Apple promises to 'brighten everyone's day' at Sept. 10 iPhone announcement



  • Reply 61 of 164


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Release dates





    Just exactly what time is 97:55?  And what time is -1:45?

  • Reply 62 of 164
    ahernk wrote: »
    I have to laugh every time I read this remark - "Apple's "S" series iPhones have typically been refinements of the models immediately preceding them, and most of the rumors surrounding the "5S" have been in that vein."

    It pops up in almost every rumor article. Why do I laugh? Because Apple has had exactly one (1) phone that has used the letter 'S'. What kind of trend does ONE phone make? Get real.

    iPhone 3g to 3gS. iPhone 4 to 4S ...
  • Reply 63 of 164


    Originally Posted by Timbit View Post

    One more thing...... Steve's Alive! lol


    I'm the King of posting "Poor Taste" comments... and even I wouldn't have joked 'bout that...  Boo... image



  • Reply 64 of 164
    Steve's dead, so no.
  • Reply 65 of 164
    There's no pink in the invitation.
  • Reply 66 of 164
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member


    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post


    Just exactly what time is 97:55?  And what time is -1:45?


    They aren't times of the day, they're hours and minutes. They could mean "we need an additional 97:55 man hours on this date".

  • Reply 67 of 164


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I have a feeling more people will go case-less with the new durable and colorful plastic design.

    I hope there's a law preventing cases on aluminium iPhones and Macs.


    For some strange reason, I just want to agressively punch them. Imagine the work done to create a macbook air, and some punk that never had to work to buy it decides to put stickers on it and a bright green rubber case, not to mention what they do with the logo..


    I find it offensive.

  • Reply 68 of 164


    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Again, I'm just guessing. One of the biggest complaints about the iPhone is that only one new model is released every year and that sales (and market share) slowly slip away throughout the year. This would be the smartest move for Apple to move to a twice-a-year release schedule and level out sales throughout the year.

    I'm going to have to go with Rogifan on this one.  For this year anyway, NO WAY that the 5s will be delayed until Spring.


    For future years, I agree that the general PUBLIC PREFERS new models more frequently than once/year.


    But still, the (rumored) 5c and 5s in requiring the full iOS platform presupposes that the hardware is perfectly aligned with software releases.  And I think that the coordination of hardware with iOS releases in the past has been almost impeccable.  I can't see coordinating major iOS revisions/releases more frequently than once/year.  But maybe I'm just being short-sighted.  Who knows what new hardware (or platforms for that matter) will be in Apple's future.

  • Reply 69 of 164


    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post


    Just exactly what time is 97:55?  And what time is -1:45?


    What mjtomlin said... or maybe it's an expression of available time-off hours for a given store/shift.  Negative indicating that day's allocation was overbooked..?

  • Reply 70 of 164
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    jusephe wrote: »
    maybe its just about the brightness of the flash :)

    Then it would say "brighten everyone's night" ;)
  • Reply 71 of 164
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member



    Please edit your post.

  • Reply 72 of 164
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    I'm hoping that Apple does something with mobile payments. That sector really needs Apple's clout to get moving.
  • Reply 72 of 164
    @ Pedromartins-

    I hope you don't mind me saying but it sounds like you get offended rather easily.
  • Reply 74 of 164
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    I hope there's a law preventing cases on aluminium iPhones and Macs.

    For some strange reason, I just want to agressively punch them. Imagine the work done to create a macbook air, and some punk that never had to work to buy it decides to put stickers on it and a bright green rubber case, not to mention what they do with the logo..

    I find it offensive.

    Imagine spending your own hard earned money on a phone and then dropping it and having it break because easily offended people don't like you using a case.

    I find that to be even more offensive.

    Frankly, I couldn't care less how my phone looks. You see, I don't buy it for its appearance, I buy it for what it can do.

    Isn't it interesting that the Android shills accuse iPhone users of being all about status symbol - and then they launch into a rant like Pedro's. Who's the one who's all about image again?
  • Reply 75 of 164
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    This invvitation reminds me of my Ikea glass coasters ;)
  • Reply 76 of 164
    I wonder nobody's heard anything about this up until now. I wonder what they're going to talk about?
  • Reply 77 of 164


    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    I disagree, the market isn't so much interested in a new flagship model as they are a lower cost model. 

    Speak for yourself.

  • Reply 78 of 164


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    No.  It makes no sense to keep making the iPhone 5 if there is a 5c


    That depends on where the price point is for the 5C and what features it has or doesn't have.

  • Reply 79 of 164
    fallenjt wrote: »
    This invvitation reminds me of my Ikea glass coasters ;)

    These rumors are getting crazy...screw it, I'm going to Ikea just in case.
  • Reply 80 of 164


    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post


    I disagree, the market isn't so much interested in a new flagship model as they are a lower cost model. New colors and a new OS will hold over the flagship model for a little while longer. Besides everyone will be too busy talking about the new iPhone model.


    I also think with the introduction of the next flagship model, Apple will unveil their take on "wearables" and they currently aren't ready for it.


    I believe the market (assuming you mean the investment community) is interested in both. The purpose of a lower cost model is to drive volume and marketshare, especially in places like China and India. The flagship's job is to solidify and protect margins.

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