Nokia slams iPhone 5 camera in parody of Apple ad



  • Reply 21 of 177
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member

    I much more rather have the money spent on a better camera than on biometric access.... but I'm hoping for both image

  • Reply 22 of 177
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member

    41 megapixels.. in a tiny pin head sensor. Anyone who has any remote ideas about camera sensor size vs MP rating will just sigh in disgust. Even 8 MP is ridiculous. 

  • Reply 23 of 177
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


    Originally Posted by rjc999 View Post


    You mean like adding fingerprint sensors? All the manufacturers are trying to find the next big differentiating feature. Apple blanketed the airwaves with Siri, a gimmicky, slow, busted feature, enticing you to use it because Zoey Deschanel is. 

    I use Siri all the time in my car and to set alarms while in the office.  Who is Zoey Deschannel and why should I care?

    I would use fingerprint sensor all the time if it worked quickly and was reliably. 

  • Reply 24 of 177
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member

    Wow, some bitter comments here. Nokia goes up against the most popular kid in the school and somehow people are shocked? Granted most companies will use "leading brand" or some other form of calling out the known product, but this is nothing new to marketing. If the iPhone wasn't the best, people would not be competing against it. 


    With that said, I'm sure they would have had more traction having a certain NY Mayoral candidate advertising for their camera image

  • Reply 25 of 177


    Originally Posted by TinFoil View Post

    The ad DID teach me how to pronounce "Nokia". Apparently, it's not the way I've been saying it!


    I thought it was "No Kia" - like a statement that Honda makes better cars. Apparently it's more like "Knock Ya"?

  • Reply 26 of 177
    shogunshogun Posts: 362member
    They make a good case in those particular shots. I'm pretty happy with the iPhone 5 pic quality. That said, comparing the shots in this commercial the knock-ia shots are better. I had no idea they did Zeiss lenses, motion blur and action shots. Those are all very cool.
  • Reply 27 of 177
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


    Originally Posted by RPT View Post

    Nokia probably makes the best phone cameras, and I hope they will succeed in making a comeback, and that Microsoft will succeed in establishing a healthy system. I am convinced that competition will result in me getting even better iPhones in the future at a lower price. And I personally couldn't care less about not having the best camera.

    I'm all for competing based on "better" quality.  However, I question 41MP use in pinhead sized sensors. Better optics is more believable. Would a better camera convince me switch from iPhone to Nokia.  Not really. However, dont stop trying to compete based on better quality.  I like the direction.  Just need more of it.

  • Reply 28 of 177
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    So all I've got to do to get these (insanely large) photos is give up my insanely large App Store selection choice, regular OS updates, the ability to sync my phone, tablet, and computer, anything and everything I ever bought through Apple, and Apple's superb customer service?

    Sounds like a sweet deal!
  • Reply 29 of 177
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    iPhone camera will be much improved on the next release. That we can be sure of.


    Often wish that Apple had not put the lens so close to the corner. I find my fingertips in the shot way too often.


    I was taking some close ups the other day and the focus gets really soft at around 100mm or closer.


    I certainly wouldn't mind a better camera on the iPhone, although, for now I have several high end DSLRs if I really need high quality.

  • Reply 30 of 177
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Well many of you already said it, who cell phone buying decision is based on the camera, the people using the phone as a camera are the same people who bought Polaroid's and Instamatic Cameras in the day, all they were interested is in the instance gratification of taking a picture they could care less it was an actually good quality picture.


    So many phone companies are looking for some thing to grab hold of to differentiated themselves from everyone else. We have yet another one saying look we take better picture than apple, but hey we have no real app or anything else you would like, isn't that a great reason to dump the other guy and come to us.

  • Reply 31 of 177
    This article made me so mad just with the heading but, when I read the comments I noticed your @$$ was already handed to you, can I re-mention the DISASTER that is and always will be Windows 8! Hence why everyone is still on Windows 7 unless your a clueless consumer directed by someone at any given popular retailer. I am a Mac supporter all the way, it reminds me of the Camry... everyone wants to be better than the Camry ... Then why not just BUY A TOYOTA CAMRY! I find it HILARIOUS that for other companies to advertise their products they also tend to advertise their competition but as they say no publicity is bad publicity! Apple doesn't have to pay billions on commercials ( have you seen your profits over marketing budgets for Surface tablet?... lets just say there was no return! ) because everyone else helping promote by simply having the device in their commercial. In the end why not just own what everyone wants to see fail, the iPad ( #1 tablet JD Power & Assoc. #1 notebook JD Power, & #1 Desktop byJD Power... ).

