'Designed by Apple in California' ad ranks poorly in consumer survey



  • Reply 81 of 268
    ruel24 wrote: »
    Designed by Apple in California - build by children in China.

    However, aren't they all? Do we really have an option? Can't really hold that against Apple, but advertising where it was designed is almost deceiving. Just about every product sold by a US company was designed in the US. Few of them are actually BUILT in the US, which, to me, is a shame.

    Yeah, that's my take away from that line too. Whoopity doo! Designed in California. They (like others) want to capitalize on the money American's can afford to pay for their products, but they don't want to equally add to the American economy by manufacturing here. There is a name for that. Leech! Or good business sense, depending on your perspective. The irony is that by Apple using Samsung as a manufacturing partner, they bred their competition.

    This is not an Apple specific criticism. All are guilty! Although not all have commercials saying 'Designed in CA"
  • Reply 82 of 268
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Maybe the ad could be tweaked slightly to score better on surveys. Just add a few transformers and spaceships and add "death to Amerika" at the end.
  • Reply 83 of 268
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    Not true, and no.  You're showing your bias inadvertently here.  You mean to say almost every large American company.  

    Many of the largest companies in the world are neither American, nor have "white guys" filling any substantial part or their workforce or leadership. 
    Ok so now I know you're an anti American racist. And that's the lease I'll be viewing your posts with in the future.
  • Reply 84 of 268
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    mike fix wrote: »
    That ad reminds me so much of Reagan's Morning In America ad...


    It makes it difficult for me to watch... 
    That morning in America ad was awesome. :D
  • Reply 85 of 268
    quinney wrote: »
    Maybe the ad could be tweaked slightly to score better on surveys. Just add a few transformers and spaceships and add "death to Amerika" at the end.

    That's funny!!! Except for the death to America part. I thought you were making fun of Android commercials... which is funny...
  • Reply 86 of 268
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Wow you seriously seem to have issues with America and white people. And it's funny you say people don't give a crap about made in America when all we've been hearing for the last year is whining about why Apple can't build iPhones in the USA.


    Well I have nothing against white people of course, but yes "smugness" is one of my least favourite human traits and I would argue most people around the world think similarly.  It really is an unusual situation in the USA where what would be thought of as smug self-promotion is thought of there as some kind of positive trait.  


    Also, we actually haven't been hearing about "why Apple can't build phones in America" for the last year.  This is a conversation that has taken place only in America, and only in some places in America.  As has been said by myself and others numerous times, outside of the USA, no one gives the slightest thought to this.  In a typically American way, many American's think that their internal debates and conversations are actually "world" conversations.  They aren't.  


    I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to put out some obvious truth that many people in other countries around the world can see as clear as day, but apparently Americans are blind to.  A lost cause and a faint hope apparently.  


    My sincere apologies to anyone offended by these facts. 

  • Reply 87 of 268
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Ok so now I know you're an anti American racist. And that's the lease I'll be viewing your posts with in the future.


    Dude, calm down.  Not a racist, not bigoted in any way.  I'm a very nice, normal person but one with "modern" views. 


    I'm not "anti-American" either (whatever that strange turn of phrase truly means), I'm just not a big fan of people drawing lines around themselves and playing the "us vs. them" game and pretending like they are better than every other place on earth.  


    There's only one planet here and we all have to live on it.  America doesn't really rule the world anymore and it surely won't in the future.  Get used to it is my advice.  

  • Reply 88 of 268
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    I think MacFanDave's proposed right-winger spokesperson ad was hilarious! And sarcasm ( I hope).

    The ads have left me feeling nothing really. But then Apple and Chiat Day have a history of being one step ahead. As someone else suggested, they may be headed somewhere and we're only at the start of the arc of a much larger campaign. I'm willing to give it some time to develop before condemning it.

