so wait.. Android has a 51pct share in the US, yet the iPhone is more popular at 43pct? YEAH OK.. Keep the bogus news coming AppleInsider.
Perhaps you should read about adoption rates. You want bogus news? How about how Android is 80% of all shipping phones and therefore is magically 80% marketshare, as was reported by several newspapers and never retracted, corrected, or apologized for?
You do know there are only 3 iPhones versus 3000 different Androids right?
So yes the iPhone is more popular.
51pct is more than 43pct.. and so what? That's Apple's fault and anyway the iPhone gives choices of the iPhone 4, 4S or 5 in multiple configurations so the fewer phone choices argument is not true.
51pct is more than 43pct.. and so what? That's Apple's fault and anyway the iPhone gives choices of the iPhone 4, 4S or 5 in multiple configurations so the fewer phone choices argument is not true.
As I said 3 phones are whipping nearly 3000 Android phones asses. If you combined HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, and the Moto Flagship they still would compare to iPhone sales in the US.
The majority of the 51% Android phones are Cricket and Boost Mobile phones anyway. If you look at the carriers iPhone holds more than 50% share on each.
Honestly if Ballmer was still going to be the long term CEO this would be bad news all around but maybe the next in line CEO can make the best of Nokia.
As I said 3 phones are whipping nearly 3000 Android phones asses. If you combined HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, and the Moto Flagship they still would compare to iPhone sales in the US.
The majority of the 51% Android phones are Cricket and Boost Mobile phones anyway. If you look at the carriers iPhone holds more than 50% share on each.
excuses.. excuses.
Of course the iPhone would hold more share as one type of device when Apple gives iPhone 4's out for free on contract, discounts the 4S to $49 and sells the iPhone 5 for $99 on contract for the past few months.. bottom line, Android is at 51pct vs. Apple's 43pct, and that is only in the US. The Android lead globally vs. the iPhone is HUGE. and majority are Cricket and Boost Mobile phones? there have been at least 100M devices sold of the Xperia Z, Galaxy S4 and HTC One (the three latest Android flagship phones) in 2013. Apple is losing iPhone customers left and right. I had an iPhone 3G, 4 and 5. I sold the 5, got an S4, and I am never buying another Apple product EVER.
Of course the iPhone would hold more share as one type of device when Apple gives iPhone 4's out for free on contract, discounts the 4S to $49 and sells the iPhone 5 for $99 on contract for the past few months…
Apple doesn't, no. And so why are all of Apple's phones in the top sold above all the others from everyone else?
…bottom line, Android is at 51pct vs. Apple's 43pct…
You keep ignoring it, so I'll keep repeating it until you do. What part of +7% and -7% was confusing?
Apple is losing iPhone customers left and right.
This is a blatant lie, backed with no proof, and disproven by every single piece of information everyone has. Shut up.
I'm sure when Apple signs up China Mobile and spits out the iPhone 5C or whatever they are going to call it, we'll see increased market share in China, India and other countries.
I just wish Apple would release a larger screen model within the next 6 months. But I have 5 months to go on my 2 year contract, so iOS 7 will hold me over a little while longer.
Apple is not losing iPhone costumers. Those figures show, that worldwide, new smartphone useres are more likely to buy an Android powered device.
Most likeley because they are more affordable.
In my opinion (and I don't want to do Tim's job here) they should stay right there, improve the iPhone more and more. Make sure to offer the best device out there on the market and make it seamlessly work with all the services (Siri, iCloud, iTunes) ... and you're good. Anyone who bought "just the first best smartphone at a random shop" and who really learns how a smartphone can enhance your daily communication, will end up buying an iPhone sooner or later. I guess that's what we are seeing right now in the US market.
And if that is any indication, other markets will follow. Android will end up in the hands of most "first time smartphone buyers", but eventually a lot of them chose an iPhone for their next phone.
About Germany: as some have previously noted, Germans are very price sensitive and are more likely to buy a "cheap" Android device. Samsung is also very popular here. But I see that changing in the future too. With a more affordable iPhone and some more experience on what a smartphone should do, the choice will more likely be an iPhone for the next device someone wants to buy.
Apple is not losing iPhone costumers. Those figures show, that worldwide, new smartphone useres are more likely to buy an Android powered device.
