iOS 7 seeing slower uptake than Apple's iOS 6 - report



  • Reply 41 of 275
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member

    This contradicts every report I have seen since the iOS7 launch.  And, why does it stop at Day 7?  


    I don't need AppleInsider to jump on the speculative bandwagon without doing better analysis of all the facts and use of some judgement.  Please do not go down that fuc**** road   

  • Reply 42 of 275
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    Secondary thought all the "white" sucking the juice of our batteries? Yes I could reverse the screen but that is too dark.

    Using more white does not affect battery life on standard LCD displays. It technically takes more energy to make black since the LCD must block out the backlight which is always on. AMOLED does use less energy with black screens.
  • Reply 43 of 275

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post


    Back the truck up! You're comparing a smartphone OS and HERION???


    Are you seriously full of bullshit, or just pretending to be full of bullshit whilst actually just full of regular shit???


    If you're that closed-minded and incapable of seeing 2 feet in front of you, then keep your trolling trap shut and leave, sick of people like you commenting when you haven't the SLIGHTEST clue WTF you're talking about!


    You mad?

  • Reply 44 of 275
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by TedCranmore View Post

    Question - how many devices out there and still in use are cannot run iOS7? For example, iPhone 3GS and older, iPods older than 5th generation, and original iPad (and I%u2019m not sure I%u2019d even consider it on an iPad 2 since it%u2019s non-retina). We should adjust the numbers by the percent that aren%u2019t even in play.


    Good point.

  • Reply 45 of 275
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    Not to be pedantic or a grammar Nazi but it should be noted that [B]heroin[/B] is a highly addictive opiate derived narcotic and [B]heroine[/B] is woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
  • Reply 46 of 275
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post



    No, it cannot; album art on the lower left corner? Not possible. Search results/methodology? Worse. List view? Also worse. Multiple iTunes windows? Nope.


    Just google around.

    Hey, just because YOU think it's horrid, doesn't make it so for everyone else... Case in point, I believe iTunes 11 is a MASSIVE improvement in almost every usability respect, and am THANKFUL to the all-mighty cyber-gods that it finally got an overhaul!


    You seem to comment in such a way as to seemingly try forcing your opinion on everyone else, and demean all those who don't agree with you.


    Why don't you scurry on along back to BGR where people like you belong!

  • Reply 47 of 275
    "I won't update to the new OS because it is ugly, it is slow, it is <<insert non-sense reason here>>. "

    Pretty much the same things were said about Mac OS X by Mac OS 9 users.

    iOS 7 is v1.0 of the new user experience. It's bound to make some uncomfortable just simply because it is different. In two years everyone will be on this new iOS and we'll all look back and laugh about how ugly iOS 6 was. Just like we laugh about how ugly Mac OS 9 was.
  • Reply 48 of 275
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post


    If you think that having a different opinion than yours constitutes "trolling", you may wish to refrain from using forums such as this. Otherwise, please feel free to respond with valid arguments - most of my friends do NOT like iOS7; iPhone 5C sales are already a disaster and reflect huge demand miscalculation by Cook, the world's former "best COO"; and iTunes 11 is most decidedly a pathetic upgrade on all again: prove me wrong. 


    By what measure is the 5c a disaster??? and how are you privy to what Tim Cook's calculations regarding demand were pre-release? Are you on the Apple board? By all accounts the 5s is selling better than the 5 and the 5c is selling better than the 4s last year. I think that is exactly what Apple had in mind. I would be more concerned if the 5c was selling at a higher percentage because it could indicate poor demand for the flagship 5s. I think people that think the 5c is a disappointment don't undersatnd Apple's business model. I find it humerous that no matter how many times Jobs used to say it and now Cook says that Apple is not concerned with market share, people still freak out when Apple doesn't mindlessly attack the low end market to gain market share.
  • Reply 49 of 275

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Pretty much what I expected so see. It started out at the same pace as early adopters got on it...then the gut-rench reaction to change kicked in and people took to social media to blast it, giving others pause.

    However, pace aside, people will eventually update.


    You're right... give it 2 years.  8-)
  • Reply 50 of 275
    Yes, there are still some things I don't particularly like about iOS 7, but on the other hand I actually am liking it a lot more than I initially thought I would. There were things I didn't like about iOS 6 also! iOS 7 is like a reboot for all Apple devices and I think they were right to do things differently since Steve's death.
  • Reply 51 of 275

    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post


    I "googled around" and the internet says you're full of it.


