Nokia slams iPhone 5 camera in parody of Apple ad



  • Reply 61 of 177
    mhiklmhikl Posts: 471member


    Originally Posted by TinFoil View Post

    The ad DID teach me how to pronounce "Nokia". Apparently, it's not the way I've been saying it!

    Same here:


    Rhymes with 'Knockers', I guess.



  • Reply 62 of 177
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member


    Originally Posted by daveinpublic View Post

    I've heard that Nokia doesn't even have HDR yet, which means that if they compare each photo with all the features, iPhone probably wins in low light and color.


    One might look at Nokia's oversampling and and Apple's HDR approaches as two somewhat diverging methods of moving toward the same goal. The oversampling strategy pursues dense spacial sampling while HDR pursues dense exposure sampling. Both record extra information in order to produce images with better signal to noise ratios.

  • Reply 63 of 177
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    zozman wrote: »
    I've said this before & i'll say it again.

    I like the camera in the Lumia 920, it works really well, too bad it's wrapped in a massive chunky nokia & too bad its running windows phone 8...

    In my desk draw at work i have the 920, no one wanted it so i play with it sometimes, see what apps are on the MS app thingy, still nothing...

    Yeah, only 120 000 apps so far. I couldn't find enough fart apps, I was really very disappointed with offer.
  • Reply 64 of 177
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    I'd expect that anyone with any remote ideas (and interest) about cameras will check some comprehensive reviews before making any final conclusions.

    I'm personally using "supersampling" (or, if you prefer, good old-fashioned downsampling) on my RX100. I'm shooting RAW on both RX100 and D70s, and when I export images in Lightroom to 6MP JPG with same IQ, RX100 is giving me smoother, nicer results with less noise. There are other limitations that come with smaller sensor and other compromises imposed by camera size, like lack of DOF, limited flash, limited shutter speed, no interchangeable lenses... but when I compare photos made within RX100 comfort range to D70 photos made under same conditions, RX100 more often comes on top.

    If you look around respectable web sites like, you'll notice that they were quite impressed with first PureView camera with 40MP sensor. I don't think they still have full review of a new model, but this is not so bad starting point for reasonable opinion-building process:


    Yeah, Nokia is doing some interesting things with the camera. I applaud them in that I often wish I could have a bit more control over Apple's cameras. Although most people probably don't care, its good to see Nokia doing some interesting touch screen UI work for camera controls. (It seems nobody else in the space is doing it.)


    BTW, the problem small sensors is too much DOF (no Boka!) not a lack of it. But I assume this is what you meant. :-)

  • Reply 65 of 177
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member


    Originally Posted by Fake_William_Shatner View Post

    48 megapixel? Is that like 5 photos I can take? Is this Uprezzing or are they actually having a sensor this accurate? Kudos on them if they did.

     It is in fact a very dense sensor and not up sampled as one might have assumed.



    Originally Posted by Fake_William_Shatner View Post

    They've got "optical" image stabilizing. Which is great, but is there a gyro in there and do they have room to float the lens? Is the stabilization merely taking more of the image and cropping it as you record? But there isn't much you can do with stabilization when you've got such a small device.

    Amazingly the whole darn lens (not just a snigle element) is moved to correct hand movement as sensed by gyros. It's pretty cool. I was also surprised.

  • Reply 66 of 177
    fazzterfazzter Posts: 120member


    Originally Posted by Zozman View Post

    I've said this before & i'll say it again.

    I like the camera in the Lumia 920, it works really well, too bad it's wrapped in a massive chunky nokia & too bad its running windows phone 8...

    In my desk draw at work i have the 920, no one wanted it so i play with it sometimes, see what apps are on the MS app thingy, still nothing...

    I love the Nokia 920. I like the OS a lot too. Yes they are still waiting on some big apps but there really isn't much I need that I don't have. I take pictures alot and appreciate a good camera built in. Would love to upgrade to the 1020 but waiting on my two year discount. 


    My iPhone 4 sits in the drawer now.

  • Reply 67 of 177
    the cool gutthe cool gut Posts: 1,714member
    I see they aren't mentioning Windows anymore ...
  • Reply 68 of 177
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member

    "The best camera is the one you have with you" - Chase Jarvis


    Unfortunately for Nokia, no one has, nor wants a Lumia.

  • Reply 69 of 177
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    These recent ads by Nokia, Samsung, and Microsoft actually make me feel pretty good. At least we know who they acknowledge to be the top dog... Apple! Microsoft's ads denigrating the iPad really helped sales didn't they. Those ads helped so much Microsoft was forced to drop the price of the RT and now the Pro AND take a $900 million write off! LMAO!


    Now comes Nokia with their zillion megapixel camera phone taking the iPhone to task. And off course we had the Samsung barrage showing how Apple users are slobbering dolts.


    My, my, my... all those big guns aimed right at Apple. Any doubts as to who they think owns the market? I thought not.