Most likeley because they are more affordable.
In my opinion (and I don't want to do Tim's job here) they should stay right there, improve the iPhone more and more. Make sure to offer the best device out there on the market and make it seamlessly work with all the services (Siri, iCloud, iTunes) ... and you're good. Anyone who bought "just the first best smartphone at a random shop" and who really learns how a smartphone can enhance your daily communication, will end up buying an iPhone sooner or later. I guess that's what we are seeing right now in the US market.
And if that is any indication, other markets will follow. Android will end up in the hands of most "first time smartphone buyers", but eventually a lot of them chose an iPhone for their next phone.
About Germany: as some have previously noted, Germans are very price sensitive and are more likely to buy a "cheap" Android device. Samsung is also very popular here. But I see that changing in the future too. With a more affordable iPhone and some more experience on what a smartphone should do, the choice will more likely be an iPhone for the next device someone wants to buy.
Germans are price sensitive and they spit out cars like Mercedes Benz, Audi, BMTroubleU, Porsche? Audio mfg like Acapella, Adam Audio, Bermester, Coda, German Physiks, MBL and many others? Oh, OK. I guess. Maybe they want a large screen phone which Apple doesn't make. I run into a lot of people that want a large screen phone, including myself, and the only way to get one is buying an Android or Windows phone with a 4.3 inch or larger screen.
I have been tempted, but I hate the Android OS, but I'll wait for Apple to get off their can and get the right product out to market. I give them another 6 months before they do it.
In my eyes there is no contradiction in being price sensitive on the customer side and producing higher quality products.
And even though I have no scientific report to back that theory, I am speaking from my own experiences. I am German, living here for all my life. The main thinking here is not that Android is better or that iOS is deeply controlled by some AppStore rules or has a tiny screen. It's a price thing. People buy Samsung or other devices because Apple is seen as too expensive.
And if you really want to translate the car theory to smartphones, I bet the ratio of Porsche/BMW/Mercedes in relation to the rest (Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota, Peugot,..) out here on the strees would also be like 13 % vs. 87 %
1) Apple isn't in competition with Android in the first place. They are only competing with a small, tiny fraction of Android-driven phones. IOW, someone who is only going to buy a very cheap Android phone in the first place is only concerned about price. Apple can't -- and shouldn't -- compete with that, anymore than they should have tried competing with netbooks, or whatever.
2) The way some people here seem to completely misunderstand both economics and statistics (not that I pretend to be an expert in either) really depresses me.
3) I've thought since people started to discuss the "5C" (or whatever it will be called) that it would be a bad move for Apple. I don't see the upside, on any medium-to-long term basis for Apple here.
4) I'll be more than happy to admit how I was wrong if it turns out that I am.
Wait until the 4.7" geek watch is considered standard....
You laugh, but geeks are a really quirky and vocal submarket, and they think they speak for everyone.
In all the decades of consumer electronics, there's been a push for smaller and ever more portable and long lasting electronics. Like all those years when portable music meant Walkmans, the most expensive Sony Walkmans were the ones that were smallest and most feature-filled: the $300 cassette players that were barely larger than the cassette tape itself, whereas all the "bricks" were selling for $49. And before that, the transistor radio and portable stereos. We saw the same trend in cell phones during the 1990s and 2000s when the most expensive cell phones were consistently the smallest and thinnest. Cheap phones were big and heavy bricks. Same trend in PDAs: the thinnest Palm was the Palm V, and it cost more than the chunkier Palms. Same thing with laptops, where thin and light (before MacBook Air) models commanded premiums, like some of the earlier Sony VAIOs, just because they were unusually portable, not because they had the fastest chip or largest hard drives.
The geeks have decided that 5-inches is the right screen size, and they get really mad if you don't agree with them. Then they argue that anyone who disagrees with them will change their minds if Apple suddenly goes stupid and starts chasing Samsung and HTC and Motorola in the screen size wars. The iPhone 5 is a balancing act between screen size, portability (size and weight), and battery life. I think they struck the right balance, for the majority of people. I personally value portability and battery life more than the geeks. I'm not saying that Apple won't adjust these things in the future, but I trust them to not fall into the trap of oneupmanship in one area (screen size) while making compromises in other areas (weight, size and battery life).
Are you really that obtuse?
