync, so enjoy that push email until you get a new device or have to restore yours.
  • Reply 292 of 312
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    kris713 wrote: »
    It's in small things like t9 dialer...


    It's 2013. What idiot thinks having T9 is a GOOD thing?!
  • Reply 293 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    Peace my friends!

    Google to android sync is and will always be free. What has been dropped is exchange activesync support (not necessary for an android user)

    T9 dialer is where if I have to dial Peter, I just key in 73837 and the choice appears unlike in ios where you have to go to contacts and search for a contact. 

    The title of the article is misconstrued. Let's agree that both android and apple are good.

  • Reply 294 of 312
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    kris713 wrote: »
    Google to android sync is and will always be free.

    [magical time machine citation needed]
    T9 dialer is where if I have to dial Peter, I just key in 73837 and the choice appears unlike in iOS where you have to go to contacts and search for a contact. 

    *hold Home*

    "Call Peter."

    "Calling Peter."



    Touch Phone, touch Peter's name.

    Let's agree that both android and apple are good.

    Android is "good" because it was stolen from Apple, which is good.
  • Reply 295 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    Try using voice dialling when you have 250+ contacts. T9 kind of prediction works for both fore and surname. You evidently have never used it to realize how much faster it can be. If you want to sync google account with your android phone it is free (comes with the account and you can sync everything from documents, mail, calendar to google keep). I admit it uses a proprietary protocol but it's free when you buy an android phone. When you pipe other emails to google, replying to the piped mails is easy using the built in gmail program. None of the free emails compares to gmail which integrates so well with android.

    Android was never stolen, is open source.

    It has been nice conversing with all of you and I hope you all enjoy your iphones.image

  • Reply 296 of 312
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    kris713 wrote: »
    Try using voice dialling when you have 250+ contacts. T9 kind of prediction works for both fore and surname.

    Magical. Guess what? So does voice dialing. :no:
    You evidently have never used it to realize how much faster it can be.

    'Course I've used it. T9. Fast. That's a riot.
    Android was never stolen

    And there goes your entire argument. Never mind that every single post you have made destroyed your entire argument.

    Please go find another website that actually talks about products you care about and doesn't mind your lies.
  • Reply 297 of 312
    kris713kris713 Posts: 7member

    I guess stupid people are easily provoked.image

  • Reply 298 of 312
    I just think if they'd planned to do that, they would have done it by now. They're sort of in their stride right now, and a huge upheaval would...

    On second thought, I'm all for Samsung doing that, too.
    Samsung fail in 10 minutes
  • Reply 299 of 312
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Magical. Guess what? So does voice dialing. image

    'Course I've used it. T9. Fast. That's a riot.

    And there goes your entire argument. Never mind that every single post you have made destroyed your entire argument.

    Please go find another website that actually talks about products you care about and doesn't mind your lies.

    Man, you're stupid.

    What phone do you have again? How about the carrier? We know it is not an iPhone unless you still consider that 1st generation one you won from a radio station  7 years but never activated. We also know you aren't on any major carrier. Do you have any phone at all? I love the way you call people stupid and tell them to shut up and go away when you don't even own an iPhone. You really don't even have a dog in this race so maybe you should take your own advice.

  • Reply 300 of 312
    xrportetxrportet Posts: 1member
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