    Am I?

  - (see comments, please)




    "iTunes 11 is horrible" - 3,220 results - "iTunes 11 is great" - 870 results.

  • Reply 52 of 275

    Originally Posted by Mac-Daddy View Post



    You mad?

    Yeah I am, mad at dumb-ass trolls like him who don't get banned quicker for their lack of intellect, integrity, or and common sense.

  • Reply 53 of 275
    Originally Posted by bryanzak View Post

    "I won't update to the new OS because it is ugly, it is slow, it is <>. "

    Pretty much the same things were said about Mac OS X by Mac OS 9 users.

    iOS 7 is v1.0 of the new user experience. It's bound to make some uncomfortable just simply because it is different. In two years everyone will be on this new iOS and we'll all look back and laugh about how ugly iOS 6 was. Just like we laugh about how ugly Mac OS 9 was.



    OS 9 to OS X was a huge jump, much greater than iOS 6 to iOS 7.


    The benefits just aren't as obvious.


    By the way... OS X v1 was a dog with fleas that garnered lots of negative press... right alongside all the talk of how Apple was moving in the right direction.

  • Reply 54 of 275

    Originally Posted by Mac-Daddy View Post



    You mad?


    That's the kind of people who comment on these forums - they see a different opinion, take everything literally and lose control like rabid dogs. Even though I am sure some heroin addicts would love to tell you how good its "high" is.

  • Reply 55 of 275

    Originally Posted by akqies View Post

    Not to be pedantic or a grammar Nazi but it should be noted that heroin is a highly addictive opiate derived narcotic and heroine is woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.


    I stand corrected in my first post :D

  • Reply 56 of 275

    This is horse manure.  I have a huge library, and iTunes 11 is much more responsive for me.  It's very easy to configure it to work almost exactly like iTunes 10, but I don't, because 11 uses space more efficiently.  I don't need a big sidebar of playlists when I'm not working with playlists.


    It sounds to me like you've taken a bunch of reactionary peoples' opinions to heart without really giving it an honest go yourself.  Losing the sidebar was very alarming to a lot of people, and they lacked the initiative to find the option in the view menu.  How about you?

  • Reply 57 of 275

    IOS7 is unquestionably the best iOS yet. And I am not saying this to mock Tim Cook. Sure there are bugs, but bugs are born to be zapped. 


    Those call it ugly are missing the point. Furthermore, they should ask themselves if anyone has hired them for their designer skills lately.


    There are so many wonders about this iOS version. I will name three that are reshaping users' lives and habits, perhaps without you even knowing about it.


    1. It is the first and only mobile OS that really takes advantage of Retina caliber Display.

    2. Look at how all relevant apps are being updated to conform. I'd argue that some apps look better than iOS itself but developers have less to contend with than Apple.

    3. iBeacons


    If you don't appreciate iOS7, you don't understand software. Apple has a lot of work to fix the bugs and clean up the look. But iOS7 is something special. As for releasing it too early? This is nothing like Maps. Imagine if Apple broke away from the one iOS update per year cycle?

  • Reply 58 of 275
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post



    I stand corrected in my first post :D


    There's also probably a few heroines that you don't like and aren't good for you.

  • Reply 59 of 275
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    I have it running on both an iPhone 4 and an iPad 4 and I don't have any problems with either. Neither device has "blue screened", and neither device is having any of the other problems other than my iPhone 4 does need to get charged a little more often, it's almost 2 years old and that battery doesn't last forever. Other than that, it's NOT horrible to use, just a little different. Some of the new features I like. If there are bugs on it, I'm sure they'll be fixed with the next bug release, but I'm sure most or all of these bugs will be fixed before Thanksgiving. At least we don't have to wait a year for a bug fix like Windows or cross our fingers that the device actually even gets updated like Android.
  • Reply 60 of 275
    brlawyer wrote: »
    This kind of fallacious argument doesn't really help here - I don't need to try heroine in order to know that it is bad.
    That analogy is a bit harsh.,, I didn't like iOS 7 at first but after a few weeks I certainly would not go back to iOS6
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