LOL! The ads say nothing about a "Gold Edition" model--as a hedge against rumors of a gold iPhone being wrong. The ad for the black-faced S4 was the first one posted and it doesn't even mention gold; any appearance of gold color in the case could be attributed to reflections of the background. The ad for the pink-faced S4, which finally does mention the word "gold" but still doesn't mention "Gold Edition", didn't appear until Sept. 24th. Let's see a photograph of a Samsung-produced gold S4 that was provably taken September 8th or earlier. Months before Sept. 10th, the web was rife with photos of the gold iPhone 5s. The lead time to large scale production of any device is long, particularly if it's of the quality and quantity Apple demands. If Samsung wanted to respond to the gold iPhone rumors, these photoshop ads are as safe and easy as possible--but extremely cheesy. Ultimately the tweets over 2 weeks later are what complete an embarrassing picture for the company.
1) Those Samsung phones are not gold, they are bronze or metallic brown. The iP5s is a soft champagne gold color. Big Difference.
2) Samsung clearly has an insecurity/jealousy problem with Apple. First they send people to interview iPhone buyers in NYC to ask about the lines and why the love Apple, now they get all defensive about the bronze (wanna-be gold) phones. Calm down SM you're making billions, be happy.
3) Truly hope Apple disassociates and ends all contracts with Samsung sooner than later. Stop giving these guys your business and money, Apple. Why do business with someone who urinates on you and steals from you over and over while they ask for your business?
How apple is.. Look what I got a golden toy car (: , Samsung.. MOMMY!!! I want that golden toy CAR!!!! Ok son you'll get it tomorrow hahaha samsung it's obvious your a follower an copy everybody's work a try to take credit for lmao(x
By popularizing gold--not just selling one gold phone but millions--Apple pwns it. And through its response, Samsung reinforces the opinion that Apple remains the marker leader and Samsung is still a copyist and wannabe.
So, now you're claiming Apple stated they invented gold? Really?
No. Just like mp3 players, smartphones, and tablets, "gold phones have been around for years" (as the trolls whine) but Apple was the first one to do it right, and make it popular.
(cont) I am bored with small screen and getting older. I am tired of this small screen and would like more multi tasking within programs! Can't do on Apples IOS so the note 3 seems like a viable option, but after being so accustomed to iPhones build quality it's a tough step for me.
At the end of the day we should be able to look back at our comments and know that we were respectful of others and there opinions.
Something we Americans need more of.
You sir, are a breath of fresh air. If only more people would think that way before hitting the 'post comment' or 'reply' button. Alas, without trolls, idiots, and people who put their foot in their mouth, comments wouldn't be as interesting to read.
@tallest skil, 6" does seem a bit large.. Part of the de.... Ok example here trying to spell a word and it's not looking correct and auto-correct is not helping. Now what, grab a actual Dictionary or open a second window?
iPhone I must push home button go to my app and then return.
You know your iPhone so well that you ignore it includes a dictionary accessible within any text. Lol
No. Just like mp3 players, smartphones, and tablets, "gold" phones "have been around for years" (as the trolls whine) but Apple was the first one to do it right.
That's so often the case with Apple that history makes it seem like Apple was the first simply because they were first to do it right which means they were the first to gain any real traction by way of getting any solid interest.
The only one from modern history that people seem to remember fondly before Apple got involved is Blackberry as a "smart"phone maker but that is a unique case where Blackberry did plenty of things right but it wasn't really a smartphone as we define it today which the iPhone from 2007 still falls under the same scope as the most current iPhone.
@tallest skil, 6" does seem a bit large.. Part of the de.... Ok example here trying to spell a word and it's not looking correct and auto-correct is not helping. Now what, grab a actual Dictionary or open a second window?
iPhone I must push home button go to my app and then return.
You know your iPhone so well that you ignore it includes a dictionary accessible within any text. Lol
Wonder if he's the same guy from the other day, who (when somebody jokingly mentioned "bumping") said: "Yes, we shouldn't have to bump our expensive iPhones together to transfer files! Apple has to add NFC or they're doooomed!"
The people who hire these guys should really give them a manual of basic facts about Apple gear so they don't make such fools of themselves. Apparently this new guidebook with the "Can't we all just get along" whining suggested, still doesn't include that.
