Rumor: Apple working on 4.7", 5.6" iPhones for release in Q3 2014



  • Reply 21 of 156
    Originally Posted by justp1ayin View Post

    You need a new tv ?

    It'll fit in my pockets, and I've never really used my phone one-handed much anyway. A 5.6" iPhone would give me the ability to view a huge amount of content at once,  and would be a very high-quality device if Apple's other products are anything to go by. The alternative is for me to get a large Android phone of some sort - probably the HTC One Two or whatever it's going to be called, and I'd much rather get an Apple device if I can.


    Ultimately a 5.6" phone just happens to fit my use case quite well - I suspect most people would get a phone plus a tablet, but I'd rather get an oversized phone.

  • Reply 22 of 156

    As these Android phones increase in size, soon there will be room to put a floppy drive in one!  That's a spec that Apple will NEVER match!

  • Reply 23 of 156
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    I could see a 4.7 ish iPhone. Anything larger than 5" is foolish.

    I heard a new rumor from a guy that knows a guy who was a college roommate of another guy who dated an Apple employee's sister. The iPhone 6 will be 6" with a stylus, NFC, retina scanner, touch 3D that can transform into a watch by asking Siri!!!
  • Reply 24 of 156
    mariomario Posts: 348member
    I don't know. I already have a hard time using iPhone 5 with one hand. So if they come out with 5.6'' iPhone I will get it.
  • Reply 25 of 156
    Apple needs to go back to 3.5.
    They had 5 generation at 3.5. i4 was the perfect design. No wonder apple is bringing it back into production for India.
  • Reply 26 of 156
    pmz wrote: »
    4.7" for a one-handed device, I understand.

    5.6' is not a one-handed device anymore, and thus not an iPhone. It would be an iPad nano.

    5.6 feet? iPad ginormo. ;)
  • Reply 27 of 156
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    5.6 feet? iPad ginormo. ;)

    Don't give Sammy any ideas.
  • Reply 28 of 156
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member

    4", 4,7", 5.6" , 7.9" and 9.7" seems to offer something for everyone. I would have to hold a 4.7" and 5.6" in my hands before I could decide. I am leaning towards a 4.7" but would need to actually see them side by side. If it were my decision I would go with one around 5" which I think is the prefect size but I could live with 4.7". 


    In probably the not so distant future I think clamshell type smartphones will appear. But instead of folding down like the old flip phones they will likely fold open vertically . When open you can probably have a 6" or even 7" tablet and close it in half and it is very pocketable around the size of an iPhone 5s.  I would imagine for taking voice calls you could leave it in the closed position as well and it could have a much smaller external display for calls, texts, and other notifications. The Kyocera echo was a taste of that possibility but the tech is still a long ways off so it failed miserably. When the screen is open it has to be one seamless display and not have lines or a bezel between the two halves. It has to work as one display not two. There is also the advantage that while closed the display is protected. 

  • Reply 29 of 156
    Larger screens are OK, but that's hardly innovative. Almost everyone else already has one.

    If Apple wants to "Be Different," is should create an iPhone Sport that can be taken surfing or even in dives down 30-40 feet. It'd also work well in hospital environments where equipments needs to be sterilized. It makes little sense to be developing an iWatch to be used for jogging in a heavy rain, but have an iPhone attached that can't cope with a light mist.

    Apply might also create an iPhone EL (for Extended Life) that'd follow where the iPad and MacBook Air have led--into longer-than-most-people-need battery lives. Three days would be nice. A week of normal use would be even better. My iPad 3 amazes me with how long its battery lasts. My iPhone not so much. Make iPhones more like iPads.

    --Michael W. Perry, Tolkien's Warriors
  • Reply 31 of 156
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    Apply might also create an iPhone EL (for Extended Life) that'd follow where the iPad and MacBook Air have led--into longer-than-most-people-need battery lives. Three days would be nice. A week of normal use would be even better. 