Yes, I get that you do not read books or documents on your iPhone, or play Videos, or play games or even browse the web. You only make calls and send sms. That's ok and fair. But if you do those things, you think that is the best experience possible based on ignorance, because you never tried a phone like a HTC one.
It is just a better phone for those things, because it has a bigger and much better (on every way you look at it) screen. Who here is saying that Apple should use a 5" screen and go up every year? Are we retarded or typiucal s4 buyers? People only say that a 4.7" (more or less, could be 4.5 or 4.8 or 4.9.) iPhone has everything to be a much better iPhone for millions and millions of costumers. For the other millions, the regular iPhone is perfect.
A bigger iPhone could have much better battery life (as the note proves), great build quality (HTC one), better for almost everything (as the HTC one proves) and Apple itself can fix the software, with iOS.
It's win win. But of course, you and others like you don't care. You keep making stupid arguments like "smaller phones sell more" while ignoring the reason. It's because they cheap trash, sherlock. Cheap trash outsells high end on everything, watson, be it cars, computers, phones, condons. and "battery life", because you are ignorant. The galaxy note has what? twice the battery life of the iPhone 5 on every test? what about the razr Maxx?
The problem is that a lot of users here, you included, are blinded by Apple and have a heart failure just with the thought that Apple, has a company, is doing something wrong and being stupid. Worse, you thing that "if it is not Apple way, he must mean the samsung way". F*ck samsung. No one is talking about 5.5 or 6" phones.
Basically, if companies like HTC can do it, there's no excuse for Apple. They are only holding it back for some great event, because they can get away with it, because costumers like you.
Basically, if companies like HTC can do it, there's no excuse for Apple. They are only holding it back for some great event, because they can get away with it, because costumers like you.
We all lose.
Wow. That post was really offensive.
Maybe I don't WANT an HTC One? Maybe I don't need a friggin' bigger screen than my iPhone5?
You're worse than the people you are criticizing. And frankly, I think the worse thing Apple could do fragment their iPhone offerings (even more than they are apparently doing right now). It affects the brand adversely.
Germans are price sensitive and they spit out cars like Mercedes Benz, Audi, BMTroubleU, Porsche? Audio mfg like Acapella, Adam Audio, Bermester, Coda, German Physiks, MBL and many others? Oh, OK. I guess. Maybe they want a large screen phone which Apple doesn't make. I run into a lot of people that want a large screen phone, including myself, and the only way to get one is buying an Android or Windows phone with a 4.3 inch or larger screen.
I have been tempted, but I hate the Android OS, but I'll wait for Apple to get off their can and get the right product out to market. I give them another 6 months before they do it.
You should try it.
While I'm certain that it is inferior to iOS, if you use Google's core apps (Play music, chrome, gmail, Maps, Drive and the pure awesomeness that is Google keep) and take advantage of their ecosystem, + root your device and "clean" the junk and use Nova launcher on a nice jelly bean device, you will see how great Android is. It trully is great, even if not at iOS level.
If you marry that with something like an HTC one, and if a big screen is really what you want, I'm sure than only a similar sized iPhone would make you go back.
Yes, OEMs f*ck things up, but the bottom line is that right now I see my android phone as something awesome. Clearly the iPhone 4 is not worthy it, and the 4s costs 3x more.
The 5 is not for me, despite being for sure ther best smartphone around. But I know that a 4.5 to 5" iPhone would be much better and would make a shitty vodafone contract worthwile. Maybe it will happen when stupid ignorant apple fanboys and stupid ignorant android fanboys no longer outnumber rational people, that base their knowledge on experience and logic.
People think very cost sensitive over here. If they get similar hardware and software they will always choose the cheaper one. For every guy saying "cool you have an iPhone 5", there are 10 others who ask me "wow do you have too much money to throw out of the window?"
And another important thing is, all these "new" features of the last iPhones are a bad joke tbh.
I've never used Facetime and iMessage, because 90% of my friends have android or feature phones, especially my close friends and my gf. In the US these features are very nice and useful I guess, but as its a closed system it's useless over here.
Same for Maps, even after reporting all the mistakes in my area, all the shops and restaurants that closed 10 years ago are still shown on the map. It seems to me that they only corrected Maps in the US.