    Curious as to whether this is a domestic only or worldwide ad. California may be (as another has alluded to) a surrogate for "buy American" without sounding jingoistic. Overseas, away from U.S. political polarization, California as a brand still is seen very positively. Maybe Apple is trying to have it both ways. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall at the Mad Men-like scenes where this ad was presented and debated with the client! Have to wait for Cook's book when he retires.
  • Reply 89 of 268
    jollypauljollypaul Posts: 328member


    Originally Posted by MrBowfinger View Post

    The commercials are beautifully produced, of course. But they don't say anything. They don't have an edge.


    That's what happens when you don't have new products or even interesting upgrades to promote. You end up with vague brand promotion.


    The ads aren't bad or good. I suspect most people will respond: Oh yeah, Apple. Have they released something new or interesting? I can't tell from this ad. No? Are they promoting something soon to be released? No? Oh well.

  • Reply 90 of 268
    rogifan wrote: »
    Is there anything Apple does these days that doesn't either bring out the trolls or the Steve wouldn't have crowd?  :rolleyes:

    It's the same people posting the same tired arguments over and over.
  • Reply 91 of 268
    leesmithleesmith Posts: 121member

    The biggest problem with the campaign is the primary message: "we're better designers." Who cares?!? They'd be better served with just the Apple logo at the end and no tagline and ditching the narration "This is our signature and it means everything." Maybe to you, but not to me. How the device makes my life better means everything to me.


    The other problem is that there are too many secondary messages. It's like they are trying to justify why Tim Cook has done so little with so much. Enough with piddly incremental improvements. Let's get back to dreaming big and shooting for the stars.


    I'm critical of the campaign because it really undersells a fantastic company whose emphasis on the user experience is second to none.

  • Reply 92 of 268
    ruel24 wrote: »
    Apple isn't doomed, but Cook isn't the guy Apple needs right now, IMO. Apple needs vision and Cook seems to lack it. Admittedly, it's near impossible to follow a guy as charismatic as Steve Jobs. I wouldn't want to have to do that.

    Who should run Apple then?
    (Or, are you just here to attack Tim Cook?)
  • Reply 93 of 268


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Who should run Apple then?

    (Or, are you just here to attack Tim Cook?)

    Kanye West. 


    Next question?

  • Reply 94 of 268
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    I think MacFanDave's proposed right-winger spokesperson ad was hilarious! And sarcasm ( I hope).

    Overseas, away from U.S. political polarization, California as a brand still is seen very positively.


    I tend to agree, and that was a theory I had suggested awhile back when there was a thread about the prominent "designed in CA" marking on the new Mac Pro. However, when it comes to the TV ad I have to ask, are the things in the ad the things CA is viewed positively for? Or is it more for sun, surf, and Hollywood and being "cool"? I thought that was the direction they'd they'd take the whole Designed in CA theme.

    As someone else previously stated, the ad was more like a "good old fashion values" ad which, really, has nothing to do specifically with California. In fact, little to do specifically with America. I'd even suggest for consideration that those values are more appreciated in other countries (having spent quite a bit of time lately in Europe) than they are in the US these days.

    Is this ad playing anyplace outside the US?
  • Reply 95 of 268
    flipkalflipkal Posts: 30member
    Each scene of this commercial focuses on the emotion that people get while using an Apple device. I feel that emotion too when I pick up my iPod or MBA. Maybe not enough to qualify for this commercial, but it's there. Apple just found a way to tap into this response, and I think the ad is fine.
  • Reply 96 of 268
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member


    Originally Posted by dnd0ps View Post

    I think the ad lacks the poetic touch "Think Different" had. "Think Different" was poetic and inspiring. This is rather bland, Cook obviously lacks Job's linguistic flair.

    Edit: Yes, "Think Different" was a great poetic gesture.  But that message served a very different purpose.  It was to announce to the world that Apple is back and they're here to stay.  This new campaign's message is not about being the rising phoenix.  It's about Apple's message from the very beginning.  it's the Mission statement.  I think now is the best time to remind people why Apple does what they do.


    I think that's the difference between the way Cook runs things and the way Jobs did.