    Kind of weird that we've got to the point that a week of use for a mobile device is seen as this special " longer-than-most-people-need" thing.  Lots of feature phones have no problem lasting a week or more.  Of course they're used for so much less, but this acceptance of 24 hours battery life as normal is a pretty new thing.

  • Reply 32 of 156
    inkling wrote: »
    Larger screens are OK, but that's hardly innovative. Almost everyone else already has one.

    If Apple wants to "Be Different," is should create an iPhone Sport that can be taken surfing or even in dives down 30-40 feet. It'd also work well in hospital environments where equipments needs to be sterilized. It makes little sense to be developing an iWatch to be used for jogging in a heavy rain, but have an iPhone attached that can't cope with a light mist.

    Apply might also create an iPhone EL (for Extended Life) that'd follow where the iPad and MacBook Air have led--into longer-than-most-people-need battery lives. Three days would be nice. A week of normal use would be even better. My iPad 3 amazes me with how long its battery lasts. My iPhone not so much. Make iPhones more like iPads.

    --Michael W. Perry, Tolkien's Warriors

    I guess you haven't seen the Sony Xperia Z.
  • Reply 33 of 156

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    4.7" for a one-handed device, I understand.

    5.6' is not a one-handed device anymore, and thus not an iPhone. It would be an iPad nano.


    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    iPad nano (shakes head)


    Not gonna happen :) Apple would have a pricing problem with iPad branding of the 5.6" phablet.  With 8" iPad Mini Retina is only $399, they can't possibly sell an "iPad Nano" for $649+

  • Reply 34 of 156
    darklite wrote: »
    I hope this is true - I'll definitely pick up one of the 5.6" models if it is.

    But will you pay for it?
  • Reply 35 of 156

    At the way these predictions are going with increasing phone sizes, I predict Apple will just throw phone parts into an iPad Mini and call it a day.



  • Reply 36 of 156
    Invention for Apple

    So Apple "invented" size 4.7" and 5.5" for their future iPhones. Good idea. They are so awesome, people at Apple. Genius, it has to be invented!

    Copy for Samsung.

    While, with his new Galaxy 5S Samsung is copying the idea behind the Iphone 5s and 5c where one of the twins is deficient. It appears that one of the two Galaxy 5S will be less technologicaly advanced. A copy machine those Samsung!
  • Reply 37 of 156
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Negafox View Post


    At the way these predictions are going with increasing phone sizes, I predict Apple will just throw phone parts into an iPad Mini and call it a day.



    If VOIP didn't suck, and Apple could be their own VOIP carrier...They could easily do away with all phone radios and just make a device at every sensible size increment that is WIFI+LTE and call it a day.


    But, the reason they don't, is they get away with charging more for an iPhone because, ostensibly, its a phone, and not a tablet...thus making an obscene amount of money off of the iPhone. If they can charge $429 for an iPad mini with WIFI+LTE, (a price that is bound to come down even more this year) you can't tell me an iPhone with WIFI+LTE (and no 'phone') couldn't cost even less.

  • Reply 38 of 156

    Large screen iPhone could not arrive fast enough. I personally know several people who switched from the iPhone purely due to the larger screen of the Galaxy. Middle-aged and seniors prefer the larger font and larger keyboard and there is no accessibility feature that can replace that.

  • Reply 39 of 156
    The new iPod Touch?
  • Reply 40 of 156
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post


    Large screen iPhone could not arrive fast enough. I personally know several people who switched from the iPhone purely due to the larger screen of the Galaxy. Middle-aged and seniors prefer the larger font and larger keyboard and there is no accessibility feature that can replace that.

    Screen size was one of the factors why I switched to the HTC One last year. Of course, I threw a custom ROM to remove the bloat (Sense and AT&T crapware). Nothing against Apple, but I love the larger screen, 1080p display and stereo speakers on the front of the device. Depending on the iPhone 6's redesign, I might switch back.

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