I love all the social ideas that apple has as Facetime, photo sharing, now icloud docs etc. But in the end I will never use them because no one else wants or can use them. So back to gmail and facebook, even though I hate both of them...
Maybe I don't WANT an HTC One? Maybe I don't need a friggin' bigger screen than my iPhone5?
You're worse than the people you are criticizing. And frankly, I think the worse thing Apple could do fragment their iPhone offerings (even more than they are apparently doing right now). It affects the brand adversely.
See? Looks like I wasn't offensive enough. What I want doesn't matter. What YOU want is also irrelevant. Why are you and other posters like you so "selfish" and with short-vision?Who cares about "you"?
Millions (that's the number that apple cares. millions) and millions of people love their 4" iPhone. That's great and understandable. Amazing size for 1 hand operation. Fantastic device, the best offering right now.
But millions and millions (in equal if not bigger numbers, just do the math) love the huge advantages a big screen gives them. They are willing to pay more than you pay for an iPhone, have a pentile screen, an OS that despite great is not iOS-level, just because of the natural and obvious advantages of a bigger screen.
The thing with the HTC one is that it only "loses" on the OS vs OS, and the difference is not that big, frankly. It has similar or better build quality, camera, sound, etc... But it absolutly trounces the iphone on screen quality, just like the note trounces the iPhone on battery life. So screen quality and battery life are not a factor against bigger phones. stupidity is.
Apple already fragments their iPhone offering by offering the pathetic iphone 4 for 400 € and the outdated 4s for 550€ (outdated screen, connector). They also fragment the mac ecosystem by offereing the pathetic cMBP line, especially the 13". Is the iPod classic worth mentioning?
This isn't about fragmentation. Another iPhone line would bring even more growth and power to iOS, especially in the premium segments. And that's what matters. I'm not saying this because of what "I" want, or "you" want.
In fact I already said that the 5c line is "my thing".
Originally Posted by deepen03
so wait.. Android has a 51pct share in the US, yet the iPhone is more popular at 43pct? YEAH OK.. Keep the bogus news coming AppleInsider.
Perhaps you should read about adoption rates. You want bogus news? How about how Android is 80% of all shipping phones and therefore is magically 80% marketshare, as was reported by several newspapers and never retracted, corrected, or apologized for?
You do know there are only 3 iPhones versus 3000 different Androids right?
So yes the iPhone is more popular.
Originally Posted by blackbook
You do know there are only 3 iPhones versus 3000 different Androids right?
So yes the iPhone is more popular.
51pct is more than 43pct.. and so what? That's Apple's fault and anyway the iPhone gives choices of the iPhone 4, 4S or 5 in multiple configurations so the fewer phone choices argument is not true.
As I said 3 phones are whipping nearly 3000 Android phones asses. If you combined HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, and the Moto Flagship they still would compare to iPhone sales in the US.
The majority of the 51% Android phones are Cricket and Boost Mobile phones anyway. If you look at the carriers iPhone holds more than 50% share on each.
Originally Posted by deepen03
51pct is more than 43pct…
+7% is more than -7%. By 14%, actually.
Good for them....
Honestly if Ballmer was still going to be the long term CEO this would be bad news all around but maybe the next in line CEO can make the best of Nokia.
Originally Posted by blackbook
As I said 3 phones are whipping nearly 3000 Android phones asses. If you combined HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, and the Moto Flagship they still would compare to iPhone sales in the US.
The majority of the 51% Android phones are Cricket and Boost Mobile phones anyway. If you look at the carriers iPhone holds more than 50% share on each.
excuses.. excuses.
Of course the iPhone would hold more share as one type of device when Apple gives iPhone 4's out for free on contract, discounts the 4S to $49 and sells the iPhone 5 for $99 on contract for the past few months.. bottom line, Android is at 51pct vs. Apple's 43pct, and that is only in the US. The Android lead globally vs. the iPhone is HUGE. and majority are Cricket and Boost Mobile phones? there have been at least 100M devices sold of the Xperia Z, Galaxy S4 and HTC One (the three latest Android flagship phones) in 2013. Apple is losing iPhone customers left and right. I had an iPhone 3G, 4 and 5. I sold the 5, got an S4, and I am never buying another Apple product EVER.
Originally Posted by deepen03
excuses.. excuses.
No, try again.
