Apple holds 39% of US smartphone market, far ahead of Samsung's 23%



  • Reply 81 of 126


    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    Your post is ridiculous.

    No math skills either, right?

  • Reply 82 of 126
    negafoxnegafox Posts: 480member


    Originally Posted by Rayz View Post


    I imagine you realised your mistake as soon as you hit the "SUBMIT" button.

    Lets look at it from Apple vs. Samsung perspective.


    First quarter:


    38.9 + 21.3 = 60.2 total

    38.9 / 60.2 = 64.6% for Apple

    21.3 / 60.2 = 35.4% for Samsung


    Second quarter:


    39.2 + 23.0 = 62.2 total

    39.2 / 62.2 = 63.0% for Apple

    23.0 / 62.2 = 37.0% for Samsung


    Therefore, Apple lost some market share to Samsung.

  • Reply 83 of 126
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    andrzejls wrote: »
    Well,  no. I do not know to what school author of this article went, but I can tell you that math was not part of it. This chart shows that Apple gained 0.3% of the market and Samsung gained 1.7%. Last I checked, it means that Apple lost 1.4% to Samsung. So this is just "spin doctors" story.

    andrzejls wrote: »

    No. I did not. I guess your math is not that good either. If you and I compete and you move forward 0.3 yards and I move 1.7 yards, guess where you are in relation to me. You are 1.4 yards behind me. I hope that this example helped you to understand.

    Are you drunk? There are more than Sammy and Apple playing the game.
  • Reply 84 of 126
    froodfrood Posts: 771member


    Originally Posted by andrzejls View Post

    Well,  no. I do not know to what school author of this article went, but I can tell you that math was not part of it. This chart shows that Apple gained 0.3% of the market and Samsung gained 1.7%. Last I checked, it means that Apple lost 1.4% to Samsung. So this is just "spin doctors" story.


    The numbers are a percentage of the market as it existed at the time.

    The overall smartphone market grew tremendously, and Apples share of the larger market this year grew even larger. 

    Samsung also did tremendously and grew as a percentage within that growing market.


    So if you're on an Apple site the line will be:

    Apple gains 0.3 market share!  Apples share much larger than Samsungs!


    Which is true and makes it sound like Apple is "winning"


    If you go to a fandroid site the line will be:

    Samsung gains 1.7% market share!  Samsung's growth alone nearly 6x Apple's growth for the year!  Android market share still much larger than Apple's.


    That is also true and makes it sound like Samsung is "winning"


    Who is losing share to whom really can't be determined by the data.  Your statement is 'probably wrong but possibly true.'  If you could prove that Apple would have gained 1.7% market share, but only gained 0.3% because all those users that would have bought Apple phones bought only Samsung phones instead- then your statement is true.  Did HTC lose share because people chose Samsung instead, or because people converted to Apple?  Most likely some of both.

  • Reply 85 of 126
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Are you drunk? There are more than Sammy and Apple playing the game.



    Originally Posted by Frood View Post


    The numbers are a percentage of the market as it existed at the time.

    The overall smartphone market grew tremendously, and Apples share of the larger market this year grew even larger. 

    Samsung also did tremendously and grew as a percentage within that growing market.


    So if you're on an Apple site the line will be:

    Apple gains 0.3 market share!  Apples share much larger than Samsungs!


    Which is true and makes it sound like Apple is "winning"



    No one is that dumb. Andrzelis is just baiting everyone. 


    Kind of ironic that we finally have a real troll here and no one can identify him.

  • Reply 86 of 126
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    stelligent wrote: »
    No one is that dumb. Andrzelis is just baiting everyone. 

    Kind of ironic that we finally have a real troll here and no one can identify him.

    You don't think it's possible to be dumb ... and a troll at the same time?
  • Reply 87 of 126
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    You don't think it's possible to be dumb ... and a troll at the same time?

    Critical thinking escapes you often?

  • Reply 88 of 126
    kdarling wrote: »

    <span style="line-height:1.231;">So yes, the US is an especially important market for Apple, as almost 1/4 of their iPhone sales come from there.  (Only about 1/20 of Samsung's smartphone sales do.)</span>

    That's why Samsung's ASP is so pathetic, and why they are too embarrassed to reveal actual numbers sold.
  • Reply 89 of 126
    cynic wrote: »

    Haha, I did indeed begin, however your statement was kind of ignorant, I stand by that.

    Anyway, so let's add 9% to the US price, which is about $67 and the iPhone price goes up to $816. That's still a difference of more than $200 to European prices.