    Cook looks for the right person(s) to do the right job.  He seems to put an awful lot of trust in people.  That's not a bad thing all the time, but it does take the right eye to make sure those people are doing the right thing.

    Jobs seemed to sweat every little detail of every little thing.  That's not a bad strategy either.  I believe he had to do that.  It was his purpose during his "second-coming" to put a roadmap in place and let the experts do their best to excel.  He also put an awful lot of trust in people too, but he was always there to push them further, make it better...in his greater scheme of things.  That was his job.  But that roadmap is now in place and he realized his time was short.  So he needed to find the right person to make sure his roadmap was accomplished.


    Jobs put Cook in place (IMO) to make sure this team of experts executed and continued to relay the messages and goal of the greater company that Jobs put in place.  Time will tell if that was the best decision or not, it's still too early to tell.  But from where I see it, Cook is doing the right thing.


    Apple's message isn't about flashy technology or a year-over-year WOW factor product line-up.  It's about changing the world through their products and services, and enhancing lives.  From where I stand, they're doing it.  Maybe slower than Wall Street or the larger blogosphere might want but it's happening...the best that a company like Apple can.


    This commercial is exactly what Apple needs to convey that message.  If you don't get that, then you don't get Apple, or what Jobs's end-game goals were for Apple.


    Edit: Actually, those little videos that Apple shows at their various keynotes over the years...you know, the ones that show how Apple has changes the lives of millions of people all over the world.  Those are the kinds of things i'd like to see on TV.  Sure the flashy adds sells products, but these short videos are the sole of Apple.  It's why they do what they do.  And I think they need to remind people of this.

  • Reply 97 of 268
    gordiogordio Posts: 69member
    My problem with this ad is who cares about "in California". What is the significance of where it's designed?

    It feels like it's tricking us into misreading that it's "manufactured in California"
  • Reply 98 of 268
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    ifij775 wrote: »
    Apple should evoke the thought of new, mind-blowing technology, not your grandma showing a slide-show

    Inability to comprehend an advertisement does not a bad advertisement make.
    dnd0ps wrote: »
    This is rather bland, Cook obviously lacks Job's linguistic flair.

    You've been torn apart already, but you deserve more. So in your mind, Tim Cook is the only person who directed, produced, location scouted, was behind the camera, sat in the editing room, and scripted this commercial, huh?
    gazoobee wrote: »
    ...talking about "we" without explaining until the very end who "we" is (consumer or company) is kind of a classic noob mistake. Surprised that such a prestigious firm made it.

    So... just like every ad Apple has made since the return of Steve Jobs. :no:
    ruel24 wrote: »
    Designed by Apple in California - build by children in China.

    Drop the FUD, please. You're lucky Apple's American and not from somewhere else. :lol:
    It's too serious.  Let's have some fun.  It looked like a Chrysler Ad for Detroit.

    Since when has any Chrysler advertisement been anything but poorly-designed pseudo-fun?
    gordio wrote: »
    My problem with this ad is who cares about "in California". What is the significance of where it's designed?

    That's what you answer for yourself by going to the website and seeing.
    It feels like it's tricking us into misreading that it's "manufactured in California"

    It specifically says something that is nothing at all like that. You need to get in better touch with your feelings. :p
  • Reply 99 of 268
    mistergsfmistergsf Posts: 244member
    Nope, but Jobs would likely call this for what it is - a pile of sugary w@nk - and people would listen.

    Can we stop already with what "Steve would/would not have done"? He's gone and we can't assume to know.
  • Reply 100 of 268
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    gordio wrote: »
    My problem with this ad is who cares about "in California". What is the significance of where it's designed?

    It feels like it's tricking us into misreading that it's "manufactured in California"

    I think you answered your own question. But "tricking" is just your spin. What the heck do you think ads are for if not to influence buyers? How does "Designed [insert your favorite negative State name here] sound? Better?

    Do you know that most U.S. and international auto producers have their design studios in California. Ponder that.
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