Of course the iPhone would hold more share as one type of device when Apple gives iPhone 4's out for free on contract, discounts the 4S to $49 and sells the iPhone 5 for $99 on contract for the past few months…
Apple doesn't, no. And so why are all of Apple's phones in the top sold above all the others from everyone else?
…bottom line, Android is at 51pct vs. Apple's 43pct…
You keep ignoring it, so I'll keep repeating it until you do. What part of +7% and -7% was confusing?
Apple is losing iPhone customers left and right.
This is a blatant lie, backed with no proof, and disproven by every single piece of information everyone has. Shut up.
…I am never buying another Apple product EVER.
So shut up and go away.
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Pie chart wars
I'm sure when Apple signs up China Mobile and spits out the iPhone 5C or whatever they are going to call it, we'll see increased market share in China, India and other countries.
I just wish Apple would release a larger screen model within the next 6 months. But I have 5 months to go on my 2 year contract, so iOS 7 will hold me over a little while longer.
Apple is not losing iPhone costumers. Those figures show, that worldwide, new smartphone useres are more likely to buy an Android powered device.
Most likeley because they are more affordable.
In my opinion (and I don't want to do Tim's job here) they should stay right there, improve the iPhone more and more. Make sure to offer the best device out there on the market and make it seamlessly work with all the services (Siri, iCloud, iTunes) ... and you're good. Anyone who bought "just the first best smartphone at a random shop" and who really learns how a smartphone can enhance your daily communication, will end up buying an iPhone sooner or later. I guess that's what we are seeing right now in the US market.
And if that is any indication, other markets will follow. Android will end up in the hands of most "first time smartphone buyers", but eventually a lot of them chose an iPhone for their next phone.
About Germany: as some have previously noted, Germans are very price sensitive and are more likely to buy a "cheap" Android device. Samsung is also very popular here. But I see that changing in the future too. With a more affordable iPhone and some more experience on what a smartphone should do, the choice will more likely be an iPhone for the next device someone wants to buy.
Originally Posted by bluenix
Apple is not losing iPhone costumers. Those figures show, that worldwide, new smartphone useres are more likely to buy an Android powered device.
Most likeley because they are more affordable.
In my opinion (and I don't want to do Tim's job here) they should stay right there, improve the iPhone more and more. Make sure to offer the best device out there on the market and make it seamlessly work with all the services (Siri, iCloud, iTunes) ... and you're good. Anyone who bought "just the first best smartphone at a random shop" and who really learns how a smartphone can enhance your daily communication, will end up buying an iPhone sooner or later. I guess that's what we are seeing right now in the US market.
And if that is any indication, other markets will follow. Android will end up in the hands of most "first time smartphone buyers", but eventually a lot of them chose an iPhone for their next phone.
About Germany: as some have previously noted, Germans are very price sensitive and are more likely to buy a "cheap" Android device. Samsung is also very popular here. But I see that changing in the future too. With a more affordable iPhone and some more experience on what a smartphone should do, the choice will more likely be an iPhone for the next device someone wants to buy.
Germans are price sensitive and they spit out cars like Mercedes Benz, Audi, BMTroubleU, Porsche? Audio mfg like Acapella, Adam Audio, Bermester, Coda, German Physiks, MBL and many others? Oh, OK. I guess. Maybe they want a large screen phone which Apple doesn't make. I run into a lot of people that want a large screen phone, including myself, and the only way to get one is buying an Android or Windows phone with a 4.3 inch or larger screen.
I have been tempted, but I hate the Android OS, but I'll wait for Apple to get off their can and get the right product out to market. I give them another 6 months before they do it.
In my eyes there is no contradiction in being price sensitive on the customer side and producing higher quality products.
And even though I have no scientific report to back that theory, I am speaking from my own experiences. I am German, living here for all my life. The main thinking here is not that Android is better or that iOS is deeply controlled by some AppStore rules or has a tiny screen. It's a price thing. People buy Samsung or other devices because Apple is seen as too expensive.
And if you really want to translate the car theory to smartphones, I bet the ratio of Porsche/BMW/Mercedes in relation to the rest (Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota, Peugot,..) out here on the strees would also be like 13 % vs. 87 %
1) Apple isn't in competition with Android in the first place. They are only competing with a small, tiny fraction of Android-driven phones. IOW, someone who is only going to buy a very cheap Android phone in the first place is only concerned about price. Apple can't -- and shouldn't -- compete with that, anymore than they should have tried competing with netbooks, or whatever.
