Jury awards Apple $290 million in patent infringement case with Samsung



  • Reply 61 of 104
    archarch Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post



    Apple has to claim the $888Mil as income, which is taxable by both State and Federal.


    The court costs and attorney fees, if they can't recoup that from Samsung, is an expense.


    There are only rare instances where a court settlement is not taxable and not considered income, but this isn't one of them.  At least this is what my tax accountant told me a few years ago when we discussed how lawsuit settlements are handled.

    I meant they have to pay tax on not the entire 888 but (888 minus expenses).


    And not to forget, they could maybe find a way to route it through Ireland.

  • Reply 62 of 104
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by arch View Post


    I meant they have to pay tax on not the entire 888 but (888 minus expenses).


    And not to forget, they could maybe find a way to route it through Ireland.

    Well, it didn't come out that way, you said the $888 was not taxable, but the court costs and attorney fees are, which is WRONG.


    In this case, they'll probably (if their attorneys are good and the judge doesn't do any monkey business) recoup their attorney fees and court costs on top of this from Samsung, at least that's how the laws are now. If a Plaintiff wins a case, they are supposed to be able to recoup all attorney fees and court costs from the Defendant.  It didn't use to work that way.  The other law that changed in California several years ago was that if you sue someone and you lose, then the Defendant gets to recoup their attorney fees and court costs from the Plaintiff if the Plaintiff loses.  It's to avoid more frivolous lawsuits, how well it's working, I couldn't tell you, but that's fair.


    No, they can't route it through Ireland, since this is money gotten in the US, they only route profits derived from countries outside the US into Ireland as long as the laws stay the way they are.  So, Apple and others doing that aren't doing anything illegal.  But the profits they make from the investment of that money is brought into the US and is taxed.  That's all been discussed months ago as Apple was not found guilty of any tax law violations from the US point of view.


    Did you wake up this stupid, or do you have to consume lots of drugs/alcohol, etc.?  I'm just curious.  Seriously, a joke is a joke, but you are past the point of joking around.

  • Reply 63 of 104
    Ok, this is a no brainier case for DOJ to come up with a criminal charge to put Samscum CEO into jail for grand thief with possible 10 years of community services.
  • Reply 64 of 104
    Hey guys, I don't have a lot of knowledge about this patent stuff, but what does this victory actually mean? Does it mean that Samsung can't use the pinch to zoom feature anymore? I've been running my mouth and bragging to my samsung owning friends that Samsung won't be able to use that anymore after this case (I know, I'm a stupid fanboy). So what precisely are the effects of this case? Looking for a serious answer here guys, no trolling or whatsoever.
  • Reply 65 of 104

    Originally Posted by akqies View Post

    Weren't there a lot of people on this site saying Samsung would be found innocent? They don't seem to be commenting on this thread.

    Samsung was already found guilty. The only purpose of this trial was to award additional damages. What I found funny are the ones posting how happy they are about the moral victory when yesterday they were hoping for the largest award in history or that somehow this is going to scare Google. 


    Samsung is guilty but this did nothing to scare anyone. I'm sure the lawyers did really well. 

  • Reply 66 of 104
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    This is a down-to-earth projection. If you become even vaguely familiar with the direction electronics and fabrication are headed, you will realize this.

    Apple doesn't give away hardware. That's where the money is made to pay for software and development.
  • Reply 67 of 104
    lannoc wrote: »
    Show it is about principal, not just money.

    If it's principal, I'd rather take it in money.

    Otoh, if it's about principle......;)
  • Reply 68 of 104
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    I think Samsung should be forced to pay the dmages and fees going forward on each device sold.
  • Reply 69 of 104

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    $888 Million isn't too shabby.  

    It is at a corporate scale. Corporations the size of Apple make this much revenue every day. Not just morally, technically, Samsung owes Apple at least tens of billions of dollars just from the lost sales. The money isn't anything for these guys, it's the legal victory that counts.