    ~The End.
  • Reply 32 of 177

    48 megapixel? Is that like 5 photos I can take? Is this Uprezzing or are they actually having a sensor this accurate? Kudos on them if they did.


    They've got "optical" image stabilizing. Which is great, but is there a gyro in there and do they have room to float the lens? Is the stabilization merely taking more of the image and cropping it as you record? But there isn't much you can do with stabilization when you've got such a small device.


    I wish Nokia the best, but since they got stuck with Windows OS, it makes sense that they are selling a camera and you get a free phone attached to it. I'd prefer a Canon 4D with a clamshell duct taped to it however.

  • Reply 33 of 177
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member


    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    41 megapixels.. in a tiny pin head sensor. Anyone who has any remote ideas about camera sensor size vs MP rating will just sigh in disgust. Even 8 MP is ridiculous. 


    Have you actually done any research into why it has a 41 megapixel sensor and how it uses those pixels?


    Nokia tends to use very large aperture sizes compared to other phone manufacturers and the standard output image is 8MP. 

  • Reply 34 of 177
    hittrj01hittrj01 Posts: 753member


    Originally Posted by sackofnouns View Post

    who the **** buys a cellphone based off how good the camera is? stupid fucks who spit in the face of the establishment (Apple & Android) and buy from the little guy (Microsoft). I have no faith left in America, we are a stupid people

    ???? 1) Nokia isn't an American company, and since this is a Nokia ad, seems relevant, and 2) it appears that nobody (or hardly anybody) buys a phone based purely on the camera. I will admit, I have an iPhone in part because the camera is great, but when I got my original iPhone in 2007, the 2-megapixel camera wasn't all that good, even by 2007 standards, and I loved my iPhone just as much then, so it definitely is not a determining factor.

  • Reply 35 of 177
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member


    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    41 megapixels.. in a tiny pin head sensor. Anyone who has any remote ideas about camera sensor size vs MP rating will just sigh in disgust. Even 8 MP is ridiculous. 


    Maybe read up on how it actually works, the end photo is only 8MP (or was it 5MP?). However, essentially, it allows you to zoom with lossless resolution, since you start with 41MP. 


    It's mostly an algorithm thing if I understand it. Seems interesting.

  • Reply 36 of 177
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member


    Originally Posted by Sumergo View Post

    It is interesting isn't it, a 'phone maker touting it's device camera capabilities?  What next - Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Hasselblad effusing about their toast-making capabilities?

    So what do you say about Apple having an ad that goes on about people taking photos with iPhones?

  • Reply 37 of 177
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    snova wrote: »
    41 megapixels.. in a tiny pin head sensor. Anyone who has any remote ideas about camera sensor size vs MP rating will just sigh in disgust. Even 8 MP is ridiculous. 

    I'd expect that anyone with any remote ideas (and interest) about cameras will check some comprehensive reviews before making any final conclusions.

    I'm personally using "supersampling" (or, if you prefer, good old-fashioned downsampling) on my RX100. I'm shooting RAW on both RX100 and D70s, and when I export images in Lightroom to 6MP JPG with same IQ, RX100 is giving me smoother, nicer results with less noise. There are other limitations that come with smaller sensor and other compromises imposed by camera size, like lack of DOF, limited flash, limited shutter speed, no interchangeable lenses... but when I compare photos made within RX100 comfort range to D70 photos made under same conditions, RX100 more often comes on top.

    If you look around respectable web sites like, you'll notice that they were quite impressed with first PureView camera with 40MP sensor. I don't think they still have full review of a new model, but this is not so bad starting point for reasonable opinion-building process:
  • Reply 38 of 177

    I wonder who is doing worse, Blackberry or Nokia ? 

  • Reply 39 of 177
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    But what's creative about just copying Apple's ad? And how come every time this comes up someone has to bring up the Mac vs PC ads? Can someone point to an iPhone or iPad ad that is a direct swipe against a competitor? If there was one I can't remember it.

    It is easy to take the high road when you are already on top. Companies only take pot shots at the competition when they are struggling to gain a foothold in the marketplace. 

  • Reply 40 of 177
    I think the ad isn't that great. Reminds me of one of those women's makeup commercials, with a lady in two pictures, the second with the makeup on. No one ever takes the photos seriously, and the lady is usually frowning in the first and smiling in the second. I've heard that Nokia doesn't even have HDR yet, which means that if they compare each photo with all the features, iPhone probably wins in low light and color. People have learned not to trust Microsoft over the years. People have been wanting to escape their products for a while, they see an opening, why would they go back now?
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