2) The way some people here seem to completely misunderstand both economics and statistics (not that I pretend to be an expert in either) really depresses me.
3) I've thought since people started to discuss the "5C" (or whatever it will be called) that it would be a bad move for Apple. I don't see the upside, on any medium-to-long term basis for Apple here.
4) I'll be more than happy to admit how I was wrong if it turns out that I am.
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Originally Posted by WonkoTheSane
Wait until the 4.7" geek watch is considered standard....
You laugh, but geeks are a really quirky and vocal submarket, and they think they speak for everyone.
In all the decades of consumer electronics, there's been a push for smaller and ever more portable and long lasting electronics. Like all those years when portable music meant Walkmans, the most expensive Sony Walkmans were the ones that were smallest and most feature-filled: the $300 cassette players that were barely larger than the cassette tape itself, whereas all the "bricks" were selling for $49. And before that, the transistor radio and portable stereos. We saw the same trend in cell phones during the 1990s and 2000s when the most expensive cell phones were consistently the smallest and thinnest. Cheap phones were big and heavy bricks. Same trend in PDAs: the thinnest Palm was the Palm V, and it cost more than the chunkier Palms. Same thing with laptops, where thin and light (before MacBook Air) models commanded premiums, like some of the earlier Sony VAIOs, just because they were unusually portable, not because they had the fastest chip or largest hard drives.
The geeks have decided that 5-inches is the right screen size, and they get really mad if you don't agree with them. Then they argue that anyone who disagrees with them will change their minds if Apple suddenly goes stupid and starts chasing Samsung and HTC and Motorola in the screen size wars. The iPhone 5 is a balancing act between screen size, portability (size and weight), and battery life. I think they struck the right balance, for the majority of people. I personally value portability and battery life more than the geeks. I'm not saying that Apple won't adjust these things in the future, but I trust them to not fall into the trap of oneupmanship in one area (screen size) while making compromises in other areas (weight, size and battery life).
Are you really that obtuse?
Yes, I get that you do not read books or documents on your iPhone, or play Videos, or play games or even browse the web. You only make calls and send sms. That's ok and fair. But if you do those things, you think that is the best experience possible based on ignorance, because you never tried a phone like a HTC one.
It is just a better phone for those things, because it has a bigger and much better (on every way you look at it) screen. Who here is saying that Apple should use a 5" screen and go up every year? Are we retarded or typiucal s4 buyers? People only say that a 4.7" (more or less, could be 4.5 or 4.8 or 4.9.) iPhone has everything to be a much better iPhone for millions and millions of costumers. For the other millions, the regular iPhone is perfect.
A bigger iPhone could have much better battery life (as the note proves), great build quality (HTC one), better for almost everything (as the HTC one proves) and Apple itself can fix the software, with iOS.
It's win win. But of course, you and others like you don't care. You keep making stupid arguments like "smaller phones sell more" while ignoring the reason. It's because they cheap trash, sherlock. Cheap trash outsells high end on everything, watson, be it cars, computers, phones, condons. and "battery life", because you are ignorant. The galaxy note has what? twice the battery life of the iPhone 5 on every test? what about the razr Maxx?
The problem is that a lot of users here, you included, are blinded by Apple and have a heart failure just with the thought that Apple, has a company, is doing something wrong and being stupid. Worse, you thing that "if it is not Apple way, he must mean the samsung way". F*ck samsung. No one is talking about 5.5 or 6" phones.
Basically, if companies like HTC can do it, there's no excuse for Apple. They are only holding it back for some great event, because they can get away with it, because costumers like you.
We all lose.
Originally Posted by pedromartins
Basically, if companies like HTC can do it, there's no excuse for Apple. They are only holding it back for some great event, because they can get away with it, because costumers like you.
We all lose.
Wow. That post was really offensive.
Maybe I don't WANT an HTC One? Maybe I don't need a friggin' bigger screen than my iPhone5?
You're worse than the people you are criticizing. And frankly, I think the worse thing Apple could do fragment their iPhone offerings (even more than they are apparently doing right now). It affects the brand adversely.