  • Reply 70 of 177
    Did anyone notice that the "side by side" of the ballerina has significantly more lighting on the Nokia side than the iPhone side? Misleading... again.

    Anyway, most of the camera differences shown are due to white balance (i.e. software). No big deal as that can be improved upon. Still, I rarely use my iPhone as a camera. It's a nice to have feature but there are other things I use way more.
  • Reply 71 of 177
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Nokia? Don't they make furniture? image


    it's rubber boots, actually. 

  • Reply 72 of 177
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    jkichline wrote: »
    "The best camera is the one you have with you" - Chase Jarvis

    Unfortunately for Nokia, no one has, nor wants a Lumia.

    Wow, were you not educated in what "no one" means?
  • Reply 73 of 177
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by faZZter View Post

    I love the Nokia 920. I like the OS a lot too. Yes they are still waiting on some big apps but there really isn't much I need that I don't have. I take pictures alot and appreciate a good camera built in. Would love to upgrade to the 1020 but waiting on my two year discount. 


    My iPhone 4 sits in the drawer now.


    amazing how there still aren'T any important apps, despite of the fact that Nokia was actually buying apps from so-called independent 3rd party developers for years now....apps that no one used, no one cared about.


    it'S pretty much same here: no one cares about you loving 920 and trolling about putting iPhone 4 in the drawer.  who cares.

  • Reply 74 of 177
    I can see this as true and a great ad against apple. I hate my iPhone 4S camera. I still carry a sony camera for pictures because they just look sooooo much better. But I love my iPhone. I don't believe in one product for everything. That's why I have a sony camera along with the best PHONE made.
  • Reply 75 of 177
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,130member


    Originally Posted by LighteningKid View Post


    I thought it was "No Kia" - like a statement that Honda makes better cars. Apparently it's more like "Knock Ya"?

    Not unless they just changed it. I think that announcer is confused. Here's an ad with "No Kia." 

  • Reply 76 of 177
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well of course, you play to your advantages while you have them. I recall Apple putting good emphasis on iPhone's Retina display, but now that so many phones are offering higher resolutions and DPI, advertising focus has moved elsewhere. But if Apple regains res/DPI crown with some Retina+ upgrade in the future, I have no doubts they will not fail to market on that.

    Everyone advertise what makes their product better, or at least can be perceived as such.


    Nope. Guys at Apple are not idiots to point out single feature and brag about it. They know very good about what you wrote above. Apple sells package.

  • Reply 77 of 177
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    desuserign wrote: »
    Yeah, Nokia is doing some interesting things with the camera. I applaud them in that I often wish I could have a bit more control over Apple's cameras. Although most people probably don't care, its good to see Nokia doing some interesting touch screen UI work for camera controls. (It seems nobody else in the space is doing it.)

    BTW, the problem small sensors is too much DOF <span style="line-height:18px;">(no Boka!)</span>
     not a lack of it. But I assume this is what you meant. :-)

    Yah, sorry. Was typing that in the office, too many phones ringing around for me to focus on what I'm typing ;)
  • Reply 78 of 177
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,130member


    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    "The best camera is the one you have with you" - Chase Jarvis


    Unfortunately for Nokia, no one has, nor wants a Lumia.



    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Wow, were you not educated in what "no one" means?

    That's what's known as hyperbole, pronounced hi-PER-bo-lee. You can learn more about it here:


    jkichline makes a valid point.

  • Reply 79 of 177
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    poksi wrote: »
    Nope. Guys at Apple are not idiots to point out single feature and brag about it. They know very good about what you wrote above. Apple sells package.

    Saying "Nope" does not change the fact that "amazing Retina display" was most frequent element in commercials... for a while. Then it faded away. Of course adds were not completely focusing on Retina; but Retina was more common than any other hardware features, actually one of rare hardware features that Apple was insisting on.

    Their current adds are much more feature oriented - I'll give you that.
  • Reply 80 of 177
    rjc999rjc999 Posts: 69member


    Originally Posted by Disturbia View Post

    That's OK. It's all about marketing. I don't mind this sort of fair competition.

    Microsoft makes fun of Apple same as Apple used to do with their MAC / PC guys! image

    But it's a lot different than Google, Motorola, Samsung and a few others simply copying Apple and then bash Apple!


    Google ads are well known for being classy, tasteful, playful. I challenge you to find a single Google commercial that bashes Apple. Really, I'd be interested if you can dig up an actual TV, radio, or print ad that does this (Google I/O keynote isn't a commercial) Apple is the company that directly attacks others ("I'm a Mac, you're a PC", "1984")


    In contrast, Microsoft runs campaigns like "Scroogled" and attacks on cheesy Google Docs.


    I find it amazing that when the iPhone is rated #1 camera, ya'll are lording it over everyone, but when they get beat, all of a sudden, no one cares about buying phones for camera quality. Wahmbulance, call it.

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