Jury awards Apple $290 million in patent infringement case with Samsung



  • Reply 81 of 104
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by IPaidBySamesung View Post


    Ah AppleInsider, the last bastion of the right wing nut-job swivel eyed lunatic tech people!  What is it today you hate Samsung? Microsoft? Google? Haha you scream and foam at the mouth at anything which isn't Apple and make me laugh!  Funny Apple fans!


    Funny Apple people forget you small group which don't mean anything. People still buy Samsung phones or Android phones and they don't care what foamy mouth Apple fans think!


    I found out why my Galaxy S4 still hasn't received the 4.3 update.


    Shame Samscum, shame, hopeless as ever.

  • Reply 82 of 104
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    hill60 wrote: »
    I found out why my Galaxy S4 still hasn't received the 4.3 update.

    Shame Samscum, shame, hopeless as ever.

    Yup. I mentioned it several days ago as the update has been suspended here in the US too. I don't have a lot of faith in Samsung on the software side and IMO even Tizen is going to be a long time coming in any stable build. They just seem sloppy.
  • Reply 83 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Hey guys, I don't have a lot of knowledge about this patent stuff, but what does this victory actually mean? Does it mean that Samsung can't use the pinch to zoom feature anymore? I've been running my mouth and bragging to my samsung owning friends that Samsung won't be able to use that anymore after this case (I know, I'm a stupid fanboy). So what precisely are the effects of this case? Looking for a serious answer here guys, no trolling or whatsoever.

    Pinch to zoom wasn't one of the issues in this case. This was about the copying of Apple's designs (look and feel) by Samsung.

  • Reply 84 of 104
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Yup. I mentioned it several days ago as the update has been suspended here in the US too. I don't have a lot of faith in Samsung on the software side and IMO even Tizen is going to be a long time coming in any stable build. They just seem sloppy.

    Maybe they are finally paying the price for trying to maintain such a bloated layer on top of stock android. Motorola has been using a clean near-stock build of android on their recent phones and they're already starting to roll out Kitkat even on notoriously slow carriers like Verizon.

  • Reply 85 of 104
    jungmark wrote: »

    Apple doesn't give away hardware. That's where the money is made to pay for software and development.


    As I said (and you ignored), in 5-10 years manufacturing will allow extremely high quality AND extremely low cost.
  • Reply 86 of 104
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member

    As I said (and you ignored), in 5-10 years, manufacturing will allow extremely high quality AND extremely low cost.

    I didn't ignore it. There are more to a product than its parts. Licensing, development, advertising, etc. iTunes won't become a major money maker compared to the idevices.
  • Reply 87 of 104
    jungmark wrote: »
    I didn't ignore it. There are more to a product than its parts. Licensing, development, advertising, etc. iTunes won't become a major money maker compared to the idevices.

    Come back between 2019-2024 and we'll see who was right.
  • Reply 88 of 104

    How will the recently invalidate patent affect the settlement???

  • Reply 89 of 104
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    How will the recently invalidate patent affect the settlement???


    It won't, as it hasn't been invalidated yet, Apple can still show why it is valid and after that decision they still have several avenues of appeal.


    It will be around two years before the patent is truly invalid.

  • Reply 90 of 104
    So%u2026 for less than $1Billion, Samsung managed to become the top phone producer in the world.

    Seems like a small price to pay.

    These current laws are crap when those Korean thieves were allowed to copy an American company for so long!

    Samsung should be banned from US just like they banned Apple from Korea for years.
  • Reply 91 of 104
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    It will be around two years before the patent is truly invalid.


    If ever.

  • Reply 92 of 104
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    Off-topic but interesting with regard to Apple IP and possibly pertinent to "copying":

    "Software developer Winocm has managed to port the core elements of Apple’s iOS operating system to non-Apple devices. This core is known as the “XNU Kernel” and this is what Apple developed over a decade ago to create the foundation of OS X (and later, iOS). As can be seen in the image above from Steven Troughton-Smith, the system is successfully running on a Nokia N900 smartphone…"

    From 9 to 5
  • Reply 93 of 104
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Off-topic but interesting with regard to Apple IP and possibly pertinent to "copying":

    "Software developer Winocm has managed to port the core elements of Apple’s iOS operating system to non-Apple devices. This core is known as the “XNU Kernel” and this is what Apple developed over a decade ago to create the foundation of OS X (and later, iOS). As can be seen in the image above from Steven Troughton-Smith, the system is successfully running on a Nokia N900 smartphone…"

    From 9 to 5

    I wonder if that fellow might run afoul of anti-hacking or copyright laws?
  • Reply 94 of 104
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    No one else really copied the hardware except for Samsung.

    I can't understand why Samscum didn't try to divert the blame onto Scroogle. It is Scroogle's OS that makes use of the multitouch gestures that were copied from iOS. Alternatively they could have demo'ed one of their own devices as proof that their multi touch wasn't copied from iOS because it sucks. /s
  • Reply 95 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    crosslad wrote: »
    I can't understand why Samscum didn't try to divert the blame onto Scroogle. It is Scroogle's OS that makes use of the multitouch gestures that were copied from iOS. Alternatively they could have demo'ed one of their own devices as proof that their multi touch wasn't copied from iOS because it sucks. /s

    Because this was a case about Samsung copying Apple's designs, and which Google warned Samsung not to follow Apple's designs so closely. Since Samsung didn't heed the warning they were on their own.
  • Reply 96 of 104
    Sadly, no amount of money will compensate for the market share that Samdung now has as a result of stealing.

    One can only speculate how small that share would be if they had stuck with their 90's style interfaces.
  • Reply 97 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Sadly, no amount of money will compensate for the market share that Samdung now has as a result of stealing.

    One can only speculate how small that share would be if they had stuck with their 90's style interfaces.

    Actually one could argue that they achieved their market share when they moved away from Apple's designs and offered something different.
  • Reply 98 of 104
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Actually one could argue that they achieved their market share when they moved away from Apple's designs and offered something different.

    The figures may indeed support your idea but, at a time when their brand lacked credibility, copying the leader bought them some.
  • Reply 99 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    The figures may indeed support your idea but, at a time when their brand lacked credibility, copying the leader bought them some.

    In your eyes maybe but Samsung was making phones long before Apple did and many iPhone owners had previously owned Samsung phones. Now they were a little behind in the smartphone market and yes copying Apple helped them somewhat but nothing like people think it did. Being different from Apple (and a ton of marketing) is what has bought Samsung success not copying.
  • Reply 100 of 104
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    In your eyes maybe but Samsung was making phones long before Apple did and many iPhone owners had previously owned Samsung phones. Now they were a little behind in the smartphone market and yes copying Apple helped them somewhat but nothing like people think it did. Being different from Apple (and a ton of marketing) is what has bought Samsung success not copying.

    Nope, Copying did it. Sammy was making phones for a long time and prior to the iPhone it was copying Nokia and Blackberry. Copying Apple put them on the map. None of Sammy's copies made much of a dent...prior to the iPhone copy.

    Edit: last line.
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