Originally Posted by drblank
Germans are price sensitive and they spit out cars like Mercedes Benz, Audi, BMTroubleU, Porsche? Audio mfg like Acapella, Adam Audio, Bermester, Coda, German Physiks, MBL and many others? Oh, OK. I guess. Maybe they want a large screen phone which Apple doesn't make. I run into a lot of people that want a large screen phone, including myself, and the only way to get one is buying an Android or Windows phone with a 4.3 inch or larger screen.
I have been tempted, but I hate the Android OS, but I'll wait for Apple to get off their can and get the right product out to market. I give them another 6 months before they do it.
You should try it.
While I'm certain that it is inferior to iOS, if you use Google's core apps (Play music, chrome, gmail, Maps, Drive and the pure awesomeness that is Google keep) and take advantage of their ecosystem, + root your device and "clean" the junk and use Nova launcher on a nice jelly bean device, you will see how great Android is. It trully is great, even if not at iOS level.
If you marry that with something like an HTC one, and if a big screen is really what you want, I'm sure than only a similar sized iPhone would make you go back.
Yes, OEMs f*ck things up, but the bottom line is that right now I see my android phone as something awesome. Clearly the iPhone 4 is not worthy it, and the 4s costs 3x more.
The 5 is not for me, despite being for sure ther best smartphone around. But I know that a 4.5 to 5" iPhone would be much better and would make a shitty vodafone contract worthwile. Maybe it will happen when stupid ignorant apple fanboys and stupid ignorant android fanboys no longer outnumber rational people, that base their knowledge on experience and logic.
Make no mistake. Google isn't Microsoft.
The iPhone in germany is already kind of "out".
People think very cost sensitive over here. If they get similar hardware and software they will always choose the cheaper one. For every guy saying "cool you have an iPhone 5", there are 10 others who ask me "wow do you have too much money to throw out of the window?"
And another important thing is, all these "new" features of the last iPhones are a bad joke tbh.
I've never used Facetime and iMessage, because 90% of my friends have android or feature phones, especially my close friends and my gf. In the US these features are very nice and useful I guess, but as its a closed system it's useless over here.
Same for Maps, even after reporting all the mistakes in my area, all the shops and restaurants that closed 10 years ago are still shown on the map. It seems to me that they only corrected Maps in the US.
I love all the social ideas that apple has as Facetime, photo sharing, now icloud docs etc. But in the end I will never use them because no one else wants or can use them. So back to gmail and facebook, even though I hate both of them...
Originally Posted by AaronJ
Wow. That post was really offensive.
Maybe I don't WANT an HTC One? Maybe I don't need a friggin' bigger screen than my iPhone5?
You're worse than the people you are criticizing. And frankly, I think the worse thing Apple could do fragment their iPhone offerings (even more than they are apparently doing right now). It affects the brand adversely.
See? Looks like I wasn't offensive enough. What I want doesn't matter. What YOU want is also irrelevant. Why are you and other posters like you so "selfish" and with short-vision?Who cares about "you"?
Millions (that's the number that apple cares. millions) and millions of people love their 4" iPhone. That's great and understandable. Amazing size for 1 hand operation. Fantastic device, the best offering right now.
But millions and millions (in equal if not bigger numbers, just do the math) love the huge advantages a big screen gives them. They are willing to pay more than you pay for an iPhone, have a pentile screen, an OS that despite great is not iOS-level, just because of the natural and obvious advantages of a bigger screen.
The thing with the HTC one is that it only "loses" on the OS vs OS, and the difference is not that big, frankly. It has similar or better build quality, camera, sound, etc... But it absolutly trounces the iphone on screen quality, just like the note trounces the iPhone on battery life. So screen quality and battery life are not a factor against bigger phones. stupidity is.
Apple already fragments their iPhone offering by offering the pathetic iphone 4 for 400 € and the outdated 4s for 550€ (outdated screen, connector). They also fragment the mac ecosystem by offereing the pathetic cMBP line, especially the 13". Is the iPod classic worth mentioning?
This isn't about fragmentation. Another iPhone line would bring even more growth and power to iOS, especially in the premium segments. And that's what matters. I'm not saying this because of what "I" want, or "you" want.
In fact I already said that the 5c line is "my thing".