  • Reply 70 of 104
    Why would any American buy a product made by Samsung, who does not have a moral compass?
  • Reply 71 of 104
    jessi wrote: »
    Apple just spent something like $10M on lawyers and got a $888M payout.  That's a HUGE return on investment.

    Yes, it's small compared to what Samsung, google, etc. all owe them morally.

    But having now defended these patents in court they will not have to sue over them again, and will be able to simply collect royalties from people (hopefully google, and at a high rate too.)

    This is good news..

    Actually, this award is a penalty, has nothing to do with royalties. Apple can refuse to grant royalties to Samsung or anyone else if they want. They can easily ask for damages from other manufacturers who copied the patents, but only ask for royalties from those they want.

    The next obvious step is to block the sales of Samsung products in various countries, starting with the USA.
  • Reply 72 of 104
    flabingo wrote: »
    Why would any American buy a product made by Samsung, who does not have a moral compass?

    Why does anyone buy a watch or DVD players from a guy standing in an alley...?
  • Reply 73 of 104
    atlapple wrote: »
    Samsung was already found guilty. The only purpose of this trial was to award additional damages. What I found funny are the ones posting how happy they are about the moral victory when yesterday they were hoping for the largest award in history or that somehow this is going to scare Google. 

    Samsung is guilty but this did nothing to scare anyone. I'm sure the lawyers did really well. 

    I'm not sure that the word "scare" is the best word, but Apple has served notice that they will make it expensive to infringe upon their IP. This is the purpose of following through on their threat. Having established a "value" for their patents through court action will make it far easier to collect damages from other's who have infringed, thereby mapping out their claimed territory. This also sets the stage in Apple's favor for the suits forthcoming from RockStar. Anyone thinking of having a stiff spine will reflect on what it has cost Samsung.
  • Reply 74 of 104

    Having a US army member as jury forewoman?!




    So, instead of killing "gooks", US is now trying to slow down their companies.


    No wonder USians are hated around the world.


    Heil Apple! White power!

  • Reply 75 of 104
    I'm no Apple fan, but I do hate Samsung for its dominance in pretty much all of Android. Android has become synonymous with Samsung. Who would Apple sue for copyright infringements? Answer please!
  • Reply 76 of 104
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by water cooler View Post

    Ok, this is a no brainier case for DOJ to come up with a criminal charge to put Samscum CEO into jail for grand thief with possible 10 years of community services.


    In jail, where?


    It's not likely in South Korea.



  • Reply 77 of 104
    hill60 wrote: »

    Corporatism in South Korea makes corruption in the US look like amateur hour.
  • Reply 78 of 104

    Ah AppleInsider, the last bastion of the right wing nut-job swivel eyed lunatic tech people!  What is it today you hate Samsung? Microsoft? Google? Haha you scream and foam at the mouth at anything which isn't Apple and make me laugh!  Funny Apple fans!


    Funny Apple people forget you small group which don't mean anything. People still buy Samsung phones or Android phones and they don't care what foamy mouth Apple fans think!

  • Reply 79 of 104

    What patents are Samsung breaching in their later phones & tablets?  Surely these older patents will have been worked around so isn't talk of any product import bans etc a bit pointless?

    And without wanting to inflame the hatred of 'slightly' biased Apple fans on here :/S, how do you guys feel about the many features Apple simply borrow from Android?  Is it ok for copying one way but utterly unacceptable if its Apple being copied?

    Don't get me wrong here, I'm no fanboi of Samsung & am at that lovely stage where smart phones mean nothing to me now, they're simply a phone.  That said, it would be nice if my Galaxy S2 didn't have the Micro-USB charge issue and if my iPhone 5 was actually capable of working on the UK vodafone network but apparently thats a no go.

  • Reply 80 of 104
    Finally, does Samsung have to come up with the cash immediately or is another retrial a possibility? How long can they spin this out?
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