    'Haha' indeed. You appear to be the truly ignorant one on the issue. Please educate yourself about VAT, retail distribution costs, end-of-life takedown laws, labor and overtime costs (including the indirect costs of employment), exchange rate uncertainty, and more generally, pricing-to-market.
  • Reply 90 of 126
    customtbcustomtb Posts: 346member
    Didn't Shamesung launch their s4 that sold a billion units the first day? Thought they'd have a bigger jump from that.
  • Reply 91 of 126
    Jeez! Who cares how ignorant "Mr. 'Merica!"? Apple makes better products. Galaxy s4 will forgotten when the iPhone 5 is old and still selling used for over $200
  • Reply 92 of 126
    Jeez! Who cares how ignorant "Mr. 'Merica!"? Apple makes better products. Galaxy s4 will forgotten when the iPhone 5 is old and still selling used for over $200
  • Reply 93 of 126
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    cynic wrote: »
    However, I also believe Apple got a bit of a problem with brand perception in Europe. They don't seem able to clearly deliver the message about why they are better than their competition.

    No... the EU media has defined Apple's mission for them, with over the top sensationalist exposés and out-right lies... PLUS continuously plays the class-card along with pandering to Europe's socialist leanings in regards to Apple's "obscene profits".

    But that's only a handful of problems Apple faces. The main fact that Europeans don't use their mobiles the same as in NA... meaning large data contracts (EU average is PAYG 500mb/mo.), makes an iPhone a tough sell when people only want WhatsApp, FB and easy texting. The iPhone is just far too "smart" and powerful for what people need for mobile communications (here).
    Jeez! Who cares how ignorant "Mr. 'Merica!"? Apple makes better products. Galaxy s4 will forgotten when the iPhone 5 is old and still selling used for over $200

    Geez AI! Looks like you're going to need age verification soon!

    This is a pretty evil forum to let children into, considering the racists, fascists, Godwin's-Law-posting, snarky "insider" remark ex-admins, assorted cursing once in awhile, etc, etc.

    I mean really... you even have a death-stick evil "smoking emoticon"(!)... my unofficial avatar... :D

    The least you could do is "Think of the Children"™!.......just sayin'.....:smokey:

    @ SAMSUcksALLDay - I sure hope it didn't take ya all day to think of that username... get back to your homework!

    Edited to add: don't anybody get the idea now to complain about smokey... he's my personal Lebowski... that is, before he gets a water glass bounced off his forehead..... :smokey:
  • Reply 94 of 126
    @ ThePixelDoc
    Ok pal... I am stating absolute proven facts... You take the galaxy that was released at the same time the 4S was released and compare resale values... You need to do some homework and stop telling people to get back to theirs.... Stop posting condescending crap, you think it makes you look "smarter"? Keep thinking that, guy. Now just shhhh..0
  • Reply 95 of 126


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Are you drunk? There are more than Sammy and Apple playing the game.

    No, I am not.You are just to ignorand and plain stupid to comprehand a simple math.

  • Reply 96 of 126


    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    You don't think it's possible to be dumb ... and a troll at the same time?

    Yes. reading your postings I do wonder,  could someone be so dumb? I would suggest that you look up "troll" in the dictionary  (if you own one or even know what is) before you use it again.

  • Reply 97 of 126
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I believe that it is quite ignorant to assume things about posters on the internet, some of whom are much more educated than you will ever be.


    And your reading comprehension is quite lacking, because I have never said that no other markets besides the USA matters. Europe matters, Asia matters, I am saying that third world markets do not matter.


    NO. You continue to make the same mistake as an ordinary, ignorant, self-centered US citizen. And if you REALLY had any idea of what the now-obsolete "third world" expression meant, you would spare us from your stupid jingoism, since most of Asia is still formed by poor, rural populations. In fact, at least 40 million "Americans" live in squalid ghettos and are poorer than those third world populations you talk about.


    However, another FACT that you seem to ignore is that most of Apple's revenues come from abroad - the US is just a secondary market nowadays. We are talking here about Europe, Japan, China, Brazil and other huge domestic markets that apparently mean nothing to "Americans" since they normally can't even tell who their vice-president is. So again: if you have nothing relevant to say, just shut up or go read some GOOD geography books - the WWW was created in Europe and its users are all over the world; face it.

  • Reply 98 of 126
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    @ ThePixelDoc
    Ok pal... I am stating absolute proven facts... You take the galaxy that was released at the same time the 4S was released and compare resale values... You need to do some homework and stop telling people to get back to theirs.... Stop posting condescending crap, you think it makes you look "smarter"? Keep thinking that, guy. Now just shhhh..0

    No. The fact you posted the same comment twice... and the silly and childish username, even if you are an Apple fan... causes me (still) to think you're underage.