Funny that this was released the last business day before, plus rumors of this had been since almost June, it's was also a week before when it was a practical guarantee on the 3rd(a great birthday present from apple) sent out the invitations.
LOL! The ads say nothing about a "Gold Edition" model--as a hedge against rumors of a gold iPhone being wrong. The ad for the black-faced S4 was the first one posted and it doesn't even mention gold; any appearance of gold color in the case could be attributed to reflections of the background. The ad for the pink-faced S4, which finally does mention the word "gold" but still doesn't mention "Gold Edition", didn't appear until Sept. 24th. Let's see a photograph of a Samsung-produced gold S4 that was provably taken September 8th or earlier. Months before Sept. 10th, the web was rife with photos of the gold iPhone 5s. The lead time to large scale production of any device is long, particularly if it's of the quality and quantity Apple demands. If Samsung wanted to respond to the gold iPhone rumors, these photoshop ads are as safe and easy as possible--but extremely cheesy. Ultimately the tweets over 2 weeks later are what complete an embarrassing picture for the company.
Lipstick on a pig.
I expect that Samsung will eventually ship phones running Tizen. It will allow Samsung to control their own destiny in the smartphone space.
And yes, ChromeOS is more important to Google than Android.
Larry Page himself said so:
Interesting link.
I personally suspect that Samsung's passion to copy Apple will lead it to have a smaller share of the market in the future.
Samsung wants its own brand, Samsung Galaxy ecosystem.
Google wants Google Chrome Ecosystem.
Amazon wants Amazon Kindle Ecosystem.
The companies don't really want Android for Everybody. Instead, they covet Apple's garden lol.
didn't Samsung INVENT Gold itself?
Color me Gold, Samsung, if I don't bite!
Samsung, to quote a James Bond movie title... I give you the Goldfinger!
1) Those Samsung phones are not gold, they are bronze or metallic brown. The iP5s is a soft champagne gold color. Big Difference.
2) Samsung clearly has an insecurity/jealousy problem with Apple. First they send people to interview iPhone buyers in NYC to ask about the lines and why the love Apple, now they get all defensive about the bronze (wanna-be gold) phones. Calm down SM you're making billions, be happy.
3) Truly hope Apple disassociates and ends all contracts with Samsung sooner than later. Stop giving these guys your business and money, Apple. Why do business with someone who urinates on you and steals from you over and over while they ask for your business?
So, now Apple invented Gold? Really?
So, now you're claiming Apple stated they invented gold? Really?
So, now Apple invented Gold? Really?
RUthatDumb? Really?
By popularizing gold--not just selling one gold phone but millions--Apple pwns it. And through its response, Samsung reinforces the opinion that Apple remains the marker leader and Samsung is still a copyist and wannabe.
So, now you're claiming Apple stated they invented gold? Really?
No. Just like mp3 players, smartphones, and tablets, "gold phones have been around for years" (as the trolls whine) but Apple was the first one to do it right, and make it popular.
You sir, are a breath of fresh air. If only more people would think that way before hitting the 'post comment' or 'reply' button. Alas, without trolls, idiots, and people who put their foot in their mouth, comments wouldn't be as interesting to read.
You know your iPhone so well that you ignore it includes a dictionary accessible within any text. Lol
That's so often the case with Apple that history makes it seem like Apple was the first simply because they were first to do it right which means they were the first to gain any real traction by way of getting any solid interest.
The only one from modern history that people seem to remember fondly before Apple got involved is Blackberry as a "smart"phone maker but that is a unique case where Blackberry did plenty of things right but it wasn't really a smartphone as we define it today which the iPhone from 2007 still falls under the same scope as the most current iPhone.
Wonder if he's the same guy from the other day, who (when somebody jokingly mentioned "bumping") said: "Yes, we shouldn't have to bump our expensive iPhones together to transfer files! Apple has to add NFC or they're doooomed!"
The people who hire these guys should really give them a manual of basic facts about Apple gear so they don't make such fools of themselves. Apparently this new guidebook with the "Can't we all just get along" whining suggested, still doesn't include that.
Samsung made an opening to be better then it failed miserably to prove it was better.