    I'm certainly aware of the fact that Apple devices have a far higher resale value, more than you can possibly imagine, since it's been that way for almost 30 years.

    BTW: a quick search on Ebay here, shows a OEM new, 3GS/32gb/unlocked still being sold from € 250 - 280.00 - ... or US$ 325 - 365.00.-
    A used 3GS/32gb/unlocked €120 - 180... since you're so smart... you can surely do the rest of the math.
  • Reply 99 of 126


    Originally Posted by Frood View Post


    You've already lost at number 1.)....  The rest of the world is not a fan of subsidies at all- it is far more likely that the subsidy racket in the US will go away than the rest of world will convert to it.


    Unless...............  (doodeloo doodeloo doodeloo)....


    Eddy Cue:  Hello 5 largest carriers in Europe...

    Carriers: Hi....

    EC:  We're Apple and we need high margins, but need you to sell more phones.  So... My proposal is this.  You continue to pay us $650 for our phones, but instead of selling them to consumers for $650 we want you to sell them to your customers for $200.

    Carriers:  <crickets>.......

    EC: So, who is on board?

    Carriers:....   ummmm, Let me get this right, we'll be losing a ton of money in order to make you profits?.....

    EC:  No, you won't.

    Carriers:   ???

    EC: You will change your rates to customers from $50/mo to $100/mo to more closely match US rates.  That will change your gross on a 2 year contract from $1200 to $2400.  That's $1200 more!  Taking out the Apple subsidy of $450, you still make $750 more!  Sure, the customers will end up paying more, but that's what we all want anyway, right?

    Carriers:  Wow!  That sounds great!  But no way will they go for it.

    EC:  They won't have a choice if you all agree to our plan.  But first, let me show you this carefully crafted document from our legal team that states we have no interest in setting prices or any concern for what you charge for rates on our competitors products.  So, ermm..... right, now that that's out of the way, where were we?

    Carriers 1:  If I raise my rates to $100/mo and everyone else stays at $50/mo nobody will buy my product.

    EC:  Well, you're right, and you are all not allowed to talk together to do that or it would be illegal.  But you know our terms and you know your counterparts have been offered the same terms so if you all agree to it simultaneously individually..... <wink> <wink> <nudge> <nudge>  Now this is important, we, Apple are not telling you the price to set, but if it is any more than $100/mo we're not doing it, and any less than that  your fine, but you are still paying us the same amount of money- so you really can't afford any less than that.

    Carriers:  Wow, this is too good to be true....  But if Apple contracts go for $100/mo and Androids go for $50/mo all the business is going to go to Android.

    EC: Well, we have this other clause in there...  We can't TELL you to raise your Android contracts from $50/mo, but our clause says whatever price you sell their contracts you have to match that price for Apple.

    Carriers:  But if we do that and still have to pay you your guaranteed subsidy of $450 we'll lose our asses!

    EC:  Indeed, you will, so you are probably best off setting your Apple price to $100/mo

    Carriers:  But that means we would have to set our Android price to $100/mo

    EC:  You said that, not me!  <wink>

    Carrier Exec:  Ahhhhhh.....  I get it $$$$$$$!  Ohhhh.... and we don't have to guarantee the Android vendors the subsidy, so the extra $1200 from them will be pure profit!!!!

    EC:  You are a revolutionary genius who is going to change the telecom industry, my friend!

    Carriers:  Well alright then!

    EC:  Who's in?

    Carriers:  Ummm, we really cant sign this until the others have signed it.

    EC:  I've got two in and two on the fence.

    Fence sitter:  Marching orders from HQ, can't sign it unless you get the other fence sitter to sign on as well....

    EC:  It would be shame for us all to lose this great deal even with 3 just because a 4th wouldn't sing.....  Besides if you sign, I'm sure they will <whistles>

    FS: Okay, we're in

    Other FS:  We're in too!!!!


    That's pretty much what it would take to get subsidies in Europe, and that scenario would *never* happen in the real world

    image LMAO, sounds legit image

  • Reply 100 of 126
    Way to google " iPhone resale value" congratulations, you can read!! Keep it up your condescending "blow hard" posts and we will keep thinking you're an obese shut-in with nothing to do but troll forums and talk down on people. Good day to you, sir. (Oh and since it is such a big deal I'm sorry I double posted. It didn't show that my post was successful...GET A LIFE!)
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